Author Topic: Destiny's Welcomed Fate  (Read 5448 times)

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Destiny's Welcomed Fate
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:40:09 pm »
Just a little something I wrote for a very kinky friend a few years back. Hope you enjoy it.

Destiny's Welcomed Fate

Talking across the cyber lanes; sharing desires, and speaking of dark things, daring whispers. Such secrets are only safe when shared with a hidden stranger. It was then that I began this twisted plot to gain my desires and at the same time quench the mysteries you sought answers for.

It must have seemed quite innocent when it arrived... it was meant too. Or perhaps simple blind luck, a commodity that had so often escaped you in the past, how could you question its plain arrival now?

A free week's vacation at a quiet, secluded lake resort. I made it appear as a promotion lottery, designed to attract publicity for the resort. Only a simple phone call to a toll free number and your fantasy... your shaded secret, began to unfold before wondering eyes.

You seemed quite excited telling me about it when we spoke that night. I sat here chuckling as I encouraged you to take the entire time for yourself, "Leave the kids with their dad for a week, girl. You need to take some time for just yourself, rest, and relax." ...

Do you remember girl? Did you notice that this particular resort lay exactly half way between the distance that has separated us, continually frustrated our will? You were so easy to convince, I can only wonder if you already knew my intent, but the shell of propriety surrounding you, forbade seeing or acknowledging such hidden desires.

You made your plans so quickly girl, you left that very weekend.

I waited for you to arrive. I knew that that these cabins were fully modern, computers equipped in each one. When you logged in to our chat room that night you seemed disappointed to find me still at home. Did you think I would be so easy, girl? I made you wait for two days before I finally packed some special items into a black duffel bag, gassed up my truck and began the 5-hr. drive to the secluded lake, which now held the answers to all my perverted dreams and evil desires. Arriving just before dusk, I parked my car at a nearby scenic overlook, grabbed my black bag and using a hiking trail through the woods, I walked the remaining mile to an intersection with a long winding road that led to your cabin.

My first sight of you was as you stood on the cabin's deck overlooking the lake. The sheer light of a crescent moon silhouetting your night-gowned form. You appeared to be searching the darkness, already awaiting your fate. Welcoming it, longing for it, even as a stony fear gripped the depth of your stomach. Was that a sigh, as you turned and re-entered the cabin, girl? Lights flashing off, followed by a brief burst of light from your bedroom window, and then only your shadowed form, hiding in the very darkness you sought... lurking at the window... searching... searching.

I waited for three damn hrs, girl! Cloaked by the shadowing trees, mosquitoes drawing their fair share of my blood. I vowed your suffering would at least equal mine. Finally, assured you were really asleep, and certainly believing that tonight was just another evening of unfulfilled hopes, and fears never faced, I quietly approached the cabin stopping at the foot of your door. Wondering if you would be so bold, I test the latch... why am I not surprised? It is open. Silent as a cockroach, I wind my way into your inner sanctuary. Opening my black bag I rummage through a small collection of ski masks choosing the bright red one. The color of blood, perhaps it would remind you of the dangerous line you have crossed this night. Also removing a set of steel handcuffs and a coil of rope, I creep to your bedroom door. Yes girl, the door has been well oiled; it opened silently allowing my entrance as I approached your sleeping outline in the shadowy bedroom. I gaze at you for a moment, sleeping so peacefully, unprotected and vulnerable.

Sudden movement forces my commitment, you turn fitfully in your sleep, eyes fluttering open. Jumping forward I grip your hands and before you wake completely, I snap both wrists into the cold, steel manacles. Grabbing the attached rope and taking full advantage of your sleeping and surprised state, I drag you unceremoniously out the bedroom door, into the main cabin, where, in typical "outdoor cabin motif" a 12 ft square wooden beam stretches over the entire span of the cabin ceiling. Intended to support the cabin roof, this night this sturdy beam would also support your weight, my lovely slut... for a night of my own special pleasures.

