Author Topic: Bondage & Torture Videos  (Read 252367 times)

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissy In A Pinch
« Reply #4100 on: April 03, 2024, 06:11:06 am »

About video: Friday evening finally arrived and Chrissy couldn't wait to slough off the stresses of the long week behind her. She looked forward to the first quiet evening alone in weeks; her friends were cast to the four winds with obligations of their own, as well as her parents, enjoying the first day of their vacation. She hadn't had a boyfriend in some months and was getting accustomed to her sexual liberty, which is why tonight sounded like such a good idea for a little naughty play time. Chrissy peeled off her clothes and enjoyed those first seconds when her naked skin seemed to breathe easier, unconstrained by the elastic and wire of her undergarments. Her clothes lay in an unceremonious heap in front of the her as she ran her hands over 34D breasts and hips as if clearing away the last vestiges of the office. She wondered for a moment what her office mates would think if they saw her do what she was planning to do to herself in the next few minutes. Her stomach did a little somersault as the thought freaked her out and aroused her at the same time. Maybe she had been alone too long. No matter, though, as her impending imprisonment would soon deny her the comfort of clothes. Tonight, Chrissy decided, she would be naked, as a proper prisoner really should be. What jailer would offer criminals such pleasures as covering while enduring confinement? Surely she would not be spared. A little flush ran through her. Then her gaze dropped to take in the details of the full, supple breasts she viewed in the mirror. She looked at them as if perhaps she had stolen a glance at some other woman's breasts and admired them lustily. She reached her arms over head and crossed her wrists behind her head, and with a sultry move, gave her hips a little twist. The movement of her body gave her gorgeous soft tits a little sway from side to side. Again the idea of her plans came front and center into her mind, and she fought off the butterflies. She took one more quick glance at her breasts, her nipples starting to harden, thinking of the special plans she has for those beauties. She reached down and gave each nipple a tweak, first a soft one and then knowing what she was about to do, a hard pull.
From a deep, dark corner of the closet came her private toy chest, a vault of naughty delights she enjoyed when the time was right. Her bondage would be complex, it would be restrictive, and if she wanted to escape, she would have to endure a self-imposed torture. Without a moment’s hesitation, the silver leg shackles with the 12" chain came out of the box and were instinctively sXXXXped around both of her delicate ankles. In fact, it was only after the second bracelet had ratcheted shut as tightly as it would go did Chrissy even consider where the keys were. After a quick rummage, she plucked the handful of keys from the box and started distributing them around the house. She returned to the bedroom and admired her shackled feet in the cold steel, alternately pointing her toes in a hard arch and then throwing her legs as wide as she could to relish the feeling of the restrictive chain. She wondered to herself why didn't she wear these more often? Around the house, while watching TV or cleaning? Note to self for later; keep the shackles handy. After the initial rush of the ankle bondage started to wear off, she plucked a neatly wound coil of thin rope from the box. As Chrissy unwound the loops then doubled the rope over evenly then wrapped the doubled rope around the top of her chest, pulling the long ends through the bend, twisting the loop around her body and cinching the rope until two tight cords of rope encircled her chest just above her breasts and the two long ends pulled against the bend behind her back. Keeping the tension strong, she wrapped the rope in the opposite direction, running the ends through the new loop in the middle of her back and taking up the slack until two tight cords bit slightly into her skin under her breasts. Her breathing accentuated the grip of the rope-work, and she used this a gauge to keep the tightness even while she threaded the remainder of the long ends through the solid loops in the middle of her back and brought the long ends to the back of her head where she split them, one over each shoulder, and then brought them back together as she ran them under the two pairs of taught rope compressing her chest. Carefully keeping the tension, she wrapped the long ends around the two pairs and when she made one full wrap around them, Chrissy pulled the rope tight. The high and low rope came together between her tits in a firm cinch that quickly made her breasts compress and engorge. Her tits were suddenly very full feeling and her nipples showed their approval. Soon enough my lovelies, she thought. The jailer was feeling particularly cruel tonight.
The jailer felt a crotch rope was in order. Why not watch the prisoner squirm? She's probably in prison for prostitution, or adultery, why give her any satisfaction? A long chain was pulled from the box and wrapped around her waist. She didn't get to see as much of her ass as her sexy breasts, but she admired its fullness just the same and gave herself a firm whack on the ass. She was rewarded with a little delayed sting in her cheek and the pleasure of a titillating jiggle that gave her pussy just a little play. No more of that if I want to get this going, she thought. She reached between her legs and pulled the chain up between her pussy lips. An involuntary little gasp erupted from Chrissy's throat. Time to fix that, she thought. She locks the crotch rope chain tightly into place and another reach into the box produced a thick leather strap with a large penis gag centered in it. As if ordered, Chrissy slipped the penis between her lips and XXXX it between her teeth. As her jaw relaxed into position, she felt how the gag filled her mouth and she slowly shoved it back until it touched the back of her throat. She buckled the strap at the back of her head and reached down into the box to pull out the padlock. She slowly put the padlock in place and sXXXXped it shut. She groaned into the gag, as if ordering it to leave, but little more than a grunt at the back of her throat could be heard. A pair of handcuffs emerged from the box, a matched set to the restraints clinking on her ankles, and Chrissy carefully took a small piece of rope and tied them to the intersection the crotch rope chain made over her ass. She sidled her hips from side to side, the crotch rope digging and stroking with each twist. Next a leather collar emerged from the box. It too had an accompanying padlock. The collar was an old friend. They had spent many a night together languishing in her self-imposed bondage.. Chrissy added a length of silver chain this time and padlocked it to the large D-ring on the collar. The end of the long chain also held an open padlock. Soon my little prisoner, soon she thought. The two final items she plucked from the box were a small Velcro cable strap and a special little jewel that she had forsaken for quite some time. Chrissy had experimented with and enjoyed, to varying degrees, all sorts of nipple clamps, but hands down the clover clamps were her favorite, and tonight she would reintroduce herself to them in grand style. They were to be the centerpiece of her bondage, the linchpin from which, if she could not escape, she would be helpless for a long time. She had, during previous self-imposed predicaments, fastened her limbs to various immovable anchor points. But tonight, the jailer had prepared a special cell for her

