Pictures > Sex Stories
f/selfbondage stories found on the net
Thats a big compliment but Im NOT the writer of those great stories ( I wish ).The stories I found on the net so credits to original writer.
manuel salazar:
Well at least then thanks for bringing them up.
These stories remind me of the ones in the old usenet "" Back in those days, it was all we had!
No Gromet, no nothing!
Found another one which I like
Kate's test
Story Codes - F-f, f-self, reluctant, bodymod, self-bondage, toys
Part 1
"Finally!" Kate though, her roommate had finally finished packing and had left for home. She had thought that this moment would never arrive, Claire had taken so long to get packed, and it looked that she'd never get the flat to herself.
These past months had been hard on her, having to share with a stranger, after having own bedroom for so long. She’d tried to get on with Claire, but she’d found it hard to do. She was just too set in her ways to accept another sharing her personal space.
They’d had a few chats, getting to know each other a little better, but she never felt quite comfortable around her. There was something about Claire that made her wary of opening up too much. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but had a feeling that Claire was way too interested in her.
She’d known some predatory girls back at high school, and she every so often Claire had that same predatory look, usually when she thought that she wasn’t being watched. That look or whatever it was had stopped her from opening too much to her.
She knew that no matter how innocently they chatted, no matter how innocently Claire always seemed to bring the subject around to boys and sex, she had this inner sense not to open up to her, no matter how outlandish and bizarre Claire’s own tales were. There was no way she would ever confess to loving the feeling of being the helpless damsel, of being the maiden being tested and tormented before her prince charming arrived to save her.
So for this first term she'd had to restrict herself to subtle and “restrained fun”. All she could manage with sharing the room with Claire was the quiet use of her favourite handcuffs. She often slipped into bed, and slid her hand under the edge of the bed to quietly pull the cuffs from their hiding place. Just the touch of the cool steel turned her on, making her nipples harden ever so slightly.
She'd slip each wrist into the cuffs, and burying her hands under her duvet she's close them until she heard that faint "click" telling her that she was trapped. She would have preferred to cuff her hands behind her back, but sharing with Claire made that impossible, too greater a risk of being caught, so she'd had to settle for this.
Even so, imperfect as it was, it was such a turn on to her, and quite often she rolled onto her front, pressing her breasts into the mattress, her cuffed hands busy between her thighs, eagerly stroking that hard, slick centre, her hips grinding into the mattress as she bit the pillow to stifle the sounds of her release.
Now, with Claire gone for the long weekend, she had the place to herself, and she could indulge herself to her hearts content. Almost all the other students had taken the opportunity to get away from the pressures of university life, so she told the odd little white lie, telling all that she too was going home for the weekend.
"Right" she thought, "First things first" as she made her way to the kitchen. Taking a Tupperware bowl, she carefully coiled up her release string, making sure that either end was free of the water filled bowl. One end was the loop that hooked over the nail she'd hung picture from; the other contained the keys that would open up the cuffs.
As she left the water to freeze, she returned to her room, to set up the reminder of the necessary equipment. Just the thought of what she was about to do made her legs go weak and sent shivers through her. She could feel the familiar tingling in her nipples, and she just knew that her panties had a huge damp patch, she was that excited. After all she'd been looking forward to this moment for so long.
She worked quickly, eager to get everything set up so that she could begin. As she moved the chair, wrong way round to its position under the nail, she tried to remember the exact moment when she decided to test herself in this way. Ever since she could remember she'd loved the idea of being the helpless heroine, but even that hadn't been enough for her. From this simple beginning had grown the desire to be tested, to be challenged. Her favourite fantasies always contained the same, familiar elements; a heroine, bondage, lots of great sex, and a challenge that had to be overcome so that she could be freed. Somewhere along the way it she had settled on this current plan.
What made it the more exciting was the fact that if she failed, everyone would know about it, well not all the details exactly, just that she'd done something outside the norm.
She'd laid the groundwork almost from the beginning of her university days, by joining in on the bitch sessions, making fun at those girls who had decided to augment what God had given them naturally. It hadn't taken long for her to make a bit of a name as a radical, one of those women who looked down at those women who'd undergone surgery.
