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f/selfbondage stories found on the net
I Hate Programming!
Storycodes: Sbf; cuffs; rope; electro; susp; toys; stuck; caught; cons; X
I?ve been a bondage lover for as long as I remember. I used to play cowboys and Indians when I was a kid. I always wanted to be the one captured and tied up. I remember watching TV show where the heroine gets bound and gagged, secretly wishing it was me.
When I starting dating, I practiced bondage a little, but never found the perfect bondage partner. Oh, sometimes guys would force my hands over my head and forcibly kiss me, but I never really got myself tied up the way I imagined it could be. That?s when I turned to self bondage. The problem with that is I could never find a way to tie myself securely and still be able to get free later. I tried hand cuffs, they worked okay, but are kind of hard on my wrists. A girl friend suggested twisting ropes around my wrists, behind my back. It is so easy to get free, it really wasn?t bondage at all, in my mind. I think I define real bondage as not being able to get free, even when you want, or need, to.
I decided if I was going to be tied up the way I wanted, I would have to come up with a way to tie myself. I searched the web and got a lot of ideas about various release mechanisms. The key frozen in ice is very reliable, but I wanted to be held captive for a long time, longer than the ice thing would work. I decided I would approach this problem from an engineering standpoint. I have a associates degree in electrical engineering and can program a little.
First of all, what did I really want? I thought about it for a while and decided what I really wanted was to be securely tied, in a somewhat uncomfortable position. I wanted to suffer a little, but not too much. I also wanted to be out of control of my destiny. In other words, I did not want to know how long I would be bound. I did want cuffs or chains. Although they are very secure and easy to lock using pad locks, they are hard on my skin. They are also cold, which I did not want, seeing as though I would be bound for a long time. Ideally, I would be bound from head to foot in tape or cloth bandages with no chance of escape, but I did not see a way to do this to myself, and still get free. I saw a pallet wrapping machine that wrapped pallet loads of product with stretch wrap. This would be great, I could just stand on the turntable and let the machine wrap me up. The problem is when to stop the wrapping and how to get free.
I also wanted to suffer a little pain, but not too much. I decided I would need some help doing this, so I turned to my computer and an electric motor and some shocking devices. I had a Christmas bonus coming, so I bought myself some presents. I purchased a shocking type dog collar, a dual channel TENS unit, A programmable shocking type butt plug and a 10 inch dildo with a vibrator built in to it, and I found a servo motor and a PLC (programmable logic controller) in the trash at work. Did I mention I have an electrical engineering degree? The motor still worked. I don?t know why someone trashed it. Maybe it was obsolete. No matter, it would work for what I had in mind. The PLC did not work, but I dissembled it and found the problem, a broken wire. I easilt repaired this. Now that I had all my parts, it was time to plan out my adventure in great detail. I know how dangerous self bondage can be, and I did not want to die!
First, I had to test the dog collar shock on my self. I did and it hurt like hell, way too much for a long term bondage session. I put a resistor in series with the shocking probe and it toned down the shock considerably. I tried a 500k resistor and it was too big, no shock at all. I kept trying smaller resistors until I found one that would allow the right amount of powerful jolt. With the idea I had, that would be the most powerful shock I would get. Next I made a breadboard to test a variable resistor. This way I could program the collar to shock intermittently, with programmable intensity, and with variable length of shock. The program was rather simple. Every 15 minutes I asked the computer for a random 2 digit number, from 10 to 99. I used the first digit to determine the length of time for the shock. One second for each number. The second digit would determine the severity of the shock. So, the number 37 would give me a shock for 3 seconds with a severity level of 7 out of 9. I dreaded the thought of a 99! Next I turned to the TENS devise. I used the same programming technique. I just needed to program when it would shock, for how long, and at what intensity. I used the same random scheme, I just ask Mister computer for a number every 3 minutes for one channel and 4 minutes for the other one. All this programming is a real pain but I don?t know an alternative.
I decided to use leather wrist and ankle cuffs and spreader bars with pad lock on each. I figured a rope tied to each wrist cuff with the other end fastened to a rotating drum, driven by my programmable motor. I wrote a program that wound rotate the drum until my wrist cuffs were 4 feet off the bed. Now I did the same thing for my ankle cuffs. This way my feet would become elevated also. I tried out the program with empty cuffs. It worked pretty well, I just had to make some minor adjustment to the length of the rope.
For my release mechanism, I programmed the motor to unwind at a time determined by, you guessed it, my random number generator. I did program a maximum wind time, to be sure I would not be stuck too long. I set it for 50 hours. 50 hours, just over 2 days. That would be a very maximum time, I feel brave. I?ll make it 75 hours. I think I can take that, worse case. If I write my program right, it should be much less than that.