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Runtime : 00:52:34
File Size : 1737Mb
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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissy Lures Chichi Into A Trap
« Reply #4101 on: April 03, 2024, 01:01:54 pm »

About video: Chichi met Chrissy at a club and they quickly hit it off and became great friends... or so Chichi thought! Chrissy brings her back to her place at the end of the night. It didn't take much convincing after Chichi had a few drinks. She offers to help her out of her dress which looks uncomfortable to XXXX in. While Chrissy distracts Chichi by trying to remove her dress her partner sneaks up behind and clamps his hand tightly over her mouth before she can scream. He pins Chichi's arms behind her back and Chrissy starts tying up her ankles and wrists. Her partner says they need something to put in her mouth to keep her quiet and Chrissy says she has just the thing! She stands and pulls down her panties from under her skirt and stuffs them in Chichi's mouth then grabs a cloth from nearby and cleave gags her tightly with it! Chichi is visibly scared and confused but it's not long before she figures out what is going on as Chrissy excitedly tells her partner how much money they are going to make off of her! Chichi begins to realize she was tricked by Chrissy and she is in real danger! She struggles to get loose as more and more rope is added around her thighs and chest, desperately trying to plead with Chrissy through her gag, but too bad for her Chrissy is more concerned with making money than she is with making new friends!
Once Chichi is all tied up and gagged Chrissy tells her partner that they should take some photos of her to send to her prospective buyers. While he goes to look for the camera Chrissy teases and torments Chichi, telling her she hopes that she enjoys the bondage because there will be a lot more of it where she is going! She pulls down Chichi's shiny dress and can't help but to grope and squeeze her big tits! She continues to play with Chichi while she waits for her partner to return, pulling down her pantyhose and teasing her about falling into her trap, all the while Chichi struggles and mmmppphhs helplessly. Eventually her partner returns and says he couldn't find the camera but it's time to take her to a more secure location until she is sold so they should get her into the trunk. Chichi really doesn't like the sound of that! Chrissy leaves to go get the car and Chichi is left struggling frantically trying to get free before they return, but unfortunately there is no escape from her new life as a bondage slave

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:56
File Size : 652Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissy Marie Captured By Demons Part One
« Reply #4102 on: April 03, 2024, 05:34:31 pm »

