Pictures > Sex Stories
On the Water
On the Water
by Leviticus
Chapter 14
Ben was at the helm of the 'Kajira',
steering us into the harbor in front of the villa where the party we were going to was taking place.
Laura, Amy and I stood and watched the people in their various fetish wear move about on shore.
So engrossed on the shoreline were we that we were startled by the sound of a loud horn behind us.
I turned to see a large yacht bearing down on us and Ben began frantically turning the wheel.
The other yacht began to turn too and passed us harmlessly to port,
traveling much too fast for its size in this small harbor.
Whoever was piloting had some sense though,
for as soon as they passed the engines cut out and the boat began to slow.
I looked back at Ben and saw how pissed he was at their lack of seamanship.
He had turned the wheel back and was guiding us toward the larger vessel.
When I turned to look at it again something about the name on the back jogged my memory.
"Oh God." I said.
"What?" Laura asked, she was standing next to me.
"It's the 'Dreamboat'." I said to her.
"I don't get it." said my wife.
"That's the boat that shared an anchorage with us a few nights ago."
"You mean..." was all she said before she started to blush.
She had remembered that we had made love on deck practically in full view of that yacht.
We didn't know if anyone had seen us but then I hadn't expected to see this boat again.
Ben guided us close to the big yacht and a man in a suit came to the rail
from what I thought to be the bridge and began calling out to us.
"Ahoy!" he shouted. "Terribly sorry old chap! Didn't realize we were coming in that fast! Any damage?"
"No damage!" Ben yelled back, slowing the throttle, "But next time slow down!"
"Will do! Say, why don't you tie up next to us and we'll take you in with our launch.
The least we can do!"
Ben looked over at the shoreline.
The only dock was crowded with boats and our only option at that point was to anchor in the bay
and take the row boat in, not a fun idea considering our outfits!
"I accept!" Ben yelled, and cut the engine.
"Jolly good! I'll have it over in a jiffy!" yelled the man and he disappeared back into his huge boat.
We both anchored about fifty feet apart and while Ben and I got the 'Kajira' settled
the women stood together on the stern deck looking a little uncomfortable.
"You ladies ready for this?" I asked them.
They nodded, their faces flushed, excited.
We heard an engine and from the far side of our neighbor came a motor launch with three people in it.
As it pulled close we could see that it was two men and a woman, one of the men was our host.
They pulled up to the side and Ben tossed them a line.
The driver caught it and pulled them close, winding the rope around a cleat once we had bumped hulls.
The driver was dressed in a simple sailor's uniform, and I figured he was strictly crew.
The passengers were a different story.
"Nice costumes!" said the man we had talked to a few minutes ago.
"Permission to come aboard?" he asked, standing up.
"Granted." Ben said, still not smiling but not being hostile either.
I think he was as amazed at what he saw as I was and when I glanced back at the women so were they!
Our visitor helped the woman aboard first and then climbed up himself.
"Townsend, Philip Townsend!" he said, extending his hand.
Ben and I each shook hands with him and introduced ourselves.
Townsend had on a big grin and that was about all,
except for the tattoo and a silk mask that just covered his eyes.
What we had taken to be a business suit was actually a total body tattoo of a business suit,
right down to the details of the laces of his tattooed wing tips and the tie clip on his tattooed chest.
The woman he had brought aboard was also nude and was tattooed from head to toe with a design
made to look like a riding togs, tweed jacket, jodhpurs, and even black leather riding boots.
She had on a silk mask just like her companion. The details on both of them were remarkable.
Townsend puffed out his chest. "It always pays to be properly dressed!"
he said with a smile, "But where are my manners. Let me introduce my wife, Alicia."
We said our hello's and introduced our ladies who said a shy hello
as they took in our visitors rather bizarre look.
"How simply enchanting." Townsend said, smiling at the pair of them. He took Laura's hand and kissed it, something that must have made her nervous considering how close he had to get
to her almost bare breasts to do that.
Then he stepped over to Amy. "I see, dear lady, that you have no hand to kiss."
Much to my surprise he bowed and then turned back to us.
"If you're ready we'll take you across, and the launch will be at your disposal throughout your stay.
It's the least we can do for giving you such a scare!"
"Thank you." Ben said.
We piled into the launch, questions no doubt in all our heads, and left the 'Kajira' behind us.
Townsend began a running commentary about how good our outfits were
and what a pleasant time we were going to have here and while he talked I looked back at his huge yacht.
There were more people on deck now,
and they were as fetishly dressed as the rest of the crowd we could see onshore.
I turned to look at Mrs Townsend and saw her staring at me.
She shifted her eyes to Laura and smiled, then looked back at me and winked.
With a glance at Laura who had begun to blush again
I saw that at least one person HAD seen us coupling on deck in the rain.
I looked back at Alicia Townsend and held her eyes for a moment,
then with a smile of my own I let my eyes travel down her body.
Her amazing tattoo did nothing to hide the fact that here was a very well built woman. It didn't hide her age either although she had nothing to complain about
as far as getting older was concerned.
I figured her to be in her mid forties, like her husband, but with a body that rivaled my wife's.
We eventually got to the dock and went ashore.
"Thanks!" said Ben who had become our spokesman.
"Don't mention it old boy!" Townsend replied. "Come over later and have a drink!"
We parted and the four of us stood wondering what to do next
as we watched the Townsends walk up the hill together toward the house.
"Shall we?" I asked, taking Laura's arm.