Tossing my end of the rope over the beam I pull you to the center of the room, stretching your arms above your head till you rise slightly on the soles of your feet. Stepping to a far corner of the room, I tie my end of the rope to a steel ring on the fireplace mantel. I step back, allowing you a moment to come to terms with your predicament. Time to realize that at last, you had crossed the line you had always feared to step over. For several minutes you fight, pulling hard on the lines that support you, hoping they may break, or you might somehow slip out of the hard steel entrapping your wrists. You scream, calling for help, begging for mercy, and finally cussing me, naming me as the bastard, which I assure you girl.... I truly am. But your screams will go nowhere, they are held firmly within these cabin walls. Any muffled whispers, which might escape to wandering ears, would surely be considered as nothing more then the shrill screams of a rabbit, trapped for a final eternity between the teeth of a snarling wolf. Come girl... feel with certain finality, the sharpness of my teeth.

Pulling my bag from the floor, trying to ignore your cursing, I pull out a 3-foot spreader bar with Velcro ankle cuffs and a long rubber riding quip. I circle you carefully, as your eyes fall to the items I hold in my hands you glare at me and new resistance rises. You prepare to attempt to strike out with your foot. Silly girl, in your current position, your every move is telegraphed before it has even begun. As your foot rises to the top of its futile arc, one quick flip of my wrist brings the riding quip smartly down upon the sole of your bare foot. It is clear that you are strong, but you are also very foolish. Sadly, I must set a firm example. Walking around you I strike a quick succession of blows against your tender flesh. Your outer thighs and buttocks are soon covered with slowly reddening stripes. Standing in front of you I hold out the spreader bars and for the first time command you with my voice. "You will extend you foot, on the floor, and allow me to place your ankle in this cuff".

Your slowness to obey required immediate correction. When I finished circling you this time, and your cries finally stopped, I merely held out the spreader bar and waited as your foot slowly extended awaiting the ankle cuff, which I quickly placed securely around your right ankle. Stepping back I pointed to the left foot and the other end of the spreader bar. You seemed to realize that this was truly the end, the final line, which once crossed, could never be taken back, only accepted and acknowledged with the weight of your shame. With a final sob of defeat, any final possibility of your escape was ended with the quick snap of the Velcro cuff.

Now certain of your containment, I proceeded at a leisurely and happy pace to empty most of the remaining contents of my black bag; laying them one by one before your fearful gaze. A set of steel nipple clamps, attached together by a short golden chain, a long black silk scarf, 3 butt plugs of increasing size, a candle, assorted lengths of rope, duct tape and several other delightful implements that clearly you had no idea of their intended purpose. Finally, removing it with a flourish and a wave through an imagined enemy in the air.... a 7 inch hunting knife.

Your eyes widened as I approached you with the sharp knife. Perhaps you really have gone to far, in the search for this hidden fantasy. Raising the hem of your nightgown, I place the flat of the cold metal blade against the skin of your exposed stomach, slowly sliding it down. A quick flip of my wrist, causes a sharp intake of breadth, but the knife has already completed its task, as your thong panties fall in shredded tatters to the floor. With your cunt finally revealed, I cannot resist. Reaching out my hand I allow my finger to graze the top of your hooded clit. I am rewarded with a moan and a flush of wetness upon my hand. Bringing my finger to your lips, I rub your own juices all over your face. For it is the final admission of your coming defeat, your own body betrays your truest desires, girl. The knife makes quick work of your nightgown, and at last you stand naked and vulnerable before me.

It was then almost 8 pm, there was a very important game on Monday night football which I had no intention of missing. I had to hurry to finish preparing you for the evening's coming games. Starting with the scarf, I wrap it over your eyes tying it firmly in place. Picking up the smallest butt plug, I place it before your lips. "Wet this good girl, it is the only lubrication it will receive."

You seem to almost spit on the plug, attempting to coat it with as much slippery saliva as it will possibly hold. Pressing it firmly against the ring of your nether hole, this small plug slides far to easily into the depths of your bowels and locks firmly in place. Again you moan, enjoying these slight preliminaries. Very soon your limits will be stretched far beyond where you ever thought you could go. Tired of hearing your sobs, I pick up the duct tape and your torn panties. Holding your nose till your mouth opens for air, I quickly shove the wadded panties in, securing them with a doublewide strip of tape. Leaning close to your ear, I whisper harshly. "You have this silly fantasy girl ... to be raped in your ass. You need not fear that fantasy's possible reality, I have no intention of raping your ass tonight. It is not rape when your ass has been finally granted to me by your own lips. Let there be no mistake silly girl, before this night is over, you will beg me to penetrate fully, that hole upon your body, which you have guarded and held selfishly for so long."