About video: Chrissy Marie wakes to find herself in a dark terrifying place. She is wearing a very sexy outfit. There are skeletons, skulls and body parts around her. Someone or something is watching her. We can hear it breathing. It does not sound human. It approaches her and we see Chrissy Marie as if through the demons eyes. He looks her up and down slowly. Chrissy Marie looks to see a terrifying sight. She is the captive of a demon. The demon gets close to her. Chrissy Marie tries to move but she is stretched out tight like a rubber band about to pop, her ankles and wrists bound in leather cuffs and secured with chains. "Another human female to torture" he says, then calls to his helper "Egor come". Egor is hideous, has a hunch back and a bum leg so he drags his bum leg as he scrambles to the demon's side. "Oh my god" Chrissy says upon seeing Egor. "Oh Master, she is beautiful" Egor cannot control himself. He grabs Chrissy Marie's breast through her top and starts to lick her tummy. "Get off me you creep!" she says. Egor stops. "Master, she called me a creep". The demon replies "Yes she did…Go get me something sharp". Egor drags his bum leg across the room out of sight. He returns with a menacing looking dagger. Chrissy asks "What is this place? Why am I here?" to which the demon replies "This is hell…and you are here to be tortured for all eternity for your sins". Chrissy pleads with the demon "I shouldn't be here…I am innocent". "We'll see" he says then slides the point of the blade just a couple inches under Chrissy Marie's tight crop top and cuts a small cut in it in the center. He repeats that until her top is almost cut in two right down her front. With each cut Chrissy Marie's gasp become louder until finally there is only an inch or less holding Chrissy Marie's top together. He finally cuts the last part then throws the two sides away from her exposing her beautiful breasts. He uses the blade to toy with her. He runs it down her sides, uses the point to poke her tits and nipples, all the while Chrissy Marie gasps and moans fill the room. He removes the rest of her shirt throwing it aside and resumes playing with her. "Egor, bring me the flogger!”
Egor returns with a flogger handing it to the demon. But the demon refuses it. "Egor, flog her tits". So Egor starts flogging Chrissy Marie aiming directly at her tits. As Chrissy Marie moans and gasps the demon looks on and laughs an evil laugh. This goes on for a while. Then Chrissy starts to beg "Stop, please stop. Don't whip my tits. I can't stand any more”. So Egor stops. The demons asks him "Why did you stop?" to which Egor replies "She is so beautiful Master". The demon orders Egor to continue in a stern voice. While Egor hesitates the demon cuts away Chrissy Marie's short skirt. Leaving her only wearing her sexy panties. He takes the flogger from Egor and resumes the flogging, questioning Chrissy Marie, "Do you wish to tell us why you are here? You must know what you've done?". Chrissy insists “I've done nothing to be here! Stop, please stop, don't whip my tits! My nipples are burning!" But the demon, because he is a demon, continues. "Stop. No more, my nipples are burning, my tits are on fire!” Then the demon to her surprise stops. He grasps her nipples between his thumb and forefinger pinching and pulling them. "Your nipples are burning? I think Egor can help with that… Egor!" Egor dragging his bum leg shuffles off and returns with ice in a container along with a candle and tongs. Who knew they had ice in hell? "Egor, cool her off" the demon orders. Egor uses the tongs to hold a piece of ice just above Chrissy Marie's nipple and the candle to melt the ice dripping ice water on her. He takes turns on the two going back and forth. Then he applies the ice directly on her holding it in the tongs. He concentrates the ice on her tits and nipples but doesn't spare the rest of her roaming her now almost naked body with the ice. As the ice melts away in the tongs the demon takes the tongs from Egor. "Tell us your sins" he demand but Chrissy refuses. So he uses the now empty tongs to pull and pinch Chrissy Marie's nipples. Chrissy Marie gasps and moans as he takes turns with each one. "One last chance before we turn the heat up!” But Chrissy Marie remains silent.
The demon proceeds to cut off her sexy thong leaving her fully exposed. He then holds a pinwheel in front of Chrissy Marie. The camera shows a close up of the pinwheel very slowly rolling along Chrissy Marie's midsection. Then it shifts focus to a very close up of one of Chrissy Marie's nipples, standing at attention due to the ice. The pinwheel rolls up and over her nipple like a tiny wheel going over a bump in the road as Chrissy Marie gasps. Then he proceeds to crisscross it very slowly and take turns rolling between the two. This is shown very close up with Chrissy Marie gasping and moaning in the background. "Please stop. No more, don't torture my nipples" she begs. "Then tell me why you are here" says the demon. Chrissy insists she doesn’t know. "Too bad” he says then continues with the pinwheel. “Stop, no more, not on my nipples”. To her relief he stops. "Maybe some place else then?” he says. "Egor, go get me The Devil's Torture Device!” Egor replies "Master, not that, she is so beautiful". The demon sternly tell him "Get it!" and Egor obeys and goes to retrieve the device. He returns and hands it to the demon and the demon shows the device to Chrissy Marie. "Your memory will soon improve…if you do not wish to speak, so be it." The demon gags her with a ball gag then starts with the device on Chrissy Marie’s tits, slowly moving down her tummy with the vibrating tip. He finally reaches her clit. By now Chrissy Marie cannot help herself and is moaning sensuously through her gag. He plays with her on the outside then inserts it in Chrissy Marie, driving her crazy. After playing with her for a while leaving Chrissy Marie breathless he takes it out and holds it in front of Chrissy Marie's face. It is rotating, thrusting and vibrating. "If you have an orgasm, Egor will whip your tits and I will whip your pussy!” Chrissy Marie shakes her head no. He resumes stimulating her and despite trying to hold back she has a screaming orgasm. "Egor, whip her tits!” “Yes Master" Egor replies then begins to whip Chrissy Marie's tits and the demon starts flogging her aiming right between her wide apart legs. After a few minutes he stops. "Shall we try again?" He starts on her again with The Devils Torture Device. Chrissy Marie cannot help herself and has another screaming orgasm but still won’t say why she is there. “Well try something else then” says the demon. She doesn’t like the sound of that! She mmpphsss and shakes her head no as the scene fades out

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File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:25:51
File Size : 1130Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissy Marie Captured By Demons Part Two
« Reply #4103 on: April 03, 2024, 09:47:40 pm »

About video: The camera comes back in to find Chrissy Marie in another perilous predicament. Her breasts are bound with rope, her legs frog tied and secured wide apart, arms still stretched overhead. She is still ballgagged and now blindfolded so she has no idea what's coming. The demon starts on her again with the pinwheel. Slowly rolling it over her now bound tits. The camera captures this very close up. He goes back and forth for a while then demands Egor retrieve another horrible instrument. While Egor is gone he squeezes and pinches Chrissy Marie's tits and again ask her why she has been sent to him. She just shakes her head. Egor returns with an electric neon wand. "Not that master, she is so beautiful" but the demon pays no attention to Egor and runs the wand slowly all over her concentrating on her tits and nipples. “Egor, flog her tits" the demon orders. "No, master, she is too beautiful". The demon says "Egor" in a stern voice and Egor obeys and swings the flogger. After a few times the demon holds up his hand to stop Egor then applies the wand again. This is repeated several times. But then after only a few swings Egor stops without being told to. To the demon's surprise Egor walks away. It seems there is rift developing between the demon and his hideous slave. One that is not lost on Chrissy Marie. The demon is irritated at his slave but turns his attention back to his captive and continues playing with her, pinching her nipples, groping and tormenting her. Suddenly Chrissy Marie hears a buzzing sound. It is coming from a ‘Celebrator Sex Toy’. The demon first uses it on her sensitive nipples then finds Chrissy Marie's sweet spot and drives her crazy with it. Chrissy Marie moans and gasp to several more orgasms. Then he gives her another flogging, but she still doesn’t tell him why she was sent to him. The demon walks away promising to return, leaving her there helplessly bound, gagged and blindfolded.
Chrissy, still unable to see what's around her feels a soft caress of her breast. She lifts her head trying to see under the blindfold. It's Egor. “You are so beautiful" he says as he gently touches Chrissy Marie's naked body. Chrissy Marie tries to speak and Egor takes off her gag and blindfold. At this point Chrissy Marie looks directly into the camera and says "A girls got to do what a girls got to do". As Egor continues to fondle her Chrissy Marie starts to moan sensuously. "Oh Egor I like that…Oh Egor I want you….We can leave together. Hurry, untie me and I'm all yours" Egor hesitates. "Egor, we can be together…You can have this any time you want…Hurry, he's coming back." So Egor frees Chrissy Marie and brings her something to wear. “There is a passageway back to your world." "I have seen him use it." They start for an exit, but the demon appears behind them. "Where do you think you are going?” he says. "Away from here" Egor replies. Egor pulls out a dagger causing the demon to laugh. Egor circles the demon to pull his attention away from Chrissy Marie, then lunges at him. But the demon swats him away sending him bouncing off the nearby wall knocking him out. Egor has given his all for Chrissy Marie. The demon then turns his attention back to Chrissy Marie, but too late. Chrissy Marie is gone. "Do you think you can escape? "I will find you

