Author Topic: complete control  (Read 7464 times)

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complete control
« on: August 15, 2010, 12:59:53 pm »

 The Story of an Actual xperience

 It's late at night and we are in bed talking about our latest sexual
 activities. It's early in our relationship and we are still discovering each
 other's preferences.

 We talk about how I like my nipples sucked. I tell him that I like pretty
 severe sucking, to the point of using teeth to pull and nibble on them, and
 that he is the first person who has ever been able to understand how good it
 feels to have them stimulated so strongly. He responds maybe that's because
 most men believe that would hurt instead of please the woman, and I respond
 with, "Maybe that's true, but sometimes pain can be a good thing." He mulls
 that over, and I can't actually believe I just put it that bluntly, but we
 both kind of ignore the significance of the statement and go on to other

 We eventually get into another discussion where the "B" word finally comes
 up, and we both admit to each other that we have fantasized about bondage. We
 talk about experimenting, and the next couple of weeks are filled with
 conversations and anticipation about our impending journey into bondage. We
 decide that I am to be the submissive. I don't have much in the way of
 dominant tendencies -- I have always been submissive in my bondage fantasies.
 Even though he is interested in both the dominant and submissive roles, I am
 clearly more the submissive.

 We decide this will be the weekend for our bondage experiment. He goes to
 work on Friday leaving me the whole day to wonder and worry about what the
 evening will hold for me. I know he has acquired the toys and torture tools
 he plans on using, and they must be around the house somewhere by this time,
 but he has been adamant that he doesn't want me knowing what his plans for me
 are, and I agree with his rationale. I've been careful over the past few days
 not to look for the toys or even come across them by mistake for fear of
 ruining his plans.

 He has always been the gentlest and sweetest person to me, but while talking
 about my submission to him and how he plans to dominate me, he has actually
 begun to be quite the disciplinarian. He has already promised me punishments
 for certain "transgressions" I've committed. His promise to "mess with" my
 tits is particularly intriguing. I don't know what he has in mind for the
 punishments, but while part of me is looking forward to it, the other part of
 me is a bit fearful, and I want to avoid adding reasons for punishment to his

 Evening finally comes and we return from work, but he is in a bad mood and
 has had a bad day. We have dinner, but he then tells me he's too tired for
 our bondage games tonight and wants to go to bed. I cannot believe he is
 saying that -- surely he must be joking. Is this more of his mind domination,
 or is he really serious? Evidently he is serious because he gets up and heads
 toward the bedroom, and I just want to cry. I follow him into the bedroom,
 all the while trying to figure out what I have done wrong to make him decide
 to forgo our bondage session. Luckily, after about 10 minutes in bed, he
 tells me he's now ready to test out tying me up. My heart begins to race
 again. I wonder if I will be sorry for hoping he would change his mind.

 He tells me to follow him to the living room, which I do. He then tells me to
 strip. I stand in the corner of the room undressing and leave my clothes on
 the floor beside me. Now I'm completely naked (in more ways than one?). He
 has moved to the fireplace and is retrieving a toolbox that was behind a
 chair there. He has opened up the toolbox and is taking things out, and I am
 too anxious to even notice what everything is. He tells me to come closer,
 which I do, and I attempt to smile at him, but he is totally focused on this
 really long piece of rope that he wants to use on me. He tells me to put my
 arms in the air and he starts to wind the rope around my chest, underneath my

 As he winds the rope around and around, I can hear a "whish" as it moves
 through the air, and he is tightly winding around my chest two or three times
 and then moves to the top of my tits, winding it around the top a number of
 times too. The rope is nylon and I am extremely turned on by the feel of the
 tight bondage and the sound of the rope moving around my body.

 He then takes the ends of the rope and cinches them around the loops in
 between my tits, then directs them over my shoulders, tying the ends to the
 loops behind my back. He then cinches the bottom rope and top rope together
 on the outer sides of my tits, forcing my tits even closer together and
 making them incredibly sensitive to the touch. As he turns me around to check
 the back, I catch a glance of myself in the mirror and can see that the rope
 is forcing my tits to protrude, making my already large tits seem even
 larger, and they are already swelling from the bondage. I am excited by how
 he has forced my tits to take the shape that he wants, ready to be used and
 tortured at his will.