One final piece to complete your initial preparation, headphones were placed over your ears. Connected to my portable CD player, which plays a specially prepared disc just for this night girl. A recording of Nazareth's, "Love Hurts," it is on a loop recording, so it will play continuously. Very appropriate music for the evening's plans. Don't you agree girl?

Before leaving you in your prison of darkness and blaring sound, I cup the mound of your pussy, rubbing firmly your hard clit and allowing one finger to probe the wet depths of your hole. Your pelvis thrust forward seeking more pressure upon the sensitive nub, but I quickly back away leaving you straining against your bonds, unsatisfied.

I turn the TV on and settle down with a cold beer in hand for a very good football game. I took full advantage of every commercial break to continue our private game. I still believe it was the hot wax and ice cubes that evoked the greatest response from you. The sensation of cold ice upon already hard nipples, followed by the surprise of hot wax replacing the ice as fiery dribbles cooled and hardened against sensitive flesh. At half time I replaced the small butt plug with the medium sized plug. Oiling this one I inserted it with one smooth push, fully encasing it beyond the tight ring of your ass as you groaned a muffled plea of protest... and so our game continued.

The other game lasted, (as most football games do), for almost three hrs. At some point near the end of the game, I attached the nipple clamps firmly to your erect nipples, wrapping the chain around your neck and pulling it tight so that any raising of your head caused painful pulling and stretching of the tender nubs.

The end of each and every commercial was completed the same way. My hand and fingers furiously rubbing and penetrating your sex. Bringing you each time near the brink of your pleasure, but always withdrawing before the crest could be attained. By the end of the game, you were sobbing into your gag from frustration. Your pelvis circled, searching the cold air, attempting to will it into a hardened tool that might cause some minor degree of friction against your dripping cunt.

With the football game over, it was finally time to devote my entire attention to you and my own desires. I release the rope that holds your arms extended, you collapse into a weakened ball to the floor. Moving a barstool, I lift you over it, resting you upon your stomach, pulling your arms immediately down and fastening the handcuffs to the bottom rung of the stool. A short piece of rope tied first to the spreader bar and then to the stool, assured your complete immobility. I remove your blindfold, for I wish to see the terror of the unknown reflected deeply within the pool of your eyes. I am rewarded with exactly what I seek as I pick up the final butt plug, and your eyes widen even as your head begins to shake furiously. It was rather large... wasn't it girl? Fully 3 inches in diameter at its widest point, it had never been successfully used, for I had yet to find a girl willing to accept it. But your willingness that night, girl.... was simply not a question open for debate.

Standing behind your trembling form, I poured warm oil generously over the monster plug, allowing an ample portion to drip and spread around your already delightfully stretched anal ring. I waited a moment, a time of reflection for you to ponder your fate. Standing back I stroked my shaft with an already oiled hand, gazing proudly at my new creation, your fight was almost ended. No longer struggling to gain your freedom, you hung limply within your bindings. Both your holes raised to a perfect line of attack, legs spread wide, your pussy lips opened just enough to allow a perfect view of your erect clit. Your tortured little nubbin, played with for so long, yet seemingly, denied forever; and still it stood alert, drenched with your copious fluids.

I took pity on you then, girl, and simply to show the power of my grace, I reached out extending a level of mercy. I released the clamp from your right nipple, rubbing it gently as the blood painfully returned. Even though your head was now free to rise, you did not look up. You could not see my pride filled smile at that special moment, could you girl?

Now, I returned to the task at hand, for even with mercy's consideration given, your next task had already been given fates final seal. Gently removing the plug in your ass and oiling the final butt plug with one last liberal coating, I press it home, watching as the ring of your ass extended around the widening end of the huge plug. Your head began to shake, and there were muffled screams through your gag. But we are almost there now, barely 1/2 inch remains to finally enclose the widest edge of the invading plug.

Standing directly behind you I slapped the lips of your pussy with the greased head of my cock. The sudden burst of pleasure mixed with pain gave exactly the response I desire from you... a quick intake of breath, followed by a soft moan. With one final twist, I corkscrew the plug pressing it firmly, and just as the overstretched ring of your ass makes it final crawl over the hard rubber... I ram the full length of my greased shaft firmly and entirely into the wet depths of your womb, holding it there till you adjusted to both invasions of your most private regions.

