Author Topic: Depravity  (Read 5825 times)

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« on: August 15, 2010, 12:43:53 pm »

'Bondage is a strange and thrilling experience, Angela! That girl in
the photo was once just like you...shy...modest...sweetly polite. She
was born to serve! It gives her pleasure...profoundly deep
satisfaction. She denied this for a long time but in the end she had
to let the truth come out. It was just a matter of finding the right
person to trust with her secret. You can trust me, Angela...I know
what you're thinking. I know everything about how you think...I've
seen it hundreds of times in girls just like you...'

Angela was mesmerized by Shane's perverse lecture. She'd heard parts
of it before from the time she began working for him, but now it all
seemed to make some kind of surreal sense. There was no denying that
she DID have unusual dreams and fantasies but she was confused by
them. For the first time in her young life, Angela felt she was
listening to somebody who could see right through the sweetly innocent
facade she wore, and this alarmed her, though it also aroused her in
the strangest possible way.

'Have a look at her, Angela. It's like a snapshot of your thoughts. I
know it is...don't deny it. Right now, you're wishing that was you in
the photograph...stripped naked and vulnerable, shackled and spread
helpless at the mercy of a strong, powerful master...'

Angela felt her stomach twist into a guilty knot. She shivered with a
rash of goosebumps, blushing as her mind reeled with confusion. It was
as if her boss was brainwashing her but she couldn't do or say
anything to stop him. She wanted to make some kind of feeble joke like
she usually did to change the subject, but the words just wouldn't
form in her mouth. Shane was moving close to her, talking calmly in a
soothing, hypnotic tone which started to alarm Angela. Her hands
trembled as she gawked at the image of the woman in the photo, her own
clit throbbing in sympathy with the sensations she imagined the
anonymous woman to be having. Never before would she have allowed
somebody like Shane to touch her, especially in somewhere as public as
his office, but it was as if he'd somehow invaded her conscience and
no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't evict him or prevent
him from trapping her emotions.

'We've talked about this for long enough,'s time you faced
the truth and followed your feelings. You don't have to do anything
special...I'll teach you all you need to know, and you do need to be
taught. You're never going to be completely happy unless you give in
to's what you need to do...admit it...'

Angela just stood there facing Shane's desk. His hot breath on the
back of her neck warmed her and almost relaxed her enough to feel
comfortable with his hands roaming over her hips. It was a weird
seduction. He'd done it without even touching her and now it seemed
like no ceremony was necessary to get her undressed. She felt a
perverse urgency, secretly wanting him to simply tear the clothes from
her body. Not to sensuously disrobe her, but to quickly and roughly
strip her naked while she was feeling most vulnerable and powerless.

It was like a hazy, erotic dream to the timid young blonde. Her modest
dress-style had always been like a false shield which nobody had ever
challenged, hiding the real Angela from the world. She knew that now
as Shane's fingers grappled with the zipper of her skirt. He peeled it
open with the ease of a sword slicing butter, Angela demurely
accepting the defeat of her sensibilities and doing nothing to resist
his conquering of her. Her skirt dropping to the floor around her
ankles made her think of a flag falling for some reason, and it
signalled the charge of Shane's mental army.

Angela became completely oblivious to the sound of the world going
about it's business outside of Shane's office. She was unsure of
whether he'd locked the door, but it nolonger mattered when he hooked
his fingers into the flimsy elastic of her undies and tugged them
firmly to her ankles. Her eyes became unfocussed on the photo in her
hand, her soft blue eyes lolling deliriously as Shane started
wrestling her blouse up over her head. A moment later it was trapped
over her head and she felt him grappling with her bra, unhitching it
and pulling at it until she almost lost her balance.

The blouse needed to be unbuttoned before Angela could remove it and
she stumbled blindly for a minute, tripping out of her undies and
sitting her bare buttocks against Shane's desk as she wriggled and
squirmed in her tangled blouse. Angela hadn't wanted to help him strip
her, but it had become necessary, and she dropped the photo while she
fought the blouse and slackened bra off her arms.

Shane was standing in front of her smirking and grinning wildly when
she finally shed her blouse. His expression confused her and he was
holding out his hand to accept her discarded clothes. Angela meekly
handed them to him and then blushed, realizing she was completely
naked except for her shoes and that Shane was ogling her, gawking at
her pert breasts and bushy pubic mound which were completely exposed.

'Yes,' said Shane, his dark eyes flashing deviously. 'I think you're
ready to start learning a few lessons.'

Angela felt alarmed by the sudden menacing tone of his voice and
immediately covered her nude body defensively. 'What lessons?' she
mumbled, feeling acutely aware of her nakedness when she asked.

'You'll see...get dressed!'