I thought I may want to get some uninterrupted sleep during my bondage session, so I programmed a 4 hour time every 24 hours when there would be no shocking and the winding would not be tighter that half way. Of course, I did not know when my 4 hour break would come. I also did want to get too short of a session. The length of time I would be bound is totally up to chance, with the random number program. So I programmed a minimum time of 4 hours.
What if we lost power? I thought of that. An electric clutch would disengage if power were lost for more than a second. The drum would be free to rotate and I could pull the wrist ropes to get some slack. Of course I still have to find the key someplace in the blankets. For safety sake, I put 2 keys in between the blankets.
I was almost ready to begin. One final check of everything. The dog collar shocker works with variable shocking, both intensity/duration and frequency. The TENS unit works great, quite a little tingle. hehe. I would have an electrode on the heel of each foot and on each tit, near my nipple. Four total, that should do it. The vibrator/dildo works. Note to self, lube first. Now the butt plug. That seems to work ok too. One last thing, fresh batteries for everything.
The time is getting close. I prepared a list of things to do just before my session started. Set the phone message ?Sorry, I?m a little tied up for a few days. Leave me a message?. Next, go to the potty. That could get very messy. Prepare a large drinking bottle with a plastic straw I could reach at least most of the time. I should also unwrap 4 energy bars and put them on the pillow. With the way I wrote the motor program, the drum would unwind from time to time taking the tension off my arms and legs, but not enough to let me reach the keys. I should still be able to get a little snack once in a while.
As a last safety measure, I arranged for a friend to come over for dinner on Friday, 4 days away. She knew where I kept a key hidden and I had told her to let herself in it I didn?t answer the door.
The time is getting close and I am tingling with excitement, and maybe a little fear. I?ve never done this before and wasn?t sure I remembered everything.
I can not wait any longer. I must do this tonight before I chicken out. First things first, set the timer to start my program. I gave myself 30 minutes to get everything on. I had already fastened 2 ropes to the drum, one for the wrist spreader bar and one for the ankle bar. I put the TENS electrodes on my heels. Next came the butt plug. I lubed myself up good and slipped it in. MMMMM, that feels so good. Then the dildo, lots of KY and in it goes. Now I locked on the ankle cuffs. Time for the electrodes on my boobs. Now a ring gag. I fastened it fairly tight, but not as tight as it could go. I would be wearing it a loooong time. I could still eat and drink a little with that on. Now the wrist cuffs locked on and tied to the drum. The last thing was the blindfold. Then just lay back and wait for the fun to begin. I had turned all the lights in the house off except a little night light.
I laid back waiting, wonder what was taking so long, when I heard the motor start. Slowly, I felt my arms being raised as well as my feet. ZAP!! I wasn?t even tight yet and the collar shocked me! Then my pussy started to tingle, then my feet. Everything seemed to be working ok. When my wrists were tightened to the max and my butt plug shocked me I had my first orgasm. Of GAWD, what have I done??? I shivered in excitement as I got shocked again. I felt my arms start to relax and then a few seconds later start to tighten again. When the drum unwound, I could never know if it was sleep time, a break for me, or the end of the program. It was awesome the way the drum kept stretching me tighter, then letting me looser, with who know what shocking took place in between. The way I had programmed things, it was possible to get shocked by everything at once. OUCH!!! This happened more that I thought it would. It was exhausting, getting stretched, shocked and let loose. I finally felt it was sleep time and the program let me have a break.
I was awakened by the feeling of my arms being stretched and my feet being raised. OUCH, that was a big one. I think maybe I over did my bondage system for my first attempt. I could reach my water bottle okay if I stretched my neck. I had taped it to my pillow. But now I had to Pee. Great. I held it as long as I could, but finally let go. It was warm at first, but cold all too soon. I was wishing I had set a shorter time for my session now. I had no idea what time it was or how long I had been stuck like this. I had lost all sense of time. I didn?t even know if it was day or night.
I was regretting my decision to be out of control of my bondage situation. Too late for those thoughts. I was stuck and I knew it. I had nobody to blame but myself. My arms were so sore and my pussy felt like it was raw. The batteries for the dildo and butt plug were dead by this time. Then I heard the door bell. Oh no, it can?t be Friday can it? Again the bell, then I heard the door open. ?Anybody home?? I heard. It wasn?t my friends voice, it was a man!!. Now I was really terrified. Then I heard him speak. ?Well little lady, it looks like you?ve got your self in quite a bind. Are you ok?? the man asked. I nodded yes as he took the gag off. I stretched my aching mouth and he put the water bottle to my lips. ?As long as you say you are ok, I guess I could leave you like this. This is what you wanted, wasn?t it?? he asked.
?No, please let me loose. I?ve been tied like for way too long?. I said.
?Another option is I could play with you for a while, before I released you. What do you think of that? Would you like me to play with you? Do you think I can do a better job than that dildo?? he asked.
