Kendall Knight - Only Scissors
Many of you may recall that Kendall Knight was the FIRST ScissorVixen to KO Drew a few years ago!
Now she's back after texting us to let us know she was in Scissor City on a business trip and ready to show of her CRUSHERS (aka Kendall's Crushers) once again!
She told us she's been getting into powerlifting in the gym and good was pretty obvious as soon as she walked through the door!
No doubt...LEG DAY and SQUATS is something she does NOT skip!
But she is also proud of the progress she's made in her upper body and that was pretty obvious as well when she flexed her biceps for us right before the cameras started rolling!
Even though Kendall Knight may look innocent, especially wearing her SINFULLY seductive school-girl outfit and glasses...she is as SADISTIC as they come!
She absolutely LOVES putting the SQUEEEEEZE on her victims and her victim in this case was taken totally by surprise just how BRUTAL her thighs are!
At one point...I had to ask him not to SCREAM so loud since we were shooting in a hotel with guests next door and his reply was..."Dude...this is no joke! I can't help it!".
He tried his best but the SCREAMS kept on coming!
Kendall, like many models today, has a fan site and she told us she gets many requests for her to show off her thighs and scissors holds but many of these fan sites won't allow it.
But of course...this is ScissorVixens and there are no such silly rules here, so Kendall gets to show off her CRUSHERS for her ScissorVixens Only Followers fans!
She gets a request from one of her Only Followers fans to absolutely DESTROY a male victim with ONLY SCISSORS and she contacts a male friend to help her out.
He shows having no idea what he is getting into but soon finds out this goes well beyond what a "friendship" should be!
Poor guy gets absolutely DEMOLISHED between Kendall's thighs in some of the most BRUTAL scissors you'll ever see and at one point...he had to take a 10-minute break telling me..."Drew, my neck is really FUCKED UP right now and I'm not sure I can finish this!".
So, the video is a little shorter than normal but we wanted to make sure he would be able to walk out of the shoot without a neck brace!
For Kendall Knight fans...this is one video you DO NOT want to miss as she's BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL than ever in 'ONLY SCISSORS!'.

Size: 1110 Mb
Time: 00:14:41
Video: MP4 1920x1080