Author Topic: NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)  (Read 73631 times)

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         Pissing - golden rain, pissing girlperversion or sexual fantasy? I guess this solves every single person on thebasis of their sexual preferences and desires.

        When a pretty girl, pee, golden streamspouring out a fountain, and she feels relieved and you are strange attractionto it is always carefully concealed action pissing or golden rain. Wet withsecretions or kolgotochki panties, when she failed to keep the urge of thebladder, become the subject of your fetish and they are happy to pose for thecamera showing their intimate moments. Or you can go farther than the simpleobservation that enjoy the taste of a golden rain on your body or get the issuedirectly in his mouth.

         If all of these stories are familiar toyou and stimulate your body to its limit, then you are a fan of pissing andvideo from the directory in this section on the fetish collected for you.





         Orinando - lluvia de oro, laperversión meando niña o fantasía sexual? Creo que esto resuelve cada personaen función de sus preferencias sexuales y deseos.

        Cuando una muchacha bonita, orinar,flujos de oro derramando una fuente, y se siente aliviado y se le extrañaatracción que siempre es cuidadosamente ocultado meando acción o lluvia de oro.Mojado con las secreciones o las bragas kolgotochki, cuando ella no pudomantener el impulso de la vejiga, se convierten en el objeto de su fetiche yestán felices de posar para la cámara mostrando sus momentos íntimos. O ustedpuede ir más allá de la simple observación de que disfrutar del sabor de unalluvia de oro sobre su cuerpo o conseguir el asunto directamente en la boca.

         Si todas estas historias sonfamiliares para usted y estimular su cuerpo a su límite, entonces usted es unfan de mear y vídeo desde el directorio en esta sección sobre el feticherecogido para usted.








PissFirst, Piss Hard, No Mercy Sir




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:28:01 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Ellen Peterson, Alexa Bold


File size:829.6 Mb


About: EllenPeterson and Alexa Bold decide to take up Karate, and find it's not as easy asit seems. The only think they don't have trouble with is the "Get takendown by your opponent and drink his piss" move, which they executebeautifully. It's not long before they forget the lesson and are trying out newmoves on each other, either fucking and sucking, or getting drenched in hotbladder soup before the dudes splashdown the babes with one final karate chopof jizz right in the faces and on their clothes.










SpringingA Leak




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:23:05 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Rachel Evans, Denisa Crimson


File size:658.7 Mb


About:George is fixing a fuel leak on a steel-blue hot rod in the PIA body shop whenhe springs a leak of his own. A leak of piss, that is, after Rachel Evans andDenisa swing by for some kinky golden shower hyjinks. They get themselvescompletely soaked, still dressed in their elegant silk and satin clothing,which totally get destroyed by nature's own delicious champagne, hot bubblypiss. But they clearly don't mind, as they greedily suck the last drops of pissfrom his fleshy piss flask, before fucking like bunnies. Raunchy, urine-soakedbunnies. From the masters of masturbatory piss fetish magic!













Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:22:52 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti



File size:649.6 Mb


About: HeyPissaholics!! This week's update starring Roxyn is so chock full of goldenshowers that once you see it, you'll need to go to a meeting and say "Himy name's (your name) and I'm addicted... to PISS!!!". That' right, whenyou see these slamma bamma babes getting railed and covered in that pissygoodness, as well as emptying their own bladders on some lucky dudes, you'll be12-stepping all the way to the bathroom... to masturbate!!!!










Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:20:22 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Morgan Moon, Denisa Crimson


File size:619.8 Mb


About: Sexyfake-kidnapping victim Denisa is tied up in the backseat as Charlie and MorganMoore Drive down the road, laughing at the fate to befall their captive. Thevan pulls into a garage within a secluded villa, and the hostage, in her brightmagenta satin business suit and Charlie calls the big boss to await furtherorders. Turns out, Denisa can earn her freedom if she can fuck, suck and take afew rounds of piss in the face. Charlie hoses down the babes a couple of timeswhile switching out his meat stick between their swollen cunts, and the girlstake a shot at each other as well, spreading their flaps and dousing away,before getting on their knees to share a hot wad as he drops a fresh load ofjizz on Morgan Moore's big titties.














Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:32:17 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Celine Noiret, Tina Gabriel, Denisa Crimson


File size:926.9 Mb


About: Onelucky dude gets a triple dose of both pussy and pissing from Celine Noiret,Tina Gabriel, and Denisa Crimson in this amazing hot outdoor sex scene! Thisweeks downpour begins when the girls get frisky and pee on each other whichgets them wet in more ways than one. Drenched and dripping, they get all turnedon and are soon begging to get fucked by our lucky main man, who's rock hardand ready to ram it balls deep in these girls' hungry holes. This forecastcalls for a fuck storm, with plenty of cum and buckets of hot yellow goldenshowers!!!!!








Le PissBoutique




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:23:14 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Yenna, Frederica Hill


File size:696.3 Mb


About:While shopping at Le Chic Boutique, Federica Hill and Yenna were trying on someof the hottest new fashions while being attended to by salesman George, who'sgot quite the clothing fetish. While helping the babes try stuff on, Georgegets such a boner that he has to do something about it. The babes notice ittoo, and so help him out with a threeway sex romp, full of alot of kinkypiss-filled golden showers. The three bang and piss and bang and piss tilGeorge blows a white hot load all over them and their expensive designerclothing!







OfficeHose Down




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:22:52 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Mia Hilton, Frederica Hill, Goldie


File size:686.0 Mb


About:George was working hard, when suddenly, three of the hottest ladies he eversaw: Frederica Hill, Mia Hilton, and Goldie come in to give him some help. Hetells them the thing he needs the most is a little tension relief so he canfocus on his work, so he whips out his dick and starts pissing to which thebabes happily kneel down to collect his bladder juice. It gets everyone so hotthey all start fucking and sucking and pissing all over each other, even thewomen's expensive clothes.













Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:22:39 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Roxyn, Alexa Bold


File size:689.0 Mb


About:Alexa Bold and Roxyn are a couple of kinky lipstick leather dykes who like toexplore the extremes of sexual behavior. It's not enough to merely lick oneanother's pussies - they like to taste each other's juices, as well. When youlove another person that much, you savor the taste of their piss. But Roxyn andAlexa don't limit themselves to pee games. They pull out a dildo and proceed toplow each other's piss wet cunts. They don't need a man to please them - theyhave their piss, their strap-on, and their lust for one another.















OctoberfestPee Sex




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:24:09 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Roxyn, Virus Vellons


File size:703.46 Mb


About:Roxyn is at an outdoor Octoberfest celebration when a big dude in traditionalBavarian clothes ambles on over and starts hitting on her. Roxyn doesn't wasteany time in sampling the local sausage; she takes the dude's dick in her mouthand gives him a fine blowjob right there. Waitress Virus Vellons decides tojoin in on the fun, tearing a hole in her stockings to reveal a wet vagina.She's clearly had one too many beers, and so she proceeds to piss all over poorRoxyn's silk blouse!







Pee Sexon a Bearskin Rug




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:19:58 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Velvet, Luciana


File size:575.2 Mb


About:Luciana and Velvet are two snazzy corporate dykes who also like dick - and allthe various liquids that come out of it. They go to the home of their fat bossand are majorly turned on by the sight of his bearskin rug in front of thefireplace. The boss greets his lady visitors by spraying hot pee from his cockall over their expensive silk blouses. By the time this piss threesomefinishes, all three participants - and the bearskin - will be drenched inliquid love. You only see piss scenes like this on Pissing in Action!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 12:20:53 pm »



White Wineand Whiz




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:21:50 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Pepper, Tina Gabriel


File size:608.6 Mb


About: TinaGabriel and Pepper are invited over to their boss's house for an eveningsession. Both know that the boss has an insatiable appetite for piss - and bothare fully willing to fulfill his cravings. They start out with some glasses ofwhite wine, which effectively gets both their libidos cranking and theirbladders full. The boss bends Pepper over to admire her ass through her pantyhose - then he takes out his dick and pisses all over it. Tina Gabriel laughs -she finds it all quite silly, and perhaps just a little bit sexy. The pantyhose are then moved aside so that the boss can insert his member into Pepper'stight twat from behind, giving it to her like the bitch she is. Then it'sPepper's turn to wash her orgy partners' faces in urine... Piss the night awaywith Pepper and Tina and their boss - come on, you know you want it.






FirstTime Pissers




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:23:29 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Pepper, Denisa Crimson


File size:676.0 Mb


About: Inthis saucy little segment, Denisa Crimson and Pepper play a couple of highclass call girls who are stood up by their 9 o'clock appointment at a localbar. While they are waiting, the girls proceed to drink and talk about theirsecret fetishes. Denisa admits that one thing she has always wanted is to haveanother girl piss all over her. Pepper laughs. She can't believe Denise hasnever done that before. Pepper does it with her girlfriends all the time! Thebiker bartender, overhearing their titillating conversation, invites the girlsto demonstrate for him. After all, there is nobody else in the bar at this earlyhour. Pepper climbs up on the bar, rips the crotch out of her pantyhose, andproceeds to piss all over her blonde friend. It's not long before the bartendergets involved - sticking his dick in both ladies as they piss all over eachother!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 10:37:57 pm »






Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:24:34 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Frederica Hill


File size:697.7 Mb


About:Frederica Hill plays a secretary who works for an auto mechanic. Today, she isshowing the young trainee around the garage, when her ravenous instincts getthe best of her and she seduces him in the garage, convincing him to piss allover her. When the boss comes back and walks into this messy scene, he is sopissed off - he wants to get pissed on! He dismisses the young man on the spot,telling him not to come back. Then, turned on by the sight of his sexysecretary, he takes his dick out and proceeds to reclaim what is rightfully his- he is the boss, after all, and only he will determine how much piss Fredericawill take today before she can go home! Her clothes will be ruined by the endof it, but she doesn't care. In fact, she wouldn't have it any other way!










AWeekend Piss Extravaganza




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:22:34 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Gioia Biel, Frederica Hill


File size:646.2 Mb


About:Gioia Biel looks great all dolled up in her winter fur coat. She comes in fromthe cold, down to the cellar restaurant of her good friend Frederica Hill. Whatstarts out as a little lesbian twosome soon blossoms into a three-way, asFrederica's man comes over. He has a huge piss fetish. There is nothing heloves more than peeing all over attractive fully clothed women. He proceeds todo just that. Turned on by his thick stream, Gioia asks Frederica's permissionto taste her boyfriend's rod. Gioia sucks it for a few minutes, and then thedude turns her around and rams it right up her twat. The three while away theafternoon, pissing all over each other and trying out a delicious array ofsexual positions. Then the ladies suck the sperm right out of this lucky guy'scock!










Naughtyin the Bathroom




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:23:06 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Winnie, Alexa Bold


File size:647.9 Mb


About:Alexa Bold is sitting on the toilet, about to take a piss, when a male officecolleague accidentally walks in. Alexa, who fancies the bloke, implore him totake his cock out and piss all over her. The dude complies readily, beforesticking his big fat cock right inside her tight twat right there on the toiletseat. Meanwhile, out in the lobby, Alexa's friend Winnie wonders why her friendis taking so long. She comes in to check on her, and finds Alexa having kinkypee sex with this office stud. Winnie invites herself to join in, and beforeshe knows what she's doing, Alexa is pissing all over her panty hose while theoffice stud jerks it. Winnie takes the bloke's fat rod in her mouth and giveshim a grade A blowjob. The three while away the afternoon fucking and pissing,until everyone cums.











HePissed on Two Babes




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:26:07 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Roxyn, Sarah Star


File size:789.9 Mb


About: Thisdude got so lucky late one Friday night. He and his hot girlfriend Roxyn werespying on their next-door neighbor, Sarah Star. It's not like they're creepsand they do this on a regular basis or anything. They were just coming homefrom a party, were rather toasted, and since bisexual Roxyn was aware that herboyfriend had the hots for Sarah for some time, it was actually her whosuggested they peep into her bedroom. When Sarah noticed her neighbors' eyeswatching her, she invited them in. Once they were caught, they were forced tohave sex with Sarah. What they didn't know before, however, was that Sarah hasa special fetish... A pee fetish. She loves nothing more than feeling hot pissall over her when she's getting fucked - doesn't matter if it comes from a cockor a pussy. So a real expert initiated Roxyn and her boyfriend into thepleasures of pee sex!











Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:22:55 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Christina Lee, Gioia Biel


File size:655.0 Mb


About:Katka and Marushka work together in a tourist office in Prague, the lovelycapital of the Czech Republic. Each year, thousands of horny male touristsflock to the city in search of the country's greatest national resource - itsbeautiful women. Katka and Marushka are emblematic of the country's manytreasures. And what is more, both happen to love kinky sex. The kinkier, thebetter. Watch as they seduce an unsuspecting male tourist who wanders intotheir office looking for directions. They give him a direction, all right - andthat direction is down. He is turned on, but ultimately leaves out of fear. Nomatter. These girls are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. Theyproceed to have hot lesbian piss sex right there on the desk. They don't evenworry about getting their nice silk blouses covered in pee. They just want toget off - that's all they care about. Starring Christina Lee and Gioia Biel









Piss forThree




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:21 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Roxyn, Carol Sweet


File size:775.2 Mb


About:Carol Sweet and her husband Tom are at home having a relaxing Sunday afternoondrink. It is cold outside, so both are quite happy to remain indoors, and aresimply enjoying themselves, when Carol hears a loud noise and a womanscreaming. She looks out the window to find that sexy, dark-haired Roxyn hasfallen in the snow right outside their house! She tells Tom, who encourages herto invite the babe in - especially when he sees how hot she is. In thebathroom, as Carol is cleaning the chick up, she gets rather horny. Beforeeither knows what is happening, the two ladies have seduced each other. OnceTom joins in, with his insatiable piss fetish, all three are peeing all overeach other in orgasmic delight.










Pissingin the Kitchen




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:24:38 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Celine Noiret, Sharka Blue


File size:705.2 Mb


About:Sharka Blue is guest starring on an episode of a famous cooking show with acelebrity male chef. During the course of filming, she consumes a great deal ofwine and starts to get a bit tipsy. Celine Noiret, the producer of the show, isa bit surprised when Sharka starts coming on to the chef during a break. Thechef doesn't seem to mind her flirtation however - nor does he mind it when shetakes his hard cock out of his pants and begins to blow him right there in thekitchen! This is all too much for Celine. She enters the kitchen, thinking to stopthis action from going any further, but finds herself becoming involved in afull on piss three-way! Because, you see, pee sex is Sharka's other majorfetish. Not only does she want a bone stiff cock up her twat, she wants to pissand get pissed on while she's getting it!









EveryGood Workout Needs THIS Energy Drink!




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:23 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Rachel Evans, Tina Gabriel


File size:757.9 Mb


About:Rachel Evans and her private trainer are feeling the sweet burn of a goodworkout, but it soon becomes clear that the rising temperature in the room isdue to more than just the exercises taking place. Yep, it seems these two havetaken a liking to each other, and who could blame them considering they're bothyoung, in great shape, and in some very sensual positions. Before they evenrealize it, Rachel has given up and sit-ups and has started exercising her oralmuscles, slurping down her trainer's dumbbell until they get busted by the gymmanager, Tina Gabriel. Fortunately for them, Tina's looking for the same kindof workout, with a naughty little twist - pissing in action! That's right, thisthreesome gets nasty as fuck with some hardcore pussy slappin' and goldenshowers galore all over the place. Never have you seen a workout this hard!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2011, 02:29:57 pm »



ExchangeStudent Learns The Local Customs




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:30:21 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Tera Joy, Daria Glower


File size:845.4 Mb


About:Argentinian exchange student Tera Joy, looking sexy as hell in her leatherboots and miniskirt, has just arrived to her host family's house in the CzechRepublic, and from the moment she steps out of the van there are problems.Daria Glower, the blonde wife, is instantly jealous of this spunky little cutiewho's about to call their home her own for the next few months, especiallysince she can see that her husband is giving her a little too much attention,visitor or not. Well, her concerns are quickly realized when she catches herbastard husband and Tera fucking away right in the living room, and what'sworse? She smells piss! Yep, the "loving" husband wanted to initiateTera to the Czech style of sweet piss loving, and while Daria is initiallyupset, she finds herself getting more and more turned on by the smell of thepiss clinging to Tera's leather clothes, so after a mild fuss she joins in onthe pissing in action until both babes are covered in cum and piss. Maybe thisnew situation can work out after all....


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2011, 12:42:57 pm »
WhatGoes In Must Come Out




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:28:11 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Anabel, Lellou


File size:784.2 Mb


About: Someguys have all the luck. This dude comes home in the middle of the daycompletely trashed, making a fool out of himself in front of two very sexy andclassy ladies, Anabel and Lellou, but as it turns out, these are some coolchicks who don't mind joining in for a glass or two themselves. Well, what goesin must come out, so some sweet urine release is definitely in order, and thistrio sees no reason to be shy about it and run off to the bathroom. Nope, theliving room is as good a spot as any, and since this process involves somewhipping out of the cock, homeboy may as well throw some hard action into themix. As always at Pissing in Action, that's exactly what you get, and thesethree filthy fuckers keep the piss and sexual adrenaline flowing!










CarpenterKnows How To Work His Wood




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:25:28 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Rachel Evans, Carmen Black


File size:735.0 Mb


About:Rachel Evans and Carmen Black are inspecting one of their new real estatedevelopments in order to see how it's coming along, but as soon as they catch aglimpse of one of their carpenters working up a sweat in the hallway, theirfocus quickly turns to his cock and what they'd like to do with it. Well,seeing as how these two young professionals are so damn desirable, it doesn'ttake much more than some flirtatious eyes to bring the young blue-collar studover, ready and willing to perform any other necessary tasks for his bosses. Heconsiders himself a great carpenter, but that's nothing compared to the woodwork he's about to bestow upon these two amazingly hot and kinky chicks, andseeing as how this is Pissing In Action, there's no way either of these chicksare getting out of this house before being covered in sweat, piss, and cum! PIAkeeps the hardcore, piss-soaked threesomes coming at you every week!