?Oh, please untie me. I?ll cooperate with you completely if you just untie me. Please Mister, please? I begged. I felt the electrodes being removed from my tits and a warm hand caress them. ?Please untie me? I begged.
?Hmmmm, I thought you liked being tied up?? he asked.
?Well, I do, but not for this long. I?ve been tied so long I don?t even know what day it is. Now please untie me. I?ll do anything you want.? I begged.
?Okay, I?ll untie you, on one condition. I want you to be my bondage buddy. And I don?t mean for today, I mean forever, or until we agree to stop. I know you like bondage and so do I. I?m not a bad guy and I would never hurt you or do anything you didn?t want me to do. I?m sure this arrangement could be pleasurable for both of us. So, what do you say??
I quickly thought about my options and since I was in no position to argue or negotiate, I agreed. ?Okay, I?ll do it. Now please untie me now so I can pee and clean myself up.?
When he removed the blindfold I was relieved and very pleased. He was quite tall and good looking. He unlocked the cuffs and I rushed the toilet and then the shower. I cleaned myself up and put some makeup on and got dressed. When I found him again he was studying my little invention.
?Wow, you clean up very well? he said. ?This is quite a rig you have here. Where did you get it??
I explained that I made it and wrote the program myself.
?Very impressive. I could use this device to put you in a strappado. Here, come over and I?ll show you?.
He took my wrists and locked them together behind my back and tied the rope I was using for a wrist rope to my cuffs. Using the manual switches, he rotated the drum until my arms were well above my head and I was bent over on about a 45 degree angle. ?How?s this?? he asked as he was tying my elbows together.
?mmmmmm? is all I could say.
As he slid his hand between my legs all I could think about was what a lucky girl I was to have found a new bondage buddy and I wouldn?t even have to program him.
?Do you have some plastic wrap? I want to wrap you up like a little mummy?? I think I might be in heaven and have found my angel!
The PoolStorycodes: Sbf; cuffs; chain; collar; pool; breathplay; cons; XX The light from the pool sparkles over the girl's smooth naked body as she quietly walks down the steps towards it. Racing through her mind are the mixed emotions of fear and sexual excitement that have been building up ever since she'd come up with this ridiculous idea. Climbing up onto the diving board she starts to have reservations. What she was about to try was not only stupid but also extremely dangerous. And that's exactly what her body and mind craved, so with this thought she dumps the heavy weight and padlock at the end of the board and goes to get the rest of her equipment.The array of restraints chosen for this session were simple but totally effective. A set of steel leg cuffs with only 1" of chain running between them. Attached to the middle of this chain was a longer piece leading to a set of standard handcuffs and from there onto a thin steel neck cuff. Once on all the restraints would open with a single key, which was currently attached to the handcuffs by a very long thin chain. The final items in her hand were two evil-looking nipple clamps with serrated jaws and a strong bite.Stepping back up onto the diving board the girl quickly padlocks the leg irons to the weight and, before she could chicken out, closes the leg irons tight around her slender ankles. The sound of the ratchets echoes loudly round the pool area and sends a shiver of anticipation through her body. Easing the weight forward, she hangs it over the edge of the board and carefully makes sure her body weight is enough to keep it there, for the time being.Straightening up she snaps the first clamp onto her rock-hard nipple and gasps at the immediate sting it generates. The clamp is so tight she momentarily fights for breath and can hardly concentrate on anything else but the burning pain, but quickly she attaches the other one. With both nipple clamps firmly on she reaches behind her and quickly gathers up the other cuffs.The neck cuff was first, followed swiftly by the handcuffs which now dangled high in the small of the girl's back. So often had she worn these cuffs that they slipped on as easily as well worn slippers and before she knew it they were on tight and already starting to bite cruelly into her tender wrists.So, the moment of truth ... she was poised precariously over a deep swimming pool, chained and unable to free herself, with a large weight attached to her ankles and clamps biting hard into her tender swollen nipples. The girl starts to hyperventilate and, taking a final deep breath, jumps forward into the cold, unforgiving water.The heavy weight drags her body quickly down into to the deep pool. It clangs loudly as it hits the bottom but the girl hears nothing, so lost is she in her fantasy. In her mind she is a beautiful slave, being cruelly tortured by a group of wealthy businessmen merely for their own pleasure. They don't care whether she lives or dies, they are only interested in watching her lithe naked body squirm and twist as she tries to break free from the unrelenting grasp of the cold steel shackles, her lungs complaining already at the lack of oxygen. They watch as she quickly pulls on the chain holding her release key. They whoop and cheer as the chain gets caught on something ...The girl suddenly comes to her senses, realising quickly that the chain holding her release key really is stuck on something. Looking down at her feet she can see that the chain is caught underneath the heavy weight holding her to the bottom of the pool. Her lungs are already beginning to hurt from holding her breath for so long and she realises she doesn't have very long to free herself. Thrashing about achieves nothing except to use up her precious oxygen and so she stops for a few seconds to