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f/selfbondage stories found on the net

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She Waits

Storycodes: Sbf; cuffs; chain; toys; public; mast; shave; cons; X
She waits, knelt in the hallway, facing the door. Her hands cuffed behind her back forcing her naked breasts forward. Her feet bare and cuffed also. The chain of a third pair of cuffs slipping between her buttocks as the ends connect her wrists to her ankles, pulling her arms straight and her back into an arch. Her eyes covered with a silk scarf, preventing her looking at the clock to know how long she was there.

The air conditioning clicked on. Knelt directly under the vent, the cold blast of air brought goose bumps to her flesh, her nipples becoming erect. The sheen of sweat that had built on her body cooling rapidly, sending a shiver through her.

Her spread legs allowing the cooling air to pass over her pussy, only serving to increase the heat there. A jingle of chains as she moves her weight around to take some pressure off her knees. Her musky smell reaching up to her nose, heightening her arousal still further. A viscous cycle with no means of relief.

Her mind wandering as time passes. Thinking back to how she arrived here. Kissing Him goodbye this morning, dressed to please Him only in a light summer dress, standing on tip toes to reach his lips, her bare feet pressed together, presenting a cute, girlish image to Him as he left.

Relaxing, knowing that she had no one expecting her today, a day to herself. She thought back to the night before, how she had disappointed Him and, more curiously, how He had failed to punish her. She had knelt at His feet, head bowed, awaiting the rebuke that never came. Eventually they went to bed and He went straight to sleep ignoring her naked body beside Him.

As she lay awake, she decided that if He would not punish her then she must take it upon herself to do it. Next morning, after he left for work she started to prepare. First a bath, carefully shaving her armpits, legs and pussy bare. Getting out, she towelled herself dry then dressed slipping back only into the dress she had worn earlier. Looking at herself in the mirror, her long shapely legs visible from mid thigh, her pert ass loosely covered by the skirt and her firm breasts jiggling as she twirled.

Fastening her leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles, she kneels in the centre of the bed. Using a couple of padlocks to lock her wrists in front of her and her ankles together. The keys across the room, far enough away to let her feel in bondage without being out of reach.

She remains motionless for a time, her head bowed. Moving only to keep circulation flowing. Finally, her hands slip between her legs, lifting her skirt. Her fingers slip in between her already wet pussy, pressing against her clit. Probing into her pussy.

Bending down, her head resting on the mattress next to her knees, the extra reach gained by her hands allowing her to play with her ass. A finger pushed inside, filling her from behind as she is already filled in front. Hands moving in time, entering and leaving her body, filling then leaving a void, faster and harder, the metal work on the cuffs jangling as her fingers reach a blur of motion, her climax building, her breathing ragged, coming in short grunts and snorts.

Then she stops. Her building climax caught in mid flow before slipping away from her, resting before straightening herself. Hoping over to the dresser to retrieve the keys, releasing herself from her confines.

Errands to run, she busies herself making sure she is ready to go out. Going through the front door she has an idea and backtracks to her bedroom. Opening the top drawer in her bedside cabinet she removes her two dildos. Kneeling on hands and knees on the bed, her ass high in the air, she takes the smallest, pushing it into her pussy, letting her juices soak it before pulling it out and pressing it into her ass. Slowly, letting it fill her until only the tip protrudes from her anus. Taking the larger dildo, she slides it into her pussy, adjusting its position as it rubs against the one already in her ass.

She waits a moment, getting used to the feeling of fullness. Before standing and heading back downstairs. Her walk different as her crotch and ass muscles fight to stop the dildos falling out.

Getting into the car, she subconsciously brushes her skirt out of the way, letting her bare ass rest on the seat, the weight of her body pressing the dildos further into her. Starting the car, she moves out along the dirt track to the highway, every bump and jolt forcing one or both of her intruders deeper inside, sending shivers down her spine.

At last, she reaches the comparative smoothness of the highway and heads for the supermarket. Parking towards the back of the lot, away from anyone who might notice the adjustments she has to make when getting out of the car. Slipping on a pair of heels, not so much to protect her feet, but to preserve her dignity as she walks around the shop.