You were so funny as I withdrew from you, grasping me with your muscles in a futile battle as I left you empty once more. Hoping so desperately for that one small amount of friction that would finally grant your release. But not yet, I have one last toy there before you, surely you have wondered of its purpose?

An elbow length, leather glove with nylon ropes extending from it. Ahhh this toy is of my own design, and you will be my beta tester to work out the bugs. Releasing your right wrist from its handcuff, the leather glove is wrapped around your hand and secured, forcing your first three fingers and your thumb into a fist, held there tightly by the encasing leather. Your forefinger is allowed to exit the glove... and for the moment, allowed to move freely. Along the back of the glove are three metal rings with long strands of nylon rope attached to each one. The first ring is located just above the wrist, the second just behind the wrist, and the last one is located just behind your elbow.

I produce the final piece to this new toy, a steel cross with four remote controlled pulleys attached to each point of the cross. Centering it on the spreader bar now separating your legs, I screw it firmly in place aligning it so that it rest directly behind your exposed and gaping holes. Pulling your hand up between your legs, I attach each rope from the glove to its appropriate pulley on the steel cross resting behind you. We were almost ready then, just one last adornment, a gold ring slipped over your extending forefinger with the final rope running back and looped through the remaining pulley on the cross.

Picking up the remote control I press the first button and see a welcoming turn of the pulley as your entire arm moved backward. Playing with it a bit, pushing the buttons for each pulley and adjusting the tension, I soon became quite skilled in positioning your hand. I slowly manipulated it near your drenched and waiting pussy. Not quite touching, yet close enough to allow you're forefinger solid contact once I released the rope now restraining it.

You had one final step to complete girl, you had progressed very well so far accepting your ordeal; but you have not yet signed the contract of your fate with the conviction of your own voice. Kneeling before you, I gently remove the tape covering your mouth and remove the panty gag. Holding a glass of cool water before you, I allow you to drink your fill, replenishing the fluids you have been losing elsewhere.

Slowly, I release the tension on the rope holding back your questing forefinger until contact is made, and the first knuckle slides into your hole. Furiously you stroke yourself. Kneeling, I whisper in your ear, "Your body betrays you girl, look at you, tied spread eagle as a complete stranger uses your flesh, and yet your pussy is drenched with a continuing flow of juices. Do you dare still deny that you have enjoyed your punishment tonight and that your sole desire right now is for me to grant you the final gift of pleasure to your betraying lust?"

You refuse to answer... one last testament to the final remnants of the proper young girl role you have fought so valiantly to maintain. But as you feel the tightening pull of the rope holding your finger, causing it to withdraw once more before the final wave can be crested. I saw it in your eyes girl, the moment I had won.

"You know what I must hear girl, if you wish my gift."

Your sigh was clearly one of a defeated animal, "Yes Sir, use me as you please, my body, all of it is here for your pleasure alone."

Close but not quite perfect. "What is it you wish girl, I must hear it?"

You cry is as a bleating animal, "My ass Sir, please fuck me there, I have always desired to offer it to you Sir."

With one sudden pull I remove the butt plug blocking the entrance to my new hole to play with, mounting you from behind, I grasp your hair, pulling your head back sharply, "What you wish for girl, is also what I desire."

In one steady motion, I enter you and slide to the furthest depths of your bowels. I allow you only a brief moment to adjust to this new invasion, far deeper than anything you have experienced so far. Then I begin a steady sawing in and out of your extremely tight nether hole. Your whole body shook from the force of my attack, but soon you were greeting my every thrust with an equal thrust of your own. Sensing your approaching climax solely from the brutal fucking of your tender ass, I reach around to grasp the hood of your clit, "Not yet girl, never before me."

The sharp pinching of your clit sent you into spasms of pain, but it succeeded in squelching once more, the rising storm in time. It also caused the muscles of your ass to clench me in a series of milking motions that were bound to send me over the edge toward my own release. With a single cry of victory I buried myself to the hilt in your ass. Did you feel it girl? As my hot spunk sprayed the deepest walls of your ass and I achieved finally what I had only dreamed of before.