PissPleasure Before Business




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:26:09 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Cameron Gold, Gioia Biel


File size:739.3 Mb


About:George has brought a delivery of goods to Gigoia Biel's restaurant, so shecomes out and introduces him to her new employee, Cameron Gold, who is going tocheck over the inventory and make sure everything is okay with the order.Gigoia should know better than to leave a blonde hottie in a sexy satin outfitalone with the very sleazy and horny blue-collar George, but she's a busy womanso she leaves them to it. Well, they do indeed 'get to it', but it has nothingto do with counting boxes or stamping invoices - nope, George has decided thathe's going to be the one checking out the goods, and being the sleazy player heis, it only takes a few quick words before she lets him fondle her smoothoutfit and designer boots, and get well acquainted with her sweet ass almostexploding out of her pantyhose. At this point they're both so turned on thatthe clothes get pulled aside and the fucking begins, but within minutes Gigoiaenters the scene with the intention of checking on their progress, but when shesees what they're up to she forgets all about work and joins the fun, pissaction and all until the double facial - now that's teamwork!









Pizzaand Piss Orgy




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:30 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Tatiana Milovani, Virus Vellons, Brooke, Naomi


File size:777.1 Mb


About: It'sa classic porn setup, but Pissing In Action pushes the envelope in thisunsuspecting pizza boy scene - to say the least! This will be the best nightthis pizza boy has ever had, that's for sure, because when you enter agirls-night-in party with Virus Vellons, Naomi W, Tatiana Milovani, and Brooke,you better know you're in for trouble. Every poor pizza boy anxiously awaits agood tip, but the piss orgy this guy is about to be subjected to is far beyondhis wildest tip dreams, and from the second these cock hungry chicks sit hisass on the couch it's on! Pissing In Action, bringing you four amazing,high-society chicks taking on one lucky dude, and this orgy ain't stopping untileveryone's covered in piss and until every pussy has been thoroughly pleasured.No charge for next week's pizza, ladies!









GloryPee Hole





File size:827.5 Mb


About:Virus Vellons had to piss, and she had to piss BAD. So you can imagine herdismay when, upon entering the ladies' toilet, she found it to be out of order.Her delicate bladder condition forced her to use the men's stall. Unfortunatelyfor her, she just started peeing when Velvet and the guy she just picked up atthe club came in at the same time. She was really embarrassed, but the kinkypiss-loving couple didn't mind, they went over to the urinals and startedpissing on each other as they took turns fucking and sucking. Discovering aglory hole in the wall, Virus caught a glimpse of the action and wanted in, andsoon enough this bathroom piss covered threesome was underway. Get on in now tocatch all the piss drenched snatch action!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 02:24:08 pm »
BlondeBombshell Piss Loving Duo




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:22:38 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Sharka Blue, Katy Sweet


File size:647.2 Mb


About: Holypiss! PIA has outdone themselves with two of the hottest blondes this side ofthe Atlantic, and what's more, they're both absolute piss freaks! Only inEurope do glamor models happily show off their kinky side with no shame and bigsmiles on their faces as they piss all over each other! With the help of a studwho's been busting for a piss for quite some time, these two chicks truly getdirty in this hardcore HD scene that keeps Pissing In Action way above the pisscut, and it just might have you pissing all over your monitor to join in on thefun! Sharka Blue and Katy Sweet truly outdo themselves in this scene, from thesensual, lesbo beginning to the hot and smelly piss action that really getsthem crazy. This is a scene NOT to be missed!!








BoringBob Needs Some Piss Action




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:50 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Kate, Gioia Biel


File size:771.2 Mb


About:Four-eyed Bob is boring the hell out of his two lovely house guests, Kate andGioia Biel, by reading to them and showing off all of his amazing knowledge.Sure, they respect it, but they came dressed to impress, and so far it's notworking, even when the pungent sweetness of their pussies is starting to fillthe air. Bob just doesn't get it, so these girls have to take matters intotheir own hands, starting by taking off his glasses and then working their wayto the source - his cock! As snooty as Bob is, he obviously can't resist suchinsane hotness begging for him, so he submits and lets the girls have a tasteof his cock and his PISS! The girls follow suit and the threesome actionbecomes seriously hardcore pissing in action. These Euro chicks just can't getenough of that sweet "little something extra" in their sex lives, andPIA is on the scene!












Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:26:17 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Nicol Wonder, Justine


File size:788.2 Mb


About:Justine may lack skills as a pianist, as her instructor Nicole Wonder canclearly hear, but she has a perfectly reasonable excuse. Every time she startsto play, her piss fetish urges consume her and she can't concentrate onanything else, so when Nicole turns her back for just a second, Justine justlets it go, not giving a damn about her lame piano lesson. When Nicole see'swhat's going on she's understandably taken back for a moment, but then shequickly realizes that getting down and dirty with some piss fucking would be awhole lot more enjoyable way to spend the rest of the lesson than listening toJustine's disgusting abuse of the piano. Sure enough, the two of them are aperfect piss fit, and when a handsome young guy stumbles upon the two pisslezzies, well, you better believe the golden shower piss fucking goes to awhole new level of wet nastiness!








QuenchYour Thirst With Piss!




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:24:58 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Liss White, Lena Cova


File size:702.1 Mb


About:Wheeww...these two kinky chicks have just finished a tough workout - ok, notreally - actually, they mostly just watched the trainer from afar while moreand more fluid began to form in their pussies - but that counts, right!? Afterpretending to care about working out for a few seconds these piss loving chicksmove onto what they're really interested in, and that's piss sex! They getright to it on the workout bench, with one of the kinksters pissing right onher friend's face and clothes while the trainer watches in amazement. Well,such a sight understandably made him curious, so he approached the girls, andthe moment they had been waiting for finally arrived - hardcore piss fuckingfor all!