It was only much later had she found out that Claire had undergone surgery herself, not for vanities sake, but to repair the damage from a bad car accident. She’d tried to make amends about her comments, but this topic had been the one unspoken disagreement between them.
Satisfied that the legs of the chair were in the right position, she went to her trunk, locked as always, as she definitely didn't want Claire to see what she kept away from prying eyes.
Inside were her vibrators, the rest of her cuffs, her clamps, and most importantly, her latest additions, four heavy, titanium rings, in two sets of two.
As she held them, she wondered if she could really go through with this, was the risk worth the probably intense emotions she’d be going through. If she couldn’t last the distance she'd end up marking herself, probably forever. Even as her mind wondered about the wisdom of her plan, she couldn't take her eyes of the rings.
The larger pair had a circumference that would just slip over her breasts, gripping them in a cold, hard bondage. She'd practised breast bondage before, safely at home, and had discovered exactly the right diameter that would cause her breasts to swell, to be held proud and taught. She had been blessed with a natural D cup, which needed the support of a decent bra. When she'd bound them up tight, she had found that they didn't show any signs of sagging, that they pointed straight out of her chest. She'd tried walking, even jogging, and they hadn't moved, well not much, they were just this solid mass of flesh, looking exactly as if she'd had them stuffed full of silicone.
The breast rings, as she thought of them were an inch deep, to emphasise the unnatural shape they'd force her breast to take. If she failed then these would adorn the base of her breasts, making low cut tops, bikini's etc a thing of the past.
The inner surface of each of the rings had been engraved with lots of tiny teeth, all set to face the same way. These would slip on easy enough, but the teeth would dig into her skin, preventing removal.
Next to the larger pair was a similar pair, just smaller, ready to take her nipples into the same restrictive bondage. If these ever got unto her nipples, she’d be forced to go around with permanently hard nipples, nipples which would poke through pretty much anything that she currently owned.
All that was left to do was to set up the lab equipment that she'd "borrowed." It had been too easy to wander past the chemistry labs, and to take the odd set of supports used to support all that chemical apparatus.
It took longer than she would have thought to get the supports holding the bands set up just right. Eventually she had them set just as she’d imagined them. Now if she lowered her breasts onto her apparatus, the larger bands would grip her breasts and the smaller ones, her nipples.
Next came the silk cord, for strength, which was threaded through the rings, and tied to her favourite nipple clamps. These were something special, they didn't open up from side to side, and instead they opened like a grabber, like those you got at the fun fair for grabbing the stuffed toy. These would grab her nipples evenly around the tip, holding them ever so tight.
The silk cord led from the clamps, through the rings, around the simple pulley she'd fitted to the base of each set of supports, and into the bathroom, where the cords were looped over the shower rail and tied to a bucket, which was set underneath the shower head.
Even though setting up the necessary equipment had taken a little time, in fact longer than she'd originally thought, it hadn't dampened her excitement; if anything it had only increased the depth of her desire.
Her nipples were already aching, and she hadn't even attached the clamps yet! All that was left to do was to retrieve the now frozen length of string, and to set up the finishing touches.
She quickly stripped, and got her vibrators ready. She always felt so sluttish, getting ready. There was something pretty decadent in kneeling on the edge of the bed, naked, with a handful of vibrating toys. First up, literally, was her anal vibe. A quick slide into her hot pussy, and it was covered with enough of her juices to enable it to slide into her ass with little trouble.
She knelt there, enjoying the way her ass slowly opened up to accommodate the intruder, first past the outer ring, a pause, then past the inner. It wasn't that large, but it felt that way once she'd nestled it deep in her ass.
Next was the vibe for her pussy, this was a little larger, curved slightly so that it pressed against her clit from the inside. Together they filled her pretty full.
Finally was her butterfly vibe, carefully placed over her hard and expectant clit. Moving carefully, she then stepped into her tight latex pair of panties. These she slowly slid up her legs, until they firmly gripped her ass, ensuring that all her toys would be held in place.
Next up was her gag; somehow loosing the ability to speak was such a turn on. The feel of the soft rubber as it slipped behind her teeth, holding her mouth open, was such a rush. With deft practice she did up the buckles, ensuring that she couldn't shake the gag off.
