Author Topic: On the Water  (Read 7332 times)

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Offline cocomink

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On the Water
« on: September 25, 2018, 03:59:02 pm »
  "ON THE WATER"  is a fantasy adventure, in 29 chapters.

 Original fiction from a famous writer, using the alias "Leviticus" .
 The novel as I found it (Years ago), had a few impossible details,
and several technical errors, and many lines longer as a meter( 3 feet ),
all repaired now (I hope!),
 And the lines are now max. a little longer as half my 28" screen.
Personal "description" :
The story is slow starter,  with UNneccessary much technical details.
But once it start for actions - it develop Quickly to a readable story.
 For a Man's eyes :
A LOT of exciting, inspiring, erotic BDSM-actions, all nice well written.
For a woman's eyes ( at least mine ) :
 Boring, and sometimes very dangerous "actions". 
 par example
 - What girl would sit with her bare ass on an unknown public restaurant-chair?! -
 - How dare You, two girls locked in chains, while steering a boat alone, between reefs! -
 - Stupido idea - Anchor a Yacht in pirate area, without a good gun at hand. -
 About the "setting: I am looking for a "cruise_invitation" like this, for myself.
 But then a bit more inspiring and respectfully heavy and some safety.
 Good luck, with reading this 29 chapters, Take Your time !  Its worth it.
NB.  I have NO idea if copyright is still valid ( after some 20 Years ).

Offline cocomink

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On the Water -1
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2018, 04:04:50 pm »

by Leviticus
 chapter 1

Laura and I sat alone together at a table for four.

We were in sunny Miami at the Gibson Hotel,
a large monstrosity of a building,
who's only saving grace was that it was planted squarely on the beach.
From our table on the patio we could see the sand and the ocean only a hundred feet away,
and further down the shoreline was a large mooring with over a dozen yachts tied to it.
 We sipped our drinks and watched other hotel guests getting served by hurried waiters
and watched nervously as people came and went.
 We hardly said a word to each other,
although I would swear that her thoughts were as filled as mine.
 We had spoken enough about what we were going to be doing here over the past months,
and now that the moment was almost here there seemed nothing more to say.
All we could do was wait.

 As we waited I couldn't help glancing at Laura, she was very beautiful, at least to me.
She sat sipping at her water watching the entrance to the restaurant intently.
 Her bright eyes wide and focused, her posture betraying her nervousness.
She was dressed in the required red bikini, a thin wrap tied about her waist
 almost her only other covering.
 At home she would have been indecently underdressed but here she was just right.
 The bikini was a little small, her breasts filling the cups to almost over flowing.
I had picked it out myself and was glad to see I had judged the size just right.
 When I had given it to her to put on in our hotel room Laura looked at me as if I was mad,
especially since I had removed the lining.
But she put it on for me and quickly got used to the way it looked and felt,
 just like I knew she would.
 She had been quite nervous as we came down here to the restaurant,
but this mild form of exhibitionism was nothing new to us and I knew she would be okay.
Now she barely seemed to notice how well her nipples were outlined in the material of her top.
 I let my eyes drift up her chest to her neck to the only other thing she wore.
A silver choker necklace. It looked great against her skin, molding the shape of her throat.
It was connected in back with a small padlock, hidden under her hair.
It was padlocked because I wanted it that way, for Laura was not only my wife and my soul mate,
but also my very willing slave.
 It was a love of bondage that had drawn us together a couple of years before.
A mutual hobby that had allowed us to explore each other
as people in ways no normal relationship could do.
We had grown to love each other and after a year she had consented to be my wife.
Our marriage allowed us the luxury of continuing our exploration of our hobby
and develop it into the meaningful power exchange that now existed.
 Ours was still a relationship in progress though, especially concerning BDSM.
We BOTH had limits as to what we would do and how far we would take things.
 But our careful stroll through the pleasures of submission and domination had allowed us
to test those limits comfortably and even take down a few.
 Yes, over the time we had known each other we had found that we had many things in common,
and we were always looking to see what else was on our mutual horizon.
We had many years ahead of us to test our limits.
 In fact, we were testing one now, for it was BDSM among other things that
made us fly a thousand miles to Miami to sit at this very table today.
 Not long before we married we began chatting with this friendly couple who shared our kink.
We began to slowly share our lives with each other, first in series of tales of our escapades,
 and then in more serious discussions about the nature of what we were doing itself.
This couple, Ben and Amy, had been at it for a few more years than we had
and I had come to see them as a possible future example of what Laura and I might become.
 Ben had been a great help to me and had helped many times with problems and doubts I had
whenever Laura and I approached a limit that needed exploring.
Amy and Laura had also grown to be fast friends as they shared their unique lives
 with each other in ways they couldn't with us men.
Yes, we owed a lot to Ben and Amy, and it was for them that we now waited.
 Why was this a limit being pushed?
Well, this would be our first actual meeting with Ben and Amy,
 for all of our correspondence had occurred online, using Email and various chat programs.
 We hadn't even seen each others faces,
for we had both agreed never to send pictures of each other over the internet.
 I had to admit that in the back of my mind I was still afraid of the old internet urban tale
of the scrawny teenager faking his identity online just to have some fun,
but I wasn't taking it seriously.
 No one could have faked the help and the emotion of this relationship for over a year.
I was confident that Ben and Amy were real.
I smiled at the thought that they might think the same of us. Well, we'd soon know.
Laura stiffened and I looked over at the gate she was watching.

 A couple had just entered. The man was in tan shorts and a flowered Hawaiian shirt.
He was tall, and looked as strong as a bull.
The woman looked tiny next to him, slender with well muscled dancer's legs.
She was dressed in a red bikini and wrap, a gold choker about her neck.
 The bikini was the clue we were looking for, it was how we were to recognize each other.
When we told the women this earlier they were both amused that
they would have to be almost naked for us to get together.
 The couple stood next to the gate and it was the woman who spotted us first.
She smiled and tugged at her mate who quickly spotted us himself.
 I smiled and looked over at Laura who was grinning from ear to ear.
I could see that she had already relaxed and to be honest so had I.
As the couple came over we both stood up.

  "Ben?" I asked the big man.
"Good to meet you at last, Don." Ben said, extending his hand.
I took it and we shook, that first physical touch confirming the friendship
we had developed on our computer screens.
"It is indeed." I replied, almost laughing with released tension.
Ben did laugh and he slapped my shoulder.
I looked over at the women.

Laura had padded over to stand at my left elbow, while Amy had done the same to Ben's right.
Both women smiled at each other but made no move to talk or to break their position.
This had been asked of them during our negotiations over this meeting.
They were not to break their training even for this momentous occasion.
Ben and I both had the same thought, and we nodded at our charges.
With a laugh Laura and Amy embraced and we listened as the women greeted each other warmly,
finally able to do so in person.
Right then I knew this trip to be worth it.
 We spent an hour in careful conversation,
circling verbally the topics we had discussed so candidly on our computer screens.
 We were friends yet strangers at the same time, and it was an odd feeling.
 But we all began to relax as time went on and conversation drifted into
familiar territory without any of the hesitancy we suffered at the beginning.
 As we talked I found my eyes drawn to Amy, curious as to how she matched up to the mental picture
 I had carried with me since we first started talking online.

 She and Laura were of the same height, although Amy was slighter in build,
not quite filling her bikini as much as Laura did. She was also dark while Laura was blond,
and her hair was bobbed quite short unlike Laura's expansive mane.
 I glanced at Ben and watched as he let his eyes drift over my wife's form.
I had to admit to a small nagging feeling in my gut but it was very little indeed.
 Ben had every right to look at Laura as I had every right to look at Amy.
After all, we were both lovers of the female form and to have such beauties sitting with us,
and NOT look at them would be ridiculous.
Drinks finished someone suggested a walk on the beach, so up we got.

 As we descended the stairs to the sand I asked Laura for her wrap.
She glanced at me with nervous eyes for a second and then took it off,
handing it to me with a smile.
 Ben had done the same with Amy and we let the two women stroll ahead of us a little ways.
As they walked I kept my eyes on their well muscled butts.
Laura's was practically bare in the thong I had gotten her,
while Amy's was covered by such a thin layer of material that it might well have been
painted red instead of clothed.
"Laura is a beautiful woman." Ben said to me once the women had walked out of range.
"I know. I feel very lucky." I replied. "I have to say the same about Amy, she's gorgeous."
Ben chuckled. "That she is."

"No wonder we have to keep them chained up!" I laughed.
 "I wouldn't want to let either of them get away."
 Ben smiled. "I'm glad you guys made it. Amy and I were worried you might not."
I nodded, understanding his thoughts and fears.
"Are you ready for the rest of the trip?" Ben asked.
"Yes, we are. It's good of you to take us with you."
"Hey, we go every year anyway and this time it will be a lot more fun with company.
Especially since with you guys we wont have to do anything different or hide anything."
I smiled. "Well, thanks all the same.
Laura and I would never have been able to afford doing this by ourselves."
"My pleasure."
"So, where are we going?" I asked him.
Ben turned and pointed out at the ocean. "Paradise!"
We had dinner together at one of Miami's elegant five star restaurants.
The women were stunning in silk evening gowns that threatened to reveal more than they covered.
  Laura wore her hair up exposing her graceful neck and the lock on the back of her collar.
She got plenty of looks for that, and the fact that
she walked rather slowly into the restaurant. She couldn't help it,
under her dress her thighs were connected together with a three inch chain
which reduced her stride somewhat.
 I felt that now we knew where we stood with Ben and Amy,
there was no reason for us not to resume our normal habits.
It was normal for us to go out in public with Laura being in some form of hidden bondage.
We both enjoyed it a lot.
Consequently we were late getting to our table and our friends were already there.
Ben stood up while Amy smiled from her seat.
Ben waited patiently while Laura negotiated the final few feet and then we all sat down.
Ben gave me a wink, he had guessed what had kept us.
 The choice of the restaurant had been Ben's.
Unlike Laura and myself, Ben and Amy were what you might call filthy rich,
and they had insisted on paying our way for this trip.
We didn't mind one bit.
 We chatted about normal mundane things while we waited for our food,
but I saw that Amy seemed a little distracted.
She had her fork in one hand and would tap it on the table gently as we talked.
 I raised an eyebrow at Ben and he grinned.
"Here." he said, passing an object across to me. "You play with it for a while."
It was a small plastic box with a slider on it.
 Guessing what it was I looked straight at Amy and pushed the slider up.
 She groaned and tried to keep a straight face.
Laura laughed and Amy gave her a guilty look.
"Nice." I said, pulling the slider back and giving Amy some relief.
"I brought along another one if you care to join me." Ben said with a grin.
Laura's eyes opened wide, that cinched it for me.
 "That would be great. I'm sure Laura would love it as well."
Now it was Amy's turn to giggle.