StrawberryPiss Fondue




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:29:29 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Gioia Biel, Lellou


File size:824.9 Mb


About: Mmmm,summer's here, and what's better on a hot day than a lovely picnic with somestrawberries and champagne? Pissing In Action will show you what - how aboutsome strawberries covered in piss? Tasty! And that's just the appetizer. Themain course starts when satin princesses Gioia Biel and Lellou start suckingaway on their new friend Joachim, and with Joachim now ready to go, it'sstraight to the hardcore fucking and piss action! This crazy threesome reallygets to it, with both chicks getting their pussies fucked raw and taking plentyof piss to the face in the process, because everyone knows golden showers arethe best way to cool down on a hot summer day! Both ladies also have plenty ofpiss to go around, letting it fly right in the middle of the park. Piss fuckingin public is totally where it's at, and PIA's got it hot and fresh!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2011, 09:35:10 am »
LilithNeeds A Piece Of That Action, Too!




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:23:12 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Cindy Gold, Rachel La Rouge


Filesize: 656.3 Mb


About:Cindy Gold is a total cock loving slut and everybody knows it, but if shethinks she can have Bob all to herself she's dead wrong! After going at if fora while Cindy and Bob are busted by blonde beauty Rachel La Rouge, and while abit shocked at first, her only request is to be included in the hot fucksession - and, oh yeah, to piss all over Cindy and her expensive, see-throughblouse! No objections there, and soon enough this piss loving threesome isgetting down to that lovely piss business, bangin' away while getting pissedon, the only real way to have sex! Pissing In Action, the masters of piss pornwith some of the hottest girls online - don't miss out on all the messy action!









SmallPizza and a Large Glass of Piss, Please!




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:20:57 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Virus Vellons, Kate


Filesize: 599.1 Mb


About:The mood is calm and quiet in the pizza restaurant this afternoon - a littletoo quiet for Kate and Virus Vellons' taste, and while they're fairly contentwith their pizza and wine, they both know there a few ingredients missing thatcould really satisfy them both - the unsuspecting chef and a whole lot ofpissing in action! As soon as the chef is at the table, Kate wastes no timereaching for his cock and letting him know that he's the "special of theday" for her and her hot Eurobabe friend! Trying to retain some sense ofprofessionalism, the chef initially hesitates at Kate's advances, butresistance is futile when it comes to these babes, so within a few minutes he'sbanging away at them right on their table! It's a chef's secret fantasy cometrue, but his fantasy is taken to all new levels when he discovers that both ofthese babes are total piss freaks and love nothing more than taking a goldenshower while getting their pussies abused! If this tip isn't enough, we don'tknow what is!









BikeShop Service - Satisfaction Guaranteed!




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:25:22 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Carmen Black, Lexxis Brown


Filesize: 758.9 Mb


About:Shop assistant Carmen Black is helping her customer Lexxis Brown look for someclothes for her man, but they're not having much luck until he steps in to helpout. At this point things become much easier, because when they realize justhow good he looks in everything he tries on these two classy Eurobabes getextremely turned on, and without needing words they both know what they have todo....him! They suspect that ultimately he would look better without anyclothes on, and their suspicions are soon confirmed when they give him ahelping hand at undressing, and at that point they can't help but to startsucking him off and engaging in some hardcore bike shop pissing sex! Both girlsget their fair share of pussy stuffing and golden shower action, and these guysaren't stopping until everyone is fully satisfied...








Blindfoldedand In For A Surprise




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:25:37 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Kate, Rihanna Samuel


Filesize: 773.1 Mb


About:Kate and her man have found themselves a lovely pissing in action participant,Rihanna, but in order to ensure that she's down with the pee lovin' they decideit would be best to blindfold her and then surprise her with a nice, longstream of that sweet piss. Well, Rihanna is certainly surprised, and a bitunsure how to take it at first, but she quickly finds herself very turned on asthe piss soaks through her clothes and splashes all over her face so that shegets a nice whiff and taste of the new experience! However, the blindfold abuseisn't over, as Kate is in true form in this update, taking control and makingsure that her new friend becomes totally overwhelmed with sexual pleasurebefore she's even able to see! Once the blindfold is pulled away the piss fuckenergy only multiplies, and this kinky threesome isn't going to stop themadness until they're all covered in piss!









DissatisfiedCustomer Leaves Very Satisfied




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:25 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Eliss Fire, Klarisa


Filesize: 824.2 Mb


About:Eliss Fire and Klarisa are two smokin' hot bike shop attendants who are havingto deal with a very dissatisfied customer, as his bike is not ready when he wastold it would be. After some discussion, and basically getting nowhere, ElissFire decides that she has to kick it up a notch and offer something else thatwill surely satisfy him. After all, they have to keep up the shop's reputation,so it only makes since that these two Eurobabes do what they can to please anycustomers that come through the shop. This guy clearly agrees, and in no timethey're on the bike shop floor getting dirty with some hardcore piss fuckingand pee guzzling. Hot stuff!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2011, 08:59:35 am »


EightPerson Piss Orgy Solves All Problems




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:29:16 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Daria Glower, Virus Vellons, Rachel Evans, Lexxis Brown, Kate Gold


Filesize: 837.8 Mb


About:Police woman Rachel Evans has been watching the local mafia chapter undercoverfor quite some time, and she's getting close to making a bust. So, knowingthey'll be at Daria and Lexxis' night club today, she calls her boss Frenky totag along as a couple and gather more information on the dangerous thugs.However, as soon as they enter the place Rachel realizes that her boss iscorrupt and in fact good friends with the mafia guys. In any case, she has toplay it cool and join them all for drinks, well aware of how these guys can getany woman they want no questions asked. It's about this time that Daria andLexxis return to their club, and they're surprised to see the whole crew sittingaround, including their two showgirls Virus Vellons and Kate Gold. There'sstill an issue of money as far as the mafia guys are concerned, but taking intoaccount the action that just went on "as payment", the groupdiscussion quickly heats up until they all say fuck it and engage in an amazingeight-person piss orgy that ultimately satisfies them all - problem solved!And, in the unbelievable final scene, two of these dudes have to provethemselves as the ultimate piss lovers - you'll have to see it for yourself tobelieve it!!