calm herself down. An idea suddenly occurs to her. Quickly crouching down and twisting she manages to get her feet onto the top of the weight. By hooking her foot into the ring on the top of the weight and pushing with all her remaining strength she's able to lift the weight off the ground long enough to pull the chain from under it. After frantically dragging on the chain she finally feels the welcoming shape of the key in her hand.By this time her nipples are screaming for release and her lungs are burning as she starts to lose control of her breathing. Her chest is convulsing, desperate to take a breath, but somehow she manages to get it under control. The handcuffs don't take too long to release, so often has she used them in the past.But the way she has arranged her incarceration mean that all the cuffs have to be opened in order to escape. The neck cuff opens quickly, but reaching down to undo the leg cuffs she starts to shake from the strain of holding her breath. One cuff swings open, freeing her left ankle, but reaching over to undo her right ankle she discovers that she has put the cuff on the wrong way round. The keyhole is pointing down to the floor of the pool and try as she might she cannot get the key into it.This is it, she thinks to herself.My fantasy is complete, and I will die writhing in agony down here as my lungs fill with water. All the businessmen who bet on me failing will be whooping and cheering at their good fortune, and they will all sit round watching impassively as I release my final breath, convulsing as the cold water floods my lungs ...Click.The cuff swings open and the girl uses the last of her strength to kick for the surface. The pool is deep and as she rises her lungs give up their struggle. As her head breaks the surface she breathes in deep and ragged, and her hand goes straight to her crotch as she finally succumbs to the monster orgasm that floods through her body.Write some comments/feedbacks if you like this and want more.
Christmas StockingStorycodes: Sbf; cuffs; bagged; present; M/f; bond; harness; collar; toys; sex; cons; X Christmas Stocking Wishful Husband Sbf; cuffs; bagged; present; M/f; bond; harness; collar; toys; sex; cons; X My Husband is the most difficult man in the world to buy a Christmas present for. He never likes what I buy for him and always ends up returning it. The only thing he ever wants is me in a garter belt with stockings, tightly hog tied and ball gagged. Having me under his total control and completely available while using me as his sex toy. This is his only wish for the holiday which I have done for him in the past (see Santa Toy Bag and The Twelve Straps for Christmas). I must admit I have come to enjoy this too. While out Christmas Shopping, I came across a giant Christmas stocking. It was five foot long and three foot wide, made of a red plush material with white fur trim around the top. The stocking looked just like a traditional one but it was only giant. I think it was meant to be hung on the wall or door as a decorations, however I had another idea for it. My next shopping stop was to the lingerie story, were I bought a pair of expensive white colored seamed stockings to wear with my Christmas garter belt. I also decided on buying a pair of red 4" high heels. Shopping for my Husband was now finished, I already had plenty of bondage gear at home and I was sure that my Husband would have a few surprises for me anyway. Staying with our Christmas traditions we invited our friends over for Christmas Eve dinner. It was a special occasion so I bought myself a special holiday dress. It was a very short little sweater dress made out of super soft red cashmere. The dress was very tight and not wanting to have any lines showing I did not wear any bra or panties. I decided to wear a pair of my crotchless pantyhose and my new red high heels. Well you should have seen the expressions on our male guest's faces when I walked out in my new dress. When my Husband saw me in the kitchen it caused him to have a very noticeable erection. "Can you help a guy out?" "I don't think so we have company " "Honey you look awesome in that dress you are so hot." My Husband was unusually helpful in serving our guests and assisting me in the kitchen. I especially enjoyed teasing my husband when we were alone in the kitchen in my new dress. Walking by him I would pretend to accidentally bump my shapely ass into his erection. While he was standing behind me I would open the refrigerator and bend over to reach for something exposing myself in my crotchless pantyhose. There's a reason why most guys keep their beer on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. "Honey that dress is so tight and looks so soft on you , all I can think of is rubbing my hands all over your incredible body." " Not now honey we have company." "You have the most awesome body and that dress makes you look irresistible. " I truly enjoyed teasing my Husband mercilessly with my body, and by having measurements of 36D-24-34 with long legs makes it very easy. I hope I would not regret later all the teasing I had done to my Husband. Finally after drinking all the wine and finishing their deserts it was time for our company to leave. Walking them to the door we said our goodbyes, I then shut and locked the door. When I turned around my Husband wrapped his arms around me and began to rub his hands all over my shapely ass. I gave him a very passionate kiss and pushed away. "Not tonight Honey I am too tried and I have a lot of cleaning up to do, plus you drank a lot of wine and your performance will be better in the morning. Why don't you be a good boy and go to bed now, maybe Santa will bring you something nice". Well you should have seen the smile on my Husband's face when he realized what might be waiting for him under the tree in the morning. He quickly shuffled off to the bedroom while I finished cleaning up the kitchen and