Doing the grocery shopping has never been such fun, walking in high heels whilst trying to keep your legs and buttocks together made for a distracting time as she worked down her list. Reaching deep into the freezer section, her groin pressed into the metal lip, she froze for a moment as a wave of pleasure washed over her.

Going through the checkout she is sure that everyone in the store knows what she is up to, feeling every eye upon her. In reality no one noticed anything more that a beautiful young woman in a summer dress and strappy sandals.

Getting back to her car, loading the shopping in before getting in herself. Again the unconscious flick of her dress to expose her ass, bending to remove her shoes before driving off. Driving bare foot not a hardship as she cant drive in heels anyway, and, except with His indulgence, they are all she is allowed to wear.

Reaching the dirt track of her drive way, her senses even more stimulated after a couple of hours being filled, she had to slow the car to a crawl to allow her to concentrate on staying on the road. Pulling into the carport she stops, getting her breath back.

Taking the groceries into the kitchen, putting everything away before heading off to the bedroom. Again kneeling on the bed she allows her ass and pussy muscles to relax. Held in such a state of tension for so long it takes a while, but finally the dildos fall free from her onto the bed.

Collapsing into a ball she closes her eyes, resting for what she has planned next. An hour, no more before she feels ready to move again. Looking at the clock, seeing that He will be home soon, she busies herself with the last preparations.

Taking 3 pairs of metal handcuffs and a scarf she goes downstairs, dropping her toys on the bottom stair as she heads for the kitchen and out into the backyard. She walks to the vegetable plot at the end of the yard and picks some for dinner, if any of her neighbours had seen her they would have noticed nothing odd, but the trip was a cover for her real intent, to get her feet dusty and dirty just the way He liked them.

Heading back into the house she removes her dress and throws it into the laundry basket before heading back to the hall. Picking up her toys she settles into a kneel just inside the front door. Taking the cuffs she connects them together. Taking one of the end pairs she places them on her ankles, pulling the loose pair out behind her where she can reach it. The scarf next, folded and folded and the placed over her eyes, tying in a knot behind her head, cutting off her sight. Lastly, reaching down behind her, finding the loose cuffs and pulling them up, the chain of the middle pair slipping between her buttocks. Looping the bracelets loosely around her wrists whilst she gets comfortable before finally closing them shut. Knowing that now she must wait for the keys to the cuffs are on His key ring.

So, she waits.

Rookie Mistake

Storycodes: Sbf; cuffs; gag; chast; toys; timer; stuck; first; mast; cons; X

I swear to God, if I ever get out of this, Ill never do it again!
She thought to herself, as beads of sweat dripped from her chin and nose. Daniella was inching across her carpeted floor, collecting rug burns on her knees and chest as she went, hoping against hope that salvation would come sooner than she knew it would. It would not.

It was summer and she had been living in an apartment between semesters instead of staying with her folks. She loved them, but they babied her. She was excited to be on her own, meet cute boys, stay up late, live by her own rules, etc. Shed been there a month when UPS showed up at her door with a very large box. Without even looking at the address she signed away and the package was placed in the center of her living room. In retrospect, she probably should have checked to see that it was addressed to her, but hindsight is twenty-twenty. What she found inside the package, opened up an entirely new world to her.

Inside the box she found the following: three locking collars of varying severity, one large ring gag, two large ball gags, one panel gag, one lipstick gag, one discipline hood, four blindfolds of varying colors and textures, three armbinders, two fiddles, two pairs of standard handcuffs, two pairs of hinged handcuffs, two pairs of ankle cuffs, five spreader bars of varying length, one complete set of stainless steel, locking cuffs, one complete set of leather cuffs, three pairs of what she would come to learn were thumb/toe cuffs, a body harness with adorning d-rings, one female chastity belt, several lengths of chain, more tiny padlocks than she could count, and one box that looked to be electronic in some way (she later discovered it was a timed release mechanism, Oh boy!). What is a girl to do?

What she did was call down to the apartment office and ask if the previous tenent went by the name of Tabitha Brewer, as it said on the box after she checked it. The previous tenant did go by that name, apparently, but Ms. Brewer had been involved in a tragic mudwrestling accident and was no longer among the living.
 Why? Have you received some of her mail? The receptionist inquired. Uh . . . yeah. Student loan deferment, from the looks of it. Said Daniella. Well, said the receiver, why dont you just throw it away. Im sure no one will miss it. Said the receptionist.
 Ill do just that. Responded our protagonist.