Angela felt confused and stunned. She caught her clothes, which he'd
thrown back at her, but saw that he intended keeping her underwear.
She felt crushed with foolishness, as if she'd just been tricked into
doing something totally embarrassing and the hasty attempts to get
back into her skirt and blouse only served to accentuate her

'From now underwear!' Shane said, picking up a large pair of
scissors to slice her lacy underwear to shreads.

'Um...what are you doing?' Angela gasped, her eyes nearly popping out
as she watched the expensive lace being quickly reduced to ribbons.
She continued straightening her clothes, anxiously pressing the
creases back into her pleated skirt when the room filled with the
sound of knocking at the door.

'Come in...' Shane called, not waiting to check whether his blushing,
dazed secretary was ready or not. 'That'll be all Angela...go back to
your desk...'

The red-faced young blonde's face was frozen in an expression of
dumbstruck confusion and she avoided the puzzled stare of Shane's
partner Karl as she walked briskly from the office. She was desperate
to get to the bathroom at the end of the hall and take a few moments
to regain her composure, but Karl's voice stopped her in her tracks.

'Angela...I want you to come back to the warehouse with me in a
minute...' Karl said in his usual, gruff tutonic tone. 'Wait there...I
won't be a minute.'

The timid blonde felt her world collapsing around her as she stood
impatiently just outside the office door. None of the other girls in
the outer office seemed aware of what had just happened and nor did
Karl. But there was something suspicious about the way he'd asked her
to accompany him. The warehouse for Shane and Karl's shipping business
was in the outer suburbs and none of the city office girls ever went
there. It was sort of like a Coventry place where the city secretaries
were sent when their work performance was in question and none ever
returned. Nobody ever spoke about the place, but Angela sensed
something foreboding.

'Are you ready?' Karl said, startling Angela when he unexpectedly
appeared behind her.

'Um...yes...' she stuttered. 'I'll just get my handbag...'

The draft of the noisy ventilation system in the underground carpark
seemed to blow straight up under Angela's clothes, reminding her that
she was without her underwear. Even though her blouse was modest, her
bare breasts jiggled provocatively as she walked beside Karl. His
sideways glances at her, which she pretended not to notice, surely
noticed the embarrassing bounce of her unrestrained breasts and this
made the young blonde feel like dying with shame. She knew what men
thought of girls who went braless and she wanted to explain that she
wasn't the kind of girl he probably thought because of it. But
obviously this was not an option.

Karl was the senior partner in the firm and his brand new Mercedes
richly displayed this. Angela smiled faintly and thanked Karl when he
held open the passenger's door for her, but she felt her skin crawl a
bit when he seemed to pay her breasts more than gentlemanly interest
as she sat. The seatbelt strapped tightly over her chest accentualed
the smooth, unholstered shape of her breasts and, to Angela's
increasing unease, Karl clearly noticed this.

Nothing was said as he drove up and around the ramps leading to the
exit. It wasn't until he finally navigated his way back out into the
throng of busy, mid-afternoon traffic that Karl spoke.

'Do you like working for PDL Transport?' he asked.

'Yes...' Angela replied, trying to ignore the feelings of nakedness
she felt under her clothes.

'How long have you been with us now?'

'It will be two years November...I joined straight after university,'
Angela said, relaxing slightly at the informality.

'University!' Karl said, sounding surprised. 'Do you have to go to
university these days to be a secretary, eh?'

Angela felt a little insulted by the remark but didn't show it. 'I
studied for an Arts Degree...languages actually...but I didn't know
what to do when I finished...'

' you thought you'd be a secretary until you made up your

'I didn't mean it like that!' Angela quickly apologized, realizing she
sounded like she was complaining about her job. 'No...I love working
as a secretary...'

'Shane says you're a very competent one...he told me so!' Karl had a
moment to stare and smile at her as he waited for the traffic lights
to change color from red to green.

'That's nice of him...' Angela blushed, not knowing how to receive the
compliment properly in light of what Shane had just done to her.

'Yes...he say's you're a very clever young lady...that you'll go
places in this firm...'

'He does?' Angela contained her surprise enough not to sound totally
incredulous. 'Well...yes...I really enjoy working for him...he's a
good boss.'

The lights changed and Karl moved with the flow of traffic, not
speaking again until he turned onto the freeway. 'Enjoy working for
him...that's good...' Karl chuckled softly. 'Yes...he told me you're a
good worker. Very co-operative. I like having an obedient staff.'

Angela felt a sudden rush of guilty panic at the way he said it. She
knew he was hinting at something and it filled her with dread. The car
sped along the freeway, Angela staring out through the tinted glass at
the quickly passing urban scenery. Again, there was a long silence.

'Shane can be a bit strange at times, though,' Karl said flatly.