"Yes, let's do it..old boy!" Ben said with a grin.
From somewhere he produced a thin chain which he clipped to Amy's neck somehow
and led her along behind him.
Walking slowly because of Laura's toe hobble we followed the path up to the house,
while behind us the launch went back to the yacht for another load of passengers.
Now let me describe in one word the general feeling that I came away with
by the time we left the party.
One word. Hmmm. Boredom.
Yes, that's it.
On the Water
part 14b
It was interesting for a while,
but there are only so many weird leather and rubber outfits that I can look at
before I get turned off. I was even getting tired of my own.
There were a few odd moments throughout the party that captured my interest, but that was all.
We saw Leo, and he practically cried over how thin the corsets made our women look.
We met the host, Desmond Kopachi,
who gazed blankly at us through a drug induced haze while we were being introduced.
For a while the women and us were separated and when finally we saw them again
we found out that they had a better time than we did.
While they were gone Ben and I did come across a demonstration for a product
that held our attention very much.
Ben bought one and had it delivered to the boat.
I'll tell you more about it later, it's a surprise for the ladies and I don't want to spoil it.
Walking around together, Ben and I saw demonstrations of other products concerned with BDSM,
not to mention a lot of demonstrations on whipping, spanking,
and various sexual positions on various bondage devices.
Each one would hold our interest for a few minutes, but that was all.
My favorite part though was the big floor show right before dinner.
This was the reason why Ben and I were alone.
A small man in a one piece leotard had come up to us earlier
and asked if he could borrow our companions for a couple of hours.
"I'm putting together part of the entertainment, you see." he said to us.
"I'm supposed to club together this big song and dance number
using just the female submissives I find at the party, you see,
and I must say that your girl here looks like she has done some dancing in her time!"
He was talking about Amy, I told you her outfit was tight!
Ben spoke for her. "She does dance, she takes classes to keep fit.
But I don't know if she will want to help you out today."
"It's a pity, she would be perfect, you see!" said the little man.
Ben looked over at her and Amy nodded with an eager smile.
"Sure, just for a couple of hours?" Ben asked.
"Yes. The number will be just before the banquet and I'll have her back to you before you eat!"
Ben pulled out a key and handed it over to the man.
"This is for her outfit." he said. I hadn't realized that Amy was locked into her tight clothing.
The man took the key and looked at Laura.
"I could use one more, you see, but does this one have what it takes?"
I smiled. "You want to see her legs?" I asked. Laura glared at me with shock.
"It would help. Does she dance?"
"No, but she does work out every day." I replied.
I grabbed the front of her dress and lifted it part way up.
"Donald!" Laura said with gritted teeth.
The man ducked his head under Laura's skirt and Laura began to blush a deep red
as she helplessly pulled at her bound wrists,
for the little man would certainly notice that she had nothing on under her skirt.
"Yes, she'll do." said the man coming out a second later.
"The same key works on her too." Ben said.
The man nodded.
He took a notebook out of his pocket and wrote in it, tearing off a page and handing it to Ben.
"There you go. My name is on that and any of the waiters or bartenders will know where to find us!"
He clapped his hands and one of the waiters appeared at his side.
The waiter wore a loin cloth and nothing more.
Denzal, for that was the name on the receipt he had given us,
pulled out a second leash for Laura and clipped it to her collar.
"Donald!" Laura said with concern.
"Stay with Amy, you'll be fine." Ben said to her with encouragement.
"Have a good time!" I added, trusting Ben to know what he was doing.
If it wasn't for him I would never have just handed my wife off to a stranger like that,
but if Ben was confident that Amy would be alright who was I to argue about Laura going with her.
The waiter took the leashes and led our two young companions away while Denzal followed.
We didn't see the women again until their dance number.
The banquet had been set up on a large terrace overlooking the ocean,
and Ben and I had staked out a table for four a couple of rows back from the dance floor
and had watched with little interest a pain demonstration given by a respected BDSM couple.
When they were done their stuff was cleared away and the lights brightened for the main event.
A dozen women came out kicking in a line, a passable imitation of the Rockettes
although that famous troupe had never worn what these girls were wearing.
Their outfits looked to consist entirely of feathers. Long pink very well placed feathers.
On their heads they wore a plume of feathers that must have given each of them another foot of height.
From their behinds erupted a fantail of feathers which we could see
could only have been held there using butt plugs.
One large feather curled down under and between their legs to end just above their pubic area.
As the women danced you could catch enough glimpses to see that
this single feather was all that kept them from being completely exposed down there.
Their nipples were the mounting points of several small feathers
that fanned out to partially cover their breasts,
and as they danced around I wondered if they were pasties or clip ons!
It was easy to spot Amy and Laura in the line up,
and they both did well in following the routine they had been taught over the time we were without them.
Amy did better than Laura and looked quite natural on stage, for she had a big smile on her face and looked like she was having fun.
Laura was smiling also but hers was different.
She either wasn't having fun or something was distracting her.
I figured it was the second option the way those feathers moved across her skin as she danced.
The light caresses were probably driving her crazy.
All the women were attractive, some especially so.
One woman near the end of the line caught my eye.
She was tall and dark, and in addition to her dance outfit wore metal rings on her wrists and ankles.
It was her hair that really got to me though.
It was longer than Laura's by far and that's no mean feat.
Her hair flowed straight and true down her back to just above her knees.
It was very beautiful.
I wondered who she was and if Laura's hair would ever get that long.