Gingerly she went into the bathroom, and turned on the shower, until there was a slow and steady drip of water into the awaiting bucket. Moving as quickly as she could, she returned to the set up by the chairs and before she could have too many doubts, she cuffed her ankles to the chair. Now she was held firmly in place, all that was left was to turn on all of her toys, and to bend forward and to slip the clamps over her nipples.
She paused, for a moment, it wasn't too late to back out, but before she could really articulate the thought, she cuffed her hands behind her back, trapping her in her own experiment. As the cuff closed around her wrist; she felt a heady rush that left her weak. It was too late for her to have second thoughts now. Now she'd have to endure her test until the ice melted and dropped the keys into her hands.
She could feel the vibrators all working between her thighs, trapped in her latex panties. What made them work so well on her was the fact that they all pulsed at different rates. One would be on, then another, then two, and eventually they would synchronise and she'd get the full effect of all three working their way on her.
This moment was so intense, such a turn on; she had to fight the need to make it. She could already feel the pull of the weight of water in the bucket, and she could watch as her breasts were being pulled towards the waiting bands. If she came now, she'd come off her high too soon, and she'd be unable to withstand the steadily increasing pull until her hands were free.
Stifling a groan, she tried to think of something else, like numbers tables, but the thrice damned vibrators were working their magic on her tender parts.
Currently her anal vibe was working in harmony with the butterfly on her clit, sending shudders through her, and the pull on her tits was just enough to help turn her on more and more.
She could feel her pussy awash with her juices, the panties trapping her juices next to her skin, making her feel all slick and hot. The butterfly cut out, to be replaced with her pussy vibe. The feel of it as it vibrated against her anal intruder was almost too much. She could feel the thin membrane that separated them being pounded into submission.
All the while the pull on her nipples increased, and she had to lean forward, trying to reduce the pull on her nipples.
She was lost in that moment, between heaven and hell. Her nipples and breasts were becoming increasingly painful, but the combination of vibrators and the situation she was in was just keeping her too turned on to care.
She was startled out of her fugue by the feel of the cool metal as her breasts brushed against the top of the bands. She's almost got too lost in the moment and had almost fallen into her own trap.
Taking a deep breath she pulled herself more upright, but the strain on her breast was incredible. The pain was just on the edge of being too much for her, but the toys kept things almost bearable.
She was shocked to realise that this time she maybe had set her sights too high, and she desperately turned her head, trying to judge how much longer it would take for the ice to melt, but judging from the amount of ice she could just catch a glimpse of, she realised that she’d well misjudged how much she could take.
Again she felt her breast meet the cool bands, but this time coincided with all three of her vibrators switching on together. This boost was all she needed to lift herself up again, She was poised right on the edge of making it. It felt that this moment could go on forever, balanced as she was.
Her heart leapt into her throat when she heard a key in the lock. She was supposed to be alone for the weekend. "Kate" she heard Claire call, "I've a surprise for you" she said as she opened the door and stepped into the room.
Claire's mouth just hung there, open, catching flies as she tried to make sense of the scene in front of her. There was her roommate, Kate, naked apart from a pair of black, shiny panties, her breasts stretched into an incredible shape by the weight pulling on them.
After an eternity, Claire managed a half hearted explanation, "I’d forgotten my reading texts and I though I’d best come back and retrieve them." and with that Claire leaned against he door frame, trying to make sense of the muffled sounds coming from Kate’s gagged mouth.
Regaining her composure, Claire then stood, and her eyes followed the string from nipples to bathroom. "I always thought you were a secretive one" she said, "and now I know exactly what you’d been holding back from me"
Kate, for her part, wanted nothing more to drop through the floor, the shock at being discovered had jump started her mind, and for the moment she managed to forget the pleasures and pains that were coursing through her body.
She tried to make Claire understand that she just wanted release, so that she could sort of explain everything, but all she could manage were muffled, unintelligible gibberish.
She watched as Claire returned from the bathroom, her fingers tracing along the silk cord, until the met the bands that had been threatening to trap her breasts.
"Oh My!" Claire exclaimed, "I see what you were doing, and here I thought you absolutely hated girls with artificial breasts. Now I know how much you wanted to be like them"
"But I don't" was Kate’s mental cry, "It was just a test" she thought, knowing full well that Claire was ignoring her gagged cries.