 "Sir, I can't with my legs locked together." Laura whispered to me.
"I'm sure you'll find a way." I said smiling.
Laura rolled her eyes as Ben passed her a small cardboard box.
Laura took it and looked about the crowded restaurant.
"Do I have to do it here?" she asked me.
"I think the ladies room will be fine." I said.
Laura looked relieved and got up.
I watched as she made her slow way across the room.
"Would you like to trade remotes?" Ben asked me.
I was about to say yes, then got an idea.
"Amy, why don't you go see if Laura needs any help." I asked.
 Amy glanced at Ben who nodded. She got up and hurried after my wife.
As Amy walked, I saw that under her dress she had to have been wearing a very tight corset.
I waited until she was gone before speaking.
"Say Ben. I think we should hang on to the remotes we have, but not tell the ladies.
Lets keep them guessing as to who is playing with them."
Ben chuckled. "I always like the way you make confusion and uncertainty a part of your games.
 Sure, let's do that."
I laughed. "A toast to an interesting evening." We raised our glasses and drank.
"Should we let them cum at all?" he asked.
"What do you think?"
Ben smiled.
 "Watch Amy's face, when she closes her eyes that means she's getting really close,
and you know when to back off."
I couldn't help chuckling. "With Laura it's when she starts to pant.
If she breaths with her mouth open you had better back way off!"
We both laughed and were still grinning when the women came back.
"I think we're in trouble, Laura." Amy said, watching us closely.
"Yeah, I know that look." Laura agreed, sticking her tongue out at me.
 She suddenly jumped as the vibrator she had recently put in herself must have started.

I held her eyes for a moment and then looked away.

As dinner progressed I kept the remote hidden in a pocket,
changing the setting up or down as I saw fit.
 Amy proved to be a wonderfully responsive woman,
and quite often her eyes started to close as she tuned out the conversation
to tune in something else.
 I could sense the frustration whenever I pulled the slider down,
a frustration that had her almost in tears at one point.
Laura also looked like she was running a sexual marathon.
Her beautiful hair was coming unraveled, as was her demeanor.
She was breathing very deeply and when desert came she just pushed it around her plate.
I would trade smiles with Ben every so often as we talked,
the two of us enjoying the torment we were putting our women through.
 When Ben suggested dancing after dinner,
he got murderous looks from both women but I agreed.
 So off we went to the dance floor and I got to dance with my partner for life
while she dealt with the invader in her loins.
"Donald, this is driving me nuts." she whispered in my ear.
"I know, sweetheart. I've been watching you." I answered in kind.
"Couldn't you please turn it down a little, Sir?" she asked.
"Are you sure you should be talking to me?"

She pulled back and stared at me for a moment and I saw that only now did she realize
 that I might not be the one at the controls of her vibrator.
She glanced over at Ben who was slow dancing with Amy. "You cant be serious." she said.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." I said with smile.

 Laura got a worried look on her face. "I hate it when you do this." she said.
I pulled her close to me. " don't."
Laura sighed in my arms. "No...I don't."
After a couple more songs Ben and I switched partners.
Amy was indeed the same height as Laura, but holding her was like holding a delicate flower,
I was afraid I would break her.
"Having a good time?" I asked her.
"Do you still have my remote...Sir?" Amy asked, the lids of her eyes half shut.
 "Maybe." I said smiling. "Grrrr." she said with a chuckle.
We danced slowly and I could feel her breathing, short quick breaths.
I knew Amy was very into corsets but since that was one kink Laura and I didn't share,
this was my first real encounter with someone who wore one.
"You okay?" I asked her.
Amy nodded. "Yeah, except that I'm sure I'm leaving a wet spot on the back of my dress!"
 She wasn't, neither was Laura, I had checked.
If they had I'm sure Ben and I would have spirited them away.
We danced a little more and then decided it was time to go.

 An early start in the morning." Ben had told us earlier.
Ben and Amy saw us to our hotel, and in front of the women we exchanged remotes,
making them both groan.
"We'll see you at the boat in the morning." Ben said. "Are you sure you can find it?"
"We'll be fine." I said to him.
 We shook hands and they went on their way in the cab we had hired.
I escorted my wife up to our room.
 As soon as we were in our room Laura began to undress.
A standard rule with us was for her to be nude when ever possible.
We were both nudity nuts and went around without clothes whenever we could.
I undressed slowly while watching my wife strip as quickly as she could.
 I didn't care for slow sensuous strip teases,
 much preferring the havoc of clothes flying everywhere in the effort to get down to skin.
Very quickly all that was left was the collar about her neck,
 the linked cuffs holding her thighs together and the vibrator in her sex.
"Sir, may I remove the vibrator now?" she asked me.
 Her instructions to strip never included any restraints or toys.
"Wouldn't you like to cum first?" I asked her.
Laura grinned and I pushed the slider all the way up on the remote.
 Laura sank to her knees and rocked back and forth, head down.
I knew she wanted to reach between her legs or rub her nipples,
but I didn't allow her to do that.
I went over to our toy bag and got her sleeping cuffs,
locking the soft leather cuffs on her wrists as she rocked slowly to orgasm.
Laura is somewhat vocal as she cums and this time was no different.
 Her breaths come out in an almost a sing song quality and I love to hear her.
By the time she was done she had her hands cuffed behind her.

"Wild!" she said with a tired grin.

I laughed and had her stand. I reached for the vibrator and pulled it out.
 It was penis shaped with a clit stimulator coming out of one end.
 I liked it and put it in the bathroom sink to be washed.
 Then I unlocked the link between her thigh cuffs and Laura headed for the bathroom.

 Laura was back by the time I finished undressing,
and at my bidding she was soon in bed where I joined her.
We made slow passionate love,
with me eventually entering her, while Laura sang her breathless song of love.
End of Part 1.

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 2
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2018, 04:09:12 pm »
on the water chapter 2

 We arrived at the boat at around nine the next morning.
It had been easy to find, parked in the marina next to the hotel.
'Kajira' was emblazoned on the transom,
and I wondered how many people knew what the name of the boat actually meant.
 The boat was fairly large, maybe fifty feet in length to my untrained eye.
It had a single mast and lots of rigging and looked to be in very good condition.
There was no one to been seen.
"Ahoy!" I shouted with a grin, getting into the spirit of the occasion.
A door at the rear of the cabin opened and a head poked out. It was Ben.
"Hi there, come aboard. We were just finishing breakfast!"
We waved and stepped aboard. Ben came out onto the rear deck to meet us.
"Just the two bags?" he asked.
"Yep, you said to travel light." I replied.
"Good. You should have room for all your stuff in your cabin."
 he said with a smile. "Come on in!"
Laura and I followed Ben below into what turned out to be a very roomy area.

 To our left was a booth with a table at which Ben and Amy had been eating,
on the right was a nook filled with dials and buttons,
which I later found out was for all the radios and navigation equipment.
There was also an autopilot that could steer the boat as well a joystick
that could copy the action of the wheel out on the helm.
Down a few steps beyond the booth was the kitchen, or galley I should say,
and that was where Amy was.
Both Amy and Ben were in shorts and T-shirts and both were barefoot.
They made me feel over dressed in my slacks and shirt, while Laura was back in her bikini and wrap.
"Hi Don, hi Laura." Amy said, stacking food into a cupboard.
"Hi, nice place you have here!" I replied.
"Isn't it?" Ben agreed. "I love this boat. Come on I'll give you a tour.
 Amy! You show Laura where they'll be sleeping then you can finish cleaning up!"
"Yes Sir!" Amy said with a grin.
I watched for a moment as the two women greeted each other
and then followed Ben forward into the bowels of his floating home.

 He showed me the Master State room squeezed as far forward into the boat as it could get.
It was surprisingly roomy and had a full sized double bed and lots of storage space.
It even had a private bathroom...sorry, head, with a shower.
Aft of that was the galley and a seating area and aft of that up a few steps
 were the booth and navigation console I already told you about.
 He then took me aft past the steps we had used to enter the boat,
stepping down a couple more steps as we did so, and there was another head shared by two more cabins.
One cabin was a single and would go unoccupied this trip, the other had a double bed and would be ours.
 It was small but it didn't seem cramped at all.
I figured we wouldn't have any problem staying here for a while.

 One thing I was really glad for was the head room.
At no time did I have to duck my head which made me happy.
 Ben was very happy, showing off his toy.
I nodded and made polite remarks as he told me where the engine was,
how much fuel it carried and how far we could go.
He showed me every electronic toy he had and when we went up on deck he continued his tour
by showing me the wheel and controls which he could use to pilot the boat.
"What I really like about this model is that in bad weather I can switch control of the boat
to the controls inside and stay nice a dry.
The windows around the pilot house give me full visibility."
"Very nice." I said. I was watching the women. Laura and Amy were on the foredeck,
that is the deck in front of the mast and roof of the cabin and pilot house.
Laura was evidently getting her own tour.
"Amy!" Ben called out. "I told you to finish cleaning up!"
"I just thought I'd give Laura a quick tour!" Amy called back.
"Did I say anything about giving Laura a tour?" Ben said seriously.
Amy's smile faded. "No Sir."  "Then get below, now!"
"Yes Sir." Amy turned and walked back to us, passing us without a word as she headed below.