She danced well too.
In fact all the women held their own and after the rather energetic and revealing performance
the number ended with a standing ovation from the crowd,
and Denzal came out front and gave a bow.
Twenty minutes later Amy and Laura joined us at the table,
their faces flushed and their bodies back in their original outfits.
The waitress who brought them out to us,
again only dressed in a loin cloth that allowed all to see her lovely breasts,
unclipped the leash on Laura's collar and handed Ben his key.
Then she disappeared back from where she came.
"Did you have a good time?" Ben asked.
"Marvelous, but it was a lot of hard work!" Amy said, smiling.
"Slave drivers!" Laura added.
"You look like you enjoyed it, in fact you look like you still are!" I said to her.
Laura glanced at Amy. "Sir, they gave us a parting gift, for taking part in the dance." she said.
"What?" I asked, curious and slightly worried for some reason.
"You saw what we had to dance in, Sir." Laura said. "The butt plugs and the nipple clamps."
"Yeah, it was all very obvious and we could see everything!"
Laura and Amy looked about and blushed. "Well, Sir. You didn't see everything.
We also had to dance with Ben Wa balls inside us, and we were all told we could keep them."
"So the two of you both have these balls in you right now?" Ben asked them.
"Yes, Sir." Amy answered with a deep breath.
I chuckled, and Ben glanced my way with a grin. "Who put them in you?" he said, scowling at the women.
"We put them in each other, we know we aren't allowed to touch ourselves, Sir!" Amy told him.
Ben laughed. "Well, to get yours out again means pulling off half your outfit.
I'll just let you keep them, but you're not allowed to cum!"
"Yes, Sir." Amy said with a sigh.
"In that case Laura can keep hers too." I added, getting a look from my wife.
We had the women kneel beside us and the four of us enjoyed the banquet,
while I looked around for the beauty with the long hair.
The dance, and the shopping Ben and I had done had been the highlights of the party for me
and it wasn't that late before we decided to go back to the boat.
As we walked along the beach I stopped and pulled my boots off.
The sand was still warm under my bare feet even though the sun had gone down hours ago.
It felt really good.
As a group we talked a little of the things we had seen
and when we got to the dock we wondered if Townsend's launch was still there and indeed it was.
I stopped and looked at it as the others went on.
"Coming?" Ben asked me, stopping too.
"Actually," I said, "I'd like to walk the beach for a while longer. Laura, will you join me?"
Laura gave me a smile and said sure and she shuffled over,
her toes once again locked in their miniature hobble.
"Well, we're heading back," Ben told us, "I feel like having a private party!"
We all laughed although Amy blushed a little as she did so and we parted,
me handing my boots to Ben to be taken back to the boat.
I was later to find out that Ben's plan didn't quite work out.
But for us things were good.
I walked slowly, enjoying the sound of Laura's quick steps and her short breaths,
the sound of her chains jingling as her quick movements shook her breasts. It was magical.
"Did you really enjoy the dancing?" I asked her.
"Most of it.
It was a little scary at first,
especially when Denzal unlocked all my bondage and we had to undress.
But he was the only man there and Amy said that he could be trusted so I began to relax."
"I bet it was interesting, dancing with that butt plug in." I said to her.
"Well, at first he had us learn the routine completely nude, and that was a blast.
Here we were, twelve nude women kicking high and showing it all!"
"What if he had told you that you had to do the dance nude?"
"Oh wow...I don't know if I could have. Wow. Maybe if Amy was doing it too.
But he told us right away that we would have costumes. I didn't expect what he gave us though."
"Did Amy really put your Ben Wa balls in?"
"Yes, and the butt plug and I did the same for her.
By the way can we walk a little slower I'm being driven nuts here and can hardly breath!"
"No. How did it feel to dance in all that gear?"
"Uncomfortable, while we were learning the routine,
terrifying when it came time to go out in public dressed like that,
and arousing once we were actually out there and doing it in front of everyone."
"Well...yeah. Those feathers were like little fingers touching me lightly,
especially between my thighs. With that the butt plug, the clamps and the Ben Wa balls I was about driven nuts!
I also knew that you were out there somewhere and that you were watching,
and you know how I like dancing for you.
I just imagined that you were the only person watching."
Laura batted her eyelashes at me and I slowed to a stop.
"Well you were the only one I watched." I lied, but it was a good lie.
I bent to kiss her and her cuffed hands slid across my chest.
I let my hands knead her breasts,
and she gave out short sharp gasps as the nipple clamps that held her chains on
sent twinges of pain to her brain and probably to her loins.
Her mouth was very active in our kiss and it was with reluctance that I broke away,
but I had other plans for my tongue.
I dropped to my knees and ducked under her skirt.
It was dark now and I couldn't see anything but I didn't have to.
I just followed her legs to my goal and began to probe her with my tongue.
Her wetness was like nectar and I licked up every drop, running my tongue up and down her lips
and using my teeth on her clitoris.
I could hear her panting up above and her legs were both stiff and shaking as her passion climbed.
I kept up my work until I could hear her start to sing and then pulled out.
"NO! PLEASE NO! DONALD!" she yelled. "Oh PLEASE don't stop, I was SO CLOSE!"
"Hush now." I said.
Laura opened her mouth and then closed it, a whimper escaping her.
I could see that she was extremely aroused and I know it was cruel of me
but I want to keep her that way for a while.
"You are so beautiful right before you can cum" I told her,
kissing her once more and letting her lick her own juices off my face.