straightening up after our guests. After cleaning up I threw some more logs on the fire I wanted to make sure I had a nice warm fire going. I then laid out our lambs wool rug in front of the fire. I get so horny when I am squirming around hog tied and ball gagged in front of the warm fire on our soft lambs wool rug. My next step, I took a long hot bath and made myself silky smooth. Getting out of tub I dried myself off and did my hair. Next I put on my special Christmas garter belt, it was made out of red felt and the edges were trimmed in white fur. I made certain it was strapped tightly around my waist and was positioned on top of my hips. Nothing bugs me more then a loose garter belt that slides down on your hips. Sitting down I put on my white colored stockings while making sure the seams ran down the middle of the back of my legs. Standing up I pulled my stockings up and attached the four garter straps to the top of my stockings. Then I adjusted my garter straps so that they would hold up my stockings so that they would be very tight and would not be baggy. I was quite certain that my hands would be strapped behind me making it impossible to adjust them. Putting on my new red high heels I spun around a couple of times while making sure that my stockings and garter belt were just right. I must admit that I looked fantastic in my special little Christmas outfit. Finally I understand why my Husband gets so turned on when I am in a garter belt and stockings. The garter belt frames my muff and ass making them look more shapely and totally available for the taking. The silky stockings make my legs look so great and feel so smooth, while leaving my upper inner thighs bare. This allows for complete and open access to the very sensitive area around my tight little pussy. My husband has also discovered another benefit of a garter belt, while he's doing me doggy style he likes to grab hold of the tops of the two garter straps in the back near the waist strap. While pulling on them he can control my hips preventing them from moving forward allowing him to fuck me harder and deeper. He also likes to pull back on them while grinding his groin which helps to stimulate the sensitive area around my love hole. He describes it as grabbing the reins of a bucking bronco while giving and getting the ride of his life. I decided I would write a note to my Husband. "Dear John, I know that you have been a very good Husband, however your wife has been a very naughty girl. She is constantly teasing you while getting you all worked up and frustrated. I think its your turn to teacher her a lesson. So I decided I would wrap her up and you could use her as your sex toy. You might want to add a few more straps and make sure you leave her ball gag in. She complains too much and she will try to talk her way out of her predicament. Enjoy Love Santa... P.S you have all day and give it to her good." Finally I was ready for some self bondage. Pulling out the giant Christmas stocking I laid it down in front of the fire,and attached Santa's note to the top of the stocking . Grabbing my bondage bag I sat down on top of the giant stocking. I began by tightly strapping my ankles together. Taking a second strap I looped it around my ankle strap, I then threaded the 1' strap through the middle chain link of my white fur covered handcuffs and then buckled the strap into a loop about 4" in diameter. I then made sure that the loop and handcuffs were hanging behind my ankles. Now it was time to put in my Husband's most favorite item my big ball gag. My Husband insists that to fully enjoy bondage I must have a ball gag on. It prevents my constant complaining and he claims seeing me in one gives him an instant hard on. The only reason not to have a ball strapped in my mouth is because I am using my mouth to suck on his cock. Taking out my 2" red ball gag with a white buckling strap, I opened my mouth has wide as I could and pushed it deep into my mouth. It took some effort but I got it pushed in so that it was behind my front teeth. There was no way I could spit the ball out and it would take some effort by my Husband to pull it out of my mouth. Finishing it off I tightly buckled the ball gag strap behind my head and underneath my hair.Now it was time to get inside the Christmas stocking and complete my hog tie. Since my ankles were tied together I had some trouble crawling inside the giant stocking. It was similar to trying to slip into a zipped up sleeping bag. My body was now completely inside the stocking with my head sticking outside the top of the stocking. Turning on my side I bent my legs up in back of me, then putting my hands behind my back I felt around until I was able to grab hold of the handcuffs. Locking my wrists into the handcuffs I used the opposite hand to tightly lock the cuffs around each wrist. There would be no slipping out of these handcuffs and since they were covered in fur I was able to lock them on super tight. Once again I had placed myself into a super strict hog tie with a huge ball gag tightly strap into my mouth, completely nude except for a garter belt and stockings waiting for my husband to use me as a bondage slave or a sex toy. Testing my hog tie I tried pulling with my ankles then with my wrists hoping I could loosen or break my strict hog tie. Having no such luck I then tried rolling around hoping I could find some relief. All this did was make me very hot and frustrated. Rolling on to my stomach I got myself all worked up by squirming against the plush material of the stocking. It was very warm inside the stocking and now I had made myself hornier then hell. My mind was racing with thoughts of what surprises my Husband would have planned for me. It was very late and it probably would be a good idea to calm down and get some sleep. Good thing it was really warm inside the stocking because it helped me to fall into a deep sleep. PART IIIt was Christmas morning