At that moment the vibes kicked in again, taking her mind of Claire, and back to her predicament. Her thighs were aching, and she knew that the next time all three set off together would be the time she came. Already she'd lasted longer than she thought she would have managed, the threat of the bands had been just enough to hold her off from making it.
As she concentrated on the feelings deep within her, and tried to block out the terrible tugging on her breasts, she watched, fugue like as Claire walked past her, and deftly removed the key from the hook.
"I'm sorry Kate, but I really want to see how this works out" was Claire’s response to the question in her eyes. “I’ve often lain in bad, listening to your furtive movements, wondering how I could ensnare you, and all the while all I had to do was to wait and you’d fall into my hands”
With that, Claire quickly dived into the bathroom and returned with a bottle of baby oil. "Let me help" Claire cooed cruelly, liberally covering her hands with the oil.
Kneeling beside Kate, Claire then gently took her straining breasts in hand, and softly massaged them, working the oil into the taught, stretched flesh. "Doesn't that feel good?" she asked, as she slowly cupped her hands and started to gently squeeze her tits, squeezing them as if she were milking a cow. Kate found she couldn't disagree. The feel of Claire's hands as they massaged her aching breasts was such a pleasant and unexpected turn on.
Claire tilted her head, seeming to listen to the pitch of the vibrators as they kicked in, one after another until all three were working their magic on Kate's trapped body. Claire could visibly see Kate’s struggle with the sensations that were running through the centre of her being, and the strain of keeping her breasts free of the bands that would trap them.
Judging her moment to perfection, Claire put her hand between Kate's shoulder blades, and pressed down firmly, forcing Kate's torso towards the floor.
Kate couldn't resist the pressure, and she felt her oiled breasts slip into the bands. "Oh My God!" Kate thought as she felt the bands constrict her breasts as they slipped onto them. "Claire, STOP!" she tried to say, but if Claire understood, she showed no signs of obeying.
The feel of the bands as they slid along her taught breasts and permanently trapped them was the final straw, and Kate could feel her orgasm building deep within her. She forgot what was happening to her, what it would mean for her future, and instead just concentrated on the feelings, from the vibes in her ass, pussy and on her clit, to the feel of the cool metal as it slipped around her breasts.
With a guttural cry, her hips started to buck as she came, and came hard. Her whole body felt as if she were on fire. She could feel herself make it time and time again, until she was totally lost in the intense feelings that were coursing through her. Some dim part of her brain was vaguely aware that she had clumped down, and with Claire's help her nipples too were now banded.
Her limbs were still trembling as Claire undid all the cuffs and clamps, freeing her, before helping her onto the bed. She could feel Claire’s fingers tracing around the bands, stroking and fondling her breasts which were now turning a fetching shade of pinky purple.
“Now Kate” Claire cruelly cooed, “We both know what you’ve done, and I think that this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.”
Part 2
Kate knew that she was very lucky in that Claire hadn't pressed herself on her while she was in that vulnerable state; instead Claire had just given her a look, a look that was cool and very calculating. Kate could feel the heat of Claire's eyes as she drank in the image of her, and in the end, she had to look away, her eyes downcast, wishing for Claire to leave. Eventually she heard the door close and she was alone again, left with the certain knowledge that she had taken the first step upon a journey, and she had no idea where it was leading.
As she started to put away all her toys and makeshift equipment, Kate realized that her new breasts, well not new exactly, but reshaped breasts were going to take a little getting used to. No longer did they gently bobble as she walked; they remained firm and full, jutting stiffly out in front of her. As Kate stood in front of the mirror, turning from side to side, her eyes took in her new look. Her breasts were a fetching shade of ruddy pink, contrasting against her pale skin. They stood high on her chest, a bit higher than normal, the nipples sticking straight out, like two little buttons.
Kate tried jumping up and down and wasn't surprised to find that they remained firm and unmoving, at least, she thought, she could run without needing a sports bra, one good thing she supposed, not that she ran for fun anyway.
It wasn't until a few days later that Kate realized that maybe she'd gone too far with her fantasy. Her clothing was the first of her problems that she had to address. She tried on one of her t-shirts, but all that did was attract attention to her reshaped breasts. The material clung snugly to every enforced curve, no longer reaching her waist. Her banded nipples tried to poke holes through the material, and it didn't take too much of a close look to see the bands that encircled her nipples. She tried on top after top, some tighter than others, but all they did was to attract attention to her breasts, and especially her nipples.