 He locks leather cuffs on my wrists with tiny padlocks. He then tells me to
 put my hands behind my back, which I, of course, do. He secures my wrists
 cuffs together and tells me to kneel. He then informs me of my safewords:
 "yellow" to mean he should ease up on whatever he's doing at that moment, and
 "red" to mean everything should stop. I let him know I understand the
 safewords, but I force from my mind the thought that I might actually use

 He then goes about tying my elbows together with another length of rope. My
 elbows are having a hard time meeting, and that takes him a while to work on,
 but the constant "whish"ing of the rope as he's manipulating my arms and the
 feeling of the rope itself keeps my excitement level elevated.

 After tying my elbows close together, he tells me to lie on the floor, face
 down. I try to do that, but with my hands and elbows tied behind my back, I
 have no way to brace myself, and I am having difficulty lying down. He
 decides to expedite the process, grabs the ropes wrapped around my chest
 behind my back, and pushes me forward. But, because I don't know he's got
 ahold of me and intends to keep me from falling, I initially resist his
 efforts to lower me down because I still feel like I'll fall. He releases his
 grip at about the same time I end my resistance to his pushing, and I end up
 falling straight onto the floor. He tells me he had meant to keep that from
 happening, but I actually like that he was so forceful and I was so helpless.

 Suddenly he starts to chastise me for one of my most recent "transgressions"
 and starts to spank my ass as punishment. Everything up to this point has
 felt more like preparation, but suddenly he is seriously treating me as his
 sub and I am immediately incredibly humiliated. I turn to look at him, but he
 is continuing his spanking, with his bare hand, and will not catch my glance.
 I am so embarrassed that I try to put my head under my arm to hide my face,
 but my arm is, of course, tied behind my back. So I settle for my shoulder.

 Then suddenly it's not his hand that is spanking me, but there is this
 "whoosh" and a much harder thwat on my ass. I turn to see what it is, and I
 see a cat-o-nine-tails. Now the humiliation is increased tenfold, and there
 is a rising level of pain as I wonder if I can bear the embarrassment of him
 continuing to flog my ass.

 He continues for a while, moving between my ass and upper thighs, and I can
 feel the heat rush to my ass and legs as they turn red from the flogging. I
 wonder if he knows that he is fulfilling one of my deepest and most
 humiliating fantasies. I have always wanted serious ass spankings, and as
 painful and humiliating as it is, I am enjoying every single painful moment.

 The spanking and flogging don't last too long, and he has now decided to
 hog-tie me. He is using more rope to tie my ankles together and then fold
 them up to my ass and tie them to the rope between my elbows. I really like
 the way this feels when he completes the hog-tie -- I am totally immobilized
 and at his mercy. I am really feeling more and more submissive to him by the
 minute. Unfortunately the elbow ropes soon begin to cut off circulation in my
 arms, so he unties them and releases me from the hog-tie. I am saddened by
 this, but little do I know what else he has in store for me.

 He frees my wrists and ankles, but keeps the cuffs on my wrists. He tells me
 to move over to the door to his office, adjacent to the living room. He steps
 away and comes back with a hook that he places over the rim of the door
 before closing the door. He tells me to stand with my back against the door,
 facing the living room, with my arms over my head. I do so and he quickly
 ties my wrist cuffs to the hook so that my arms are now secured near the top
 of the door. As he does this, I feel my tits jut out even more, and there is
 no way for me to prevent my huge swollen tits, the size of which has always
 embarrassed me, from sticking straight out into the air. He then ties my
 ankles together once more. Then he blindfolds me. Now I am increasingly
 apprehensive and entirely at his mercy.

 He moves away for a moment and it sounds like he's going back to the toolbox.
 I cannot see a thing and can only wonder what he's planning next. He doesn't
 make me wait too long, and he is back in front of me, touching my tits. His
 hands move toward my nipples. The bondage has made them even more sensitive,
 and I am really enjoying his touch. Suddenly though, he clamps something onto
 each nipple and the pain is unbelievable. It feels like they are on fire, and
 the pain is radiating throughout my nipples. Just as it begins to subside a
 bit, the pain intensifies.