"Let's walk." I said, and we continued on.
The beach ended a little further on but a path snaked up into the jungle.
Feeling adventurous I guided my bound and very frustrated wife along it
until we came to a fence with a gate in it.
A rather board young man dressed like the waiters sat on a stool guarding it.
"Hi!" I said to him. "What's through there?"
"More of the party, Sir." said the young man.
"Oh, mind if we go in?" I asked him. I was sure Ben and I hadn't seen this part.
"You can go in, Sir. But you and the lady will have to undress first.
Beyond this fence it is strictly skin only."
I stepped back, amazed. Then I turned to my wife.
"What do you think?" I asked her.
"Will I get to cum if we go in there?" she asked.
What a one track mind the lady has when fully aroused and in need.
"I think that can be arranged!" I told her.
She bit her lip and nodded.
"Okay," I said, turning to the gate keeper, "Where do we change?"
End of Part 14
on the water
capter 15
by Leviticus
Okay, so Laura and I were about to go into a nude only area at a BDSM party on a tropical island
somewhere in the Caribbean. What naked perversions awaited us inside?
What happened to Ben and Amy?
It all started as they boarded the launch belonging to Philip Townsend,
the owner of the large yacht called 'Dreamboat'.
"Sir." said the driver. "Mr Townsend respectfully asks that you join him aboard his yacht for a drink."
Ben glanced at Amy who's features betrayed nothing,
not surprising since they were hidden under a latex mask.
"Could you pass on our regrets to Mr Townsend and let him know that we are going in for an early night!"
Ben said to the driver.
"Sir, Mr Townsend would really like to see you
and he also said that if you didn't go to him that he would bring the bottle to you."
Ben sighed. "I suppose one drink wouldn't hurt, but I want us to get changed first.
Can we do that?"
"Certainly Sir."
"Thank you." Ben replied sarcastically.
He snuggled next to Amy and the boat sped away from the dock.
"Does this mean you're finally letting me out of this thing?" Amy asked breathlessly,
her corset barely letting her take in enough air to talk.
"I don't know, I thought I'd just leave you chained up on deck
while I head over to Townsend's for a couple of hours." Ben said with a grin.
Amy growled but said nothing, knowing that Ben was kidding
but also resigned to doing just that if Ben was really serious.
Their relationship was such that if Ben decided that she do something,
then she WOULD do it, their trust and love ran very deep.
Ben laughed and when they reached the 'Kajira' he helped his armless companion aboard their boat
and went inside to change.
When they came out again they looked quite different.
Ben had traded in his latex and chain mail for shorts and a Hawaiian shirt,
while Amy now wore a simple cotton dress.
The launch had waited for them and took them across the fifty feet that separated the two boats.
The 'Dreamboat' was a big craft with several decks and lots of cabins.
A sailor in traditional garb escorted Ben and Amy inside along richly appointed passageways.
Whoever Townsend was he certainly had money.
The sailor knocked on a door and opened it, revealing an oak walled drawing room
filled with comfortable chairs, cigar smoke and several men.
One of them was Townsend, now dressed in a real suit instead of the one drawn on his skin.
The other men were also in suits or almost as casually dressed as Ben.
Townsend stood up, as did the other men at the entrance of Ben and Amy.
"Dear boy, glad you could make it, and you brought your lovely girl with you.
Enchanted!" said Townsend, approaching to shake Ben's hand.
"Good evening." Ben said, looking at the men that were gathered.
Ben saw he was the youngest man in the room.
Townsend shook his hand then turned to Amy.
"Ah my dear, at last I get to kiss your delicate hand, may I?"
With a smile Amy held out her hand and Townsend took it and brought it to his lips,
depositing a light but sensual kiss upon her knuckles.
Amy almost giggled.
"Such a smile, you honor us with such beauty. But alas it has to go.
Ben my boy, we're strictly stag tonight in this room
but I'm sure that we can find something aboard to entertain the lady!"
"Oh, I didn't know." Ben said, a little confused.
He turned to Amy. "Perhaps you had better go back to the boat."
"Oh that's not necessary, she can go back with you later.
My wife Alicia would be glad to entertain her while we chat." Townsend said.
Ben raised an eyebrow at Amy, who looked at him with pleading eyes.
Amy thought that this wasn't the place to voice her willingness to stay aboard,
but that didn't stop her from trying to say it with her eyes.
She wanted to find out more about those tattoos and relished the chance to talk to Alicia
who hadn't said a word when they were together earlier.
Ben took a deep breath and saw his pleasant and athletic evening with Amy slipping away.
"Okay, she can stay for a little while, but we cant be out late."
"Splendid! Carlo, take the young lady to the school room." Townsend said to the sailor.
"Have fun!" Ben said, giving her a quick kiss.
"You too, Sir." Amy said with a grin, and she followed the sailor down the passageway.
Amy wondered what the school room was, but didn't think much of the name until she got there.
Once again the sailor knocked on the door, but this time didn't open it.
Instead they waited a moment before a loud female voice yelled "COME!"
The sailor opened the door but motioned for Amy to wait outside.
Amy stood uncomfortably alone in the passageway for a moment,
conscious of the fact that all she wore was a very thin dress
that felt even lighter than it was,
since her body was still adjusting from the crushing tightness of her pervious outfit.
Ben liked to do that a lot at home.
He would make Amy spend hours in something that wrapped and crushed her body like a vise,
then just before going out in public he would make her change into something extremely light.