Having said that, Kate had to admit to her secret self that the image she saw looking back at her in the mirror was sexy, in a very skanky way. As she turned round and round, viewing herself, she couldn't help but feel the first stirrings in her pussy. She could feel her labia start to swell, pressing against her waking clit. Standing in profile, looking at her jutting breasts, she watched her face colour in a heady mix of embarrassment and arousal as she imagined walking through the mall, letting all the horny teenagers get a good look at her.
"Not just yet" Kate thought, not really ready to go out dressed like, well she wasn't quite sure what, but it certainly wasn't decent.
After the tighter tops, Kate tried on her loose ones, shirts that could just be tied at the waist, old, loose jumpers and the like. While they had the desired effect of hiding just how firm and high her breasts were, they brought their own problems. As she walked around her room, getting used to the new feelings coursing through her, she realized that the material ever so slightly shifted as she walked. The effect of that little movement on her heightened nipples was electric. Every shift in her top brought the feel of each individual thread as it rubbed across her taught nipples. It felt like her pussy and nipples were connected to the same electric circuit.
The more she moved around, the more her nipples were rubbed, and the faster her pussy flooded with her juices, and the more turned on she became.
In the end she settled into a routine, although settled didn't adequately describe her situation. While at class, she wore her loosest tops, trying to hide from her classmates her changed breasts, although this had the effect of distracting her. By the time she walked from the dorm to the class, she could feel the tops of her thighs slick with her juices, and her clit would be throbbing with an aching need to make it. She soon found that giving in to that need was a mistake. Kate could remember her first class and the desperate need she had to orgasm by the time she managed the walk to class. She could barely sit still, listening to the lecturer drone on and on, all the while her mind was distracted by the sensations flowing from her breasts to her aching pussy. Eventually the class ended and she almost ran to the restrooms, eager to find an empty stall, eager to relieve the ache between her thighs.
Closing the door with a slam, Kate slumped down onto the seat and quickly hoisting her skirt up around her waist, she exposed her swollen pussy to her quick and eager fingers. Resting the index and ring fingers on either labia, she let her middle finger slip between her swollen lips. Kate bit down on a moan as she felt her finger make contact with her clit, a clit so swollen that she was sure she could feel the ridges on her finger as she lightly ran the tip over her button-like clit. It only took a moment for her finger to work its magic. She let out a low, shuddering groan as she came hard.
Letting herself make it turned out to be a mistake though, after she came down off her high, Kate realized that her body was even more sensitive, the slightest touch almost being too much to bear. The brush of her top against her breasts and nipples changed from an arousing caress to the most exquisite torture. Every shift sent shivers through her as her body tried to respond to the caress of the material. But she was spent and even that light touch was too much.
After that, Kate had to settle for being permanently turned on in class, always trying to sit alone, so that her classmates wouldn't get too close and realize just how aroused she was. If class was bad, then sharing her room with Claire was worse. She couldn't remember Claire being around so much before but she hadn't paid too much attention to Claire's comings and goings. Now it seemed that Claire was up and around before her, and she was there when she got back from class. It seemed to Kate that Claire didn't want to leave her alone for a moment, and that was damn frustrating.
The only thing that made the situation bearable was the fact that, although Clair couldn't take her eyes off her breasts, she didn't make a move on her. Instead, Claire just let her eyes do the talking while Kate was uneasy with what she saw there. It got so bad for her that Kate started to avert her eyes, usually fixating on a spot on the floor, anything to avoid that predatory look.
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In her heart she knew that such behavior, instead of putting Claire off, would in all likelihood attract her even more, but she couldn't seem to break herself of this newly forming habit. It was so much easier not to look at her when they talked than to see that desire.
As the days passed, Kate's thoughts couldn't help revisit the self bondage session that had gotten her into this state. Although she was finding it tougher than she thought she would, she found that she really did enjoy the feeling of near permanent arousal. She could feel the need to be restrained building up in her again, if only Claire would leave her some time alone.