 "Are you tightening them?" I ask, and he just chuckles. I later realize he's
 chuckling because he found it amusing that I had no idea what he had used to
 torture my nipples or what was causing the additional pain. He was using
 wooden clothespins on my nipples. What made the pain increase was the fact
 that a string was tied between the clothespins and he was pulling on the

 I then hear what sounds like a chair or something being placed in front of
 me. I wonder what he could be doing with the chair. He tells me to stand up
 on my tip-toes as high as I can, which I do, and after a second or two I feel
 a stronger tugging at my nipples. He has attached a second string to the
 string between the clothespins and has pulled it toward the ceiling where he
 uses a strong rubber band to attach it to the ceiling with a push-pin. The
 string and the rubber band keep a constant tension on the clothespins and
 make them tug relentlessly at my nipples. He plucks at the string and it
 makes the clothespins jump, causing them to pull my nipples back and forth. I
 can't tell what is happening, but it feels like my nipples are vibrating and
 being painfully pulled at the same time.

 Due to the blindfold, I'm not aware of how he's arranged this tug on my
 nipples. I'm still up on my tip-toes, but the intensity of the pain is
 overwhelming. The pain distracts me from his instructions to stand up on my
 toes, and I begin to drop my heels -- when I do, the pain increases 100-fold,
 it seems. I yelp and rise back up on my tip-toes as high as I can. I ask him
 what's causing this, but he just let's me suffer. He responds that maybe I
 should try to stay up on my toes.

 I try to focus on what's happening and to understand what he means, but it
 takes a few moments, perhaps minutes, before the pain subsides enough for me
 to understand what he has done to me. He has attached my nipples to the
 ceiling with the string and rubber band so that if I stay on my toes, the
 tension on the clothespins is only moderate, but if I drop my heels, the
 tension is heightened and the pain increases. Since I'm blindfolded, I still
 don't know just how he's done it, but I do know the pain drastically
 increases if I drop my heels toward the floor.

 This is a difficult spot to be in, and I wonder how long my legs can hold
 out. As if I'm not in enough pain at this point, he decides that now is the
 time for some further punishment. He takes the cat and starts flogging me
 again. He starts lightly on my thighs, and the strokes quickly get stronger
 and harder, moving quickly over my body. I am in such incredible pain, and I
 can hardly believe he is actually doing this to me. And, the clothespins are
 still relentlessly tugging on my nipples. Once in a while, he plucks at the

 He then steps away for a moment. When he returns, I strain to hear any clue
 as to what will happen next. I don't have to wait too long. He has retrieved
 a riding crop and begins applying it to my abdomen and thighs. It stings! I
 wonder what is causing such a new and different pain, and I ask him what this
 latest tool of torture is, but he refuses to answer and scolds me for talking
 so much. He even crops the undersides of my tits, and they are so tightly
 bound and tortured from the clothespins that every stroke takes my breath
 away and I can hardly catch my breath between strokes. I ask him if my tits
 and body are red and marked from the cat and the crop, and he tells me they
 are, and I am proud to know that he has marked me with these painful blows.
 He sits down on the floor in front of me and continues applying the crop,
 concentrating on my poor titties.

 He finally stops the flogging and cropping. But soon there is a sensation of
 pins and needles running across my thighs, stomach and ultimately my tits. I
 once again do not know what's causing this new painful sensation, but later
 learn he's using a pinwheel on me. As it gets to my tits I again cannot
 refrain from moaning and panting from the combination of excitement and pain.
 And then there are more clothespins clamped on my breasts so that it is now
 impossible to tell where the pain is coming from because it is coming from

 Throughout the activities I have been a bit talkative, asking questions about
 what he is doing to me, since I am blindfolded. He has begun to tire of my
 questions and decides that it is time to test out a gag. This is something I
 had told him frightened me, yet by this point I am looking forward to it
 because I want him to forcibly stop my chattering so that I will not be
 bothering him. It is at this point I realize that he has truly "Mastered" me,
 and that my needs and fears have become secondary in my mind to pleasing him.
 I want to be able to withstand all of his torture and pain because I want him
 to be proud of me, and more importantly I want him not only to be my Dom, but
 also the Master of my body. I want him to feel that he can do anything he
 wants with me and my body and know that I will please him.

