About video: Friday evening finally arrived and Chrissy couldn't wait to slough off the stresses of the long week behind her. She looked forward to the first quiet evening alone in weeks; her friends were cast to the four winds with obligations of their own, as well as her parents, enjoying the first day of their vacation. She hadn't had a boyfriend in some months and was getting accustomed to her sexual liberty, which is why tonight sounded like such a good idea for a little naughty play time. Chrissy peeled off her clothes and enjoyed those first seconds when her naked skin seemed to breathe easier, unconstrained by the elastic and wire of her undergarments. Her clothes lay in an unceremonious heap in front of the her as she ran her hands over 34D breasts and hips as if clearing away the last vestiges of the office. She wondered for a moment what her office mates would think if they saw her do what she was planning to do to herself in the next few minutes. Her stomach did a little somersault as the thought freaked her out and aroused her at the same time. Maybe she had been alone too long. No matter, though, as her impending imprisonment would soon deny her the comfort of clothes. Tonight, Chrissy decided, she would be naked, as a proper prisoner really should be. What jailer would offer criminals such pleasures as covering while enduring confinement? Surely she would not be spared. A little flush ran through her. Then her gaze dropped to take in the details of the full, supple breasts she viewed in the mirror. She looked at them as if perhaps she had stolen a glance at some other woman's breasts and admired them lustily. She reached her arms over head and crossed her wrists behind her head, and with a sultry move, gave her hips a little twist. The movement of her body gave her gorgeous soft tits a little sway from side to side. Again the idea of her plans came front and center into her mind, and she fought off the butterflies. She took one more quick glance at her breasts, her nipples starting to harden, thinking of the special plans she has for those beauties. She reached down and gave each nipple a tweak, first a soft one and then knowing what she was about to do, a hard pull.
From a deep, dark corner of the closet came her private toy chest, a vault of naughty delights she enjoyed when the time was right. Her bondage would be complex, it would be restrictive, and if she wanted to escape, she would have to endure a self-imposed torture. Without a moment’s hesitation, the silver leg shackles with the 12" chain came out of the box and were instinctively sXXXXped around both of her delicate ankles. In fact, it was only after the second bracelet had ratcheted shut as tightly as it would go did Chrissy even consider where the keys were. After a quick rummage, she plucked the handful of keys from the box and started distributing them around the house. She returned to the bedroom and admired her shackled feet in the cold steel, alternately pointing her toes in a hard arch and then throwing her legs as wide as she could to relish the feeling of the restrictive chain. She wondered to herself why didn't she wear these more often? Around the house, while watching TV or cleaning? Note to self for later; keep the shackles handy. After the initial rush of the ankle bondage started to wear off, she plucked a neatly wound coil of thin rope from the box. As Chrissy unwound the loops then doubled the rope over evenly then wrapped the doubled rope around the top of her chest, pulling the long ends through the bend, twisting the loop around her body and cinching the rope until two tight cords of rope encircled her chest just above her breasts and the two long ends pulled against the bend behind her back. Keeping the tension strong, she wrapped the rope in the opposite direction, running the ends through the new loop in the middle of her back and taking up the slack until two tight cords bit slightly into her skin under her breasts. Her breathing accentuated the grip of the rope-work, and she used this a gauge to keep the tightness even while she threaded the remainder of the long ends through the solid loops in the middle of her back and brought the long ends to the back of her head where she split them, one over each shoulder, and then brought them back together as she ran them under the two pairs of taught rope compressing her chest. Carefully keeping the tension, she wrapped the long ends around the two pairs and when she made one full wrap around them, Chrissy pulled the rope tight. The high and low rope came together between her tits in a firm cinch that quickly made her breasts compress and engorge. Her tits were suddenly very full feeling and her nipples showed their approval. Soon enough my lovelies, she thought. The jailer was feeling particularly cruel tonight.
The jailer felt a crotch rope was in order. Why not watch the prisoner squirm? She's probably in prison for prostitution, or adultery, why give her any satisfaction? A long chain was pulled from the box and wrapped around her waist. She didn't get to see as much of her ass as her sexy breasts, but she admired its fullness just the same and gave herself a firm whack on the ass. She was rewarded with a little delayed sting in her cheek and the pleasure of a titillating jiggle that gave her pussy just a little play. No more of that if I want to get this going, she thought. She reached between her legs and pulled the chain up between her pussy lips. An involuntary little gasp erupted from Chrissy's throat. Time to fix that, she thought. She locks the crotch rope chain tightly into place and another reach into the box produced a thick leather strap with a large penis gag centered in it. As if ordered, Chrissy slipped the penis between her lips and XXXX it between her teeth. As her jaw relaxed into position, she felt how the gag filled her mouth and she slowly shoved it back until it touched the back of her throat. She buckled the strap at the back of her head and reached down into the box to pull out the padlock. She slowly put the padlock in place and sXXXXped it shut. She groaned into the gag, as if ordering it to leave, but little more than a grunt at the back of her throat could be heard. A pair of handcuffs emerged from the box, a matched set to the restraints clinking on her ankles, and Chrissy carefully took a small piece of rope and tied them to the intersection the crotch rope chain made over her ass. She sidled her hips from side to side, the crotch rope digging and stroking with each twist. Next a leather collar emerged from the box. It too had an accompanying padlock. The collar was an old friend. They had spent many a night together languishing in her self-imposed bondage.. Chrissy added a length of silver chain this time and padlocked it to the large D-ring on the collar. The end of the long chain also held an open padlock. Soon my little prisoner, soon she thought. The two final items she plucked from the box were a small Velcro cable strap and a special little jewel that she had forsaken for quite some time. Chrissy had experimented with and enjoyed, to varying degrees, all sorts of nipple clamps, but hands down the clover clamps were her favorite, and tonight she would reintroduce herself to them in grand style. They were to be the centerpiece of her bondage, the linchpin from which, if she could not escape, she would be helpless for a long time. She had, during previous self-imposed predicaments, fastened her limbs to various immovable anchor points. But tonight, the jailer had prepared a special cell for her
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