Laura stood where she was, looking a little unsure of what she should be doing.
I decided to rescue her.
"Laura, why don't you go unpack us and then go sit at the table when you're done."
"Yes Sir." Laura said gratefully, and she quickly followed her sister in servitude inside.
Ben smiled. "I think Amy's enthusiasm is getting the better of her."
"I understand. If you need to discipline her, don't feel you have to pull back just because we're here.
 I replied.
 "Don't worry, I wont. Fancy a beer?"
"Sure!" I replied.
 We went back below and Ben had me sit in the booth.
He went to the galley and came back with a beer for me and a cola for himself.
I knew Ben was a recovering alcoholic and that he must have laid on the beer just for me.
It made me a little uncomfortable drinking it.
"Don't worry about it." Ben told me, reading my mind.
"If you having a beer was going to bother me I never would have brought any aboard."
"Thanks Pal." I said.
We waited together as the women attended to their chores,
talking about nothing much, until first Laura and then Amy joined us.
"Okay." Ben said. "Now for a quick but serious lecture."
I sat back and waited to hear what our host had to say.
"First of all, thank you both again for taking the time to come with us.
I know we're both really glad for this chance to finally meet you." said Ben.
Laura and I smiled and returned the sentiment.
"In a few minutes we'll be heading out and we'll be on our own
until we return or hit a populated port.
Therefore certain rules of the sea will apply.
Don, while I would not presume to butt in on your special relationship with Laura,
there may be times when I have to give her commands that I will expect to have obeyed.
 As the Captain of our little crew it's important that I have total command
in certain situations where the safety of us all is concerned.
This would also mean you yourself doing what I ask when I ask when I need your help with the boat.
Do you agree?"
I had been thinking about this already, and had already decided on my answer.
"Sure Ben. You can count on me and Laura.
 In fact, Laura! From this point on Ben is as much your Master as I am.
You obey him just like you would obey me!"
 Laura looked up at me for a moment, then gave Ben a nervous glance.
I could tell she was both scared and excited at the prospect of being commanded by another man.
She had done tasks for him before online, but this was different.
Here she would be under his direct command in full view of him.
She nodded, nervously.
I looked at Ben who had sat back at my announcement.

Ben and I had talked about this online before committing to this trip
and had decided to see how things were going before taking such a step.
I could see he was surprised.
"That isn't necessary you know." Ben said.
"I feel it is Ben. I trust you with her."
Ben nodded and looked over at Amy who sat quietly watching us all.
I decided to speak up. "Don't feel you have to reciprocate right now.
Take the time you wanted, and if you both feel it is something you cant do that's fine."
 I smiled.

 I have a question, Sir." Amy said to me.
"Will this arrangement"
I hesitated before answering.
So far Laura and I had never gone beyond each other for sex,
we had never seen the need to. "I would rather it didn't." I said.
Laura smiled at me a little relieved I guessed.
Amy stared at Ben who stared back at her. I thought I perceived a small nod on Amy's part.

"Don." Ben said. "I'm not that comfortable right now with it.
But I will allow her to serve you in non sexual ways,
 and you are free to discipline her as the need arises."
"That's fine." I said, meaning it.

"Maybe once we get to know each other better." Ben told me.
I nodded.
"Alright. But back to my lecture,
I want to make it clear that the final decision about everything on this trip is mine. Understood?"
 We all said yes.
 Ben smiled. "Okay then. Everybody on deck, and let's cast off!"
 Laura and I followed our hosts outside and we sat at the stern next to the pilot's console
watching Ben and Amy get the boat ready to sail.
 Ben stood at the wheel flipping switches and I could hear fans blowing below somewhere.
Amy was on the pier unplugging a power cord that ran to an outlet box.
"Time to teach you a few things about running this boat in case you have to do it yourself."
 Ben said to me.

"Okay. Now this is important.
These switches here are for the blowers, fans in the engine compartment.
Unlike the engine of a car which is open underneath,
the engine of a boat is in an enclosed compartment.
Fumes can build up in that space and if you were to start the engine,
you might ignite them and blow up the boat. So always remember to run the blowers first,
they clear the air so you can start the engine safely."
I nodded.
 Amy had by this time coiled up her power cord and had put it away somewhere.
Now she was in the process of untying each of the ropes that held us to the pier.
Ben showed me how to start the engine and there was a throaty roar as the diesel started.
"If we have an engine, why do we have a mast?" Laura asked.

 "Because, dear Laura, once we get out to sea I'll shut off the engine and we'll go on under wind power.
The engine is only really used in places where the sail is unmanageable, and to charge the batteries."
 Ben told her with a smile.
Amy stood at the bow, a rope in hand. "Ready to cast off Captain!" she yelled with a grin.

"Cast off!" Ben yelled back.

With a clever flick of her wrist Amy pulled the rope off the last stanchion holding us to the pier
and we started to drift away.
"Here we go!" said Ben, applying power.
Laura and I grinned at each other as the boat began to move.
It was going to be an adventure for both of us since neither of us had spent any real time aboard a boat before.
For sure neither of us had ever gone to sea.
Amy finished coiling ropes and came and gave Ben a hug.
"Sir, may Laura come up front with me?" she asked me.
I nodded and with a smile both women headed for the foredeck where a couple of low riding deck chairs awaited.
I stood next to Ben and watched as he deftly handled the big boat,
steering it around other yachts that were either moored or moving like we were.
Soon we were well clear of the shore and heading away from land.
 I looked on with interest as Ben piloted.
At his elbow was a chart with a few lines drawn on it, our course?
He would glance down at it occasionally but his attention was split between the compass in front of him,
the radar screen to his left and the sea around us.
As we got further out he spent less time looking around and more time looking at the radar.
He seemed satisfied however and he began to smile.
 "I have the radar set at ten miles." he told me.
"There are just a couple of other vessels in the area and they're heading in the other direction.
We shouldn't get any closer to them than we are now."
I nodded. Only barely able to tell what the blips on the screen could be.
He flipped a couple more switches and let go of the wheel.

 "Now the autopilot has it." he explained. "It'll keep us on course.
I also have the radar set to sound an alarm if it sees anything within five miles of us.
That's plenty for daylight. We'll run on the engine for a few hours to make sure the batteries get a good charge."
"You're the boss!" I said laughing.
Ben grinned. "In that case..." He stepped away from the wheel and lent forward against the roof of the pilot house.
"Ladies!" he yelled. "At sea uniform is now required!"
Laura looked back confused but Amy giggled.
"What's the at sea uniform?" I asked Ben.
"I think you'll like it." Ben said to me.

Amy stood up and glanced at me for a moment before reaching under her shirt for her shorts.
She pulled them down to her ankles with one movement and stepped out of them.
Then she reached for the hem of her shirt, In seconds it was off her body and lying on the deck.
 Amy now stood in nothing but her gold collar, her arms wrapped around herself nervously.
"You're right." I said to Ben, who chuckled. "Come on Laura, you're out of uniform!" I yelled.
Laura looked from Amy to me and back again and then stood up.
We were going a pretty good pace and the wind blew her hair wonderfully.
She undid her wrap and let it drop to the deck.
She took a deep breath and soon her bikini followed.
Now both women were naked except for their collars.
"As I said before...beautiful." Ben said to me.
I agreed. I also noticed that neither woman had any real tan lines,
 so being outdoors nude was nothing new to them.
 The women stood in the breeze of the boat's passage hugging themselves, staring at each other and at us men.
Then Laura began to giggle and she relaxed her arms. Her laughter was infectious and Amy began to join in.
Then to my surprise Amy dropped her arms and did a little pirouette.
Laura did one too and the two women held hands laughing at I don't know what, the ice broken.
I grinned at Ben. "I'm heading below to change out of these slacks." I said to him.
He looked me up and down. "Good. And from now on no shoes aboard the 'Kajira'."
I gave him a mock salute and went below.
Our cabin was neat, with no sign of our luggage.
I looked in a couple of drawers and in the hanging locker and discovered where Laura had put all my stuff.
Most of the clothes were mine.
All we had brought for Laura to wear apart from her bikini were some shorts and a couple of shirts,
and her evening dress.
I changed into shorts, deciding to go bare chested, and then looked for our second bag.
This bag was our toy bag, and I wanted a couple of things from it.
I found what I was looking for and headed back up top.
 I padded barefoot along the teak deck to where Amy and Laura sat naked sunning themselves.
Amy saw me coming and her hands began to move to cover herself up.
I understood her action, it would be a little while before she got used to being nude around me.
"Laura, you comfortable?" I asked my wife.
"Oh yes, especially now!" she giggled, shaking her bare breasts at me.
Oh how I love it when she does that.

"Good." I said, pulling from behind my back what I had dug out of our toy bag.
It was her leather cuffs, one for each ankle and wrist.
Laura smiled when she saw them and then glanced at Amy with a guilty look. Amy smiled.
"Come here." I ordered.

 Laura got up and stood while I locked the cuffs on her.
I intended her to wear them for the rest of the trip but didn't tell her that.
Then I took a small padlock from my pocket and connected her ankles together.
"I was wondering how long my freedom would last!" Laura said as I did this.
"I don't think you're going to have much freedom from now on."
 I said with a grin. Laura wrinkled her nose at me.
I helped her back into her chair and lifted her wrists over her head.
With a second padlock I locked them there to the chair and she was trapped.
"Now you can work on that tan." I told her.
"But what if another boat comes?" she asked me.
"I don't know, I guess we'll just hope they aren't pirates!"
"Donald!" she whined, wriggling deliciously.

 I laughed and bent low to kiss her, letting my hands roam a little.
When I broke the kiss Laura looked over at Amy, red faced with embarrassment.
Amy was watching us with a grin on her face.