and I was suddenly awaken by the sound of my Husband throwing some logs on the fire. "Well good morning, Merry Christmas did you sleep well?" " Mmmrphrph, mmmrphrph," "I can see it pays to be a good Husband because after reading the note from Santa, he really did give me a special present." My husband than grabbed the bottom of the giant stocking and pulled on it and before I knew it I was out of the stocking and on top of our lambs wool rug. "What a beautiful gift, that Santa really knows how to wrap a present or did his elves do it?" "Mmmrphrph," with my bondage bag in his hand my Husband bent down next to me and began to run his hands over my tightly hog tied body. Rolling onto my side he started off by gently massaging by 36Ds. Then he worked his way down my back to my shapely ass which he thoroughly rubbed causing me to moan . He then worked his hand between my legs and massaged my inner thighs. Finally he reached my moist muff, "Oh my you are very wet and damp down there, we are going have to do something about that." My Husband then rolled me on stomach, "Santa said I should add some more straps." Taking a leather strap from the bag, he tightly strapped my elbows together. Finding the key he unlocked my handcuffs which released me from the strict hog tie I had placed myself in. It always feels so good when you are let out of a tight hog tie. He then quickly replaced the handcuffs by tightly strapping my wrist together. Unbuckling the strap around my ankle he help me up onto my feet. He noticed my new high heels on the floor and with his help he made me put them on. "Honey I bet you want to open some of your Christmas presents?" "Mmmrphrph," shaking my head no, I didn't think I was ready yet for any big surprises. Leading me over to the tree he picked up a package with my name on it. "Go ahead Honey why don't you open this one, oh let me help you with that." Ripping open the package,was a leather collar with a O ring and four foot leash. I really hate being on a leash and I shook my head no while glaring at my Husband. "What's a matter you don't like your gift you haven't even tried it on?" "Let's not be ungrateful now," It was pointless to resist, my husband, he then stepped behind me and buckled the collar around my neck. It didn't feel so bad, it was about 2" wide black leather collar lined in fleece. It could have been worst, it certainly wasn't as bad as one of those very restrictive posture collars. Moving to my front my husband attached the clasp on the leash to the O ring on the front of my collar. Giving the leash a gentle tug, "Lets take a little walk and stench your legs". Having no choice I obediently followed my Husband's command. He walked me all around the house and I could tell he was really getting turned on by this. I was completely nude except for my sexy little garter belt with stockings, my elbows and wrists strapped behind my back which caused my 36Ds to pop out, a large red ball gag tightly strapped in mouth which silenced me, while I walked provocatively in my high heels . I could only imagine how sexy, helpless, and available I must have looked. Finally we stopped in the dinning room and he told me to bend down. My Husband then knelt down and lifted one of the table's legs slightly off the floor while he slipped the hand strap around the table's leg. He then dropped the table leg back to floor and slides the strap up the leg of table telling me it was alright to stand back up. I was now my Husband's pet on a chain, somewhat free to move around but no further then 4 feet. My feet were getting sore from my high heels so I managed to get up on the table and sit down. Trying best to remain a lady I sat on the edge of table with my legs crossed.My husband returned to the table with some more gifts. "Look at you sitting there all lady like with your legs crossed." He then ripped opened another gift, "look Honey it a body harness for your beautiful rack. Now get off the table and stand up so you can try it on". Helping me off the table he showed me the harness it was made of very thin black leather straps. It was not like the other ones I had seen made from wide and thick leather straps. This one the straps were soft and were not much wider then thick rope. My Husband started with the collar strap that he buckled tightly around my neck. The rest of the harness was attached to the front center of the neck collar. A long strap hung down the middle to my knees, attached to each side of the middle strap were 4 pairs of straps, which would wrap around my body and buckle in the back. Starting with bottom straps he wrapped it around my waist and buckled it in the back. Going next to the top set of straps he went around above my breasts and upper arms and buckled it in back. The next set went below my breasts and around my arms and buckled in the back. The fourth set went around my upper waist around my arms and buckled in the back. "Honey so far so good now its time to adjust it", which meant starting at the top set he unbuckled the strap pulling it as tight as he possibly could and then buckled it. He then did the same in order to the remaining 3 sets of straps. The harness was so unbelievably tight, I could not move my arms even an inch they felt like they were locked to my back. I stood there looking down at my body strapped in this harness never feeling so confided. Wondering why the end of the middle strap was hanging down by my knees, "Honey I saved the best strap for last." Still standing, "now spread your legs and bend over at your waist. Good girl." he walked behind me reached between my legs grabbed the loose strap and pulled it between my legs and buckled it as tight as he could on the back of the waist strap. "Mmmrphrph, Mmmrphrph," "What's a matter you don't like your new outfit, its not too tight? " My Husband left the room, leaving me standing there leashed to table. The harness was so incredibly tight, I tried