Author Topic: Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]  (Read 27780 times)

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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2012, 01:06:27 am »

Caned Sales Girls

Released: 2011

Two young door to door salesgirls are doing their rounds in a leafy neighborhood when they spot a house where they had previously sold a lot of beauty products. They ring the bell where Mrs. Collingwood lives and reintroduce themselves. What they don’t know is that the products weren’t up to scratch and had brought Mrs. Collingwood out in a nasty ‘RASH’. She invites the girls in and explains her grievance and asks for a refund to which the girls fob her off with excuses why that won’t be possible. This isn’t good enough so she calls her husband down and he is in no mood to negotiate with the girls, instead placing them across his knee for some spankings before their knickers come down for some more. He continuously beats them finishing up with his favorite instrument cane. Tears are soon flowing as the welts appear leaving a nasty rash on their behinds.


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File Name : 1092_Caned_Sales_Girls.wmv
File Size : 538.33 MB
Resolution : 640x480
Duration : 00:58:57


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2012, 04:51:42 pm »

Russian Slaves #64 - Persecution Of The Russian Church

Stars: Jerry Geroshvile, Nadezda Dozorova, Masha Kalinina, Dmitry Zagulin

This story is based on true facts happened in 1926 with two nuns in a small town in Russia. Arrested by the Secret Police they are compelled to undress naked in front of the NKVD officers and subjected to unspeakable tortures and cruel whippings. In the name of Stalin indescribable pains and humiliations were wrought upon them, in a most heinous fashion. When humanity breaks down… even a nun can stand resolute, right?


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Downloading 1093_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1093_SPM_.part4.rar | 28.4 Mb

File Name : 1093_Russian_Slaves_64_-_Persecution_Of_The_Russian_Church.wmv
File Size : 493.36 MB
Resolution : 640x428
Duration : 00:58:55


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #82 on: May 27, 2012, 01:32:22 pm »

Crossin Cousins

Stars: Kelly Payne, Daisa

Released: 2000

When an aunt leaves her nephew in the charge of his two strict cousins, you would think that he would know better than to misbehave. They soon find it necessary, however, to put him across their knees to spank his bare bottom, something they felt he should have received a long time ago! Still he refuses to listen and makes the two women so angry that they take a triple strap to his bottom, taking turns at his butt until it is bright red and he is pleading with them to stop! Real tears and begging. 2 nieces do their aunt a favor & watch their nephew for the day. When he starts misbehaving, his 2 cousins waste no time teaching their nephew a lesson with a good hard over the knee bare bottom, spanking, strapping & paddling! Very Hard! Very Hot!


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Downloading 1094_SPM_.part3.rar | 9.6 Mb

File Name : 1094_Crossin_Cousins.wmv
File Size : 319.64 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 00:34:27


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #83 on: May 29, 2012, 02:13:07 pm »

Spanked And Fucked Sluts 2

Stars: Michael Kahn

His wife's sexy best friend makes sexual advances at him after entering their bedroom unannounced. With his wife gone she aggressively pursues him. He declines her offer but she's relentless. In a turn of events the prey soon becomes the hunter. The husband bends her over his knee giving her badass the most painful spanking she's ever received. They're encounter becomes kinky as she totally submits, sucks his cock, gets fucked in various positions then choked .This intense session leaves her red ass sore and wanting more.


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Downloading 1095_SPM_.part2.rar | 24.1 Mb

File Name : 1095_Spanked_And_Fucked_Sluts_2.wmv
File Size : 179.05 MB
Resolution : 640x404
Duration : 00:19:17


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #84 on: May 30, 2012, 06:41:12 pm »

Fringe Benefits

Stars: Rose Bottoms, Carrie Marks

Released: 1994

Lovely Miss Walters has just had the misfortune of being hired to the most envied job in the corporation, personal secretary to Mr. Sykes. Two hard working office girls were passed up. In walks lovely Miss Walters and she's hired on the spot. What's more, Mr. Sykes has ordered Miss Tulley and Miss Drexel to teach the novice how to type. And while they're at it, the two senior staffers engage the haughty Miss Walters in a little discipline training.

Her bare bottom gets a thorough thrashing with the strap and the cane. Interestingly, the office girls find a certain sexual arousal in this activity. When the tearful Miss Walters has left for the day, the two girls continue the punishment on one another. This time it's for pleasure.