For a good week, Daniella could do nothing more than inspect and examine her new-found collection of bondage gear. She may have had ?damsel in distress? fantasies before, but had certainly never acted upon them. Most her post-pubescent life had been spent being assertive and confident in romantic pursuits. Yes, she had dated. Yes, she had fucked, sparingly. But she had never dipped into this type of thing. ?It just isn?t proper!? would be something her mother would say. Yet how could she not be fascinated by this strange turn of events?

It began to get serious after the first week. She tried on a ball gag, a red one. ?What could be the harm?? she wondered out loud. It was a Friday night and she had turned down a social event with her girlfriends to go home and admire her bondage gear. First, she fit it behind her teeth. It felt large and uncomfortable. She wondered why anyone would want to wear anything like it . . . until she felt a familiar tingling sensation between her legs. As she began to buckle it behind her head she let out a tiny grunt of desire. ?What?s the matter with me?? she internally inquired. She finished with the buckle, put her hands by her side and took a deep breath. Then, suddenly, without any forethought, she reached for the hasp to buckle it tighter. The itch between her legs seemed to double in strength. ?God! This fucking rocks!? She said, though it actually came out as ?Gaghh, thipth uckking uockks!?

Daniella went to bed that night with the leather cuffs on. She didn?t lock them on, or lock them together, but her dreams were vivid, to say the least. Normally she had trouble remembering her dreams, but on that night she did remember this: she had been naked on a beach in clear daylight. The sun was shining and she was basking in the warm breeze, arms lifted up to the sky with a deep, satisfied smile on her face, when, out of nowhere, a masked knight on horseback plucked her from the beach and placed her on his steed. As the horse bounced up and down she felt intense pressure on her intimate parts. It wasn?t painful, more like it was comforting. Yes! It was comforting to have such a powerful beast between her legs. As they rode, the horseman reached behind him to grab her arms and pull them around his torso. Once he had done this he wrapped the reins around her wrists, binding her in place. She should have felt afraid but this only made her concentrate more on the rhythmic up-and-down motion of the horse, as her buttocks and her breasts bounced with it. The warmth inside her grew, and grew, until it became unbearable, and she began to cry out for release.

When Daniella awoke the next morning she found that her hands had been magnetized to her vagina. Her inner thighs and sheets were sticky and pungent. She hadn?t masturbated in her sleep, but she did wake up extremely horny, and it didn?t take her long to finish job. The shower that followed was pure heaven. That weekend, she determined, she was going to go further and really try this bondage stuff out. The weekend couldn?t come soon enough.

On Friday afternoon, Daniella picked out the gear she would endure for her evening?s activities. Limited research had revealed what many of the items were called as well as some standard bondage positions and release methods. It made her feel dirty, in a way, to be looking at bound women on the internet but she just couldn?t help herself. The more she looked, the hornier she got, and the hornier she got, the more she had to look. It was a vicious cycle.

At about 3pm on Friday she decided to begin in earnest. She had read about release methods using ice but she determined that she would use the timed release box instead. Everything she wanted to lock onto her body required a padlock, so she put all the keys to the padlocks inside the timer box and closed it shut. She set the timer for 2 hours. ?That will be plenty of time.? She thought. (Editor?s note: always test your equipment, including timers before you begin! Some simple safety precautions would have saved our heroine hours of sexual torment. Not that that?s a bad thing, but under the circumstances . . .) Daniella decided that she would wear a collar, a gag, the chastity belt, the stainless steel wrist cuffs and the stainless steel ankle cuffs. She chose to pass on the thumbcuffs, much to her good fortune.

The collar: Daniella selected the largest collar of the bunch. Little did she know this was called a ?posture? collar. It kept her neck nice and stiff once she buckled it on. Daniella had discovered through her limited trials that she liked her bondage on the tight side, hence the strictest collar. It had a d ring fore and aft so she fitted a 6 inch chain to the back of the collar. At the other end she locked on the wrist cuffs. Once locked onto her wrists, her hands would be drawn behind her back and up at a fairly severe angle. ?This will keep me from playing with myself!? she surmised. How right she was!