PaintMe Yellow




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:09 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Eliss Fire, Viki Z


Filesize: 765.6 Mb


About:Viki can be a prissy little bitch to her hired staff, namely Bob the painter,whom she tells to get busy painting while she's away. Well, hottie Eliss Fireenters the scene and has a different plan, that of flirting with Bob and thenfully clothed fucking him silly. However, as you might expect, it doesn't takelong for Viki to come back to check on the progress, and while Bob may be"hard at work", it's not exactly the job he was hired for. Viki isunderstandably annoyed at the lack of progress, but the site of Eliss gettingfucked turned her on so much that she lets loose and reveals her favoritefetish, getting her body and sexy outfit completely drenched in piss! Bob ishappy to oblige, and from there these three piss loving kinksters get into someseriously wet and smelly piss fucking! Just another day at the insane world ofPissing In Action!







PissBanged In Style




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:27:37 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Gioia Biel, Leony Aprill, Vanessa


Filesize: 812.1 Mb


About:It's a good thing that all the other customers at this restaurant, those notinvolved in the piss sex action, have left this restaurant of sin by nowbecause you could definitely say that this place is far from food-acceptable atthis point! No matter though, these dudes could care less about food when they'vegot stylish Eurobabe beauties Gioi Biel, Leony Aprill, and Vanessa looking forsome piss-bangin' fun! These chicks aren't exactly piss virgins, so they're notat all shy about taking some piss in the face or all over their stockings andsatin outfits while fucking, so you piss lovers out there are gonna be in pissheaven watching this five-some work it's piss magic! Pissing In Action, dirtyaction done classy!









ThatBathtub Looks Perfect For Piss Fucking




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:25:08 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Lexxis Brown, Katy


Filesize: 729.3 Mb


About:Lexxis Brown is looking at a new apartment and she absolutely loves the massivebathtub in the master bathroom, so much so that she just has to take off herheels and try out the empty tub. Well, it suits her just fine, as the realestate agent can clearly see, but she can't fully decide on how much she likesit until she's able to try out some messy piss fucking - no problem there! Inno time she's sucking away at the real estate agent's cock, taking it deepinside her, and then of course getting her blouse drenched in piss right therein the tub! Before long another babe enters the room and joins in on the fununtil they're all covered in piss, worn out from the fucking, and then ofcourse popped with cum to add to their already wet and messy piss coveredoutfits!, home to the hottest piss fucking and clothedgolden shower action online!









GetYour Ticket To The Show!




Series:Pissing In Action

Duration:0:23:33 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Eva Everheart, Ally Style


Filesize: 668.2 Mb


About:Ally Style and her friend Eva have their tickets for tonight's show and they'reexpecting to have a fun, innocent evening, but as soon as Ally is left waitingfor Eva with the doorman, who's sporting a few muscles to say the least, themood changes altogether - Ally is never one to pass up an opportunity to havesome fun with a hunk. It may not be professional, but hell, when such a hottieEurobabe is coming on to you there's no chance of resisting, and some seriousdick sucking starts happening right by the theater door! And what do you know,enter Eva back into the scene, who while clearly startled at what she'switnessing is also intrigued, and damn horny, so she jumps right into the mixand this threesome kicks it up a notch into some hardcore Pissing In Action! Itturns out that these chicks are total piss freaks, who love pumping away whiletheir satin outfits are drenched in piss, and soon enough these chicks havetotally forgotten about the show as they happily get themselves covered in cumand piss!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2011, 08:43:59 am »
StraightTo Piss Business




Duration:0:29:23 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Elis Diamond, Ally Style


Filesize: 832.0 Mb


About:In this piss soaked update Elis Diamond and Ally Style are approached by a veryforward guy who at least pretends he's into what these incredibly hot girlshave to say, but of course is really interested in so much more. Lucky for him,he doesn't even have to put in much work with these ladies, because they've gota glass or two of champagne in them and a little gallery space all tothemselves, so a nice conversation quickly turns into a much more interestingoccasion. It turns out this guy is busting for a piss, and what do you know,these Pissing In Action chicks are all about taking a hard stream of piss allover their satin outfits, all over their faces, and right into their mouthsbefore the fucking even begins! With an intro like that you know there's goingto be an insane amount of piss fucking going on with this trio, and nobody doespiss sex hotter or nastier than PIA!















Duration:0:28:00 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Sharka Blue, Cameron Ferera


Filesize: 789.2 Mb


About:Cameron Ferera's boyfriend is such a crazy sports fanatic that he puts whatevergame is on TV above anything else, but when stunning Eurobabe Sharka Blue showsup she demands some attention and knows how to get it. The plan is simple, makeout with Cameron until the boyfriend can no longer stand it and has no choicebut to join in. However, the game has a hold on him, so the ladies have to takemore drastic measures - pissing! As soon as this guy witnesses the lesbianshowers happening right next to him on the couch he forgets all about the game,and the real pissing in action fun begins! Both these ladies get pounded andpissed on until they're all drenched and worn out - Pissing In Action alwaysdominates over any sport!







WeHave Your Golden Ticket Right Here!




Duration:0:29:31 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Sharka Blue, Cindy Dollar


Filesize: 836.2 Mb


About:After a night of partying at the club it seems Cindy Dollar and Sharka Bluehave lost their coat tickets, and the hard-ass coat guy isn't going to justhand out jackets with no proof, even if the two ladies in question areincredibly hot and looking fine in their satin outfits. No, this guy isdedicated to his job, but Sharka whispers an idea into Cindy's ear that's sureto work. All these bangin' sluts need to do is piss fuck the guy and he'll givethem the whole damn rack of coats if they want! Sometimes a girls gotta do whata girls gotta do, and this tough guy ain't complaining! As expected the plangoes off perfectly, with all three of these club fuckers going at it hard,ripping away at pantyhose and fucking like animals while these two chicks getcompletely drenched in piss! Something tells us these chicks will make it apoint to "lose" their tickets next time they hit up this club!