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Runtime : 00:21:27
File Size : 940Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissy Marie Wrapped & Vibed
« Reply #4104 on: April 04, 2024, 02:03:02 am »

About video: Chrissy finds herself in another perilous predicament, this time tightly wrapped in many layers of plastic wrap and securely taped to a wooden post in the middle of a scary dungeon. She knows the man who did this to her has some sinister plans in store for her. A hitachi magic wand has been placed between her legs and firmly wrapped into place. She is begging him to let her go and asking what he wants and why he is doing this to her. He doesn’t give her any answers but decides he needs to shut her up before he continues tormenting her. So he stuffs a white rag into her mouth and tape gags her, wrapping the tape around the wooden post, muffling her cries for help and practically immobilizing her head so she can only look around the room in trepidation. Now that she is effectively gagged he plans to have some fun with his mummified captive. He starts by slowly tearing away some of the saran wrap to expose her breasts and grope them. Then he shows her a pair of nipple clamps he plans to use on her. She is unable to look down at her tits as he attaches the them due to her gag so the pain comes as a shock as each one clamps down on her sensitive nipples. She mmmpphs in protest and attempts to struggle, although she can hardly move. He decides it’s time to add a little pleasure to counteract the pain, even if she seems unwilling. He plugs in the vibrator and her whimpers of distress gradually turn to gagged moans of pleasure. Then he adds a heavy lock to the chain of the clamps, the added weight pulling on her nipples in an intense mix of pain and pleasure. It’s not long before the vibrations bring her to have a powerful orgasm. He removes the clover clamps from her nipples, however he doesn’t turn the vibrator off or appear to have any intention of doing so any time soon. Chrissy is made to cum over and over again as she begs for mercy through her gag. Then to her XXXX the ruthless man leaves her there all wrapped up and gagged, vibrator still on, with no indication of when he will return for her. She helplessly whimpers and struggles in distress as she is XXXX to endure the seemingly endless orgasm torture!

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File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:46
File Size : 554Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissy Screwed Up The Heist - Milf Gigi & Chrissy Marie
« Reply #4105 on: April 04, 2024, 06:00:45 am »

About video: Milf Gigi is bank manager who often takes her work home with her. She is hard at work on her home computer when suddenly she feels a big hand clamp tightly over her mouth and pull her out of her chair! She struggles violently as he drags her down to the floor and his cute partner in crime watches as he subdues her with the white rag over her mouth and nose. She reminds him not too much! Just enough to make her a bit woozy. They need to get the code for the bank safe first! They try to get the code out of her as they both double team her and Chrissy ties Gigi's hands behind her back! Eventually Gigi comes up with a plan. She mumbles some numbers to the guy who leaves to go to go the bank, his partner Chrissy staying behind to keep an eye on her. Gigi has a feeling that the girl is a dumb as she is pretty. She starts to panic and acts distressed in the bondage and tells the Chrissy that she has a heart condition and needs to be untied right away so she can take her medication! She almost can’t believe it when the dumb girl falls for it! As soon as she gets untied she grabs Chrissy and puts her into a chokehold, wrestling her down to the ground where she then finds the white rag and uses it to fully subdue the struggling girl. Once she is out of it she ties her elbows together tightly behind her back causing her to quickly come back to reality! Her ankles are bound and then her mouth is stuffed full and wrapped tight to put an end to all her bitching and moaning. Gigi teases her for being so dumb and falling for her act, even exposing her big tits for added humiliation! Her elbows are then tied to her ankles binding her into a strict hogtie! Just as she is finishing up the bad guy returns, infuriated to find the bank manager got free and Chrissy somehow managed to get herself tied up! He grabs Gigi and starts to tie her up again as he scolds his partner for not even being worthless and not even able to do her part of the job! Gigi tries to pull the same trick on the guy by faking heart problems but he doesn’t fall for it and instead just packs her mouth and wraparound cleave gags her with clear tape! Apparently he can’t count on his partner anymore after ruining the heist, so he hogties Gigi and leaves them both struggling helplessly in their tight ropes and gags while he goes to find another bank manager to tie up and rob!