 I think he is a bit surprised that I do not object to the gag, and he goes to
 get a rubber ball gag. He comes back and places a small item in one of my
 hands. He explains that with the gag in place, I'll be unable to use the
 safeword, so if I need to say the safeword while gagged, I can give the
 safeword signal by dropping the item he put in my hand. I agree.

 Then he puts the gag in my mouth. It tastes horrible, but that bothers me
 less than the fact that it forces my mouth extremely wide open, while filling
 it up so much that I cannot even think about uttering a word. I am quite a
 talker, and this inability to speak proves very difficult for me. But I am
 happy that it prevents me from talking and bothering him. He continues
 torturing me with the cat, the crop, and the pinwheel.

 I am still on my tip-toes and my legs are tiring. My heels begin to drop, but
 the instant pulling on my nipples forces me right back up, and I can't even
 yell because of the gag. At one point he starts asking me questions, which I
 obviously cannot answer, but when I don't answer he starts flogging me harder
 and harder for my failure to respond, and I am panting and choking on the
 ball in my mouth.

 Finally he removes the gag because he can tell it is too much. This
 particular gag is really too big for me, and its narrow leather strap cuts
 into the corners of my mouth. I feel a clear sense of failure, though I know
 it is not my fault, but I want to remain gagged because I know it pleased him
 so much. He promises me that next time he'll have the problem fixed and that
 I'll remain gagged far longer. He removes the "safeword thing" from my hand.

 Eventually my legs start to shake from fatigue since I have been on my toes
 now for a very long time. He asks me if I am tiring and I hesitate to say I
 am. I promised myself two things when we decided to enter into the world of
 bondage -- one was that I wouldn't use the safeword unless I feared real
 bodily harm was imminent, and the other was that I was not going to be one of
 those subs who tops from the bottom. I do not want to tell him I am tiring
 because I do not want him to release me until he wants to. I want him to be
 in complete control.

 Finally, when my legs have reached the point where they are shaking almost
 incessantly from fatigue, he releases me from the ceiling and takes the
 clothespins off my breasts. I had read that removing the clothespins from the
 nipples hurts tremendously, but am still surprised at how much it hurts. He
 gently massages my nipples a bit and then releases my arms and legs from
 their restraints and removes the blindfold. He tells me that I should use
 this opportunity to take a bathroom break. I tell him I do not need to go,
 but he strongly urges me to take advantage of the offer because I will not be
 given another break for awhile.

 I head off to the bathroom, and immediately sink onto the toilet from
 physical and emotional fatigue. I take a couple of minutes to regain my
 resolve and strength and am amazed at how he knew better than I how badly I
 needed this break. As I turn to leave the bathroom I take a look at myself in
 the mirror. My tits are so tightly bound and red from the floggings, and my
 nipples swollen and dark from the clothespins and torment. There are red
 marks on my thighs and stomach from the floggings as well, and my face is
 flushed from the excitement. I am happy with the way I look in bondage and
 enjoy knowing he has made me this way. I feel incredibly free and liberated
 by my submission, and I return to give myself over again to his will. When I
 return to the living room, he gives me a cup of water to drink from.

 After I've sipped a bit of water, he tells me he intends to put me through
 some outdoor bondage on his front porch. While it is already past midnight, I
 am totally scared of being seen or discovered in a state of naked bondage,
 but I follow his command because I no longer even care to question it. His
 house is on a cul-de-sac in a very quiet neighborhood, and he's told me
 previously that his immediate neighbors are early-nighters, but if a car were
 to turn onto the street or a neighbor were to look outside, I am convinced
 they could see everything. Still, I am also excited by the prospect of being
 naked and tied out in the open.