bending several times at my waist, I tried squatting down, I tried to move my arms, hoping to loosen the harness. It was impossible the leather straps would not stretch, the buckles would not loosen. Returning to the room my Husband had a large exercise mat which he laid out on the table. Picking me up he placed me on the padded mat and forced me to lie down on my side. "Honey I have a special gift for you just wait until you try this one out." "Allow me to open it, I got you a very new and special vibrator its called the Stinger. I bet you want to try it out?" I had never seen one like it . Unbuckling the crotch strap on my harness, it was time to try out the Stinger. it was 8" long and bendable the end of the vibrator was stuck into my tight little anus and was bent into the crack of my ass, bending it up to my muff were it had a large rubber penis attached, which was inserted into my tight little love hole, and at the top of the Stinger at the head were two prongs that wiggle back and forth and would work on my clit. The Stinger was all one piece which plugged both my holes and a bendable section that cover the very sensitive area between my two holes, and to top that off two probes that worked on my button. My Husband then buckled the two straps on the Stinger around my thighs which were designed to hold it firmly in place. It had multispeeds with a remote control, it was designed for anal, vaginal and clitoral stimulation. "Honey this a multifunctional sex toy that will get all three of your areas going and cause a overwhelming orgasm". My husband then re-buckled my crotch strap, "Honey that should hold you new vibrator in place for you." Taking two straps for each of my legs he rolled me on my stomach and quickly frog tied my legs. Next thing I felt was a strong jolt this was caused by my Husband who hit the start button on the vibrator's remote control. This thing was incredible it stimulated my entire pleasure regions, the vibrator was humming away on my two holes and areas. It didn't take me to long to reach the edge of an orgasm. However just when I was about to go into a full blown orgasm my Husband switched the vibrator off. "Mmmrphrph, Mmmrphrph", that dirty rat he smiled at me and restarted it. Again he did the same rotten thing to me, it was frustrating the hell out of me. "Honey your are always thinking only of your self, what about me?" So he picked me up and set me down on my knees on the floor. He then unbuckled my ball gag and with some difficulty he pulled the big red ball out of my mouth. Before I could say a word the vibrator fired up and my Husband shoved his very hard cock into my mouth. "If you want to go you better suck me hard and deep". I was so horny and frustrated I would have done all my male neighbors. I was losing control of myself, fearful that my Husband would turn it off again I really went to town on his cock. A wave of pleasure began to over take my body I began to moan intensely losing all control and apprehension, I sucked him deep until he exploded into the back of my mouth, swallowing every drop I kept on sucking until he could not take it anymore he actually pulled his cock out of my mouth. Giving him a big smile I said "What's a matter you finally had enough?" "Very funny", and before I could resist he jammed the ball gag deep into my mouth and buckled it back in. "Mmmrphrph mmmrphrph,'" he then picked me up and placed me on the table on top of the mat. I was sitting on my knees frog tied with my legs wide open, with my leash still on. "You look like quite the centerpiece, talk about decorating your holiday table". My Husband then switch my Stringer vibrator back on and in no time I was overwhelmed in multiple orgasms. I was rocking back and forth, then I began to shake and quiver, my moaning became louder, I start to perspire. My jaw started to become sore because I was biting down so hard on the big ball strapped in my mouth. Finally my Husband saw that I was reaching my breaking point. He quickly shut off the Stinger, unbuckled my crotch strap and pulled the vibrator off of me. He then help me to lay down on my stomach and unstrapped my frog tied legs. "Honey I think you could use a break, why don't we open up another gift". After the last three I was afraid what would be next so I shook my head no, "mmmrphrph mmmrphrph." "Don't worry this one going to be fun", as he ripped the gift open. "Look Honey Santa left me the anal ring toss game I always wanted to try it out". "Mmmrphrph mmmrphrph", shaking my head no. "Come on let's try it out". Helping me off the table onto my feet and still on my leash that was attached to the table there was no chance getting out of this game. "Lets get the game started", as he moved me to the end of table and forced me to bend over and made my tightly harnessed upper body lay down on top of the table. Making me spread my legs my shapely ass sticking out for the taking. "I think you will like this game", as he took hold of the anal plug that had two foot stake attached to the end. Being the caring Husband that he is, he lubed up the anal plug and stuck it up my fine ass. The plug was in deep enough that it would be impossible for me to remove it, but only my Husband would decide that. "How's that feel is it in deep enough honey? "Mmmrphrph mmmrphrph", my Husband is such a comedian. Stepping back by several feet he start tossing the rings at the stake that was sticking out of my ass. The first toss was a miss, the same for second, put finally his third toss was a ringer. He then picked up the two misses and lifted the ringer of the my anal stake. Taking his time he grabbed and rubbed my ass in an attempt to get me all worked up. "I think I will try some more tosses I am not going to stop until I make three in a row. Why don't you give me some incentive and shake that great ass of yours". After many tries he finally made three ringers in a row. "That was fun Honey and I think