The gag: Daniella chose what she initially thought to be a large ball gag. It was actually a ball gag with a thick bit running through it. She was learned enough to know what a bit was, having ridden horses as a teenager. This gag had attracted her special attention because of its dual functions. ?The best of both worlds!? She placed the ball behind her teeth and buckled it very tightly. ?Mmmmpphhhh!? she exclaimed. This was going to be her most deviant sexual experience ever! She was already dripping.

The belt: had she known how long it would take her to figure out the belt, she would have put it on before the gag. Being inexperienced with large gags, she was unaware that her jaw would begin to ache before she really began her session. Oh well. Lessons learned. The belt, she saw upon further inspection, had two phallus-type objects sticking up from the curved metal bar that would run between her legs. One of them was definitely a dildo. About 1 & 1/2 inches thick and studded. The other appeared to be a pointed mushroom. It had a slender neck and a larger, orb-like head. It was an anal plug. Daniella felt a wave of apprehension. She had never engaged in any anal stimulation before and she was unsure about starting now. Once a boyfriend had asked her for anal sex and she had vehemently rejected his request. ?You know, you might just like it.? He had reasoned. ?Fuck off, pig! Go home and masturbate!? she had yelled at him. Just as she was about to put the belt down she reconsidered. ?Honestly, how bad can it be? I mean, I crap bigger than that thing. It?s not like I could do any real damage.?

She also noticed a port for two AA batteries to be inserted at the base of each phallus. She inserted fresh batteries and looked for some sort of on/off switch but found none. The phalluses remained lifeless. ?Whaterver!? Said her mind. ?Mphavever!? said her delightfully gagged mouth. She still had an ample supply of ky jelly from her last relationship sitting in the closet, so she lubricated the plug, and then she lubricated her asshole. A strange sort of sick embarrassment accompanied this little detail. She was pleased to be in her bedroom, as opposed to her bathroom where she would be tempted to look at herself in the mirror. The plug did not go in quietly. It felt thicker than it looked and she was considering giving up again, until, ?pop? in it went. The feeling of fullness in her ass was surprisingly sexual. She exhaled slowly as she pushed it in deeper, and deeper still. ?Mph! Mmmmphhhhhh.? Sliding the dildo inside her was simple after that process. Her juices were really flowing now! As she drew the curved portion of the belt up to lock to the belt portion, both plugs borrowed deeper again. It was a little painful, but it was very pleasurable.

Daniella considered stopping the rest of her adornment there and then. This was more stimulation than she had ever experienced before. She could masturbate for hours on this! Then she steeled her resolve and decided to go the extra mile. The belt finally locked on and her sex was trapped. She quickly attached a six inch chain to the d-ring at the back of the belt, then locked on her stainless steel ankle cuffs. The cuffs were to lock to the six-inch chain, drawing her ankles back and up into a partial hogtie. It was quite effective, and didn?t take her too long to achieve as she still had her hands free. She couldn?t look, however, as her posture collar prevented any significant movement of her head.

Daneille?s mouth was beginning to ache a little now and she clamped down on her bit/ball gag, releasing a large amount of drool that she?d been trying not to let go. It dripped down her chin and onto her breast, just missing an erect nipple. ?MMPPHHHHH!? The tension was building, and she couldn?t wait to be helpless! She drew one hand behind her back and locked it into place. ?One more, and then . . . .? she locked the other hand into place.

The apprehension that goes into a self bondage session can often be exhilarating. Right up until the final ?click?, sexual energy has a way of picking up momentum, like an avalanche. Unlike such a natural spectacle, that tension gets locked into place just as the final wrist, or ankle is locked into place. Daniella experienced this for the first time in this moment. Her sexual avalanche froze after her left wrist was locked behind her back. She had never been hornier. She had never felt hotter, yet her arousal was frozen. She couldn?t get off and she couldn?t come down. ?MMMPPHHHHH!? First timers always scream. It was an intense sensation.