The desire for some serious self-bondage was becoming almost unbearable, when Kate had a lucky break. Returning to their rooms, Kate found a note from Claire, telling her that she had been called away on a family emergency and that she'd be back tomorrow. Claire ended the note with, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Kate couldn't decide whether this was a challenge or a dare. She decided that she would risk this being some sort of a set up. After all, she knew that Claire had designs on her and didn't put it past her to fake the note so that she could come back and surprise her again. Nevertheless, she had been turned on all day and here was an opportunity to indulge herself, albeit a somewhat risky indulgence.
Deciding that she had no time to waste, she dashed into her room, and feeling a little bit daring, she quickly put on her ball gag. There was something helplessly decadent about the feel of the cool rubber as it forced her jaws apart, making her salivate uncontrollably. Just this tiny act set her heart racing and her clit was throbbing, hard. Her mind racing ahead to what she could manage. Kate guessed that Claire would be gone for a good few hours, and maybe all night, but assuming an all-nighter might be a terrible miscalculation.
Working deftly, she took her string and the keys to her wrist cuffs, and went into the kitchenette, and she set about freezing the key into a block of ice. She'd carefully marked out on the plastic container how much time it would take for the ice to melt and for the key to drop, and not wanting to tempt fate, she regretfully poured only enough water for an hours time. She wished it could be longer but she didn't want Claire to find her helpless again.
While the ice froze, she quickly assembled the rest of her bondage gear, the spreader bar, the butt plug, the ankle and wrist cuffs, chain, and her clover clamps. Nodding to herself as she checked off all the toys she needed, she cursed when she realized that she'd almost forgotten her vibe, briefly turning it on, checking the batteries.
Her first task was to thread the chain through the eyebolt that she had found when she first moved into the room, taking care that the chain slid freely. To one end of the chain, she attached the wrist cuffs; to the other she attached the clover clamps.
Walking quickly back into the kitchen she saw that the rapid freezer had done its work and her key was safely frozen in its block of ice. She deftly tied the free end of the string to the eyebolt so that the ice hung freely. Now all she had to do was wait an hour and her key would drop into her hands.
Stripping, she wasn't surprised to find that the tops of her thighs were coated with her juices. She had been trying to ignore the hard, insistent ache that demanded release; she wanted to draw this out as long as possible, well for about an hour actually, before she came. Her clit was hard, throbbing in time to her pulse and Kate felt so turned on, so naughty. The threat of Claire’s return was adding a dangerous edge to her play.
Stepping into the spreader bar, she bent down and quickly did up the ankle restraints. She would have smiled but for the gag, as she felt the strain in her thighs as the bar held her legs widespread.
Pausing only a moment, she turned on her rabbit vibe and slowly slid it along her slightly parted inner lips. The feel of the vibrations passed to her clit through her labia, almost, but not quite, tipping her into an orgasm.
She let the tip tease her, feeling the head as it swirled in its circular motion, before slowly sliding it deep in her. She let out a little moan as the vibe filled her completely, diving deep into her wet pussy. A little twist and she could feel the ears of the rabbit nestle against her demanding clit, sending a fresh source of vibration through her.
Tensing the muscles buried deep within her, she gripped the vibe to keep it from falling out. She knew that this would be a challenge but if she used her panties to keep the evil toy in her, then she would make it all too fast. Taking a breath, she reached round and slid the plug against her ass. This part always made her feel naughty and decadent. The cool steel as the tip of the plug pressed against her tight sphincter sent a shiver through her, almost distracting her from keeping the vibe buried deep within her.
She pressed just a little and groaned in pleasure as the plug forced its way into her ass, adding to the full feeling. She could feel the vibe pressing against the thin membrane that separated her two toys, and the movement as the vibe swirled in her was almost too much. She desperately needed something to distract her mind a little, or this would be one of her shortest sessions. She could feel her orgasm building, insistent and demanding immediate relief, but she wanted to ride this sexual high a little while longer.
Taking the clover clamps, she opened the jaws, and settled them onto her nipples, as near the base of each as the rings around them allowed. She let out a sharp hiss of pain as the clamps bit, temporarily setting her orgasm back. Kate knew her own body too well though and she knew that soon, the bite of the clamps would transform into exquisite pleasure, adding to the building heat between her thighs.
