Vanilla Porn > Vintage, Retro, Classic (mod. maniakasl)

Vintage Full Movies Collection (19xx - 1995)

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French Teen

Year: 1977
Country: USA
Genre: Feature, Classic
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original

Director: J. Angel Martine
Studio: Cal - Vista / VCX

Starring: Bobby Astyr, Jacqueline Bardot, David Christopher, Susaye London, Sharon Mitchell, Paula Morton, Pepe Valentine
Description: J. Angel Martine, the renowned French director of  erotic films, has come to this country to make his first American film.  French Teen is his erotic masterwork. Based on the true story of a  French nymphet portrayed by the exciting sex bomb, Jacqueline Bardot, it  will take you on a pleasure cruise to the exotic and erotic world of  true sexual abandonment and you will learn why they French are called  the world's greatest lovers.

File Size: ~900MB
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 56 min
Format: avi

Download Link(s):
French Teen.avi

800 Fantasy Lane

Year: 1979
Country: USA
Genre: Feature, Classic
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original

Director: Svetlana
Studio: VCX/Nutech

Starring: Jamie Gillis, Sam Grady, Chris Anderson, Aubrey Nichols, Serena, Nancy Suiter, Desiree Cousteau, Hillary Summers, Lisa De Leeuw, Alan Colberg, Don Moonshine
Description: "An absolutely charming first film from female director Svetlana. Gillis & Wise play 2 doltish gas-pump attendants looking for a cheap vacation. They hit upon the idea of posing as wealthy oil barons to take advantage of the aspiring Hollywood starlets who moonlight as realtors (estate agents) - manipulating clients with their charms.
"Once exposed to the glamour of the girls & the setting the lads con their way into having an abundance of sex before finally being exposed as frauds.
"The sex scenes are built around an interesting series of erotic situations and utilize imaginative sets to achieve maximum erotic value. The cellar-set S&M scene has Gillis watching Anderson torment Serena and Summers while Cousteau masturbates: one of the finest examples of its type. In the hot tub Gillis gets it on with 5 girls, one of the rare 5:1 sequences ever filmed. The fantasy with Gillis in a cage involves Serena as a pony, DeLeeuw as a leopard and Nichols as a tiger."

File Size: ~1200MB
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 77 min
Format: avi

Download Link(s):
800 Fantasy Lane.part1.rar
800 Fantasy Lane.part2.rar

Loves of Lolita

Year: 1984
Country: USA
Genre: Hardcore, Sex, Oral Sex, Group Sex, Sex
Quality: DVDRip
Language: Original

Director: Leon Gucci

Starring: Angel West, Kristara Barrington, Crystal Breeze, Karen Summer, Dan T. Mann, Duane Thomas, Jay Serling, Jimmy Star, Don Fernando, Steve Powers, Tracy Dugan
Description: A young girl discovers her sexuality. Luscious, lovely Lolita can have anything she wants and that usually means men! Join her as she conquers the family doctor, some local repairmen, her best friend, Sissy, and finally, her favorite rock star!

File Size: ~900MB
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 78 min
Format: avi

Download Link(s):
Loves of Lolita.avi

Anal Defloration 2 (No Limits -Teenage Dreams)

Year: 1993
Genre: Anal, Interracial
Quality: VHSRip
Language: French

Studio: Video Teresa Orlowski

Starring: Rex Morrison, Jeanne Miguela, Julia Chanel, Jerry Mason

File Size: ~700MB
Resolution: 560x416
Duration: 78 min
Format: avi

Download Link(s):
Anal Defloration 2.avi

Hot Summer in the City

Year: 1976
Country: USA
Genre: Adult, Classics, Anal, Oral
Quailty: Good VHSRip
Language: Original

Director: Gail Palmer
Studio: Hare Films

Starring: Lisa Baker, Bruce Darcy, Linda Hoffman, Dan Timens, Bill Murphy, Duke Johnson, Shorty Roberts, Stitch Umbas, Coke Cain, Tony Rizzi
Description: Debby is a young virgin who resists her fiance's advances for premarital sex. One night she arrives home and finds her mother in a threesome with two men. Shocked, she wanders along the highway where four Black men in a Cadillac verbally abuse and kidnap her. Duke, the leader of the gang rapes Debby. The men take her to the cabin they live and Duke declares that she is his "chick". Other members of the gang oppose and they start a poker game for sexual rights over her. Shorty and Coke win and they rape Debby. Next morning, Duke's girlfriend Jody and a mafioso-type White man who pays the gang to start a race riot in the city arrive at the cabin. After the White man leaves, Jody expresses her discontent for the presence of the "honky bitch" and Duke's protective approach towards her. Duke gives his men the order to rape Jody. While gang members engage in a sequence of punitive rape, Duke takes Debby to his room to console her and the two have sex. Next day Debby attempts to run but she is caught. Duke and two of the men depart to accomplish the plans for the riot. Jody leads Stitch the mentally retarded member of the gang to anally ravish Debby....

File Size: ~700MB
Resolution: 576x432
Duration: 58 min
Format: avi

Download Link(s):
Hot Summer in the City.avi


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