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Runtime : 00:13:57
File Size : 606Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissy Sensually Dominates Dixie
« Reply #4106 on: April 04, 2024, 02:02:59 pm »

About video: Chrissy has a special evening planned for her girlfriend. Dixie is usually the one who takes control in the bedroom and Chrissy wants to return the favor and add a little kinky fun to the mix. So Chrissy has tied Dixie spread eagle to the bed using leather cuffs and rope and has left her waiting while she changed into some super sexy lingerie complete with fishnet stockings. Dixie lightly struggles and squirms in anticipation. Chrissy comes back in and starts to tease her girlfriend by kissing her and licking her nipples. She wants to keep her quiet while she has her way with her and gags her with a red ball gag and gives her gagged mouth another kiss. She carresses Dixie's naked body and then starts to tease her with a set of nipple clamps. Then she blindfolds her and applies the clamps to Dixie's nipples that are nice and perky from all the sensual attention they've been getting. Dixie has no idea whats coming next now that she is blindfolded. Chrissy tugs on the chain of the clamps and Dixie responds appropriately. She decides it's time to turn up the heat. She grabs a vibrator from the nightstand as Dixie lie there unaware of what's to cum. When she hears the vibrator turn on her excitement is evident. Chrissy teases her with the vibrator, first using it on her clamped nipples, then slowly moving it down her torso and finding Dixie's sweet spot with it. It's not long before Chrissy's sensual touch combined with the powerful vibrations bring Dixie to orgasm. However Chrissy isn't done playing with her yet. She keeps vibing her until she can't help but have another intense orgasm. Chrissy is really enjoying having her girlfriend in such a vulnerable position and has some other ideas in mind for her, but first she is going to let her recover. Chrissy promises to return for her but doesn't say when. She leaves Dixie there struggling helplessly bound, ballgagged, blindfolded and nipple clamped, begging for Chrissy to come back!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:26
File Size : 537Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissy Stretched & Roasted
« Reply #4107 on: April 04, 2024, 05:47:38 pm »

About video: Chrissy Marie has been captured and left helplessly struggling with her hands cuffed high up over her head to the point that she is standing on her tip toes! Her mouth has been gagged with a dark blue bandanna tied tight between her teeth to keep her quiet while her captor prepares the dungeon for the main event. Her ankles and knees are also bound tightly with rope as she struggles and moans desperate to find relief from her strenuous predicament, but there is no escape from the peril that awaits poor Chrissy. Soon she finds herself stretched out AOH and roasting on a rack covered with shiny foil! Her arms are stretched straight over her head and tied parallel to each other. Her legs are also stretched out and secured with rope. Still gagged with the bandana cleave gag she mmmmppphhsss helplessly as she attempts to struggle but realizes she is barely able to move from being stretched out so tight! She flexes her muscles as she pulls on her restraints, growing weaker and more distressed every minute that goes by from the heat lamps beating down on her glistening skin that is covered in a layer of cooking oil. She hopelessly squirms, sweats and suffers as he slowly roasts her to perfection!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:34:51
File Size : 1399Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissy The Burglar Vs Detective Star
« Reply #4108 on: April 04, 2024, 09:39:51 pm »

About video: This is a story about a famous burglar (Chrissy) and a private detective (Star). Our detective Star is on a mission to capture the famous burglar in return for a large cash reward. The scene starts with Chrissy the burglar searching the house for valuables when suddenly Star sneaks in and confronts her. A short catfight ensues between two girls and Chrissy manages to overpower Star and tapes her hands crossed behind her back with duct tape. She also tapes up her ankles, thighs. Star is loudly protesting so Chrissy decides to tape gag her around her head to shut her up! She finishes by adding more tape above and below her breasts then goes to find the loot, leaving Star tightly bound and gagged, certain that she won’t be able to escape!
However Star is determined to get that reward and struggles hard in her desperate attempt to escape. After few minutes she finally manages to break free! She hides and awaits her chance to get revenge! Needless to say, when Chrissy walks in and sees that Star escaped she is a bit upset. Before she can even question how it was possible, Star confronts her again and some trash talk ensues leading to a new cat fight between the two. This time Star overpowers Chrissy and tapes her up the same way that she had been. Her wrists, ankles, thighs, breasts and mouth all end up tight bound in tape as Star teases and torments her for getting caught! Star removes Chrissy’s high heels since she won’t be needing them any time soon, and doesn’t want her to use them to break the tape, like she was able to. Star then steps out of the shot to make a call and announce that she successfully captured the famous burglar. While Star is away Chrissy struggles furiously to escape but she can’t manage to get loose! After a few minutes Star returns and removes the tape from Chrissy’s legs so that she can walk her out and turn her in so she can collect her cash reward

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:16:26
File Size : 712Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissy Tied Up In The Corner
« Reply #4109 on: April 05, 2024, 01:54:56 am »

About video: Tonight Chrissy was supposed to have bring her parents for a parent teacher conference to discuss her poor grades. She has been partying too much and flunking most of her college courses as a result, but Chrissy really doesn’t want her parents to find out about it. So instead she came up with another plan to try and get her teacher to give her a passing grade. Maybe she can use her sex appeal to convince him. When she shows up without her parents the teacher is not very amused. Instead of providing a good explanation she continues on with her plan and start to try and seduce her teacher, but he doesn’t fall for it! Instead he decides that she needs an extra special punishment to put an end to her inappropriate behavior! To begin he tells her to go sit in the corner, but Chrissy refuses and tells him she is not sitting in any corner! Too bad she doesn’t have much choice, he has ways to make sure that she will sit in that corner whether she wants to or not!
In the next scene Chrissy is tightly chair tied and cleave gagged and extremely pissed off at her teacher for humiliating her the way he has. He even tied her legs spread revealing her red lace panties up her skirt. She struggles and tries to free herself from the tight ropes but soon the teacher returns to tie her up even tighter, ensuring that she can’t escape. After her nylon legs are bound together brutally tight her cleave gag is removed, giving her a brief moment to bitch before panties are stuffed and taped into her mouth! He pulls her boobs out of her blouse because she was trying to show them to him anyway, so why not! She is cranked into a strict hogtie and left struggling on the floor, completely helpless in her heavily bound and gagged predicament