After a quick check that she hadn't forgotten anything, she raised her arms, and slipped them into the awaiting cuffs. Now her arms were held high above her head, held there by the chains that attached them to the clamps. Any lowering of her arms now would tug on the clamps, squeezing and tugging on her nipples even further.
As she swayed there, concentrating on keeping her muscles taut, holding her vibe deep in her, she could feel the ache in her breasts and nipples slowly change, transforming into a new sexy feeling.
Experimentally, she lowered her arms a little, seeing just how the clamps would respond, and immediately raised them again, as they bit into her tender nipples a little too hard. Instead, she concentrated on the play between the vibe and her butt plug, revelling in the sensations that were coursing through her.
Lowering her arms a little, she rode the fine line between pain and pleasure, always edging a little closer towards her long awaited relief. She could feel her juices slipping past the vibe and coating her thighs where they cooled in the slight draft of the air conditioning.
Closing her eyes, she let herself go, and let the insistent need take over, carefully juggling her arms to bring the right amount of pressure on her aching nipples. She could feel the ears of the rabbit caress her clit, taking her towards what she was sure would be an explosive orgasm.
Just as she reached the point of no return, the rabbit let out a shudder and slowed right up, barely moving in her, its movements not enough to give her that final push. Kate's mind raced, "This shouldn't be happening," she thought, “I put in new batteries last week and I haven’t used it that much since.” It was damn frustrating; her vibe had gone from a source of increasing pleasure to a demon toy that was keeping her on edge without letting her make it.
She raised her head and looked at the ice, and saw that her key was almost free, she'd only have to endure this for a couple of minutes longer, then she could free her arms and use her hands to bring herself to the long awaited release that she so desperately craved.
Try as she might, the thrice damned vibe was keeping her just on edge enough, horny enough that she knew it wouldn’t take much to bring her off, but not enough to allow her to make it in her current situation.
Finally, the key dropped and Kate pounced on it, eager to free her arms from the chains. She was looking forward to burying her fingers deep in her aching pussy, quickly stroking and circling her clit until she made it.
Grabbing the key wasn't too difficult and she slid the key home, eagerly awaiting the welcome click that would announce her freedom. Try as she might, the key wouldn't turn! Puzzled, Kate tried the other cuff thinking that this was just a temporary setback, but the key didn't work in the other cuff either. Desperately, Kate racked her mind, trying to make sense of the situation, but she couldn't. She kept the keys secure, clearly marked, so that this sort of accident couldn't happen.
The ringing of the phone broke her introspection and her heart dropped like a stone when she heard Claire's dulcet tones as the phone switched to voice mail. "Kate, not sure if you're hearing this, but I thought I’d give you a chance, that is if you weren’t too eager to make use of my absence." Kate heard a wicked giggle as she continued, "I was a little naughty. I swapped your keys around. See you soon, bye."
Kate's head swam with the news, Claire had sabotaged her keys, setting her up for who knows what and in her haste to take advantage of her absence, and she’d fallen right into her trap.
Kate didn't have long to wait until she heard a key in the lock and that, in itself, was very suspicious. It was as if Claire had been watching her all along, waiting for the right moment to strike.
She could only stand there as Claire entered the room, a wicked grin on her face and a set of keys in her hand. "My, my, what's this?" she asked as she stopped in front of Kate. "I see that you couldn't resist after all." With that, she reached out a hand, and slowly, slid the vibe part way out of her, before sliding it back and then whipping it out. Kate couldn't take her eyes off Claire's hand as she slowly brought the vibe up to her mouth and parted her lips, letting her tongue slide slowly along the length of the vibe tasting Kate's fresh juices.
"Hmm," Claire said, "pre-orgasmic, if I'm not mistaken. It seems that I'm just in time." With that, Claire causally tossed the vibe to the floor. Kate couldn't believe her eyes or ears; her mind, also, was racing with Claire's comment. Kate struggled to comprehend how Claire could tell from just a taste that she hadn't made it. As if she was a mind reader, Claire added, "Don't worry pet, you'll learn in time to tell the difference."
With those worrying remarks, Claire disappeared into her own room, returning after a moment, holding in her hand something small and shiny. She stood close in front of Kate, well inside her personal space, almost threateningly close.