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Downloading 1096_SPM_.part4.rar | 81.2 Mb

File Name : 1096_Fringe_Benefits.wmv
File Size : 546.22 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:03:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #85 on: May 30, 2012, 09:28:06 pm »

Russian Slaves #67 - Private School For Girls 2

Stars: Nadya Dozorova, Gerry Gerashvilli, Nikita Mihalkov, Nastya Sukova, Karina Zabodueva, Natalia Batir

Part 67 of this fantastic series is packed with very severe canings. In this film you will see three pretty young girls caned and humiliated for the acts of drinking and having sexual relations with neighboring elite All Boys High School. Russian Slaves is a "must have” for all fans of extreme canings. This is an Original Russian BDSM Caning movie!


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Downloading 1097_SPM_.part2.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1097_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1097_SPM_.part4.rar | 58.3 Mb

File Name : 1097_Russian_Slaves_67_-_Private_School_For_Girls_2.wmv
File Size : 523.29 MB
Resolution : 636x480
Duration : 00:57:28


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #86 on: May 31, 2012, 06:11:41 pm »

Flogging Lady Constance

Stars: Sophie Fennington

Released: 2008

The late Lord Rothemere has declared that his heir Lady Constance shall receive the one thing she had been denied all her spoiled life. Self discipline! A session of corporal punishment to be administered by his loyal aid, to be more precise.

She smugly accepted this decision. How difficult could it be? Little did she know that her bare bottom would suffer the marks of the tawse, the riding crop, and the birch cane. A tearful tale set in the Victorian age.


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Downloading 1098_SPM_.part2.rar | 136.4 Mb

File Name : 1098_Flogging_Lady_Constance.wmv
File Size : 291.38 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 00:35:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #87 on: June 01, 2012, 02:05:36 pm »

Best Of English Discipline Part 10

Released: 1994

The female posterior is a target for special punishment in a wide array of real life situations in this compilation of scenes from five lively English Discipline videos.

Usually administered by one in authority, but sometimes merely for sensual pleasure between women, the delightfully round and tender female buttocks are made to twitch and twist under the unrelenting punishment of the paddle, the strap, and the riding crop. Teary eyed repentance is sometimes feigned and sometimes real, but in either case the next session of bare bottom blistering cannot be far off.


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Downloading 1099_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1099_SPM_.part4.rar | 70.1 Mb

File Name : 1099_Best_Of_English_Discipline_Part_10.wmv
File Size : 535.12 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:00:59


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #88 on: June 01, 2012, 10:42:45 pm »

Fetch The Cane

Released: 2006

If you appreciate firm discipline and spanking, you'll appreciate this movie. The stinging pain from the willowy rod striking her bare buttocks is too much for the girl who's tears roll down her face.

Each new blow finds it's target and she recoils in pain. An Enema is soon followed by more punishment. Someone has been a very bad girl, and now she's going to pay.


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Downloading 1100_SPM_.part2.rar | 79.1 Mb

File Name : 1100_Fetch_The_Cane.wmv
File Size : 234.13 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 00:27:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #89 on: June 02, 2012, 04:58:46 pm »

English Spanking Classic #11 - First Week of Term and Room 2D

Stars: Julie, Carol Ellis

Two of our hottest titles are here for you this time around! "First Week of Term" concerns the wretched Carol Ellis who is awash with tears before the headmaster is halfway through her preliminary spanking. Her bottom is glowing with the heart of a totally genuine punishment. She is then taken upstairs where she and a friend are to be given their canings. Carol is first as she is hand spanked then caned. Julie too is spanked and caned. Solid thwacks are landed across their bare red bottoms, as the tears begin to flow. If it's caned bottoms you want to see this is the story for you! And in "Room 2D" the new girl disrupts the choirs master's rehearsal and is sent to room 2D where various techniques of corporal punishment are administered. Her naked bottom is slowly and methodically caned with an expertise that the true enthusiast will appreciate.


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Downloading 1101_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1101_SPM_.part4.rar | 8.2 Mb

File Name : 1101_English_Spanking_Classic_11_-_First_Week_of_Term_and_Room_2D.wmv
File Size : 473.18 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 00:52:03


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2012, 12:14:07 am »

Bar Service

The Manager of a bar specializing in discipline eagerly awaits the arrival of two new recruits. The women are urgently needed to replace former barmaids that have had previously met their match. They bar has a diverse clientele who have wide ranging requirements in the world of C.P.

To satisfy their tastes the Manager experiments with a vicious range of implements across the attractive young ladies bottoms, ensuring their suitability. Her swishy cane is used extensively to ensure that they follow her strict instructions.


