Vanilla Porn > Other

Giantess girl fetish

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Cici - Disgusting DM'ers

Size: 152 Mb
Time: 00:06:44
Video: MP4 1080x1920


Nicole Nabors - Seductive lunch

Nicole is your sister's friend from ch1ldhood and you haven't seen her in years. You run into her and she invites you back to her place for coffee to catch up! After alittle bit she leaves the room and comes back wearing lingerie. She tells you how she's always had a crush on you and she has a fetish she wants to explore. With only you. It's vore, she explains what it is and you start to panic but before you realize you lose consciousness. You wake up with her towering over you, she shrunk you with the coffee! She teases you playfully, this is the moment she has been waiting for for years, she picks you up. She promises you she won't hurt you, she will be gentle

Size: 547 Mb
Time: 00:12:05
Video: MP4 1920x1080


Goddess Anesthesia - Giantess Payback

Size: 1210 Mb
Time: 00:06:58
Video: MP4 3840x2160


Alika White - Tiny Slave Duties

My first giantess clip. I keep you as my very little house slave to do my chores and worship me. I give you a list of chores but as I walk away I hear you complain that you don't like me bullying you and bossing you around. I mock you and give you a chance to try bossing me about. That's not going to work out well for you though. I remind you of what happened last time you complained and describe the different ways I could squeeze you if you don't behave. For your disobedience I extend your list of chores even more and will make you spend the night worshiping my feet to thank them for not flattening you.

Size: 645 Mb
Time: 00:17:41
Video: MP4 1920x1080


Lolo - Giantess Shrinks Her Pervy Neighbor

Size: 121 Mb
Time: 00:05:32
Video: MP4 1920x1080



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