Her eyes tracked Claire’s hand as it brought the shiny object close, and Kate recognized it as a ring, a ring that matched the ones she currently wore around her breasts and nipples. Seeing the dawning realization in her eyes, Claire added, "That’s right. This tiny ring is to complete your set."
With that, she stepped back, turned and disappeared into Kate’s room. In a mater of moments, she returned with one of the heavy clamps Kate had used earlier, and the vacuum. It became obvious to Kate that Claire had practiced this moment and she watched as Claire attached the ring to the tip of the vacuum nozzle, and then to the clamp. Adjusting it slightly, Claire pointed the nozzle right between Kate’s widespread legs, the ring and vacuum pointed straight at her clit. Kate couldn’t take her eyes off the ring, and the threat that it promised. She knew by experience that having her breasts and nipples permanently bound was tough enough, but if her clit were bound the same way, then she'd be a slave to her clit, an engorged clit that would demand relief almost every waking moment.
Shaking her head, she tried to convey to Claire that she wasn't going to play, but the gag muffled all intelligible communication. Claire raised her hand and patted Kate on the cheek, "Just remember the choice is all yours," she said, before lowering her hand and raking her nails along to top of Kate's right breast.
The shock of the touch made Kate start and she felt the vacuum press into her sex, almost trapping her before she had a chance. With a jerk, she thrust her hips back, freeing her clit from the lure of the suction.
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Kate watched as Claire settled onto the sofa and slowly slides her left hand up and under her t-shirt. She couldn't believe it; Claire was going to use her predicament as a way of getting off.
Kate could not take her eyes of Claire's hand as it slowly disappeared under her shirt. The way the material stretched to accommodate her hand as it made it's way towards her breast was hypnotic. She felt herself starting to respond to this sexy sight. She tried to take her eyes off Claire, but every time her gaze shifted, Claire would let out a little moan, attracting her attention again.
Kate wasn't too surprised when she saw Claire undo the tops of her jeans and slide her other hand between her legs. Kate felt slightly ashamed to be used this way, as a living image for someone to get off. Even as she thought this, her body betrayed her with a fresh stirring in her loins. It seemed that her clit had a mind of its own, and it so desperately wanted relief, even if that relief brought consequences.
Kate had to admit that Claire made a sexy sight as she lay on the couch, her hands hidden from direct view, but the way her top and jeans moved left little to the imagination.
Claire's breathing shortened as she came closer to her orgasm and Kate found herself breathing in time, her body synchronizing with Claire’s.
As close as she was, she realized that she couldn’t just make it like this and that damned ring was going to be needed to bring her off. Gently she thrust her hips forward, trying to balance the feel of the ring as it vibrated against her clit and the suction that threatened to trap her.
She just about managed to get it so that the ring was stimulating her towards a great orgasm without slipping onto her clit when Claire opened her eyes, and taking in the situation told her, "Cum for me Kate, cum for me."
Claire’s hand seemed to writhe quicker and quicker as she played with herself, her eyes drinking in the sight of the helpless Kate, and Kate found herself thrusting her hips against the ring in time with Claire.
With a low growl, Claire orgasmed, her limbs trembling as she got off on the sight of Kate and her predicament. The sight and sound of Claire's orgasm tipped Kate over the edge. She could feel the tight metal band slipping onto her clit but she no longer knew nor cared. The feeling as her clit was squeezed into the ring was sheer heaven as she started to cum. Her clit was thumping in time to her pulse as her blood fought it's way past the constricting band, magnifying the intensity of her release.
Kate was crying out "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" as one orgasm followed another. She'd never been multi-orgasmic before but the feel of the tight ring as it hit the base of her clit, leaving the tip swollen and exposed. The vacuum was sucking cool air past the incredibly sensitive tip, sending fresh waves of pleasure shooing through her. Her thighs were trembling with the strain of keeping her upright as she kept on cumming.
In a daze, she hung her head, totally spent. Her limbs felt so weak, as if she'd ran a marathon. She barely noticed when Claire pressed the right key into her hand, and left her there, along with the parting words "You're definitely a keeper!"
Author - lofwyrkp [lofwyrkp1{at}hotmail{dot}com]
Great stories. Thanks for those (:
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