"Amy, Why don't you go get Laura and yourself something to drink.
I'd like you to watch her and take care of her for a while.
If she gets too red from the sun help her turn over, I don't want her burnt." I said.
"Yes Sir." she said with a grin and she jumped up and headed aft.
"You okay with all this?" I asked Laura once Amy had left.
Laura nodded. "I'm a little scared, but it's easier than I thought it would be."
"And if Ben wants to play?" I asked.
"I'll be okay with that, as long as you are."
I nodded and kissed her once more, then left her alone to head back to Ben.
We had traveled a good distance away from the coast by now
 and the ocean swells had picked up a little.
Nothing big, but the 'Kajira' was certainly rocking.
You could tell we were really at sea now.
I had to hang on to the rigging as I walked back to the stern.
"I saw you cuffing Laura." Ben said from his seat at the wheel.
He wasn't actively steering anymore, but he was watching the autopilot.
"Yes, that's okay isn't it?"

"Sure, but when she has to move I suggest you let her hands stay free
so she can hold on to things. Below you can keep her cuffed up.
I don't want her or Amy falling overboard."
"Sure!" I said, agreeing.
Amy came out on deck and made her way forward without holding on to anything.
She definitely had her sea legs and what wonderful legs they were!
I watched as she pulled her chair closer to Laura's and begin to share a drink with her.
"You know," I said to Ben. "I'm really looking forward to this trip!"
Ben smiled, and we watched our nude women as they began to renew their online friendship.

End of Part 2
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 04:10:17 pm by cocomink »

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 3
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2018, 04:13:10 pm »

 Part 3
 After a simple but good lunch prepared in the galley by our two beautiful slave girls,
Ben decided to shut off the engine and transfer to sail power.
 Again Laura and I watched from the stern as Ben and Amy unpacked a sail and hoisted it to the sky.
Ben kept up a running commentary as he trimmed the sail with various winches
and he told me that next time I would be helping instead of Amy.
That was fine by me. I was anxious to learn all I could about running this boat.
 The boat felt different under sail than it did propelled by it's diesel engine.
The ride seemed smoother to me and we rocked less in the swells which had themselves calmed down.
There was also a slight list to one side as the wind pushed hard on our bright colored sail.
It was exhilarating.
A short while later I was enjoying myself on the fore deck, seated in one of the deck chairs with a beer in one hand.
I was now nude, my shorts left in our cabin after lunch, and thoroughly enjoying the warm Caribbean sun on my skin.
 Not that the sun could reach all of it however. Kneeling on the deck between my legs,her hands locked behind her,
her feet cuffed to two chains that were attached to the deck rail, was my wife.
She was in no position to take in the view for her head was buried in my crotch,
her delicate tongue lapping gently at the head of my penis, her lips moving up and down the shaft.
The feelings were exquisite!
 I watched the water as we sped over it, doing a better speed with the wind than we had with the engine.
A fine salt spray would come over the bow from time to time as we plowed through the waves,
keeping us cool in the warm sun.
 The combination of speed, sun, beer and Laura's unceasing attention made this a perfect moment.
Every so often I would glance back at Ben who sat at the helm.
I could just see his head and shoulders and he looked very relaxed as he piloted his baby across the sea.
From talks with him I knew that being able to sail was his one big luxury,
something he did to get away from the pressures of his business. He was in his element.
 It also didn't hurt that he had someone like Amy to keep him company.
I wasn't quite sure what their relationship actually was. They weren't married, yet in many ways they were.
I gathered that Ben had met her at a party and through circumstances beyond their control he had ended up
taking her home. She had been there ever since, going on many years now.

I smiled. I couldn't see Amy from where I was, but I knew she was there with Ben.
He had bent her over the transom, the back of the boat, and tied her into position.
 All she could see was the water scant feet below her head
rushing out from under the rear of the boat as it sped along.
But all anyone could see of her was her wide spread legs and naked ass as it stuck up high and vulnerable.
 Amy was within reach of where Ben sat and I knew that he was keeping one hand on her ass as much as he could,
stroking it and giving it little love pats. I knew he wouldn't hit it too hard though, he would spill his drink.
 Why would he spill his drink I hear you ask.
Well after Ben tied Amy down he showed me an interesting drink holder he had picked up someplace.
It looked like a regular plastic cup holder that you would buy for a car,
except that the mounting end had a large butt plug stuck to it.
Amy's position was perfect for it. All he had to do was grease it up and insert it, then put his can of pop in it.
Very handy.
I don't know what Amy thought about her ass being used as a drinks holder but I couldn't wait to try it on Laura.
And so the afternoon went.
After a while I took Laura below and we made love together in our bunk, while Ben sat contented at the wheel.
 Then later after a quick lesson from Ben I relieved him while he took Amy down,
and I got my wish to try the cup holder on Laura.
 Ben didn't seem to mind my being nude, although he made no move to join the rest of us.
Amy smirked the first time she saw me.
It was an hour later when I first saw land. Ben came up at that time and took over the helm.
"Is that our destination?" I asked him.
He shook his head. "Not yet, but close. I have a special spot in mind for us to anchor in tonight."
"Where are we?"
"The Bahamas, there are hundreds of small islands around here."
I nodded. "Where's Amy?"
Ben grinned. "Resting."
I smiled.

 I watched as Ben guided us around the island I had spotted and headed in the direction of another.
At one point he sat back and absentmindedly put his hand on Laura's butt for she was still bound
as Amy had been over the transom.
He jerked his hand away and I smiled. "Don't worry about it." I said to him.
Ben chuckled and pinched one of Laura's butt cheeks, making her squeal.
 He steered us around several more islands before speaking again.
"Don, can you go below and get Amy for me, it's almost time to stow the sail."
"Sure." I said, eager to see how Amy was resting.
I found her in the Master Stateroom, hogtied nude on the bed.
She was also blindfolded and gagged with a ball gag while ropes kept her centered on the bed.
She looked delicious.
 I crept up to her and ran a finger along her side.
She squealed and wriggled, doing interesting things with her body.
 I laughed and began undoing the ropes that held her to the bed and her hogtie.
I took the blindfold off as well but left her gag in.
She was supposed to be able to help with the sail and I couldn't see why she had to be able to talk.
 When the blindfold came off Amy seemed startled to see me and began to blush.
I guess being bound nude with a nude man who wasn't your partner would make a woman do that.
"It's okay Amy. I'm just here to untie you, Captain's orders."
 Amy grinned behind her gag and allowed me to finish untying her.
Of course I couldn't help "Accidentally" brushing a few strategic places on her body as I did so.
We went back up on deck and Ben directed us both while he stayed at the helm.
 I worked the unfamiliar rigging and helped to fold the sail into its container on the boom.
While we were stowing it away Ben fired up the engine and we continued under diesel power.
 The islands were pretty close together here and I was beginning to wonder if Ben knew where he was going
when he eventually guided us into a small bay next to an island with sandy beach.
 He stopped the boat and he used not just one but two anchors spread wide apart to hold us in place.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Ben said.
 I had to agree, and I wondered what Laura thought of it.
Then I remembered that from her position all she could see was the back of the boat.
 I untied her and she stood up stiffly, rubbing her back,
the ends of her long hair wet from being dragged in the water.
I guess I had left her bound like that a little too long.
She looked around and smiled though. "Very romantic!" she said.
"It's private too. The odds are against anyone else coming here tonight." Ben said.
"Have you been here before?" I asked.
"Every year for the past five." he answered.
"Do we get to go ashore?" Laura asked him.
Amy giggled. "You tired of sea life already?"
Oh no, I was just..." Laura looked worried, like she had said the wrong thing.
"Don't worry Laura, we'll go ashore and have a picnic tonight.
 In fact why don't you girls unpack the rowboat now." Ben ordered.
"Yes Sir." said both women.
Ben winked at me. "While the ladies labor, you fancy a swim?"
"Sure!" I answered.
 Ben walked to the transom and undid a catch,
allowing part of it to swing down revealing steps that led down to the water.
"Great!" I said, and I followed him into the lagoon.

 The water was warm and felt great to my sweat soaked body.
We swam about and were watched jealously by our woman who struggled to lift a row boat off the roof.
"Shouldn't we help them?" I asked Ben.
"They'll be fine." the big man replied.
 They were.
 Amy and Laura successfully moved the row boat from the roof to the water without sinking it.
 Amy jumped into the water to push the boat around to the rear,
while Laura stood in all her naked glory on the deck,
her dark wrist and ankle cuffs in stark contrast to the rest of her skin.
"Come on in Laura, it's great!" I yelled.
Laura smiled and jumped in, and soon the four of us were swimming and splashing and having a great time.
 Afterwards Laura and I shared the deck hose for a shower while Ben and Amy used their private shower inside.
Then the ladies gathered food and drink and we all took the row boat to shore.
 Ben had removed his shorts when he showered so now he was as naked as the rest of us.
It seemed right somehow.
 It was good to be on dry land again, even though the sand was hot to the touch.
As soon as we hit the beach Amy handed us a can of bug spray.
"Use lots." she told us so we did.
 Ben and I then looked for fire wood while the women set up the picnic,
and as the sun began to sink into the horizon we had a good fire going.
It was peaceful and miles away from the busy hotel we were at only this morning. I loved it.
 I sat next to Laura whose ankles I had locked together with a padlock before we left the boat.
Amy was similarly bound and Ben and I enjoyed the fact that our women would not be able to go a wondering tonight.
 "So how did you like your first day at sea?" Ben asked after we had eaten.
He had Amy in his arms and was caressing her breasts gently with one hand.
 They looked good snuggled together.
"Words fail me." I answered with a smile.
Everyone chuckled.
"How about you Laura?" Ben asked.
"Well, I didn't get to see much of it this afternoon." she said with a grin.
"Really?" said Amy, "Me neither!"
I laughed with the others.
 "Perhaps well give you both a better view tomorrow." Ben said with a grin.
"I know that look." Amy said, playfully punching Ben.
What?" Ben asked innocently.
"You have something planned don't you." she asked him.
"Would it be any fun if I didn't?"
Amy smiled and looked a little guilty. "No." she said.

"Are you going to tell us now or wait until later." I asked.
"Oh, it's better to wait." Ben said.
Laura groaned. "What is it with you guys and your surprises!" she said.