the winner deserves a prize". He then pulled out the anal stake, standing there bent over and totally exposed, he dropped his pants and slid his cock into my very moist pussy. Taking long deep strokes I could tell he was going to take his time and I was in for a long and slow screwing. He grabbed my back garter straps and pulled on them while he was grinding his pelvic area into my pleasure area. Before I knew it I was coming again and seeing my enjoyment my Husband started to bang me real hard and it wasn't very long before my Husband shot his load into me. "Honey that anal ring toss game is fun I especially enjoyed the prize at the end". He then lifted me back up on to the table forcing me back onto my stomach. "I think its time we take a little break, but I think your packaging needs some attention". "Mmmrphrph mmmrphrph", shaking my head no I was hoping he was going to release me. "Listen Honey Santa said I had all day and its only noon time and we still have not opened all your gifts yet". He then re-buckled the crotch strap on my super tight body harness. Taking three leather straps out of my bag , he tightly strapped my ankles together, then put one above my knees and finally one tightly around my upper thighs. "Since you still have your leash on I hope you understand that you can't go very far, so I think I will give you a break and not strap you up into a tight hog tie". 'What a guy,' I thought, he then rolled me on my side and began rubbing my tits and playing with my nipples. Working his hands down to my rear end he rubbed and grabbed my great ass. Then he turned his attention to my moist muff by gently stroking the area around my pussy, then he gently slides his finger in me while he used his thumb to rub on my clit. Before I knew it he had me all worked up and had me moaning in frustration. If I didn't have this big ball gag in my mouth I would be begging him to fuck me hard. My Husband then smiled at me, "Honey that's for all the teasing you did to me last night when you were in that tight sexy sweater dress. You know something with you spread out on our dining room table, in your super tight body harness, your legs completely strapped together, your new collar on with a leash attached to the table, a big ball gag tightly strapped in your mouth, and dressed in your sexy little Christmas garter belt with stockings and heels on, it looks like an all the sex you can have buffet." "Honey don't go anywhere, you just stay there and look pretty"."Mmmrphrph, mmmrphrph." "Why don't you relax and try to get some rest. You still have a lot of gifts to open and I am sure you will want to try them all out?" "I am going to go and take a shower and get prepared for our afternoon and evening sessions.""Mmmrphrph mmmrphrph." I had already and enough and I was very nervous about the gifts that we had not opened yet. Unfortunately my Husband was in complete control of me and I was just a human sex toy, his Christmas present. They say it is better to give then it is to receive, and I certainly had given my Husband an unforgettable Christmas but I had also had received so many orgasms I lost count.MERRY CHRISTMAS
Itching For My Partner To Come HomeStorycodes: Sbf; latex; hood; collar; cuffs; F/f; tease; torment; cons; X As I write this story I am wearing a neoprene lined steel chastity belt with secondary shield, and those infernal shoes! They are a garish shade of purple-pink and have long pointed toes which my poor feet are forced into. When purchased, they had comfortable padding which was very quickly removed to leave just the bare unyielding leather. It is arguably welcome that the padding had been removed as they are a size four and I take a size six! They are fastened on by a single strap across the instep which is frustratingly more than adequate. Did I mention the five inch heels? Even sat down, there is little respite from the ache in my calf muscles. Perhaps the worst thing about these shoes is that they are second hand, costing just
The Nosey BabysitterStorycodes: Sbf; cuffs; chain; gag; caught; M/f; bond; rope; toys; cons/reluct; XIt was finally Saturday night and Craig and his lovely wife Sue were anxiously looking forward to going out on the town. Since Sue had started her new job things had been rough for the young couple. Just eight months ago they had been blessed with their first child. Little Dale was the perfect little baby and fortunately for the newly wed couple usually slept thru the night. Craig worked nights so he took care of little Dale during the day and Sue shared the chores at night. Unfortunately their jobs also meant that the couple had little time for themselves which was especially trying since the young couple had enjoyed a very active and "kinky" sex life before the baby. Tonight was going to be special. Since it was Saturday they both had the day off. They could sleep in Sunday morning, and Craig had prepared something "Special" for the night. Craig had just finished putting the baby to sleep when there came a knock at the door. "Hi Mr. C!" cried out the baby sitter as she came prancing into the living room thru the open door. To say that Zoe was a bit of a wild child was quite an understatement. She had come highly recommended from good friends and the young couple had met her once but as Craig stood there checking out this bubbling package of enthusiasm he was beginning to have his doubts. At just 19 Zoe had the body of a stripper and the movements of a $1000 / hr hooker. The sheer white blouse and denim mini skirt she wore did little to hide the 38C-28-37inch curves that were poured into them. He was beginning to get lost in the fantasy of what she would look like wrapped up in the "Special Surprise" he had waiting for Sue later that evening when he was awakened by Sue honking the horn on the car downstairs. "Your wife seems anxious to go," said Zoe. Yea, yea it
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