Amy always felt like she was going out naked, a side affect of the 'bondage to freedom' transition.
She still felt it now and consciously looked to see that she still had her dress on.
"Well bring her in!" said the female voice and the sailor appeared at the door.
Without a word the sailor motioned her inside and then left, closing the door behind him.
Amy was a little startled to find what she found.
It was indeed a school room, done in wood paneling with a large window in one side wall,
it was lit poorly and smelled of chalk and sweat.
There were nine wooden desks lined up in rows of three of which most were occupied by young women
like herself, and one young man who sat in a corner.
All were dressed in casual clothes with one or two of them in very skimpy outfits indeed.
Standing in another corner facing the wall was yet another young woman.
She stood stock still, her back straight, her posture correct.
On her head was balanced a big book and she had her hands clasped behind her.
What Amy noticed most about her was that she held the hem of her skirt up
with her hands revealing her bare buttocks,
buttocks that quite evidently showed a very recent spanking.
There were also a couple of dark lines betrayed the signs of something stronger have been used on her too. Amy made a good guess as to what that could be as she wore the same marks herself.
Last but not least was the most imposing sight in the room.
Dressed in a black high collared gown of plain material she stood at the front of the class
glaring at Amy, in her hands was an object that Amy was very familiar with, a cane.
Amy wondered if the marks on the butt of the girl in the corner were made by this cane.
"You're late child, what do you have to say for yourself!" barked Alicia.
"I'm sorry, I didn't...we just came aboard for a drink..." Amy began, a little lost.
"A DRINK!" shouted Alicia, bringing the cane down sharply on a desk.
The sharp rap of the cane made Amy jump, and she felt her heart beating hard in her chest.
Suddenly she was scared.
"Yes, Maam." she said quietly.
"Yes, Miss Alicia! Not yes maam! And speak up when you're talking to me!"
said the very imposing woman at the head of the class.
"Yes, Miss Alicia." Amy felt her pulse racing and an old familiar stirring going on.
"Sit down child, find a seat and take out your books!" Amy was ordered.
Amy, now getting her bearings held back a smile and sat down gingerly
on the hard wooden seat at the nearest desk.
She realized that this was a fantasy scenario.
Alicia evidently had a schoolroom fetish thing going on.
Amy decided to play along, it could be fun,
and it would definitely be something to tell Ben about afterward.
She found some books under her seat and lifted them to the desk top.
One was a Latin primer, one a book of 19th Century poetry and one a Bible.
She glanced about at her fellow students but none of them were looking at her.
They all faced forward and sat with a stiff backed posture, not daring to do otherwise.
Amy wondered if they were all submissives like herself and if they all belonged to Alicia.
"Face front, child!" Alicia commanded, and Amy quickly stopped looking around.
She looked straight ahead at Alicia who seemed to dominate her end of the room.
"I expect you to pay attention in my class."
"Yes, Miss Alicia." Amy said.
"Your posture is a disgrace, correct it!"
"Yes, Miss Alicia."
Amy pulled herself up, wishing for a corset to help her keep her back straight.
This new position put more stress on her sore butt.
"I suppose you didn't complete your assignment!" Alicia said with a knowing look.
"Assignment?" Amy asked, falling into the trap before knowing what it was.
"I thought not. But what can I expect from someone with such bad posture.
Stand up!" commanded Miss Alicia.
Amy stood, afraid once again and also turned on by her fear.
"Bend over your desk girl, I'll teach you to ignore one of my assignments!"
Alicia put her cane on the teachers desk at the front of the class
and pulled from a drawer a large rubber paddle.
"But I..." Amy said before clamping her mouth shut.
She realized then that Alicia was only using this as an excuse to spank her.
Amy was glad she wasn't going to be caned again but her heart still jumped at the sight of the paddle.
It had been an interesting game up to now but it looked like that was about to change.
Or was it?
Amy had enjoyed pain as a part of her sexual stimulation for many years now,
and the thought of that paddle being used on her was a definite turn on.
Yet she wondered if Ben would approve of what was going on here.
Her thoughts on the matter got her into deeper trouble.
"Girl! I do NOT like to repeat myself!"
"Sorry Mistress Alicia." Amy said, bending over her desk.
She wondered what she could do to get out of this and also if she really wanted to get out of this.
"That's MISS Alicia, girl! Arms out to each side, grip the table legs."
Amy did as she was asked and Alicia moved behind her.
Amy felt her dress being lifted and she remembered that she wore nothing under it.
She was effectively nude below the waist now and visible to the whole class.
Amy looks at the woman ehind her and saw that the woman's eyes drifted over to her bare butt.
"I see that you have already been a naughty girl!" Alicia said,
and Amy figured that her cane marks were the cause of that statement.
She suddenly jumped as she felt something jab at her wounds.
Alicia had touched one of the welts on her ass.
"Only the naughtiest girls get the cane. Isn't that right Stacy!"
"Yes Miss Alicia." said the girl in the corner.
"Unfortunately I need the permission of your Guardian before I can correct your behavior with
such a useful tool. But for now I think I can get your attention with my paddle."
Amy swallowed, wondering what was going to be worse,
being caned again or having her old wounds brought back to life with the large paddle the woman held.
"Everybody pay attention class, all except for you Stacy,
I don't want to see your face again until class is over!" Alicia commanded.
Without warning the paddle landed on her ass and Amy jumped.