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Downloading 1102_SPM_.part4.rar | 96.2 Mb

File Name : 1102_Bar_Service.wmv
File Size : 561.2 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:02:58


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #91 on: June 03, 2012, 01:18:46 pm »

English Punishment Series #50

Stars: Helga

Released: 2008

"Unwilling Punishment" - Hawthorn and Woods stay behind after classroom hours for a chat. One thing leads to another and they start playing around with each other. On his rounds Mr. Berkley, the science teacher, finds Woods playing with herself on one of the school desks. Although corporal punishment has been outlawed, he sees fit to use his discretion on this occasion as he feels that the girls won't want anyone else knowing what has happened. They accept this solution unwillingly and their bare bottoms are made to pay for this disgusting behavior with a hardcore spanking that left their bare butts bright red!

"Double Red Lines" - Leah Wood's partner is disturbed to receive another parking ticket in the post. Warning had been posted, so this time an extremely severe caning is issued with a "double" cane.

"Apologies Not Accepted" - Bad behavior at St. Luke's amongst the pupils has been at an all time high since the banning of corporal punishment. One sexy German girl, Helga, has been spanked in front of the class by Ms Fay. Helga's mother charges into Ms. Fay's office demanding an explanation for her daughter having been spanked. The mother is livid and orders the pretty teacher across her knee for some spanking. Ms. Woods, the deputy principal, hears the commotion and enters. She orders Helga's mother to stop and in a heated exchange Ms. Woods forces her over her knee. She is spanked and paddled, then caned for this outrage. Ms. Fay's problems are not over however! Ms. Woods sees fit to can her as well for disobeying the school code of conduct.


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Downloading 1103_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1103_SPM_.part4.rar | 98.6 Mb

File Name : 1103_English_Punishment_Series_50.wmv
File Size : 563.63 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:03:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #92 on: June 06, 2012, 06:08:50 pm »

Apologies Not Accepted

Released: 2008

Ms. Fay's first term teaching at St. Luke's has been more difficult than she had imagined. Bad behavior amongst the pupils has been at an all time high since the banning of corporal punishment. One German girl, Helga has been spanked in front of the class by Ms. Fay.

This story begins when Helga's mother charges into Ms. Fay's office demanding an explanation for her daughter having been spanked. The mother is livid and orders the pretty teacher across her knee for a spanking and is just giving her some hard strokes with the paddle when Ms. Woods, the deputy principal, hears the commotion and enters.

She orders Helga's mother to stop and in a heated exchange Ms. Woods forces her over her knee. She is spanked and paddled, then caned for this outrage. Ms. Fay's problems are not over! Ms. Woods sees fit to cane her as well for disobeying the school code of conduct.


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Downloading 1104_SPM_.part2.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1104_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1104_SPM_.part4.rar | 123.8 Mb

File Name : 1104_Apologies_Not_Accepted.wmv
File Size : 588.83 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:05:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #93 on: June 08, 2012, 07:32:24 pm »

My Pleasure

Stars: Stella Star, Danielle McNeil, Arcie Miller, Mike Rabino

Released: 1989

Eddie's hardware company is about to go out of business due to some critical errors made in his brochure layout. He determines that the culprits are three young attractive girls working in the art department.

Being a reasonable man, Eddie will allow them to keep their jobs if they will submit to a harsh spanking on their bare bottoms. The girls reluctantly accept his terms. They think they're getting off easy. Little do they know!


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Downloading 1105_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1105_SPM_.part4.rar | 101.2 Mb

File Name : 1105_My_Pleasure.wmv
File Size : 566.21 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:03:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #94 on: June 11, 2012, 03:37:18 pm »

English Spanking Classics #46 - Big Girls Do Cry

Released: 2008

Even though Uncle Albert gives his niece a daily spanking she thinks she is much too old for such behavior.

Today Albert has invited a friend to witness his spanking session where he uses both a tawse and a cane to humiliate Annabelle. Her tears in no way dissuade a no holds barred punishment session endured by our wayward niece!


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Downloading 1106_SPM_.part2.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1106_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1106_SPM_.part4.rar | 92.9 Mb

File Name : 1106_English_Spanking_Classics_46_-_Big_Girls_Do_Cry.wmv
File Size : 557.94 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:03:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #95 on: June 12, 2012, 11:30:25 am »

A View To A Caning - Drinking On The Job

Released: 1998

A wealthy industrialist and his lovely wife are shown around several properties by an attractive real estate agent. He had to explain to her that he was looking for a substantial six bedroom house. By the time he and his wife had wasted and entire day looking at totally unsuitable houses he finally loses his temper with the girl.

The sale brochures we completely misleading, with incorrect square footage, number of rooms, and extras. He threatens to report her to Estates Agents Commission unless she takes punishment right there and then. There seems no alternative for the poor girl, who is lead to different rooms around the house to be punished in different ways.