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:18:01
File Size : 787Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissys Caged Imprisonment
« Reply #4110 on: April 05, 2024, 06:27:48 am »

About video: Chrissy has been arrested and locked up in a women's prison that has some rather unconventional policies and procedures. One of these is that all of the inmates are required to wear skimpy uniforms that leave their breasts exposed for everyone to see. Not only does this lower the risk of them hiding contraband but the humiliation has been proven to assist in the correctional process. In addition, ballgags are used on new prisoners to keep them quiet until they come to terms with their confinement and learn to be more cooperative. Chrissy helplessly struggles as the hard steel cuffs that have her arms stretched overhead and ankles bound to opposite sides of her padlocked cell painfully dig into her flesh. A heavy metal chain wrapped tightly around her waist further restricts her movement. Streams of drool begin to uncontrollably spill from her gagged mouth as she mmmpphs and whimpers hopelessly in her truly inescapable predicament... and her sentence has only just begun!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:09:25
File Size : 480Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissys Double Teamed Torment
« Reply #4111 on: April 05, 2024, 12:24:44 pm »

About video: Chrissy Marie is home alone when two guys break in to rob her! When they find her they decide they will have to tie her up while they search for the loot! They carry her into the room, one guy holding onto her legs and the other tight hand gagging her as she furiously struggles and tries to scream. The two men easily overpower her and one of them begins to tie her hand behind her back with rope as the other keeps the scared but still feisty young girl quiet. They begin to torment her further by feeling her up and taking turns giving her firm smacks on the ass! They decide they need to gag the bitch in order to keep her quiet and one of them gets a great idea! He pulls off her panties from underneath her short denim skirt so that he can gag her with them! They make her smell them then stuff them into her mouth so she can taste herself! A white cloth is tied tightly between her teeth to seal them in!
They continue to double team her as they strip her, tie her up and torment her with even more groping and spanking! Once they have her secured in strict hogtie one of the guys goes to get the van while the other goes to gather the loot! Chrissy struggles in the tight ropes, desperately trying to get loose and call for help before the two men get away with her valuables! Unfortunately for Chrissy she is bound and gagged hopelessly tight and there is no chance of escape, all she can do is helplessly squirm and roll around in her hogtied predicament. Some time later the two men return. They decided that Chrissy is also going to be part of the loot! They had such a good time tying her up and tormenting her so they are going to take her with them so they can have some more fun with her! They lift her up, still hogtied and angrily struggling and mmmppphhhing as they carry her out

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:13:01
File Size : 568Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Online Katrin19888

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Chrissys Erotic Stretch & Backbend Tease
« Reply #4112 on: April 05, 2024, 04:32:49 pm »

About video: Chrissy just arrived home when she is called into the dungeon. Her Master is upset that she has not been behaving and has been wearing very revealing clothing around. She's being a brat so he slaps her across the face to put her in her place then orders her to place her hands on her head, elbows wide and legs spread. He begins to tease her bare stomach and inspect her body. He decides that today she is going to be tied up for her punishment. He binds her wrists together in front with rope as she looks worried about what’s coming next. He ties her arms over head and raises her up until she is on her tip toes. Then he ties her ankles together and takes her sneakers off so her toes can barely reach the ground! He continues to tease her stretched body, pulling down her jeans to expose her g-string and lifting her crop top to expose her breasts. He proceeds to give her a hard spanking until her ass is evenly red, then he leaves her there while he prepares the next part of punishment!
Chrissy is now wearing just a g-string and her Master has taken her down from the arms over head position. She is now bound in a type of backbend bondage position with her legs spread and arms stretched straight overhead. He comes in and starts to tease her in her vulnerable position. He finds that she can still move a little too much so he tightens the ropes so that she is stretched so tight she can barely struggle at all! Then he brings out an instrument she hasn’t seen before, the Wartenberg wheel, and teases her by running the sharp edge along her tummy, breasts, thighs and pussy. She squirms in reaction but has no chance of escape! Then he brings out some ice, torturing her with it all over her body until it is wet and glistening from the melted ice! He pulls down her g-string but it’s still in the way, so he decides to just cut it off! He gags her with her panties for added humiliation. Now fully nude and exposed he continues to tease her lower abs and pelvic area and gives her a good pussy slapping! He leaves her helplessly bound and panty gagged. She thinks she is done when she hears the hitachi click on. Chrissy knows what's coming next as the scene fades out

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:18:36
File Size : 810Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissys Massively Mouth Packed Gag Test
« Reply #4113 on: April 05, 2024, 09:36:36 pm »