Only because of the discipline she received at Ben's hand did she manage to hold on
to the table and not reach around to grab her suddenly red hot buns.
"Very good, Girl. You at least have the discipline to hold still.
But you lack the manners to thank me for your discipline.
I expect a thanks after each strike. Hear me, Girl?
"Yes, Miss Alicia. Thank you, Miss Alicia." Amy said, panting.
The pain from one blow had gone straight to her loins and she could feel each of her cane marks throbbing. She wondered how many spanks she was going to get but didn't dare ask.
The second strike came and then the third, fourth and fifth.
After each Amy thanked her tormentor and tried to deal with the pain.
Her knuckles were white as she held tightly on to the legs of her desk,
but she wasn't fighting the pain but the urge to reach between her legs.
Each strike sent shock waves through her that were better than any vibrator.
Six came, and then seven and Amy wondered if she was dripping on the floor.
With her legs slightly spread and her ass up in the air,
Amy thought that Alicia HAD to be able to see how turned on she was.
She had to at least be able to SMELL it.
Then came strike eight and Amy couldn't hold it back, not that she was trying hard.
She began to cum, humping the desk uncontrollably as the entire day's build up of sexual frustration
let itself loose in one massive orgasm.
Amy screamed as she came, choking down her vocalizations as soon as she was able.
When the orgasm passed it left Amy wasted, very embarrassed,
and also afraid of what Alicia might do to her for cumming in the middle of a punishment.
What Alicia did surprised Amy.
"There child." she said, running her fingers lightly over Amy's very hot bottom.
"Don't you agree that this was for your own good?"
Bewildered and relieved, Amy said yes.
She felt a finger dip briefly into her sopping wet pussy and Alicia moved into Amy's field of vision,
a finger in her mouth and a small smile on her face.
"Very good. Class, you may taste her."
The other students got up and Amy blushed even further as each of them,
the young man in the corner included, came over and gave her engorged labia a quick lick.
Only the unfortunate Stacy in the corner was left out.
With a happy sigh, Amy began to smile.
On the water 15b
Ben was immersed in a different atmosphere.
Seated in a big leather chair with a club soda in his hand he was feeling a little under dressed,
but not out of place.
Not quite.
Townsend had yet to introduce the other men in the room,
and as time went on didn't look like he was going to.
Instead he played bartender while the rest of the men in the room talked about the stock market,
and politics and other matters that concerned the well financed.
Ben understood that kind of talk being well financed himself,
and in spite of his reservations was drawn into several conversations,
holding his own with these unknown men quite easily.
Ben did notice that while Townsend was hosting this little get together,
he deferred as did the rest of the group to a gray haired gentleman sitting across the cabin from Ben.
The man watched Ben with a thoughtful expression on his face, before interrupting the current conversation.
"So, Ben. That was a beautiful young lady you had with you tonight." he said, silencing the others.
"Thank you. She is a VERY beautiful woman." Ben replied cautiously.
"Has she been with you long?" he was asked by another.
"Many years." was Ben's reply.
"I suppose," said the gray haired man, "that she looks even more lovely in tight bondage!"
Ben gritted his teeth. He didn't like these men.
The gray haired man continued to speak. "She certainly looked good at the banquet this evening.
We all saw her dance. A lovely body and quite athletic. You should be proud!"
"I am." Ben said with a closed mouth.
"And that costume you put her in afterward. Not exactly my taste of course but still quite stunning."
Ben said nothing.
"I assume that the girl uses that athletic ability of her's in bed to your satisfaction?"
Ben stood up. "Excuse me, but I think it's time I left."
He was angry at this man. Who was he to talk to him like that!
"Sit down Mr Lane." the gray haired man said.
Ben was stunned. He had not told anyone his last name. He turned to his interrogator.
"Oh don't look so surprised Mr Lane.
For people like us determining your identification is child's play. Benjamin Lane, born in San Francisco, California,
but currently residing in London while also keeping houses in Canada, South Africa and Australia.
A gold trader by profession although you also dabble in other precious metals and even sometimes gems.
You're a self made man whose holdings would be a lot greater if you didn't donate large sums of moneyto children's hospitals around the globe, anonymously of course.
You head your own company and have your finances so well settled
that you really don't have to do much real work anymore to keep your wealth increasing.
Your only close companion is the girl you are here with tonight,
Amy Nelson who also comes from California. An ex-dancer, ex-drug addict, she performs admirably for you as your loving submissive.
The both of you are also alcoholics although that doesn't mean anything now days,
except that your Domination/Submission lifestyle has allowed you the focus
and the support to stop your excessive drinking and Miss Nelson's drug dependency.
Would A.A. be that successful if they followed YOUR twelve step program!"
The other men in the room laughed softly.
Ben, still standing, glared at the gray haired man. "Can I ask who you are?" he said.
The gray haired man leaned forward.
"I'm the man that's going to make you a proposition you can't refuse!"
Amy was standing in the corner.
Like the girl in the opposite corner Amy held her dress up behind her
so that her buttocks were fully revealed, and she had a book balanced on her head.
She had been ordered there directly after the last student licked her pussy,
and on very shaky legs she struggled to comply.
Now she stood listening as Alicia worked at her lesson,
teaching 19th Century poetry in between giving out punishments for every offense she could find.
Amy kept track and felt sure that everyone felt their teachers wrath at least once.
She didn't know how long she had been standing there, maybe close to an hour,
but suddenly a bell rang somewhere and Alicia stopped in mid sentence.