 He leads me out to the front porch. A streetlight offers us enough light to
 see what we're doing, but not enough to make us obvious to a casual observer.
 He tells me to sit in one of the lounge chairs and secures my wrist cuffs
 together behind the back of the chair. He then ties my ankles to the sides of
 the chair legs so that my legs are spread open. He doesn't blindfolded me at
 this point, and I think this is so I fully realize that I'm naked, tied, and
 helpless out in the open, and that it might be possible for someone to see me
 should they step out of their house or drive down the street.

 He then goes back into the house and leaves me out there naked and bound to
 the chair on his front porch. It seems like a lifetime that I am out there
 alone (he later tells me it was only a couple of minutes), and I can hear
 every little sound. I hear cars passing on the next street, and my heart
 jumps each time because I think they might be coming this way. I want him
 back desperately, but I'm afraid to call for him because the neighbors might

 Eventually he comes back and blindfolds me again. He then puts the
 clothespins on my already sore nipples, and I try to stifle my yelp from the
 pain so the neighbors won't hear. Unbelievably, he decides to go back into
 the house once again. It's much worse this time since I'm now blindfolded and
 have no idea who might be watching or approaching me while I'm tied up out
 there. He stays inside for what again seems like an eternity, and I'm very
 relieved when he finally returns.

 But, he doesn't make things any easier on me. He then tells me to lean
 forward, which I do, and he ties the string between the clothespins to the
 porch rail with more string and a rubber band, like he'd done previously to
 the ceiling. If I try to lean back in the chair and relax, the clothespins
 tug all the more painfully on my nipples. I am now forced to sit as far
 forward in the chair as I can, with my legs spread and feet bound to the
 chair legs, barely touching the floor, leaning forward with my tits displayed
 for all the world to see. I am glad he doesn't choose to flog me at all on
 the porch because I doubt I could keep from screaming.

 But my nipples are in serious pain from the constant tugging of the
 clothespins, and I am finding it hard to balance my body and keep it tilted
 forward. He walks down to the street in front of his house to see how visible
 I am if someone should walk or drive by. My panting and silent moans from the
 pain are so loud in my own mind, and I'm so distracted by the pain and my
 predicament, that I don't hear him return. Suddenly he is kissing me on the
 mouth. I grab for him with my lips and tongue, and his mouth tastes sweeter
 than ever before and I can't get enough of him. But he pulls away too soon
 and I am left there with my mouth searching for his to no avail, and I
 whimper a bit.

 I can feel him standing in front of me, and I even think he is leaning
 against the rail, just silently watching me writhe and whimper in pain. I am
 again amazed at how sadistic he truly can be, and grateful that his sweet and
 caring nature can co-exist with his sadistic penchant to torture me and
 conquer my will. Now and then, he plucks at the string tugging on my nipples.

 It is growing chilly outside and he decides that we should move back inside.
 I am relieved because my legs are hurting from trying to keep my body
 balanced. He releases my arms, unties my legs from the chair, and removes the
 clothespins from my nipples. It takes all the will I have to keep from
 screaming at the top of my lungs as the blood rushes back to my nipples. He
 does not take off the blindfold as he guides me back inside. He holds the cup
 of water to my lips, and I drink a little more before he leads me across the
 living room floor.

 Soon I realize we are again standing at the doorway to his office. He
 positions me with my back to the closed door once again. This time he has
 decided to chain my wrist cuffs to the hook instead of tying them with rope,
 and he tells me to hold my arms up high again. But it seems my arms are so
 fatigued that they keep on dropping down, hindering his attempts to chain
 them to the hook above the door. He is losing patience with me and his voice
 is clearly cross. This strikes fear into my heart, and I hold my arms up as
 straight as I can and concentrate as hard as I can on not dropping them. He
 finally succeeds in chaining them up, even though he leaves a little play in
 the chain. I breathe a sigh of relief, despite the fact that I am once again
 entirely at his disposal.