Duration:0:26:53 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Rachel La Rouge, Shylla Night


Filesize: 764.1 Mb


About:Rachel La Rouge and her Eurobabe buddy are trying to get their act together nowthat the nice weather is approaching, and that means tightening up theiralready smoking hot bods with their personal fitness center. However, after along period of no use it needs some repair, so the girls have called over atattooed, tough-guy looking repairman, their favorite type of guy, and aftermaking a few little tweaks and repairs here and there this threesome decides itwould be much more productive (and sexy!) to get down to the best kind ofworkout, a hardcore, sweat-inducing Pissing In Action drench-fucking session!These satin clad beauties are soon covered from head to toe in piss, lovingevery minute of their golden showers while getting fucked at the same time!There's plenty of pantyhose destruction in this update as well, as this toughguy always has to rip something up, and once they're all soaked and worn outit's time to cream some titties!











FineBabes with Fabulous Cunts!




Duration:0:23:00 (scenes: 1)

Director:Maurice Phillipe

Starring:Lugina SPAM, Jasmina


Filesize: 370.31 MB


About:Lugina SPAM and Jasmina are treated to one hot drenching, in both cum and piss,but the latter gets them off the hardest during this fun fourway in the diningroom. Their two fuck buddies ride them hard while taking turns pissing in theirmouths and all over their beautiful satin blouses and silk stockings. Bothbabes have fabulous cunts, and they dedicate some time to spreading their pissflaps apart and spraying like hydrants!


  • Guest
Piss-DrenchedCouch for Sale: Priced to Move!




Duration:0:24:51 (scenes: 1)

Director:Maurice Phillipe

Starring:Rachel Evans, Sara Romain


Filesize: 417.8 Mb


About:Rachel and her sexy friend Sara are checking out couches at the Carl's CouchCastle, but it seems that neither Rachel or Sara can decide which model wouldsuit their apartment best, so they simply give up on shopping and startseducing, instead! Right on the showroom floor both girls start working thissalesman's cock, finally asking to be drenched in piss before he continuesrooting his tool in their mouths and cunts! It's an amazing scene, and it sureseems that at least one sectional couch will be on sale next week, albeitslightly damp!












Readyfor Some Hot, Yellow Love?




Duration:0:22:31 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Margarita, Simone Shine


Filesize: 386.5 Mb


About:Busted! While Margarita and her boyfriend sneak off for a quick fuck, theirsticky-fingered 'friend' Simone snoops around and, discovering a drawer ofexpensive jewelry, tries to grab it an go. But she doesn't get far beforeMargarita totally busts her in the act and it's time for a little payback,Pissing in Action style! They force Simone on her knees while Margarita's manwhips out his hose and then whizzes all over her, destroying her expensive newfur coat. Then they make her suck the last few drops of piss out of his cockand keep on sucking. This hot scene makes them all so horny they're ready toforgive, forget...and fuck. The dude takes turns pounding both of theseslammin'-hot babes, then making them taste their own cunt juice off his cocktil he blows his load, but not before Margarita gets her turn to release somehot yellow love all over the busted burglar.











SexySatin Soaking, Courtesy of Ms. Pepper




Duration:0:18:04 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Rachel Evans, Pepper


Filesize: 306.0 Mb


About:All it takes is a small wager to get this host Pissing In Action scene rolling.Fortunately, Rachel and Pepper lose and wind up on the receiving end of somehot golden shower action. Sucking and fucking understandably ensues, and, forthe coup de grace, Rachel's beautiful satin blouse gets totally doused in pisscourtesy of Pepper.











SomeReally Nasty Piss Slurping!




Duration:0:24:00 (scenes: 1)


Starring:Margarita, Pepper


Filesize: 393.7 Mb


About:Margarita and Pepper get dosed in piss and take turns fucking friend Patrick onthe couch in a raunchy threeway, which features some nasty piss slurping,tonsil brushing, and womb brooming! Patrick hoses down the babes a couple oftimes while switching out his meat stick between their swollen cunts, and thegirls take a shot at each other as well, spreading their flaps and dousingaway, before getting on their knees to share a hot wad.







AlwaysBet On BLACK!!!




Duration:0:27:17 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Roxyn, Leny Wild


Filesize: 263.2 Mb


About:Leny Wild and Roxyn are decked out in some shiny silky threads and not onlytake turns getting railed by Joachim's giant cock, but also go tit for tatgetting soaking wet in a sea of pungent hot piss. They don't even bother takingof their fineries, they just pull their panties aside and let our mastercocksmith go to town, railing and drenching them into next Tuesday!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2011, 01:18:52 pm »
TheStud Slatherer




Duration:0:25:00 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Celine Noiret, Roxyn


Filesize: 430.7 Mb


About:You're sure to be gagging for it when you see these two horny babes attack afriendly guy and start sucking his cock. He finally rolls one chick over andstuffs it into her cunt from behind while the second babe straddles the pairand spreads her flaps, dousing her girlfriend in pee. This pissing in actioncontinues, with each girl drenching the other between taking turns riding thisguy's thick hog, until the girls finally share a dose of jizz this studslathers over both of their open, waiting lips.











TheSun Never Sets On All This Piss!




Duration:0:22:43 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Pepper, Cassie Morgan


Filesize: 203.8 Mb


About:CODE YELLOW! Security officer Johnson is paid well to protect his boss, so he'salways as thorough as possible, especially with the ladies. When theridiculously hot Pepper and Cassie Morgan stop by to fuck the boss, OfficerJohnson treats them as he would any visitor by searching EVERY possible placethey could be hiding a weapon. Then, to make sure they aren't packing anyexplosives, he hoses them down with some of his own hot yellow piss beforetaking them in and further probing them for hidden weapons...with his hugecock! He takes turns plunging their pussies, occasionally stopping to make surethat his piss doesn't dry off.











There'sa Piss Hurricane A' Blowin'!




