About video: FULL MOVIE for our Members: Leggy stunner Becky, in her first outing at our screwed up, gag-thirsty hands, gets some fiery ferocity with her ultra-muzzles here. Ready for a bit of gagged up craziness again then? We KNOW you are! Leggy beauty Becky stars here as Rebecca Silver, some kind of ace reporter or something. Whatever, we say. But yeah, you know the type. The type who always wind up in deep, viciously bound and gagged instead of securing the scoop they had intended. The legend of the Phantom (aka the Teleporting) Carapace is one well-trodden here at B0rderland. You may remember other hot young things having tried to establish what secrets it holds, and having come a cropper to the B0rderl@nd Werewolf. Alas, lovely Becky is to be no exception. Wandering through Pork Loinington Manor with her trusted cameraman (why he should be trusted is open for conjecture), Nick, Miss Silver is close to the story. Unfortunately, as they creep through the shadowy old house, something else is close to Nick. And kaboom. He is clowned out cold and lovely Becky, so wrapped up (oh and she WILL be too later) in her story, does not notice the new and evilly-alloyed cameraman trailing in her wake. Upstairs, finding what she is looking for, she too goes down from behind. It’s time… Time… TIME… to watch the magic PUMPKIN. Um, we mean, to bind and gag! First up is a formidably tightly pulled and knotted off black cleave to silence Young Miss Silver. She doesn’t know what hit her. Gag-gurgling in true bewilderment, the trussed up, bespectacled hottie struggles madly in a sinister hallway, twining her amazing, lithesome body this way and that, desperate for escape. She is felt up and left again, this time face down on the deck, that vicious gag ripping her hot mouth a new one! Can it get any worse? The crook who has her reveals himself to be a thief bent on seizing that magical carapace, and yes, it can, for this his nosy reporter vixen will not get in his way. Trussed up like some Gin Seng Duck (can you grasp that mayhem??) in a juddery old chair, the beautiful, rather long pinned dream struggles and strains, fighting the large cloth being jammed into her gob and the insanely bound wrappings forcing her pretty face into a gaping, jaw-wedged mask of outrage. Yep, this is a typical B0rderl@nd super-gagging, compadres. Suck it up. A bit like turkey-gobbling Becky’s ass is right now. Later revisited, felt up some more and enduring her thrashing bound legs being further restricted, the sexy reporter is left to twist and writhe all gagged up and roped in her chair while the newly anointed Carapace Thief makes fast his getaway. A massively turkey’d up Becky continues to thrill us all with some outta this world gag shenanigans. Damn that’s TIGHT. And she is quite savagely and intricately roped into her chair, we note
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