About video: Dressed in a tight tank top and short denim miniskirt, Chrissy is ready for some kinky fun. She's always willing to be tied up but this time she has her heart set on testing herself with some truly mouth filling gags. Oakman is happy to oblige and before she knows it she's tied to a chair and ready to be packed to the brim!
Chrissy's first gag acts as a bit of a warmup stretch, with a pair of her panties stuffed into one of her socks and packed into her mouth before being tightly cleaved between her teeth with a white cloth. The gag is removed after she tries to talk through it for a short time and she's ready for a 2nd.She thinks the stuffing for the first gag was probably big enough but Oakman brings out a pile of nylons to show her she can go bigger. After he rolls a few nylons into tightly wound balls before stuffing them in her cheeks, Chrissy gets impatient and tells him to quit rolling them and just stuff them in already and he does just that, cutting off any more comments from her. Her mouth looks pretty full after 4 or so nylons but somehow Oakman manages to cram in a total of 8 before using a tightly strapped body bag gag to hold them in place.
After her mouth is emptied of all those nylons Chrissy is ready for gag 3, which begins with 4 colorful sponge balls packed into her mouth. She's stuffed so full the balls are about to burst out so Oakman quickly grabs a roll of thin purple vet wrap and begins winding it between her teeth. Chrissy urges him to wrap it tighter but soon regrets it when he grabs a green roll and continues wrapping, making for a super tight cleave. Gag 4 starts with 7 long, thin strips of cloth stuffed into Chrissy's mouth one by one. A knotted bandana cleave is then tightly tied between her teeth, followed by a white cloth cleave over that, and finally a white cloth OTM gag. It's definitely hard to understand Chrissy under all those layers! Chrissy begins to wonder how much more she can take when Oakman brings out a handful of small rolls of gauze for her 5th gag. 4 rolls make their way into Chrissy's mouth before thin masking tape is wrapped around her head and between her teeth. A short time later, Oakman somehow manages to find just enough room for one more roll of gauze and then decides to wrap even more masking tape around her head until it completely covers her lower face.
Chrissy definitely wants to stop after having all that tape on her face but Oakman is feeling like he's just hitting his stride so Chrissy begrudgingly agrees to do one more gag. Gag 6 features a variety of stuffing: a sponge disc in each cheek, followed by 2 nylons and a red ball. Blue electrical tape is then wrapped around her head over the center of the ball to hold everything in but turns out Oakman was lying and wants to do a 7th and final gag, for real this time. Chrissy isn't happy but doesn't have much of a choice, bound to a chair as she is. So she allows 3 polka dotted pocket squares to be shoved in her mouth and then the layering begins! 7 strips of red KT tape cover her lower face, followed by microfoam tape wrapped around her head. Next, purple bondage tape is wound over the microfoam. Still not done, Oakman adds pink vet wrap to finish off her heavy gag. Happy with how she sounds he leaves her helplessly struggling as she desperately attempts to plead with him to remove her massively mouth packed triple layered gag! (Includes a bonus behind the scenes at the end of Chrissy removing the final gag)

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:48:45
File Size : 2139Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissys Parrot Perch Punishment
« Reply #4114 on: April 06, 2024, 02:10:12 am »

About video: Chrissy has been bound in the ‘parrot perch’ position on a bar suspended off the ground, her wrists and ankles tied together with red rope. She is wearing lacy black lingerie and strappy high heel shoes. She is quite scared as she looks around, wondering what’s in store for her. She struggles and squirms but is ultimately helpless in this position. The Master steps in and gags her with a bit gag then walks away briefly. When he returns he proceeds to cut off her bra and panties and she tries to beg him to stop through her gag! The Master walks away again, leaving her scared and waiting naked on the perch. A minute later the Master returns with a cane, whipping it through the air. He teases her by placing it on her ass and
lightly tapping, before proceeding to cane her. She squirms in anticipation and appropriately reacts to each hard stroke of the cane. A nice set of cane stripes quickly begin to appear on her ass and thighs. The punishment continues until the Master decides her caning is complete. However she will now have to remain on the perch for three more hours! She tries to beg him through her gag, but he walks away, leaving her alone, hanging there helplessly suffering in this torturous bondage position!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:10:36
File Size : 461Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Chrissys Past Caught Up With Her
« Reply #4115 on: April 06, 2024, 06:49:00 am »

About video: Chrissy Marie has a secret. Many years ago, while living on the East Coast, She had been charged and convicted of a crime she didn’t commit! Rather than face a long term behind bars, Chrissy skipped out on bail and headed to sunny California! There she established a new identity and became a successful model. Unfortunately for her, a ruthless bounty hunter is hot on her trail and has at last caught up to her! He has arrested her and put her in transport shackles and taken her to a concrete cell. Chrissy is not happy! Angry, anxious, and fearful, Chrissy has no choice but to comply with the evil Bounty Hunter’s demands. She is thoroughly strip searched then put in a cage for safekeeping until the next day when he will transport her back East. Chrissy defiantly protests that she has rights and can’t just leave her there for night while naked and caged! This pushes the Bounty Hunter to punish her with an even more demanding bound and gagged predicament!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:28:21
File Size : 1445Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Dance Party Detainment
« Reply #4116 on: April 06, 2024, 11:57:59 am »

About video: Chrissy is having a dance party in her living room but her music is too loud and someone called the cops on her! The video starts as a steady shot of Chrissy dancing to upbeat music in her fitted white blouse, short black skirt and high heels. After a few minutes the police officer (Khristall) enters dressed in a fitted white blouse and black tie, but Chrissy doesn’t notice her come in and continues to dance. The officer gets annoyed and detains Chrissy against the wall, cuffing her immediately behind the back. She then goes to turn off the music as Chrissy playfully tries to talk her way out of it. Unfortunately for her the officer doesn't give in and she tightens the cuffs and threatens her to be quiet and behave. Chrissy is stunned that she is actually under arrest. The officer goes on to pat her down and search her then orders her to get down on her knees and stay there while she goes to search her purse. Chrissy is annoyed and struggles but there is no way she can get free from the tight cuffs. She eventually begins to calm down and starts to beg the officer saying things like "Uncuff me please! Please let me go" and "I'll be a good girl". The officer decides she has had enough and gags Chrissy with red ball gag and tells her she is taking her to jail! Chrissy struggles and resists once its in and gag talks angrily as the detective pulls her up from your knees and takes her away.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:09:25
File Size : 408Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Deceived & Distressed Pt. 1
« Reply #4117 on: April 06, 2024, 04:35:23 pm »