She consciously took a few deep, ragged breaths. Yes. She was horny, but some doubts began to nip at the edges of her mind. The gag was beginning to hurt now and her position did not allow her to stretch her limbs at all. This didn?t matter immediately, but it occurred to her that at some point she would want to stretch out. ?The timer!? she thought. ?I never started it!? Glancing to her left, it still blinked ?2:00:00? at her. She crawled over to it and turned with her back to it to allow her hands to hit the start button. She rolled back to her front and breathed a sigh of relief. After that she decided to crawl out to her living room, as a sort of challenge, and as a way to pass the time. Her arousal was still very high, and it became more so as she crawled. ?Why did I never try this before! This is awesome!?

Not knowing what to do when she got there, Daniella decided to watch some tv. She found that the six-inch slack in chain connecting her ankle cuffs to her belt allowed her to kneel once she found the proper leverage. She leaned toward the remote on the coffee table and awkwardly climbed onto the couch. She immediately found cinemax and settled in for 90 minutes of soft-core porn. After about 20 of those minutes, her belt suddenly came to life. The dildo and the anal plug began to softly vibrate. It was the straw that broke the camel?s back. ?Jesus!? her mind screamed. Her mouth screamed, ?Geeuuss!? as she climaxed harder than she had ever known possible. Wave after wave of cascading orgasm enveloped her constricted form. Drool flew from her gagged orifice like raindrops as she squeezed her eyes tight and pulled at her bonds. ?What the fuck!?? that was what the batteries were for, she realized. The vibrations continued for 30 minutes, in which Daniella found it impossible to concentrate on the film, or think of anything except riding a long, thick cock for hours without end. ?Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!? her mind screamed to her imaginary lover. Could anything be better?

It was nearing 5pm and Daniella figured it was time to check the timer. The crawl was arduous, to say the least, and she began to feel a stinging sensation in her joints and knees. Her mouth was beyond pain now. Simply a dull, throbbing ache. She rounded the doorway and glanced at the timer. ?1:21:47? it read. ?Huh?? Her body froze. ?how could there be an hour and a half left? It?s already been an hour and a half!? And the wheels began to turn in her mind. ?1?: one day. ?21?: twenty one hours. ?47?: forty-seven minutes. ?Oh, Phit!? she spat. It had never occurred to her that ?2:00:00? meant 2 days!

?What do I do! What do I do! I?m going to die this way.? She thought as tears began to form in her eyes. Luckily for her, logic began to persuade her otherwise. ?Ok. I can?t starve in two days. I can survive this. I can!? and it hit her. She knew she could get into a kneeling position. Her phone was on the coffee table. If she could work the remote, she could call someone for help. Her parents? Never. She?d die of embarrassment, and they?d probably take away her new toys. She could call her best frined Amy, but that would also result in the whole dying of embarrassment scenario. Daniella felt a mild sense of relief knowing she would not die, but her position, in her mind, really sucked, as she slurped more drool onto the carpet. She began to consider if she could get through this without calling for help. ?I?m going to be hungry. My joints are going to ache. My mouth may never be the same again, but I can survive. I just need to hydrate.? Instantly she crawled toward the bathtub. Her plan was to fill it with water and then drink through the sides of the ball/bit gag. If she could drool from it, she reasoned, she could drink around it. While she subsequently considered what her extended bondage session would mean to her other bodily functions, the vibrators kicked off again.

?Mmmmpphhhh!? It didn?t take her more than three seconds to come again! She had to stop for the entire duration of the cycle, the entire 30 minutes, as her raw pussy erupted over and over again. Only a few dozen seconds between extended orgasms was the relief her aroused body would allow. The feeling of helplessness enveloped her as she realized that not only was she powerless to stop the onslaught on her body, but that she had done it to herself. It was like adding injury to insult, only replace ?injury? with ?amazing sexual pleasure?. To say she was emotionally conflicted by this would be an understatement. She was fucked. She knew that. So why did she get off on it so much? This question repeated itself in her mind until she stopped caring. At some point she only cared about coming. It was all she could endure. When it was over, she made her way to the tub, exhuasted.

Daniella was relieved to find that from her kneeling position, she could easily slip inside the walls of the tub, plug the bottom, turn on the shower head (the switch to the tap was too high), and drink from the collected water. She let the sweat wash off her body as she waited in the cold, refreshing rain. Daniella took a long drink. It was difficult, but not impossible. Conveniently she had to urinate afterward, so she pulled the plug and went, allowing the continuing rinse of the shower to wash away the waste and the remaining water. Soaking, she emerged from the shower, again somewhat awkwardly, and considered her predicament.