"Don't you like our surprises?" I asked her, squeezing a nipple.
"Ow!...well...yeah, but still!" she said almost giggling.
"Then you'll find out later."
Laura stuck out her tongue at me.

Ben looked at his watch, it was the only thing he wore.
"It's time Amy." he said.
Amy's smile faded.
I was puzzled for a moment until I remembered part of what I had learned about their relationship.
It was punishment time.
 Ben had coached me about how to deal with punishment if ever the need arose.
He was a believer in strict discipline and the cane and it seemed he was not afraid to use it
when he thought it necessary.
 He and Amy had established a punishment routine that Laura and I were talking about using for ourselves.
At a certain time each day punishment would be given out if anything had happened during the day to warrant it.
I wondered what Amy could have done today to warrant being punished for.
Ben lifted her off him and she got to her knees on the sand.
"Sir...?" Amy said, glancing at us.
 Ben looked at Laura and me for a moment. "I think they should watch this Amy.
 Considering how they are thinking of going the same route we did it will be good for them."
 Amy didn't look so sure. Online Amy and I had talked a lot about her punishments,
and while she had always been enthusiastic about their effectiveness,
she had never said anything good about the act itself. Neither had Ben.
"If she likes it then it isn't a punishment." he had told me often enough.
Amy finally nodded and bent low, placing her head on the sand and grasping her knees.
 She faced away from us, her butt up high.
"This morning at the pier I asked you to do two simple things,
show Laura her cabin and then finish cleaning up.
 You took it upon yourself to ignore or delay my second order.
 Think about that while I go get the cane." Ben told her.
 He left the light of the camp fire and went to the row boat.

I looked at Laura who had a worried expression on her face.
"Are you okay, Amy?" Laura asked.
"Hush Laura." I whispered.
 Ben came back, a rattan cane in his hand with a curved handle.
"Turn your head, Amy." he said to her.
Amy turned to face us. Laura took my hand.
"Amy. Anything to say?" he asked her.
Amy shook her head.
"Two strokes." he told her.
He took a stance and the cane fell.
Amy cried out, but didn't loose her grip on her knees. Her face was screwed up in pain.
 Laura gripped me tightly but didn't take her eyes of Amy's face.
We both watched in mute fascination as Ben struck again.
The sound the cane made as it went through the air was sharp, like a cartoon sound effect,
but there was nothing cartoony about how Amy cried out.
She didn't break position though and she sobbed gently in her butt up position.
Laura moved as if to go to her.
"Stop." Ben said. "Laura, you may go to her but don't touch her or cause her to break position.
I'll leave you my watch. She has to stay this way for fifteen minutes, understand? Then you can touch her."
 Laura nodded, but I could see she wasn't happy about it.
I knew the compassionate woman I married was just aching to comfort someone who she saw was in pain.
Just sitting idly by would be hard on her.
Ben took off his watch and handed it to her.
"Don, let's go for a walk." he said.
I got up and we left the fire behind.

 For a few seconds I felt odd going for a nude stroll in the dark with another man who was also nude.
But the thought was quickly pushed out of my head by what I had just witnessed.
After all the talk of punishment we had gone through online, the reality of it was a bit of a shock.

"You okay?" Ben asked.
"I'm fine."
"You seemed a little white."
"I'm fine, but I have an important question to ask you." I said,
 it was true there was something I really needed to know.
"Ask away."

 "Was what happened really necessary or was that just for our benefit?
I mean it seemed like such a minor offense."
"Are you asking me if I'm the kind of guy that would whip a woman just to show off?" Ben said evenly.
I thought about that for a moment. "No, I don't think you would." I said.
 Ben sighed.
"Amy has a habit of occasionally picking and choosing which tasks out of the ones I give her she wants to do.
Every once and a while I have to punish something pretty minor
in order to remind her that even the small things are important.
 Now for a while at least she'll pay attention to what I tell her to do,
and she'll know that even the small tasks can mean as much to me as the big ones."

We walked in silence for a bit.
"You do understand don't you?" he asked me.
"Yeah, I do. It's just applying it to Laura I'm having a hard time coming to terms with."
"I know." said Ben. "That's what's been troubling you for a while."
"It's different now that I've seen it." I said.
"I know. Just wait until you try it yourself."
"What?" I asked, looking up.

"Amy and I have been talking about this, and so I gather have the girls.
 One of the things we have planned to accomplish on this trip is deciding
 once and for all if caning will work for the two of you."

"What do you mean, we?"
"We, as in Amy, Laura and myself."
I stopped walking and turned to Ben.
 "Are you telling me that the three of you have been talking about this behind my back?"

"Hey, calm down. Laura knows how difficult this is for you,
 and you cant tell me that you haven't noticed how much of a masochist she is.
 She's more ready than you are to take this step."
"I don't know about that, she seemed pretty shaken up by it just now." I told him.
Ben paused. "Where you watching her hands, when I was striking Amy?" he asked me.
I shook my head. "No, but she was holding on to me."

 "With one hand yes." Ben agreed.
"But I noticed in the fire light that her other hand was tucked between her legs."

 We walked the whole way around the tiny island, not saying much after that.
At least I didn't. Ben used the walk to reveal the master plan that they had put together.
 When Laura and I were ready, Ben was going to hand me his cane and teach me personally how to use it.
I would use it on Laura, who Ben said felt she needed to find out how it truly felt,
and I would use it on Amy, the next time she screwed up.
 In fact all caning for the rest of the trip would be done by me unless I choose to refuse.
But to refuse here meant not going back to it at all.
 If I couldn't bring myself to whip Laura or Amy here under the best of conditions, then
it was best that I left that side of BDSM alone.
 As we walked I asked myself the question that had been bothering me for a year now.
Why was I so nervous about this?
There was no clear answer.
 We finally arrived back at the fire and found Amy and Laura sitting together.
Amy was actually on her knees, I expected her butt was too sore to sit on.
Ben went directly to Amy and helped her to her feet. He bent low and hugged her to him.
 Laura and I watched quietly as Ben and Amy whispered together, an intimate moment that touched us both.
It was then that I saw just how deeply in love Ben and Amy were with each other,
as they healed any possible resentment over the caning with that brief but powerful embrace.
I hoped that Laura and I had that kind of love.
 We gathered our things and loaded the row boat,
Ben and I carrying our women to the boat as we had earlier carried them from it.
Ben rowed us back and I sat staring at Laura in the dark. Was she really that eager to taste the cane?
 As we snuggled in our bunk a little while later I asked her.
"You're not mad are you?" she asked me.
"A little. You know I don't like things done behind my back.
 But I want to hear the truth from you now,
Do you want us to use the cane as your punishment from now on?"
"I want us to try, I want to see how it feels.
 It has to be better than your brooding and the way you ignore me when you're mad at me."

"So you want a BETTER punishment?" I asked.
"You know what I mean. I want something quick,
 something that will be over with quickly instead of the way things drag on right now."
I held my wife against me, her soft bare skin warm against my own.
"Okay, we'll try it. But like it or not, I'm the one that chooses whether or not we keep doing it!"
"Yes...Master." she said with a shudder.
I held her tightly and we fell asleep.
End of Part 3

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 4
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 04:23:46 pm »
  On The WATER  chapter 4
by Leviticus

 I woke up the next morning alone, something that was very unusual for me.
Normally Laura is there when I wake, still in her sleeping cuffs which are locked behind her back.
She has slept like this for over a year now, I wondered where she had got to.
 I got up and quickly used the head before pulling on a pair of shorts.
I didn't feel comfortable enough with Laura gone to walk around nude.
I headed forward and found Ben sitting in the booth, the remains of breakfast in front of him.
 "Hey!" he said with a smile. "There should still be toast left,
and you can help yourself  to whatever from the galley. There's coffee in the machine."
 "Where's Laura?" I asked.
Ben smiled. "Go up top, but don't disturb them, they have work to do. Another rule of the sea."
 "Ah." I said with a nod, wondering what was going on.

 I padded up on deck and looked about for the women but didn't see them at first.
It was only when I walked over to the port (left) side of the boat that I found one of them.
  She was on her knees, a bucket behind her, scrubbing the deck with a small brush.
Her ankles were hobbled with a stiff spreader bar about a foot long,
to which a chain was attached that went up and across the roof of the boat.
From the dark stripes on her ass I assumed this was Amy for I couldn't see her head in her bent over position.
What I could see was nice though, and I spent a quiet minute just watching the naked woman working.
 The spell was broken when she sat up and dunked her brush in the bucket.
She saw me and immediately began to blush.
I put my finger to my lips and motioned for her to stay quiet.
 I left her and walked to the other side of the boat, noting that the chain was wrapped around the mast,
locked and then continued on to the other side of the boat.

 There I found my wife, in the same position as Amy,
doing the same job and chained the same way with a short bar locked between her ankles.
 She looked as sexy as hell scrubbing the deck nude and I felt like taking her then and there.
But decided to heed Ben's request instead.
I left her alone and went back downstairs.

 "Rule of the sea?" I asked him, pouring myself a cup of coffee.
"Yep! Every morning I expect the deck scrubbed before the slave girl can have breakfast,
and now that there are two of them I figured they should both be put to work."
"Makes sense to me." I said, nodding. The coffee was good.
 "It's just a little reminder to them that while us men are on vacation, they aren't.
I like any action that reinforces their role."
I grinned. "As I said. It sounds good to me. How long have they been at it?"
 Ben looked at his watch. "About an hour and a half now.
An alarm clock wakes us up and I undo whatever bondage Amy might be in, then she starts her day.
I had her go wake Laura up right away. I had to cut open the padlock you used last night though. Sorry."
"I was wondering." I said.
"From now on why don't you use ours. They're kept in a draw in the forward locker.
 I'll give you a master key that will open all of them." Ben offered.
"Suits me. Have they been scrubbing the deck all this time?"
"Nope. First duty is cooking breakfast, which they cant eat.
 Then its up on deck polishing the rails and washing anything that isn't deck.

 Scrubbing the deck comes last. It's usually a three hour job for Amy alone,
 but with Laura's help I see them getting it done in two this morning.
 With a bit more practice that time will come down some more."