Things really heat up when his wife joins in and her gorgeous bare bottom is paddled and caned at the same time. The industrialist's patience is well rewarded when he inspects their welted bottoms.


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Downloading 1107_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1107_SPM_.part4.rar | 67.9 Mb

File Name : 1107_A_View_To_A_Caning_-_Drinking_On_The_Job.wmv
File Size : 532.92 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:00:59


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #96 on: June 13, 2012, 04:41:21 pm »

English Spanking Classics 44

Are you in the mood for some English Spanking? Have you already seen all of the most recent releases and need something to excite you that is new to you? We welcome you to English Spanking Classics, which has been re-mastered to bring the classic spanking scenes that you have been longing for to your screen!!!


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Downloading 1108_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1108_SPM_.part4.rar | 119.5 Mb

File Name : 1108_English_Spanking_Classics_44.wmv
File Size : 584.55 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 01:04:00


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #97 on: June 15, 2012, 05:35:51 pm »

American Punishment Collections

Released: 2004

This is an exciting new series, and you will find plenty to love when good old English discipline hits our shoes. First up is "Trashed & Thrashed" about an English landlady who finds out that two of her tenants have decided to trash her rentals. What follows is corporal punishment on the highest scale.

In "Wicked Bitch" a mother decides to teach her two misbehaving daughters that lots of good thing come from a sound hand spanking. This is followed by a paddle, riding crop, then a swishy cane.

In "Gemini" Victoria and Sophia are being taken care of by their Uncle Nik and Aunt Gemini. She is fierce on corporal punishment and when she finds them absent from school her temper turns into hand spanking across there soon to be red bottoms. This is followed by leather straps and a well worn tawse.

In "Whacked into Shape" two lazy girls who are trying to get back into physical shape must turn to the likes of a personal trainer. Erzsebet arrives and the shock treatment begins. Placed in strenuous positions each girl is then spanked, strapped, paddled and caned. This is what stuff dreams are made of.

And finally in "Doctor's Orders" Miss Jones has gone to see Dr. Hopkins, who specializes in sexual fantasies. Her desire is to be spanked, and as a therapist, he quickly obliges her desires. From there she goes to see Dr. Miller who is well versed in the cane. Her red bottom attests to the face that this is indeed a good therapy session! You will be excited about our new collection. Be sure to be on the lookout for our next compilation!


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Downloading 1109_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1109_SPM_.part4.rar | 67.5 Mb

File Name : 1109_American_Punishment_Collections.wmv
File Size : 532.5 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 00:58:35


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #98 on: June 30, 2012, 01:03:33 pm »

Lady Vernon Strikes Again

Released: 2002

Having heard of Lady Vernon's Reputation as a strict disciplinarian the local policewoman phones her requesting her assistance with an especially unruly female repeat offender. The police have tried everything to no avail!

Lady Vernon accepts the contract and tells the policewoman to bring the girl over immediately. Once there, the girl is terrified at the variety of discipline implements to be used against her bare bottom. When it is clear that she is struggling with the hand spanking she orders the policewoman to restrain her in anticipation of the pain to come when she begins to use both paddles and cane!

We later learn that the W.P.C.'s superior officer has declared this discipline to be the most improper and that she will not pay Lady Vernon for her services. Furious, Lady Vernon heads over to W.P.C. headquarters and metes out the same sort of hard punishment against the superior officer as was given to the repeat offender.


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Downloading 1110_SPM_.part2.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1110_SPM_.part3.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1110_SPM_.part4.rar | 59.7 Mb

File Name : 1110_Lady_Vernon_Strikes_Again.wmv
File Size : 524.66 MB
Resolution : 480x360
Duration : 00:56:58


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Old and Rare Spanking Movies! [Update Every Day]
« Reply #99 on: July 07, 2012, 12:36:48 pm »

Spanked Lady Friends #5

Released: 2011

Two girls get together inside of a cozy bedroom for a kinky game involving spankings with hands and other implements, especially a riding crop. The submissive happens to be a beautiful dark-haired woman with an exotic hair-style and a tight body, and her mistress, a blonde with a form-fitting dress and long tresses. Both have unparalleled beauty and sensuality, this will be one of the best Spanked Lady Friends yet!


Downloading 1111_SPM_.part1.rar | 155.0 Mb
Downloading 1111_SPM_.part2.rar | 115.7 Mb

File Name : 1111_Spanked_Lady_Friends_5.wmv
File Size : 270.71 MB
Resolution : 656x480
Duration : 00:29:28