?I will survive.? She thought. ?All I have to do now is pass the time until about 3:30 on Sunday afternoon. . . . fuck.? Her mouth, arms, and legs ached quite a bit now. She knew this was just the beginning. Ignoring, or at least attempting to ignore these protests from her limbs, she sighed and began her crawl back to the television. The vibrators continued to stimulate her long into the evening. Many, many hours and orgasms later, she felt their power begin to fade. She was grateful for this sexual relief, but it also made her a little sad. She had begun to count on her sexual release at regular intervals. As more drool dropped onto her tits, she wondered if she would get another orgasm before this was all over, even though she had been more than satisfied by them.

Daniella was not sure when she passed out, but she remembered watching Conan, so it had to be after midnight. She was awakened by her phone. As she opened her eyes, her mother began a long and detailed phone message, admonishing her for never calling, etc. Daniella first noticed her arms were bound tightly behind her back. Then she noticed her legs were similarly bound and her mouth was gagged. ?Oh yeah. I did this to myself.? She realized. Her pussy tingled at the thought that she had spent all night harshly bound and gagged. Daniella then noticed she was hungry. She had bound herself before dinner last night. She concluded this had two primary effects. Sort of like, good news/bad news. On the one hand, because she had eaten so light the previous day, she didn?t have to go to the bathroom. Yes, she could still feel her anal intruder deep within her, but that other feeling of fullness, the one inside her intestines, had not yet come to call. She was certainly grateful for this, for she wasn?t sure how she was supposed to shit with a plug stuffed up her ass and no way to remove it. On the other hand, she was exceptionally hungry, and all of her struggles the previous day had burned a lot of calories. She felt weak from low blood sugar and her head spun when she tried to sit up. She wished she hadn?t tightened the gag so much before she locked it into place. If it was loose, she realized, she might have been able to squeeze some sort of sustenance past it. Tightened as it was, that was impossible.

The aches in her body renewed themselves to the extreme when she fully recovered her senses. She was pretty sure her left leg had fallen asleep. It was totally numb. She slumped onto the floor and bowed her head. Her body was trapped, but her mind was becoming trapped as well. Not sure if she could last, she began to cry again. The jostling caused the dildos to give one final shudder, and that was the worst part. She was incredibly horny again! Stuffing a plug up her ass and a dildo into her pussy had seemed like such a good idea 18 hours ago. ?It?s ok,? she thought. ?I only have 30 hours of starvation, severe pain, and sexual frustration to go? she mused, and began to cry harder. What an evil device this chastity belt was! She loved and hated it at the same time!

After she finished her tears, and got a drink from the tub, she did find some interesting ways to pass the time. There was a full-length mirror in her modestly sized walk-in closet. Exploring the apartment from her new-found vantage point caused her a stir when she caught her reflection. She ascended into her kneeling position and examined herslef. She had lines on her face. Her mouth was painfully stretched open. There were drool stains on her chin, chest, and tummy. Her makeup was distastefully smeared and her hair was a fright, but DAMN! She looked hot! The arousal began again, much to her dismay. She was fascinated by her countenance. She quickly found her golf bag and straddled it in front of the mirror. By bouncing up and down on it, she found she could create a stimulating pressure on her ass and pussy. She tried grinding harder to stimulate her clit, but the belt was built too solidly for that. Her breathing got heavier as she bounced up and down, picturing herself as a sex slave for some fiendish, masculine foe. Sentenced to a life of bondage and rape at the hands of some ruffian. She closed her eyes and pictured his chest, toned and hairless. She thought of his hands groping her breasts and ass. She thought of his hands at her throat, forcing her to submit upon threat of asphyxiation. ?Unngghhh!? She was so close! She opened her eyes and saw her mouth stuffed and her head held in the posture collar, her hands bound tightly behind her back! ?God! Please let me come!? she thought. But she didn?t come. She bounced harder, determined to generate the stimulation she needed. The phalluses violently played with her insides. ?Almost there!? Still she didn?t come. She became winded and had to rest.