"I bet they'll be hungry when they're done." I said with a grin.
"Oh yeah. But first they shower and then they eat. I was thinking though..."
"Well, since they will be getting the job done twice as fast as normal,
 I thought that maybe they should do it twice a day. Once before breakfast and once after lunch.
 Unless you feel we can keep them occupied with other tasks?"

I sat back and thought about it for a second. "I'm sure we could keep them occupied,
 but I like the idea of them doing basic work like this.
 When does Amy usually clean the inside of the boat?"
"When it needs doing usually." Ben answered.
"Well, why not make it an every day thing then for this cruise.
 Mornings are for the outside of the boat and afternoons for the inside."
Ben held out his hand. "Deal."
We shook and Ben moved over to the navigation nook.
"You'll have to excuse me for a few minutes." he said.
"What's up?"
"I have to check the weather for today.
It's good to always know what's going on when you take to the sea.
Weather is a big deal when you're out on a boat."
 I nodded and ate my food, watching Ben as he played with his radios.
The weather report sounded good to both of us, and once Ben was done we both went up on deck.
 The women were on the fore deck now, scrubbing away with their heads down.
I could hear them chatting as they worked,
and thought about whether or not they should have been gagged first.
Just to be interesting.
 I mentioned it to Ben. "Call me evil, but they sound too happy to me.
Should they be happy while they're working?"  Ben laughed.
"How about we see if it becomes a discipline problem first."

 I smiled, but at his mention of discipline I thought about the marks on Amy's ass
and the caning we witnessed the night before. Could I do that?
 Ben began an inspection of the boat, checking to see how clean everything was.
He looked the part of the pirate Captain,  as he gazed with a critical eye on his vessel
and the lowly slaves that strove to make it sparkle.
 The women eventually made it to the end of the deck and they stood up carefully in their hobbles.
Laura was about to pick up her bucket but she stopped when she saw Amy stand quietly with her head down.
I watched Laura look up at us for a second before copying what Amy was doing.
 Ben went and stood before them, I hung back a little.
I could see that a little drama was about to be played out.

 "Who cleaned the starboard outboard rail?" he barked.
Laura looked up. "Me Sir."
"Eyes down slave girl." growled Ben in a deep voice. He was really getting into character.
Laura looked back at the deck.

 "The section next to the helm needs to be done again." he ordered.
"Yes Sir." Laura said, and began to move.
"Wait until I tell you to leave!" Ben said.
Laura froze.
 "Amy, how many ropes are supposed to be in the port locker?" he asked.
"Four Sir." Amy whispered.
"I counted only three. Find the fourth and recoil the whole locker properly!"
"Yes Sir."
"When done put away your cleaning stuff and shower."
"Yes Sir." said both women.
Ben turned and grinned at me before turning back to the women.
"Go!" he barked.

 Both women began shuffling as best they could in their hobbles and
I watched rather amused as they navigated around the boat.
Their breasts jiggled wonderfully as they moved, a sight I always enjoy.
I also saw why the spreader bars were so short,
the deck around the cabin roof was not much wider than the space they needed to get by.
 Ben came up to me. "I usually try to find something wrong," he said,
"if I don't it means I haven't done MY job right."
I nodded and watched the women work.
 It didn't take them long and soon Amy led Laura onto the rear deck
 where they used the shower hose to wash themselves down.
 The locker the hose was kept in also contained soap and shampoo and Amy used it without a thought.
 Laura was a little hesitant not being used to showering in full view of God and the world but she dug in.
 They had to share the shower head, handing it back and forth and holding it for one another.
I thought it was a wonderful way for them to get to know each other, getting clean together.
I wondered, as guys are apt to do, if the two women would develop a relationship of sorts with each other.
I knew that Laura had experimented in college but somehow the subject had never come up in my talks with Amy online.
I had no idea if she swung that way.

 That was when I realized that if they did I wouldn't be bothered about it.
I still had reservations about any sexual contact between Ben and my wife,
but found no such reservations toward Amy.
What is it about us guys that find it so easy to imagine the women around us in lesbian fantasies?
Do women think about us men the same way?
 Ben went below for a moment and came back up with a key on a chain.
"Here, a master key. You can wear it around your neck."
"Thanks." I said, taking it.
 The women finished up and Ben and I unlocked the chain that held them to the mast.
Still in their hobbles but otherwise free Laura and Amy went below to eat,
Laura blowing me a kiss as she went.
 "Come on, lets prepare to get underway." Ben said to me.
 "You cant be serious!" Laura said to me.
 We were standing on the roof next to the mast. The women were standing on opposite sides,
their backs to the mast.
I had just finished fastening a set of suspension cuffs to Laura's wrists while Ben did the same to Amy.
 Laura had just guessed what the something special was that Ben had mentioned last night.
"You'll be fine, trust me." I said.
Ben told me earlier what his plan was and I had asked him the same question.
 "But..." Laura began to say.
I put my hand over her mouth. "Hush. That's an order."
Laura looked scared, but she did as I asked.

 I hooked her cuffs to the line hanging over her head as Ben had shown me
 and then checked the line attached to her spreader bar. All was in readiness.
"Good here!" I said to Ben.
The big man nodded and walked over to a winch. I gave my wife a kiss and did he same.

 Ben nodded and we both started cranking.
Laura cried out when the rope pulled up on her cuffs but otherwise stayed silent.
She looked at me with her big blue eyes as I kept on cranking,
lifting her off the deck to hang by her arms.
 Behind her Amy was already off her feet and Ben and I kept cranking
until both women were almost to the top of the mast thirty feet above the deck.
"That's good." Ben yelled and we locked the winches down.
We grabbed the lines coming down from the spreader bars and
 tethered them to cleats at the base of the mast.
 Now the women wouldn't swing about.
 I looked up and saw both women in their naked glory,
visible for miles around and totally unable to do anything about it.
I loved it.
"You sure it will hold?" I asked Ben.
"The mast and the lines have to deal a lot more stress than that when the sail is up." he said to me.
I figured they did.
 "Take the helm." Ben ordered. "Start the engines and watch me, not the women.
I need to bring in the anchors. When I wave advance the throttle just enough to get us moving."
"Aye Sir!" I said, saluting him.
Ben laughed and headed for the bow.
 Sitting at the helm I saw that Ben had already started the blowers.
I started the engine and waited for Ben's signal.
I am rather proud in saying that I managed the boat quite well as Ben was able
to pull the anchors up without any problems.
He came back to me and we gazed at our women high overhead.

 "We'll try to go as smooth as we can." Ben told me.
"Our movements are magnified up there and the top of the mast swings back and forth a lot.
As we sail they'll find themselves suspended over water as well as the boat.
All that rocking will give them motion sickness and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them throws up."
"Great!" I said sarcastically. "And this is supposed to be fun?"
"Well, fun for us!" Ben said with a grin. I laughed.
 Ben wouldn't take the helm, instead he instructed me in piloting the boat out of the lagoon
and out into open water.
 I handled the boat very carefully but soon grew in confidence.
I really enjoyed the experience of driving something so large.
 Every so often I would look up at Laura and wonder how she was doing.
Was she enjoying her time up there or was she praying for it to end?
I figured the latter.
 We left them up there for an hour and then we brought them down,
the autopilot running the boat.
 Laura collapsed in my arms until I could get her freed from the lines,
then she pushed me aside and dove for the deck rail.
I held her as she threw up over the side and helped her to sit on he deck.
"Are you okay?" I asked, worried.
"Yeah, just sea sick. God that was wild!" she said.
"You liked it?"
"It was holy terror being up there,
 most of the time I couldn't even see the boat and I felt that I was just
 hanging out in space spread out for the world to see.
 It had to be the most terrifying exhibitionist stunt I've ever done!"
"I'm sorry." I said.
"What for? I loved it! But I don't ever want to do it again!"
Women, go figure.
I helped her up and took her below to clean up.
Then, because she was still sick I gave her some Dramamine and put her to bed to rest for a while.

 On deck Amy had fared better, at least she hadn't tossed her cookies.
She was kneeling on the deck next to Ben who sat at the helm.
She was still in her hobble and she knelt because her butt was still to sore to sit on comfortably.
"Everybody okay?" I asked.
Amy gave me a brave smile.
"Where's Laura?" Ben asked.
"I put her to bed for a while."

"Could you do the same for Amy, she might as well get some rest too."
"Sure, put her in your bed?" I asked.
"Oh please, can I share with Laura?" Amy asked. "It will give us a chance to talk."
"I think you ought to be resting, not talking." Ben said.
"Oh please Sir!" Amy pleaded.
Ben relented. "See that they rest." he said to me.
I smiled.
 I led Amy to our cabin.
I had just connected Laura's hobble to the bunk with a short chain,
but I felt with both women there a little more was needed.
 I undid Laura's chain and with the Master key Ben had given me I removed both women's hobbles.
 "Stand face to face." I said.
Both women looked at each other nervously, but did as I asked.
They stood facing each other only inches apart.
I got some rope out of our supplies and bound their wrists behind them.
Then I tied a length of rope to Laura's wrists.
 I was about to see if a step could be taken here.
"Stand together." I said.
The women both looked at me, nervous expressions on both their faces.
Then Laura looked away and stepped forward, pushing her breasts into Amy's.
Amy looked like she was about to step back, but held her ground.
 I tucked the rope I had tied between Laura's legs and then Amy's,
bringing the end up behind Amy and tying it to her wrists.
Amy gave a small cry as the rope cut into her crotch, but otherwise said nothing.

 While I was behind her I took the opportunity to examine her buttocks.
Two dark blue lines crossed the lower half of her butt cheeks,
broken in the middle by the cleft of her butt.
I saw that the marks weren’t just a change of color, but actual raised welts.
The rest of her butt looked pail in comparison.
I reached out and brushed one of the welts with my fingers and Amy yelped,
 pulling at the ropes that bound her which made Laura yelp as it dug into her pussy.
"Sorry." I said.
"It's okay...Sir." Amy said softly.
 I had many questions going through my head, but I held my tongue.
I knew that Ben and I would talk about this soon enough.
Now was a time for more pleasurable things.
 I stood up and took a good look at the two bound beauties.
The two women really were the same height, although Laura had a bigger bust than Amy did.
That made things simple.