Kneeling before you, I gently lift your head to gaze into your glazed eyes, drawing your lips towards mine I kiss you fully allowing our tongues to entwine. I whisper to you, "You have pleased me well girl, I now offer you my gift and grant you your pleasure."

I release your hand from the leather glove, it flies immediately to your waiting cunt and you began a frantic rubbing of your tortured clit. I sat in front of you, watching your darting eyes as I stoked myself to new hardness before you. Your moaning increases, a small drop of blood appears where you have bit your lip so hard in concentration seeking your release... precious release. The crest approaches, you looked at me, a haggard look of desperation. Did you suspect that I would find a reason to withdraw my gift yet again? Not so girl once granted my gift could never be revoked.

A simple smile of pride from me was all your weary body required. The wave rose and rose with power that could never again be denied, and once it smashed down upon your waiting form, you were swept away, reborn within cascading waves of pleasure.

Still stroking myself, I felt my own release building once more. Reaching across to grasp the chain still attached to your one nipple I pull it tight stretching the nipple to its limits. The new input of pain mixes with the overwhelming pleasure just beginning to recede in your body. It transforms into something a hundred times more powerful. As your hand continues to furiously abuse your sex, a new wave begins to rise. Your eyes see the tight stretching of your tit and realization of my final act upon your tortured frame dawns within your mind. You surprise me, girl. You actually begged me to do it. "Please Sir, pull it from my nipple Sir... Oh God Sir... I am soooo close again... Please Sir"

This final acknowledgment of your twisted desires was sheer music to my ears. With a steady pull on the chain I increase the pressure till with a final release, its hold upon your sensitive nipple is lost. The sudden pain followed by the new blood rushing into your deprived flesh succeeds in sending you for one final ride. As your body shakes and convulses in its bindings, I stroke myself to a second release, spraying your face with my very essence. My delightful cum drips down your face as your waiting tongue extends fully hoping to catch some small portion to taste.

At last, completely sated, I rise leaving you still twitching in your bindings. Entering the bathroom I turn the water on to begin filling the double Jacuzzi. Returning to you, I was at first alarmed as you lay very still against the barstool still holding you. But on closer observation... although your eyes were closed, your chest rose and fell rapidly, and one finger was still embedded deeply in your pussy, as it slowly continued to rotate, no doubt searching for one last scrap of pleasure which still might have lain hidden somewhere within your very depths.

I released you from all your bindings and caught your exhausted body in tender arms. Rising, I carry you to the waiting Jacuzzi. Lowering you into the steaming water, resting your head upon my chest, supporting you as the hot water and soothing jets erase your stiff muscles. I clean you with a soft sponge till your entire body is pristine and fresh once more.

Floating freely there in the hot water, I whispered to you my great happiness, my pride of you. So far you traveled in just one night of exploration. And yes girl, I whispered my love for you. My own shameful acknowledgement of how you now held me in my own prison, encaged for a lifetime.

Waiting there.... just till you began drifting away into a pleasant restful sleep, I lifted you, and wrapped you tightly in warmed towels. Carrying you to the bedroom, you snuggled tightly into my chest and whispered softly to me, "Thank you Sir, this night will always be special to me, and as I lay you on the bed, "But please Sir, tomorrow night can you wear the blue mask? And Sir, please don't be so gentle." and with one final sigh, whispered so softly I could barely hear it, "I love you Sir", you were finally gone, escaping to a place where pain could not exist, and nightmares are forbidden, a place of only treasured memories and precious dreams.

I watched you for some time as you slept naked beside me. I was already planning the next night's possibilities; your final sleepy words spurring my imagination. Silly girl, did you really think that I would not continue to test your highest limits? You may not have so freely discarded my desire to be gentle with you that first night, if you knew the rest of the items still resting, hidden in my bag.

A large assortment of body jewelry, piercing tools, and a branding iron which contained my personal mark. I chuckled quietly as I examined closely your sleeping, naked flesh, plotting potential alterations in my mind, for I now had no doubt. Before this week would end, you would not only acknowledge with your lips your flesh as mine. You would also beg to be properly adorned and branded with my personal mark.

With such thoughts rolling pleasantly in my mind and your warm flesh nestled firmly against me, I also drift to sleep. For me, a place of dreams not as pleasant as yours, but every bit as enjoyable.

c2004 S.Loeding All Rights Reserved