When Daniella caught her breath, she decided she was thirsty again. She went to the tub and got a drink. She also took the opportunity to urinate again, and then washed the waste away. It was 11 am. Time was inching by at a torturous pace. ?That?s what this is.? She realized. ?I?m being tortured by my own stupidity. I swear to God, if I ever get out of this, I?ll never do this to myself again.? She thought as she crawled back to the living room. ?No. That?s not true.? She stopped dead in her tracks and put her head down, contemplating. ?This IS torture, but I like it.? She paused. ?I love it.? She realized. ?WTF! I?m a fucking slut!? she continued to crawl back to the tv and find some way to lose herself in mindless entertainment.

For the last twenty-four hours of her self-imposed bondage, Daniella did find a way to pass the time(mostly spent looking at her helpless form in the mirror), and she did survive, mostly by keeping a level head. But she also realized that what she had done was extremely dangerous. She resolved not to do so again until she had thoroughly researched self-bondage, AND release methods. That first weekend was hellish for her, but it was also the most exciting weekend of her young life. The pain became intense at times but it was also very erotic for her. She had never known of such desires within her before. It was, in a way, like being born into a new world of sexual gratification, and denial. Over time, Daniella found ways to be safer, but she also found ways to impart bondage into her daily life. She went to school once, with her belt on (sans batteries). Not a good idea if you want learn anything, but a great idea if you?re ahead on your studies and you need to sexually cut loose. She also began to bind herself in her apartment. Nothing strict, but she would often connect her cuffs to a 12 inch chain while cooking, or wear a small gag to bed. She reveled in her new-found hobby. She even went whole hog, again, and bound herself for two straight days, though she found a way to eat and shit for that time period. ?Now all I need is a man to do it to me!? she said to herself one day. The next day she met me.

The End.

Fitness TrailStory Codes - f-self, M/f, reluct, XX, bdsm, bondage, self, toys, torture I had set myself a real challenge this time and I was really nervous just thinking about what I was proposing to do to myself. Bit of background first

Kelly's ChallengeStorycodes: Sbf; hood; rope; naked; cons; X Kelly looked at the ninety nine keys in the box. If she went through with this, there would be a hundred, and she would be confined until she found the right one with which to release her. If she carried this through, she would put the last key in the box, and then deliberately knock the box to the floor, scattering the keys everywhere, no knowledge of which was her key, or in which direction it had gone. It would be her severest challenge, and one no-one could help her with. She had been into self bondage for a long time, challenging herself to get free. Each time she tried harder than the last to make thing difficult, but had always, to date, found her way out safely. This idea came to her at a pub quiz. She watched as the winner of the quiz chose a key from the pile on the counter, and tried to open the box. They had failed, but the guy behind the bar assured everyone that the right key was in there somewhere. Kelly wondered how it would work if she were restrained, padlocked into position, with lots of keys to choose from, but only one correct one. That would be a real challenge. She knew almost immediately that it could take days to find the right key, especially if she were blindfolded. She could end up trying the same key several times, without knowing it,How many keys though? She hit on the figure of a hundred, all roughly the same, but with only on correct one.She spoke to the guy running the quiz who had bought the keys from a supplier. He had bought a set of twenty, but said the retailer would supply as many fake keys as was required. Over the next few days Kelly contacted the retailer and asked about a lock and a hundred keys, suggesting it was for a prize draw. After adding, untruthfully, that it was for charity, the man sold her the set with a discount.Now Kelly looked at the keys in the box. Ninety nine keys that would not open the padlock. Ninety nine chances of being wrong. Only a single key would release her.She knew she would be taking a great chance if she did this. She had no idea where the keys would fall. She knew they would scatter on the tiled floor, but had no idea how far and wide. She would also be hooded, so would not be able to see where they had gone. If she carried this out, she had to rely on eventually finding the right key, and with limited movement, that would be no easy thing.She placed the key into the box and began to shake them around, losing sight of her key almost immediately. She had considered marking it, but that, in her eyes, would have been cheating, and Kelly never cheated when she did self bondage. There was no point in setting herself challenges if she cheated. The box was then placed on the table, ready for when she decided to go through with it. If she changed her mind, she would have lost nothing, but if she followed through she would be risking everything.She was fully aware that if she didn

manuel salazar:
I love reading your stories. They are all very excizing. You are one hell of a story writer. You should probably write a book about sexual pleasures.


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