"That's the bell children. Stand up!"
Amy heard everyone stand and wished she could see what was going on.
Instead she just had to deal with the throbbing in her butt and the urge to masturbate to the pain.
"You are all lazy and in need of discipline, but I love you all and wish you and your Guardians well. You may leave now!"
Amy waited, not knowing if she was included as she listened to the others leave the room.
Alicia appeared beside her.
"You may leave too, Amy. And you, Stacy. Thank you for being such good sports!"
Amy turned and dropped her dress, catching the book as it fell from her head.
She saw Alicia smiling warmly at her.
"Thank you, Miss Alicia." Amy said, beginning to smile again.
"It's just Alicia now, Darling. The bell has rung and school's over."
Amy giggled. "This wasn't like any school I ever went to!"
"Mores the pity. You American girls are the least disciplined of the lot!
Now run along I have to clean up in here and your Master is waiting."
Amy felt the urge to hug this strange woman and did so quickly, catching up with Stacy at the door.
As she left the room she looked back and paused in surprise.
Alicia was stripping off her dress, underneath was no sign of the body tattoo she had worn to the party.
Alicia spotted Amy at the door and smiled. "It was just body paint, Darling, our costumes for the day!"
Amy laughed and left her teacher behind.
She caught up with Stacy and the others on deck where the men
who had been in Townsend's private sitting room were waiting.
Each man had a girl go up to him and one had two while another was met by the young man.
All the girls were chatting about their time in the school room
and when Amy found Ben she started to do likewise.
Ben smiled and hugged her close but Amy could see that his attention wasn't completely on her.
He kept looking across the fantail of the yacht and Amy followed his gaze.
All she saw was Stacy and a gray haired man who was inspecting her bright red buttocks.
Ben looked down at her. "Have a nice time did you?" he asked.
"It was a pain in the ass, but then you know how much I like that!" Amy said, giggling.
Ben's smile didn't change, as if Amy's good mood hadn't really touched him.
"Come on, let's go." he said, and he led her back to the launch for the trip back to the 'Kajira'.
End of Part 15
on the water
by Leviticus
chapter 16
Not knowing what was happening to Ben and Amy,
Laura and I entered through the gate wearing nothing but our masks which were still required.
At least I wore nothing but my mask,
Laura also wore her bondage which I put back on her after removing her outfit.
Her nipples were still clamped and still supported the large chain that connected them.
Her hands were still connected to her nipples with even more chain and
were still connected to each other as well,
and she still worn those tiny manacles on her big toes keeping her in a hobble.
She looked beautiful and very, very nervous. She could raise her hands to cover her tits
but there was nothing she could do about her fair haired pussy.
With her golden hair falling in waves behind her she looked wonderful.
Never before had either of us been nude in front of so many people,
it was an adventure for both of us.
What made it easy though was that EVERYBODY was naked as well.
If we had to walk like this through a crowd this size of dressed people,
I doubt we could have done it. But in THIS group we were simply two more naked bodies.
We did get looks though, but that was only because of Laura's bondage.
To her embarrassment and continued arousal (which I found out about later),
people would come up to us and comment on her chains, her body and her good behavior.
Yes, that's what it is, good behavior.
It was after the second or third statement about it that I realized
that Laura had slipped into one of her deeper slave modes.
She walked on tip toe slightly behind me, her toe hobble forcing quick steps from her.
Her head she kept lowered slightly, using her eyes to rubberneck instead.
When ever we stopped she would drop to her knees and remain there until I started walking again.
When I saw this I felt a great deal of pride,
a pride which only increased the more I heard good things about her.
This boosted my confidence which helped me play my role as her Master much better.
I was no longer nervous about walking around with my tackle exposed.
Instead I was a Dominant, a man in control,
visiting with new friends and proudly showing off the person most precious to me.
Laura told me later that my getting into the role helped her too.
She also forgot that she was naked for the first time in front of so many strangers
and instead let herself go, displaying what she had earlier thought of hiding,
obeying the rules we had established over time without giving them another thought,
and most importantly loving me for obviously expressing my love for her to all these people.
If you cant understand why she would love me for having her walk around naked and bound
in front of strangers and talk about her in glowing terms,
then perhaps you're reading the wrong kind of story.
I cant say I truly understand it myself, not being a submissive.
But I do know that my love for her became even more fully realized at that party.
It wasn't just because she WAS the kind of woman that would let me do that kind of thing to her, but more because I knew then that she had found a part of herself,
that gave her great joy and that she trusted me enough to let that joy flow out
knowing that I would accept it and protect her.
Well that's love!
Stepping out into that accepting crowd was like coming out of the closet.
We both felt finally free to be ourselves,
the bondage of repression and ignorance finally falling away.
Oh how could we go home now!
So we mingled, and I drank, a little too much I thought later. We both enjoyed the eye candy surrounding us and knew that others enjoyed looking at us...well Laura mostly, I'm no catch.
There was one person I was surprised and pleased to see.
It was the long haired woman who had danced with Laura and Amy earlier.
She was sitting in a patio chair by a pool side table.
I saw that her bangles were still on
and that someone had connected her hands together with a small padlock.
Her feet were also connected.
She sat holding a drink to her lips, putting it down on the table with both hands.
She was absolutely stunning.
"Wasn't she one of your fellow dancers?" I asked my wife, pointing the amazing woman out.
"Yes, Master. Her name is Sehani and she is down here with her husband.