 He then tells me to spread my legs far apart, and I wonder why. Surely he
 can't then expect to tie my nipples to the ceiling the way he did before
 because, with my legs spread, I will be way too low to the ground for that to
 be at all bearable. I spread my legs and he guides me, telling me to move
 them further and further apart. I feel him maneuvering my ankles and tying
 rope around them, but can't figure out what he's doing because I'm still
 blindfolded. Then I hear him stand up before me. I ask what he's done.

 "Try to put your legs together," is all he says in response, and I do and
 realize that he has attached my ankles to a spreader bar. I am now the most
 helpless I have been the entire evening, and completely humiliated. My tits
 are tied and swollen and sore beyond belief, my arms and legs are
 incapacitated, my eyes are blindfolded, and my legs and pussy are spread wide
 open for whatever whim he might have.

 He then proceeds to play with my tits a bit and asks me if I want "the
 strong, tight clamps or the really strong ones." I am totally confused and
 tell him that I don't know which are which, and he repeats the question. I
 realize I should answer that I want the "really strong ones" because
 otherwise I am being too weak and could be subjecting myself to future
 punishment. At this point he tells me he's been using clothespins on my
 nipples. I am disappointed in myself for having found the simple clothespins
 so very painful because I know he has other, more severe clamps. So I tell
 him I want the "really strong ones."

 He retrieves the Japanese clover clamps and puts them on my nipples, and they
 are much more painful than the clothespins. I really cannot tolerate the
 pain, and he can tell I am having a very difficult time. He asks if he should
 take them off, but I am reticent to respond because I do not want to be weak
 and disappoint him. He asks me again, saying he understands that my nipples
 must be just too sore at this point to stand these clamps, and I agree once
 he promises he will use these stronger clamps next time. He takes the clamps
 off, which causes more pain, and then returns the clothespins to their now
 familiar home.

 He then turns his attention to my very wet and open pussy. He is spreading my
 lips with his fingers and I am growing increasingly excited. He has never
 been one for a lot of hands-on pussy action, so I am finding this more
 exciting than one normally might. But then suddenly my lips are being spread
 even further as he is putting what I assume are clothespins all along the
 outer lips. I cannot control a scream. I have never felt such pain before in
 my life, and he doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. I lose track of how
 many clothespins he has put on my pussy as my whole body is shaking with

 Just when I think that I am getting used to the pain, his fingers enter my
 pussy, he grabs an inner lip, and attaches a clothespin there too. I let out
 an extended howl from that. He doesn't leave that clothespin on very long
 because he can tell from my reaction how painful it is, but it's there long
 enough for me. But then he starts to feel his way up into my pussy with his
 finger, and he reaches for my G-spot and starts to massage it, and even with
 all the pain and torture I am feeling, I have never felt such pleasure. He
 can tell I am enjoying it too much, so he withdraws, causing me to whimper
 incessantly as he walks away.

 So there I stand -- tits and arms bound, spreader bar between my ankles,
 nipples and pussy clamped, and I am sure there is no way I can feel any
 greater pain. I am, as I have been a number of times this evening, of course,
 wrong. He returns and begins another session of punishment. He starts with
 the cat on my outer thighs. He then moves to my inner thighs and has me
 fearing that his final destination will be my pussy, but he cannot whip me
 directly on my pussy since it's got all those clothespins attached to it.

 He then brings to my attention a certain philosophical debate we've been
 having over the past few months. I think he has chosen this one because he
 knows how strong my resolve is on this issue. Suddenly he is no longer using
 the cat, which, while painful, I have become a bit accustomed to. He is now
 using the riding crop, which I find far stronger and harsher than the cat. He
 applies the crop with full force on my flesh, and it stings much more than
 the cat. He is using it on my stomach and thighs, and his strokes get
 stronger and stronger, and he finally moves to my breasts and is striking me
 all over my swollen and tortured tits.

 Throughout this torment, he keeps asking me to agree with him on that
 particular philosophical debate, and I am in so much pain from the blows to
 my tits that I really want to agree with him. But I cannot bring myself to
 give up my convictions, so I stand there, with him striking me with the crop
 so incessantly that not more than a second or two goes by between blows. He
 is cropping my tits, my abdomen, my thighs, and my whole body is on fire.
 Every time I move in reaction to the crop, my pussy burns from the additional
 pain caused by the clothespins pulling on my pussy lips, and I am at the
 point where I can feel tears coming to my eyes and a huge lump in my throat.
 I have never felt anything like this before in my entire life.