 I took some more rope and tied it around their waists, pulling them tightly together.
This meant retying the crotch rope which I pulled on hard before tying it off, getting moans from both women.
"You trying to split us in two, Don?" Laura asked me.
"I just don’t want the two of you to forget what makes you so important to us." I told her.
"Humph! Is that ALL I am to you?" asked Laura in mock indignation.
"Of course not, sweetheart." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Sometimes you're a pain in the butt too!"
Laura turned her head away as if I had hurt her feelings, while Amy giggled.
 I laughed and got another rope.
I used one end to tie Laura's elbows together then passed the rope around
to do Amy's before bringing it around to secure the last of it to Laura again.
Both women kept shifting in their bondage, attempting to find comfort in an uncomfortable situation.
 "Get on the bed." I said.
The women carefully moved together until they fell on their sides on the bed.
I pulled and tugged them until they were centered.
Then I tied their ankles together and to the bottom of the bunk.
I tested all their ropes, pulling a little more on the crotch rope and then kissed Laura on the ass.
"Get some rest now." I told them with a laugh, and went up on deck.
"That took a while." Ben said.
"I had to make sure they were properly tucked in." I told him with a grin.
"You should go check on them." Ben smiled a curious smile and did just that.
A short while later he came up with a beer for me and a soft drink for himself.
 "I had to change the bondage it just wouldn't do." he told me seriously.
"Why, what was wrong?" I asked. Had I over stepped the mark?
"You didn't gag them, I figured they wouldn't get any rest yapping at each other."
I laughed and sipped at my beer.
 If Ben was okay with this then who knew what fun we could have in the future.

End of Part 4

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 5
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2018, 04:27:39 pm »

part 5
 It was getting close to lunch time and I crept below to untie the women so they could prepare our food.
I was more than a little curious as to what they had been doing bound so tightly together.
 I peeked through the door to our cabin and saw them both as I had left them, bound face to face,
a crotch rope connected to their tightly bound hands, lying on the bunk, my wife's back to the door.
The only difference was the cloth gags they both wore, Ben's addition.
 It was apparent to me that while they had been left here to rest, they hadn't gotten any.
Laura was in the process of pulling on her crotch rope, making it move only an inch or so.
Then it was pulled back by Amy, the slack taken out.
 I had thought I had pulled the slack out of the rope,
but they had evidently found an inch and had put it to good use.
 The inside of the cleft at the top of my wife's thighs was soaked, as was the rope,
and the smell in the room told me that it wasn't urine.
The women had been slowly rubbing themselves silly with that inch of rope.
I don't know if they had been able to cum, but it looked like they had really tried.
 Laura was panting in her sing song way behind her gag, she was very turned on.
Amy was silent and since I didn't know her sexually, I had no idea what signals she gave,
except for how she closed her eyes.
I decided to make myself known.
I slammed open the door, making both women jump!
"What's going on in here!" I bellowed.

 Amy looked up guiltily while Laura craned her neck around to see me.
She began trying to talk through her gag but I ignored her.
Instead I stepped forward and slid my hand onto her crotch from behind.
It was sopping wet and I could feel her swollen labia very easily.
 "Did I TELL you that you had permission to pleasure yourself?" I asked her loudly.
Laura quit trying to speak, her eyes growing wide. In her head she was probably going 'oh shit'.
While I had never actually said anything to her about her sexual freedom,
we had over time drifted into her only being sexually stimulated when I wanted her to be.
Evidently she took the crotch rope for permission to play,
and now here I was yelling at her for doing just that.
She shook her head.
I looked over at Amy who looked like a frightened deer.
 I reached over and placed my hand between her legs, and found her in the same condition.
Amy held her breath at my touch, this was farther than I had ever gone with her, farther than I should.
"And you," I said to her, removing my hand and standing up,
"What do you think Ben would say if he saw this?"
 Amy shuddered. I knew from Ben that Amy WAS under a form of chastity enforcement.
I wondered myself what Ben would say, although he must have seen the crotch rope
and must have know what a temptation it would be to our slightly over sexed companions.
 I began to untie them in the reverse way I tied them. First their legs and ankles.
Then I helped them stand on rather shaky legs.
Then I undid their body ropes and elbows before tackling the crotch rope and their wrists.
 "Stand legs apart with your hands behind your heads." I ordered as the ropes came off.
Soon both women, sporting red lines from the ropes, were standing as instructed.
 They were both still obviously turned on, their labia clearly visible in their swollen state.
It must have taken a lot of rubbing to get that far.
Laura especially for she was a lot more swollen than Amy.
"Did either of you cum?" I asked them.
They shook their heads, the gags still on them.
"Don't lie to me." I warned them.
They both shook their heads harder.
"Okay. Wait here." I smiled and left them alone to ponder their fate, heading top side again.

Ben was at the helm, the sail up once more.
"How were they?" Ben asked me.
I laughed. "I'm surprised you cant smell them up here!"
"The crotch rope was that effective huh?" Ben asked, watching the sail with a smile.
"Oh they worked at it, but if you believe them they didn't cum."
"Oh, I'd believe them." Ben said.
"Amy knows the penalty for lying and she wouldn't lie for Laura either."
"Is Amy in trouble?" I asked, truly concerned.
"Yes, but I'm not going to make a big deal out of it.
It's not worth a caning so soon after her last one."
"Good." I said, relieved.
 "I'll just give her a quick spanking,
on top of those welts it will be enough." grinned Ben.
 Here, you take the wheel and I'll get them started on lunch."
I took the wheel and with a little difficulty managed to hold our course in the wind of the day.
At one point I heard a woman scream once but that was it, more of a yelp really than a scream.
Eventually Ben came back out, carrying a pillow and his cane.
"You okay?" he asked me.
"Yeah, the wind is tough today." I replied. "What about Amy?"
Ben shrugged. "A couple of bare handed spanks, that's all. Just a reminder."
 The deck had been tilted a few degrees due to the wind on the sail,
but at that moment it shifted even more.
Ben put down what he was carrying and, watching the sail and the horizon,
worked a winch until the boat's tilt evened out a little.
"Keeping the sail in trim is half the battle." he said to me.
I nodded, wondering why he had brought up his cane.
He picked up the pillow and with some rope lashed it to a deck railing.
Then he picked up the cane and took a few practice strikes on the pillow.

 "Time to teach you how to use this." he said.
"What, now?" I asked, a little worried about steering the boat.
He walked over and took the wheel, handing me the cane.
It was the first time I had ever held one.
It was about three feet long, made of a dark wood with a curled handle.
It was about as thick as my little finger and flexible enough to almost bend double.

I was surprised at the weight. It was heavier than I thought it would be.
"You like?" Ben asked me. I shook my head.
"Good." he said. "Then you wont be tempted to use it without true cause."
"I don't know if I want to use it at all!" I said honestly.
"I understand. But you wont know for sure until you try.
I want you to practice on that pillow."

 I stood without thought for a moment,
then moved to where I had seen Ben stand when he used it on the pillow.

 "What are you going to hit?" Ben asked me.
"This pillow?" I said, a little confused by the question.
"No, that's Laura right there.
It's never a pillow, and when you do get around to using the cane on Laura,
don't think of her as a pillow or anything to make it easier to hit her.
 Her safety depends on you always keeping her in your mind. Got that?"
I nodded, staring at the pillow,
imagining it was my wife bound over the railing of the speeding boat,
her bare upturned buttocks completely open to the cane.
I could also see her eyes staring at me, imploring me to untie her and take her into my arms.
 I closed my eyes and cleared my head,
resolving to have her wear a blindfold when we did this for real.
Ben kept on talking.
 "You will want to strike the fleshiest part of her rump on down,
never up, not with a cane.
You can cause serious bruising if you hit her tail bone.
If you have to miss try to make it miss low, not high.
 Use the outer half of the cane to strike with, not the end, not the middle.
If you use the end you run the risk of gouging her flesh with the tip of the cane,
cutting it deeply into her.
If you use the middle then the end of the cane can curl around
and strike her on the side over the hip bone, or even curl underneath.
 If you hit her thighs, again make it the back of her thighs,
where the muscle is thickest, not the sides and definitely not the insides
unless you are a sadist which I know you aren't."
I nodded again.
"Pick a spot, and take a swing." he ordered.
I took a stance and gave the pillow (Laura) a whack. I was high.
"Try again." Ben said gently from his place at the wheel.
I did and over corrected coming in low.

 At his urging I continued to strike,
quickly getting better with my aim as I grew accustomed to the weight of the cane.