Duration:0:22:55 (scenes: 1)

Director:Maurice Phillipe

Starring:Lillypop, Anabel


Filesize: 328.0 Mb


About:Lilypop and her friend Anabel find their horny selves in the middle of a pisshurricane when they start a wild threeway with a hung dude that had a taste forwatersports. That's just the perfect set up for pee-loving Lilypop, and shemakes her both her and Anabel's silk blouses drenched in hot piss before reallygetting down to the hard fucking and sucking!












TheyTake to the Urine Like Fish to Water!




Duration:0:28:08 (scenes: 1)


Starring:Lillypop, Rachel Evans


Filesize: 435.2 Mb


About:A mildly retarded autistic man thought that a decorative pond might house sometasty trout, but the only thing in it are lilies, and he should have known thatmeant Lillypop might be close by! (or maybe not, the writer admits that couldbe a stretch.) Regardless, Lillypop and friend Rachel do catch this guy andmake him pay for fishing without a permit, first holding him captive, and thenforcing him to drop his drawers and empty his bladder. They take to that urinelike fish to water, and the next thing you know they're working his cock withmouth and cunt while taking turns pissing on each other. This guy doesn't seemto mind the abuse these horny, piss loving girls dish out, since it's theclosest thing to a fish dinner this dimwit will be getting tonight!













WetCunts for Lunch!




Duration:0:21:00 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Margarita, Christina Lee


Filesize: 322.6 Mb


About:Margarita and Christina Lee are dressed in some beautiful outfits: satin andsilk stockings and blouses, and when they feel the warm sun on their skin theycan't help but think of the sensation of cum and piss and the feeling of a hungman sliding hard in and out of their wet cunts! Luckily for them, in thisoutdoor scene, a stallion does appear, and he takes them to the heights ofecstasy by riding inside their mouths and cunts while they take turns pissingon one another like the insane!


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NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2011, 01:04:21 pm »
[color="#FF0000"][size="4"]Pls. Read. Importand update to the rules [/size][/color]


  • Guest
NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 05:01:19 pm »
StraightTo Piss Business




Duration:0:29:23 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Elis Diamond, Ally Style


Filesize: 832.0 Mb


About:In this piss soaked update Elis Diamond and Ally Style are approached by a veryforward guy who at least pretends he's into what these incredibly hot girlshave to say, but of course is really interested in so much more. Lucky for him,he doesn't even have to put in much work with these ladies, because they've gota glass or two of champagne in them and a little gallery space all tothemselves, so a nice conversation quickly turns into a much more interestingoccasion. It turns out this guy is busting for a piss, and what do you know,these Pissing In Action chicks are all about taking a hard stream of piss allover their satin outfits, all over their faces, and right into their mouthsbefore the fucking even begins! With an intro like that you know there's goingto be an insane amount of piss fucking going on with this trio, and nobody doespiss sex hotter or nastier than PIA!















Duration:0:28:00 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Sharka Blue, Cameron Ferera


Filesize: 789.2 Mb


About:Cameron Ferera's boyfriend is such a crazy sports fanatic that he puts whatevergame is on TV above anything else, but when stunning Eurobabe Sharka Blue showsup she demands some attention and knows how to get it. The plan is simple, makeout with Cameron until the boyfriend can no longer stand it and has no choicebut to join in. However, the game has a hold on him, so the ladies have to takemore drastic measures - pissing! As soon as this guy witnesses the lesbianshowers happening right next to him on the couch he forgets all about the game,and the real pissing in action fun begins! Both these ladies get pounded andpissed on until they're all drenched and worn out - Pissing In Action alwaysdominates over any sport!







WeHave Your Golden Ticket Right Here!




Duration:0:29:31 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Sharka Blue, Cindy Dollar


Filesize: 836.2 Mb


About:After a night of partying at the club it seems Cindy Dollar and Sharka Bluehave lost their coat tickets, and the hard-ass coat guy isn't going to justhand out jackets with no proof, even if the two ladies in question areincredibly hot and looking fine in their satin outfits. No, this guy isdedicated to his job, but Sharka whispers an idea into Cindy's ear that's sureto work. All these bangin' sluts need to do is piss fuck the guy and he'll givethem the whole damn rack of coats if they want! Sometimes a girls gotta do whata girls gotta do, and this tough guy ain't complaining! As expected the plangoes off perfectly, with all three of these club fuckers going at it hard,ripping away at pantyhose and fucking like animals while these two chicks getcompletely drenched in piss! Something tells us these chicks will make it apoint to "lose" their tickets next time they hit up this club!













Duration:0:26:53 (scenes: 1)

Director:Joe Monti

Starring:Rachel La Rouge,Shylla Night


Filesize: 764.1 Mb


About:Rachel La Rougeand her Eurobabe buddy are trying to get their act together now that the niceweather is approaching, and that means tightening up their already smoking hotbods with their personal fitness center. However, after a long period of no useit needs some repair, so the girls have called over a tattooed, tough-guylooking repairman, their favorite type of guy, and after making a few littletweaks and repairs here and there this threesome decides it would be much moreproductive (and sexy!) to get down to the best kind of workout, a hardcore,sweat-inducing Pissing In Action drench-fucking session! These satin cladbeauties are soon covered from head to toe in piss, loving every minute oftheir golden showers while getting fucked at the same time! There's plenty ofpantyhose destruction in this update as well, as this tough guy always has torip something up, and once they're all soaked and worn out it's time to creamsome titties!











FineBabes with Fabulous Cunts!




Duration:0:23:00 (scenes: 1)

Director:Maurice Phillipe

Starring:Lugina SPAM, Jasmina


Filesize: 370.31 MB


About:Lugina SPAM and Jasmina are treated to one hot drenching, in both cum and piss,but the latter gets them off the hardest during this fun fourway in the diningroom. Their two fuck buddies ride them hard while taking turns pissing in theirmouths and all over their beautiful satin blouses and silk stockings. Bothbabes have fabulous cunts, and they dedicate some time to spreading their pissflaps apart and spraying like hydrants!


  • Guest
NEW!!! Piss in HD - Exclusive Pissing Orgies, Golden Rain (1080p - 720p)
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2011, 06:55:17 am »
[size="3"][color="#FF0000"]You were asked to read the rules.. please do so..

Read the updated rules