I Jomfruens Tegn
Alternative TitlesLes Belles Demoiselles d'Antan re-issue title of French hard core version, incorrect credits in some versions, c. 1 hr. 20 mins.
Blue Porno College Italy
Chaleurs Danoises 1974 original title of French hard core release
Danish Pastries DVD available USA, soft version, Video-X-Pix DVD, c. 1 hr 15 mins.
I jungfruns tecken Sweden and DVD box title
In the Sign of the Virgin European English video title
Das tosende Madchenpensionat der Madame O West Germany, soft version, includes a misleading credits sequence with shots from other movies in the series
Year: 1973
Country: Denmark
Genre: Classic
Language: Original
Director: Werner Hedmann
Studio: Scanbox, Video-X-Pix
Starring: Ole Soltoft, Anne Bie Warburg, Ditte Maria, Doris Klemens, Eva Lindberg, Faith Thrue, Lene Andersen, Leni Kjellander, Liselot, Lone Gersel, Lone Helmer, Mette Egholm, Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen, Susan Skog, Vivi Rau, Bent Warburg, Bjorn Puggaard-Muller, Benny Hansen, Jan Klevbrand, Bent Rohweder, Frank Stein, Michael Wuthenau, Keld Rex Holm.
Description: "Professor Bomwitz invents and aphrodisiac and travels to a small town with a brothel to try it out. At the same time Armand is also going there to deal with the sex mad schoolgirls taught by Sigrid Horne Rasmussen. These girls are sent into a cellar for punishment but have a secret escape route which comes out opposite the brothel. When Armand arrives he is sent to the brothel by mistake. The prof meets some of the girls and puts some powder into a glass of fruit juice. Anne Birch Warburg drinks it and leaps on him, chases him into the countryside and has sex. Later, however, the prof finds he is impotent. He has bumped into Armand and their bags have been mixed up. This leads to a series of erotic events. "
File Size: ~1800MB
Resolution: 688x384
Duration: 87 min
Format: avi
Download Link(s):I Jomfruens Tegn.part1.rarI Jomfruens Tegn.part2.rarI Jomfruens Tegn.part3.rar