About video: Chrissy was invited to a Memorial Day bbq by a guy she recently met, however when she showed up at his place there was no one else there yet. He assures her she is just the first one and everyone else will be arriving soon. He offers her a drink and she sits down to relax, but before long she starts feeling much more relaxed then she expected. A minute later she can barely keep her eyes open. She tries to fight it but she soon gives in. When she wakes up she is shocked to find herself hogtied! She struggles and panics when she finds there is no way she can free. She starts crying out for help and the man returns and gags her with a body bag ball gag to quiet her down. He explains he just wants to have a little fun with her! It’s then that she realizes that there was never any bbq planned, he just used it as an excuse to get her alone! She struggles bare foot in her cut off shorts and white t-shirt, helplessly mmpphhing and pleading with the man to untie her, but he just isn’t finished with her yet! He leaves her struggling furiously on the couch until she finally starts to settle down and accept her fate. She knows it will probably end up better for her if she cooperates! He then takes her off to the bedroom where he plans to have even more bondage fun with her!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:10:56
File Size : 476Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Deceived & Distressed Pt. 2
« Reply #4118 on: April 06, 2024, 09:35:29 pm »

About video: Chrissy is now untied and stripped completely naked in the bedroom. The deceiving man that tricked her into showing up to his bbq just so he could tie her up has told her if she cooperates then she won’t get hurt…. well, at least not too bad! He takes some leather belts and starts securing her arms and upper body with them as she begs him not to tie her up again. He just gropes her and assures her that by the end of this all she will begging for more! She is then frog tied with more straps and gagged with a red ball gag, laying fully exposed on the bed. She though she would just be left to struggle and suffer like earlier, but she soon learns of his much more sinister plans! He attaches some unique nipple clamps to her that he’s been wanting to try out and then tortures and plays with his helpless bound captive in any way he wants! He spanks her pussy and uses a riding crop and flogger on her as well. He even teases her by briefly attaching clothespins to her pussy which she finds extremely painful! Then he removes the clothespins and nipple clamps and flips her over onto her stomach so that he can access her ass and give it a proper spanking! The heavy leather paddle adds nice color to her cheeks as she squirms in the tight leather belts, with no choice but to take it. When he is finished punishing her he decides it’s time for the ball gag to come off. He has another idea about what he can stuff in her mouth next!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:19:11
File Size : 834Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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Dixie Taped & Taken In Tights
« Reply #4119 on: April 07, 2024, 01:54:16 am »

About video: Dixie has just gotten back from a bad day at work. She's talking to her friend on the phone and informs her that her roommate is gone on vacation and it's just her for the week. She says she'll try to feel better and ends the call...just as a hand reaches over and rags her out from behind! Dixie puts up a fight, but to no avail. Dixie wakes up laying on the floor with her wrists and ankles taped. As she comes to her senses she tries to gets up and get a grip on her situation. Before she can manage to get up, the intruder from before grabs her. Dixie asks what he wants. He tells her that she already knows, and that he's been waiting a long time for this opportunity. Dixie tells him to take whatever he wants, just to leave her be, that he can trust her not to call the police. Obviously the intruder isn’t going to fall for that! He pulls out more tape to her annoyance and starts to tape her around her upper body. Dixie asks if he could make it less tight which prompts him to tape her bound wrists to her waist as he simply says "No"
Dixie continues to tell him she has plenty of stuff and just to take it. She's already secure enough, and that she can't do anything even if she tried. The intruder grabs her by the chin and asks her "Out of everything here, I only want ONE thing." Dixie tries to ask what he means but he shoves a pair of panties in her mouth before she can let out a word. The intruder then wraparound tape gags her tight. After he finishes gagging her, he grabs her by the chin again and says "The answer? Is YOU! I know no one is coming for you, and you're all alone. After tonight you will be mine, and then no ones!" Dixie tries to jut her legs furiously at him to kick him with her heels, but he catches her legs. "You can still fight? Good I knew I was going too easy!" He pulls the tape back out and proceeds to tape her thighs, knees and calves. The intruder gropes her and says "Now that you mention it, I think I will take some of this lovely stuff of yours!" He orders her her to stay put, otherwise it WILL get worse.
After he leaves Dixie notices her cell phone was left on the floor! Dixie props herself up and begins to scoot towards it, looking around to make sure she doesn’t get caught. She grabs her phone and begins to try and dial it, Just then the intruder bends down and put his hand over her eyes "You're not doing yourself any favors, you know what, I could just grab that anchor in my car and throw you in the lake. Do you want that? Do you wanna hang like a pirate? Dixie looks at him with fear in response "No? Good. Now you gotta learn this the hard way." The intruder says then removes her high heels and tapes her feet together and puts some tape around her hands! He holds up Dixie's phone in front of her and says "We'll be having none of this. I said YOU are MINE." He reveals Dixie's breasts, and pinches her nipples as she mmppphss in protest. He then tells her to stay put as he goes to ready the car.
Dixie struggles furiously and desperately tries to escape but it’s all for nothing. After a couple minutes the intruder returns. He tells her “after enjoying your other stuff I think it's time I enjoy YOU! He pulls down her tights and bends her over. We see a close up shot of Dixie mmphhhing and indicating the intruder has begun to take what he really wanted. Cut to Dixie on the floor now. Tired. Tights pulled down. Hair a bit messy. Still taped up tightly. The intruder returns to grab her, but not before saying "Time to go! Don't worry, the anchor around you will keep you company in the trunk!" He says as he lifts Dixie up, taking her to her fate

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:56
File Size : 562Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

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