They come every year." Laura replied.
"Ah!" I said. If I had ever been tempted to consider building a stable of women,
as some of the other guests here obviously had, I would have started with this one.
But alas her being married meant that this fantasy at least was not to be.
I chuckled, wondering what I would have done with her once we got home anyway!
"What's so funny, Master?" Laura asked.
"Oh, just trying to figure out which head I'm supposed to be thinking with!"
"Oh...she is beautiful. I understand, Master."
Something about her tone upset me.
It was one thing to be submissive but quite another to give up all self worth.
I couldn't imagine Laura ever doing that
but the way she accepted how I looked at another woman disturbed me.
I crouched down to where she was kneeling.
"Laura, I'm only going to say this once. Cut it out!
I know what's going on inside that golden head of yours and I wont have it.
Remember who you are and what you mean to me!"
Laura met my eyes for just a brief moment. "Yes, Master."
"And cut that 'Master' crap. You know I don't care for it!"
"But I thought...yes, Sir."
I kissed her, maintaining the kiss until I felt Laura really respond to it,
before getting her to her feet so we could keep on moving.
I walked us away from the pool and the temptation beside it and out into a large garden.
All around us the people were showing their affections for each other in various ways,
we had evidently walked into the orgy section of the party.
I cant say we weren't affected by what we saw and heard,
I was at full mast and Laura's thin pubic hair did nothing to hide her arousal
although she had been moderately stimulated since we came in.
Many of the couples and triples and the odd mass of arms and legs that defied
counting also used bondage and those were the groups that interested us the most.
I was very tempted to drop right where we were and join them.
But I still didn't want to give Laura any sexual release yet.
I knew that the longer she waited the better it would be for her.
I was going for a world record!
But there was nothing that said I had to wait!
I stopped walking and Laura obediently dropped to her knees on the grass behind me.
I turned and let my penis stick out straight and true right in front of her face.
Laura glanced up at my face after a moment and saw my expression.
I was waiting to see if she would do what I wanted without my having to tell her.
She glanced about at the copulating masses and then closing her eyes took me into her mouth.
"Open your eyes." I told her. "Look at my face."
She did so, and our eyes met as she worked her well practiced lips and tongue over my shaft.
I watched her for a moment, savoring the feeling of her wet mouth surrounding me,
then I deliberately looked away at the people surrounding us.
As she drew me closer and closer to orgasm I resisted the urge to look back at her,
knowing that she was doing as I asked and kept her eyes on my face.
But as I came I did look and saw that the nervous look she had
about performing such an intimate act before a garden full of strangers
was now replaced by that look of joy I knew so well.
I smiled an laughed and immersed myself in the bliss of the moment.
She cleaned me off, silently, before I helped her to her feet once more and we continued on,
eyes only for each other now.
Beyond the orgy we found other smaller groups, one of which caught my attention.
A bald Japanese man in a black silk mask was holding court of a sort for about a dozen people.
He looked too young to be bald, about my age or just a little older,
yet it suited him in a way I couldn't identify.
What attracted him and his group to me though was what he was doing.
It was another demonstration like those Ben and I had witnessed earlier.
But this one was on Japanese rope bondage,
where the art of physical restraint really was considered an art.
He had just finished up tying a volunteer,
a young woman who now had her arms held helplessly behind her in a rope single sleeve.
Her Domme took her in her arms and kissed her, hooking a finger in the woman's clit ring.
"Thank you, Hiro." The Domme said with a sly smile.
The Japanese smiled and offered a slight bow.
"Any time you wish to try this yourself!" he said, his English very good.
The Domme laughed and led her captive away by her clit ring, the smiling girl hurrying to keep up.
"That was pretty impressive!" one of the men in the circle said.
"A simple tie. I have more rope should you like to see something more complicated.
All I need is another volunteer."
The people around us murmured, discussing who should go next. I decided for them.
"I volunteer my wife!" I said, stepping to one side
so that they could clearly see her kneeling beside me.
Laura looked up and began to blush.
I had just brought her into the spotlight and I bet she felt her nudity again.
I got her to stand and heard some more comments about her looks and bondage which I liked.
The Japanese was also standing, and his eyes gave Laura a quick but thorough once over.
"She will do nicely, if you can relieve her of her current bonds first." he said.
The key was still on it's chain about my neck,
and in moments everything but her collar and those Ben Wa balls in her pussy was gone from her.
She looked little awkward for a moment now she wasn't forced to keep her hands in one position.
Then she lifted her arms and put her hands behind her head.
She parted her legs and pushed out her chest a bit too, showing off.
She was still blushing furiously but there was excitement in her eyes.
I could see all of the men and some of the women admiring her and again I was proud of her.
It didn't occur to me that these people were probably thinking sexual thoughts about my wife. But then if that kind of thing was going to bother me,
I wouldn't have been at this party in the first place.
I gave Laura a pat on the cheek, one of her striped ones of course,
and sent her into the circle to meet her fate.
As she padded over it occurred to me that we were crossing yet another boundary.
I was letting a complete stranger tie up my naked wife,
his hands obviously would be touching her while he did so.
The Japanese took a good look at her before he started.
"The hair will have to go." he said.
He bent low to a pile of rope and selected one that wasn't too long.
I saw Laura sneak a peak at the naked Japanese,
as if she hadn't seen enough cocks this evening.
"Keep your hands where they are." he ordered her.
"Yes, Sir." she replied. Good girl.
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