Angela's attention was immediately caught. 'What do you mean?' she
asked nervously.

'You know!' Karl laughed heartily, keeping his eyes fixed on the road
ahead. 'You know...strange...unusual...'

'I'm sorry Mr van Hauer...I'm not sure I know what you mean...' the
timid blonde tried to keep her nervous voice settled as she spoke.

'That's good...' Karl said, sounding pleased with her response.

'I beg you're pardon?' Angela relaxed slightly.

'You're discreet...I like that!'

Angela felt her heart jump to her mouth when he winked and grinned at
her. She was immediately convinced he knew what had just happened, but
still there was no way of knowing for certain without running the risk
of making a complete fool of herself.

'If you mean...'

'I mean you value privacy...and honesty...' Karl was still avoiding
the point.

'Yes...honesty is a virtue!' Angela kicked herself for rattling off
the cliche.

'A virtue...' Karl laughed a little. 'That's a charming way of putting
it, Angela.' Angela sheepishly returned his smile. 'But it's not
strictly a virtue, you know?'

The smile on Angela's innocent face quickly changed to a frown and she
squirmed discreetly in her seat.

'No...there are seven virtues and honesty in not one of them...' Karl
sounded an authority on the matter. 'Faith is a virtue...having faith
that honesty will be could say it's related that

Angela felt uncomfortable with the discussion. She tried to look
attentatively at him but was afraid to make eye contact.

'So when I said you valued discretion, I meant it's a two way street.
If you can be discreet...I can be discreet...'

Angela couldn't bring herself to ask him what he meant, but she was
forced to.

'Put your hand in my pocket...' Karl winked at her, nodding to the hip
pocket of his jacket. 'Go won't bite!'

The young blonde felt extremely reluctant to comply, instinctively
knowing there would be some kind of unpleasant surprise in store for
her. But she cautiously reached over and slipped her hand into his
pocket, feeling around inside it and pulling out a handful of cloth
strips that made her gasp with fright. He had the remains of her
underwear in his pocket and her reaction of dread made the wicked old
man laugh out loud.

'What's the matter, Angela? You look like you've seen a ghost!' he
teased. 'I didn't believe it...Shane said it was yours!'

Angela dropped the handful of shredded lace and rushed to put her hand
over her shocked mouth. He'd tricked her and she'd fallen into his
trap. There'd be no way of denying that she wasn't wearing any
underwear at all. He'd already noticed the absence of her bra and it
would be impossible now to convince him she had anything on under her
skirt. For the second time in one day, Angela felt the burning rash of
deep humiliation.

'Relax Angela! You can trust me...' Karl said as he headed off the
freeway and turned into the driveway of his warehouse.

Angela knew his words were hollow. Seeing the dark-haired woman from
the photo sitting behind the reception desk of his warehouse office
had a more unsettling effect on her.
 The image of the woman, completely naked on the wire bed, arms and
legs outstretched and shackled came flooding back to the frightened
young secretary's mind. She remembered the leather-jacketed man's arm
holding some kind of brown stick and probing her defenselessly exposed
slit. It was as if the image had been branded on Angela's memory.
 'Virginia...this is Amgela,' Karl said, smirking at the trembling
young girl he'd brought to the office.

'She's a pretty this her first time?' the dark haired woman's
husky voice made her sound thoroughly evil to Angela. 'I'm going to
enjoy having her around...'

'Virginia likes to welcome all the new girls...she's very special to
this firm!' Karl suddenly lifted the front of Angela's modest skirt.
Angela buckled over, shrieking loudly and frantically trying to push
the old man's hands away. But it was too late. He'd already exposed
the embarrassing truth of her missing underwear and, after a short
struggle with both Karl and Virginia, the timid blonde found herself
completely naked.

'Please...' Angela whimpered, trying to hide herself with her small
hands as Virginia wrestled the shoes from her feet. 'I don't
understand what's going on...'

'What's there to understand? You've been promoted out of the secretary
pool to something much more highly regarded in this company!' Karl
grumbled as he fought to pull the frantically struggling blonde's arms
behind her back.

Angela couldn't see how he could call it a promotion. She'd just been
completely humiliated by both of them and, from what she could tell,
it was just the beginning. 'What do you mean...highly regarded?'

'You ask too many questions, Angela!' Virginia said, roughly pressing
a red rubber ball into her open mouth and strapping it tightly in
place to gag her.

Angela's mouth filled with saliva and she clamped her jaws on the
rubber ball, desperately trying to scream but not being to raise the
necessary noise she was after. The gag was terrifyingly effective,
preventing any of the hysterical protests she attempted. A moment
later and she felt her wrists being cuffed with thick, black leather
straps which were shackled together behind her back. In less than a
minute, Angela found herself standing totally nude, hands unable to
hide her lewdly exposed nakedness and her ankles manacled with leather
bracelets that were surely intended for some bizarre imprisonment.