 I want to cry from the pain, but am so very grateful that he has brought me
 to this incredible point. While the pain is beyond belief and part of me
 wants to agree with him and end the suffering, I feel like I have reached a
 place, outside myself, where I am free from the physical and emotional
 barriers of my life and I have given him the reins to control me. While it is
 painful beyond belief, it is the most liberating and exciting thing to be
 able to trust him that much, and for him to have mastered me so skillfully. I
 cannot imagine ever being happier, which is so surprising to me, considering
 the intense pain and humiliation I am feeling right now.

 He finally decides that I will not give in on our debate and stops the
 cropping, but then he decides to take the clips off of my tits, and while the
 blood is still rushing back to my nipples and I am still writhing and moaning
 with pain, he starts to remove the clamps from my pussy. The pain and burning
 coming from my pussy makes my heart race and I cannot even catch my breath
 enough to scream. I think that all that comes out of my mouth is some
 strained panting and whimpering, because he is taking the clips off one at a
 time, and each one hurts more than the previous.

 At the very last one I catch my breath and actually get a scream out, but
 he's not through yet. He retrieves the cat. He flogs my thighs and torso a
 little more and then even flogs me directly on my pussy briefly, which is
 incredibly painful, but he doesn't stay there long. I make a note to myself
 to let him know that further flogging there would be a welcome and painful

 He lets up on the flogging, and before I realize it, he has freed me from my
 bonds and is leading me, still blindfolded, across the living room toward the
 futon there. The burning in my pussy is still strong.

 He secures my arms behind my back, seats me on the futon, and sits next to
 me. He starts to touch my pussy a bit, but is having a hard time accessing
 the area because my legs are together. I'm still trying to recover mentally
 from the very intense punishment I've just endured from the clothespins and
 the cat and crop.

 He says to me, "A smart girl would spread her legs," and I promptly spread
 them as wide as I can, again showing how much he's broken me, because
 ordinarily I would have some kind of verbal retort for him, but now I just
 respond to his request as quickly as I can. He then proceeds to reach inside
 my pussy and massage my G-spot and the entire region. Feeling such pleasure
 after so much torture is an amazing thing. My body is so much more sensitive
 to his every touch and I feel like he's setting my whole body aflame. I try
 to keep from coming too quickly because I am not really sure that he wants me
 to come, but I finally ask him if I can come. He gives permission, and I have
 one of the strongest orgasms I can remember.

 After that, our bondage session is over. He releases me from my bonds and
 removes the blindfold. I look at the clock and see we've been at it for about
 four hours.

 We then move to the bedroom, get in bed, and start to talk a bit about the
 events of the evening, and I really want to feel his cock inside of me, but I
 also love the way his cock tastes, and I feel it would be more in keeping
 with the tone of the evening for me to give him a blow job. I know how much
 he loves it when I give him blow jobs, and I want to please him as much as I
 can tonight. So I lower my head and start to lick and kiss his erect cock.

 As I am sucking on his balls and licking his cock, I realize that I am
 enjoying this even more than ever, and I think it must be because now I want
 to be His entirely and please Him in every way possible. And tasting Him in
 my mouth and hearing His moans makes my submission to Him complete because I
 now know that I have not only allowed Him to dominate my mind and body, but I
 have also fulfilled His sexual desires as well, and that makes the evening

 As He finally comes in my mouth and I swallow every last drop, I feel
 completely fulfilled and satisfied to have become His sub tonight and closer
 to Him than I ever have to another soul. I could not have imagined how much
 this would strengthen my feelings toward Him, nor could I have imagined how
 much His Complete Control would strengthen my masochistic desires. But lying
 there in His arms, I know that I will gladly repeat tonight's events and will
 look forward to His increasing the extremity of His torture and domination of
 my body and mind.

 -- The End --

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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2014, 11:19:48 pm »