'Feels good, doesn't it Angela?' Virginia smirked deviously as she
cupped her warm hands around the naked blonde's unprotected breasts
and began pinching at her swelling nipples. Angela shook her head
vigorously in denial. 'Yes it can't lie to me!'

Angela gasped, biting down hard on the rubber gag as the middle-aged
woman painfully twisted her tender nipples. She tripped and stumbled
as the woman unexpectedly began dragging her by the nipples from the
office into the cavernous interior of the warehouse. 'I'll take over
from here, Karl,' Virginia laughed, dragging the horrified young
blonde away from him. 'We'll see you in a minute inside...'

The sight of a group of workmen gawking excitedly at her almost made
Angela faint. It was only Virginia's painful grip on her stretched,
tortured nipples that kept her on her feet, though the men quickly
gathered around and grabbed hold of her to carry her to the far end of
the warehouse floor.

The terrified young secretary was practically in tears, twisting and
struggling helplessly as the leather cuffs around her ankles were
hitched to chains hanging from a winch above. The blood rushed to her
head as the electric motor powering it whirred into life, dragging her
widely spread feet towards the ceiling until her head was able to be
lowered without touching the concrete floor. When the men finally
released her, Angela struggled violently, but this merely made her
swing around on the end of the chains making her more dizzy. A minute
or so later she gave up, trying to focus her tear filled eyes on the
upside-down view of the group of wild-eyed onlookers. It was the most
degrading, humiliating moment of her entire life and, judging by the
sinister looking riding crop in Virginia's hand, it looked set to get
even worse.

'Hurry up Karl!' Virginia called loudly, her angry sounding voice
resounding in the warehouse. 'Tell him to hurry up, Angela!'

The terrified blonde screamed silently through the gag as her bare,
defenseless fleshy buttocks was suddenly stung sharply with the crop.
She arched her back, struggling frantically to avoid the shower of
painful lashes which began raining on her backside. The sadistic
woman's taunts for her to call Karl had her sobbing dry tears of
helplessness, unable to call for the perverted old man or stop the
agonizing lashes to her bottom.

The men standing around watching were goggle-eyed with perverse
excitement as they watched the defenseless, naked blonde being
thrashed mercilessly by Virginia. Angela could no longer see them
through her tear filled eyes, but she could feel their presense
closing in around her and the sound of their voices crudely describing
their delight at the kinky spectacle she provided. Karl's accented
voice eventually broke over the animated noise of the workers and
Virginia stopped whipping her, leaving her to hang trembling and
shaking with terrified agony.

'This is where the fun part begins, Angela,' Karl said, leaning down
to talk directly into her tear streaked face. 'You will be working
here from now on...Virginia will be your boss, but any of these men
will also be able to tell you what to do. You are to do whatever they
ask...without question. Is that understood?'

Angela hung limply in her restraints, her head fogged with confusion
and not knowing what he was talking about. Still, she eventually
nodded agreeably and, as her 'reward', was forced to watch helplessly
as each man in turn lined up to lash her defenseless slit with their

It only took a second of the first man's energetic sucking and
slurping on her clit to realize that the bizarre, humiliating abuse
had made her clit hard and throbbing with surreal delight. The men
were only allowed a minute or two each to 'introduce themselves', as
Virginia had joked, and each man's approach was surprisingly

All the while this was going on, Angela first sensed then felt
something happening behind her. The feeling of something smooth and
cold slipping into the crater of her anus filled her with dread, but
she couldn't concentrate beyond the perverse arousal being stirred by
the procession of tongues on her clit. She realized Karl was about to
penetrate her puckered anus with something, but the spasming muscles
of her crotch made resistance futile and, before she could flex her
buttocks defensively, her ring slipped tautly around a film, slippery

Angela arched her back, stretching and curling her toes as the
blinding daze of an orgasm suddenly enveloped her. She moaned through
the gag as the shaft slowly impaled her back passage, each burrowing
inch of it setting off the tingling sensation of shitting until her
who bowel felt packed and solid. She couldn't think straight as the
last of the men roughly nuzzled and slurped noisily on her throbing
clit. Their half unshaven whiskers irritated the sensitive, unfurled
channel of her slit which, Angela felt sure, yawned obscenely open for
all to see.

It was a long time after Angela was released before she could think
clearly about what had transpired that afternoon. Her ring felt
stretched and damaged for many hours afterwards but the worst was in
her mind. The experience had liberated the timid, demure young blonde
in some way she couldn't explain and the next morning she found
herself standing naked in front of Virginia's desk waiting excitedly
for the new day's instructions. Her life as a sex slave had begun.