 "Hows your aim?" Ben asked me shortly.
"You look like you're coming down at the same spot each time."
"Pretty good I think." I said, my arm a little tired.
"Okay, now we go for force. You have to start hitting harder."
"Harder?" I asked, looking at him for the first time since we started.
"Yes. Do you remember the sound the cane made when I punished Amy on the beach?"
Did I! THAT sound will stay with me.
I nodded.
 "Try to find that sound. It may be hard in this wind but try."
I turned back to the pillow and after taking a deep breath I began to strike it again.
Each time I went a little harder thinking that this time it HAD to be hard enough.
After a half dozen strikes was I slightly getting close to the whistling sound
the cane made when Ben used it earlier.
 I was still on target though, which actually made me feel good.
After a particularly hard hit on target I looked up with a thin smile at Ben
and saw Laura standing in the cabin stairwell.
She was watching me with a scared look on her face,
her hands cuffed together and attached by a short chain to her collar.
My smile instantly dissolved.
 "Lunch is ready." she said, just audible over the wind.
I said nothing, I just stared at her.
"Laura, have Amy bring me my food out here. I don't want to leave the wheel." Ben told her.
"Yes Sir." Laura said, and she ducked down inside.
I turned to Ben. "How long was she standing there?"
"Long enough to see that you could do it!" Ben answered.
I put the cane down and went below.
The rest of the afternoon went by without my saying much.
 Ben and I took turns at the helm while below the women cleaned.
When they were done we let them enjoy their free time sunning themselves on the fore deck.
 Ben kept up a rambling story about his business while I thought mainly about punishment.
I really needed something to take my mind off it.
 "Laura!" I called out from the stern, making my wife turn around.
I waved her over and she padded over to me, naked but for her leather wrist and ankle cuffs.
 "Ben, if you don't mind, my wife and I are going below for some conjugal bliss." I said.
Ben grinned. "Have a good time!"
Laura blushed and smiled.
Below I led her to our cabin and began to undress. She must have sensed my mood.
 "Are you okay?" she asked me.  I nodded.
Laura gave me that look, you know the one.
The look women give men when they believe they're been treated like idiots.
"Do you want to talk about it, Donald?" Laura asked.
"No. I want to do the opposite of talking right now. Get on the bed!"
 Laura still looked concerned, but once I was naked she smiled and did as I bid.
I took her roughly, throwing her about the bunk.
I used ropes occasionally to tie down parts of her body,
but I was forever changing her position.
Through it all Laura puffed and moaned in her sing song way,
cuming together with me in mutual bliss.
Through sex I was able to put punishment out of my mind.
 We arrived at the island just before supper and I helped Ben stow the sail.
Unlike our previous overnight stop we would not be going ashore here.
The island wasn't much more than a craggy outcropping with steep cliffs and no beach,
but it did have a small sheltered cove in which we could anchor for the night.
Not the prettiest place I know, but it would do for our needs.
 The women as usual cooked and we ate in the booth.
Laura, Ben and I shared the bench seat with Laura in the middle,
while Amy stood or kneeled, still to sore to sit with any comfort.
 After dinner we went out and swam for a while in the warm water,
the four of us naked and playful.
 Ben produced a couple of sets of snorkels and fins and taught Laura and myself the basics.
We had a lot of fun swimming down among the fish that occupied the cove,
wary of the coral that could have cut us to shreds.
 It was a pleasant evening.

 We finished out the night on the boat, playing Monopoly of all things.
Just two couples enjoying a quiet evening together
with the only unusual aspect being both women being nude.
There was one other thing.
"Is that a boat?" Amy said, glancing out one of the pilot house.
It was dark outside now, certainly not a time to go sailing,
but when I looked up I saw lights off in the distance.
Ben stiffened, concerned, and gestured for me to follow him on deck.
"Get some clothes on and go wait in my cabin." Ben told the women.
Laura looked like she had a question but Amy touched her shoulder and shook her head.
I too had questions.
I followed Ben top side and watched as he pulled a set of binoculars from a cubby hole.
He focused them on the distant lights.
 "What's up?" I asked him.
He said nothing, he just kept watching.
"Ben, what's going on?" I urged.
"Sometimes, Don, it really pays to be careful." Ben said.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means you cant afford to be too comfortable about this area."
"Why not?"
I could just see Ben in the dim light, he turned and gave me a small smile. "Pirates."
"You're kidding right?"
He shook his head.
"You're talking about Yo-ho-ho-and-a-bottle-of-rum-Long-John-Silver types right?"
I asked him, thinking he was joking.

 "Not exactly." Ben replied.
"These aren't your Errol Flynn types but the trade is the same.
Modern boats, modern weapons,
half the time you wouldn't even recognize a pirate boat if you saw one!
They don't fly the Jolly Roger any more.
Forget your movie images of what pirates should be, they have!"
I laughed. "But in this day and age?"
"Don't laugh. It's true.
There are more people sailing these waters now than there have ever been,
rich pickings for those unscrupulous enough to want it!" Ben said very seriously.
 His attitude was serious enough that I began to think he wasn't having me on.
"Do you think that boat is a pirate ship?" I asked him.

 Ben shrugged. I doubt it.
But anything coming close to us that I cant identify I want to be careful of.
Especially with the women aboard."
I nodded and thought of my wife being taken by pirates. Not a pretty thought.
The boat was close enough now that we could hear it's engines.
I glanced up at the mast where a light shone.
"Ben, shouldn't we shut that off?" I said, pointing.
"No point. They will already have seen it and no doubt they have us on radar."

 We watched for a little longer and saw that the boat didn't come directly for us.
Instead it got about a couple of hundred yards away and shut off it's engines.
In the silence I could hear faint laughter and music floating across the water.
It was a bigger boat than ours by far, that much I could see without the binoculars.

"Sounds like a party." I said.
Ben nodded and handed me the glasses.
Putting them to my eyes I could clearly see the boat now.
 It looked like to me to be a large cabin cruiser,
one of those monsters with two or three interior decks and room for a band.
Part of the deck was lit up as was the entire interior from the look of the portholes.
There were also navigation lights galore.
If this boat was trying to sneak up on us they were doing it in a very weird way.
I saw a fair amount of movement inside and a lone man at the bow, probably setting the anchors.
I handed the glasses back.
"Pirates." I said with a laugh.
 Ben chuckled. "I guess not. They must be here for the same reason we are.
But it might be best if we keep an eye on them for a while."
"If you say so Ben. Shall I tell the ladies it's alright?"
"Sure. It's bed time anyway. I'll stay up for a few hours and then I'll come in.
You get the women and yourself settled for the night."
 "No Ben. You've been wrestling with this boat all day." I replied.
"You go get some sleep and I'll take the watch."
Ben looked at me and handed me the binoculars.
"Good man. Come get me if anything happens."
I smiled. "Sure, at the first sign of an eye patch or a wooden leg I'll be knocking at your door."
I laughed, but Ben's smile was faint. He pointed at a locker next to the helm.
"There's a flare gun in there, just in case."

Leaving me wondering in case of what, Ben went below.
End of Part 5

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 6
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2018, 04:31:54 pm »

on the water
chapter 6

Some watch dog I was.

 I woke up feeling drops of water on my face.
I opened my eyes and saw that it had started raining,
a very light rain that made a pattering sound on the water.
I sat up and quickly put the binoculars to my eyes.

 The yacht was in the same place although most of the lights on it were now off.
The sound of music was also gone as were the faint sounds of what ever party they had been having.
Except for the rain it was all quiet.
 I cursed myself for having fallen asleep.
If the boat had meant pirates we could have been boarded and murdered with out my ever knowing it.
I was stupid, yet in my defense standing guard was not exactly something I did every day.
 Still, it seemed quiet now. I took one last look at the yacht, intending to head to Laura and our bed,
when I saw something that stopped me.
 In the dim light I could just make out two people coming out on deck.
I heard laughter as one began running forward from the stern, the other giving chase.
The runner passed under a bright light and I saw it was a woman, topless, in panties or bikini bottoms.
The man chasing her was in boxers.
 I watched as he caught her on the fore deck, turning her around and kissing her.
She didn't struggle much, in fact she reached around and held him to her.
Evidently there was nothing happening there that was forced in any way.
"Pirates." I grumbled, thinking that Ben had to have been joking after all.
I went back inside out of the rain.

 In our cabin I stripped off my now wet clothes and dried off before slipping into bed.
My wife was sleeping in a T-shirt, rather unusual,
because ever since I had known her she had always slept nude.
She was also unbound, not even wearing the cuffs I had put on her.
She woke as I climbed in next to her.
"Is everything okay?" she asked me sleepily.
"Yeah. It's just a boat full of drunk party go-ers." I replied.
"Good." Laura said, and she struggled out of her shirt.
She shivered when our skins met, my body cooler from the night air and the rain.
 "I'm sorry I wore that shirt, but Ben told me it would be better if I had something on...
just in case."  she whispered.
"It's okay." I said, yawning.
"He also cut the locks on my cuffs, say that you can replace them in the morning, he has plenty."
"I understand." I said, tired and wanting to sleep.
 "Donny?" Laura said after a short while.
"Can you tie my hands?" Laura pulled her wrists behind her.
 I was a little surprised, thinking that she might like a break from always sleeping like that.
But I guess after a year of sleeping the same way you get so used to it that any change is difficult.
 I slid out of bed and in the dark found some of the rope I had used on her and Amy earlier.
I bound her hands behind her and then slipped back into bed.
As I snuggled up against her back Laura gripped my penis in one bound hand.
Like that we both went to sleep.
 I woke to the sound of the engine start and the sound of heavy rain pounding the deck above the cabin.
Laura was gone, on her morning duties I assumed, so I got out of bed and made a trip to the head.
Pulling on a pair of shorts I headed forward and found Ben seated at the navigation console.
He had a radio on giving him the weather and he was watching the radar.
"Hi!" I said.
"Hey! I take it things were okay last night!" Ben said.
"Yeah, fine. Where are the women?" I asked him
 Ben pointed out the windows and I could see Amy and Laura out in the pouring rain,
nude, in their hobbles, scrubbing the boat like they had done the morning before.
"Er...isn't that a little redundant?" I asked Ben.
"It's the work that's important, not so much the results." Ben said with a grin.

I laughed. "I would like to have seen their faces when you told them that they had to go out there!"
 "Oh you would have loved it!" chuckled Ben. "In fact, you get a chance to see them right now.
I need you to go out an haul in the anchors."
"What, in that?"
"Sure. Don't worry the rain is somewhat warm. Like taking a luke warm shower."
"Great." I said sarcastically. "And where will you be?"
 Ben patted the mass of electronics in front of him. "Right here.
I can run the boat from here and stay dry.
There isn't a reef to cross here so I don't really need to go up on deck."
 I laughed and shook my head. "I guess its the rain for me!"
I padded up the stairs and through the hatch to the open deck.
The rain actually did feel good, nothing like the cold rains of home.

 It was coming down harder than it was the night before,
and had drummed up a mist that obscured the island from view.
It also almost hid the other boat in the cove, it's outline only barely visible.
 I could see both women from where I was.
Amy was kneeling on the stern deck, scrubbing with a brush, her feet held apart by her spreader bar.
Her short hair looked like a helmet on her head, matted down by the rain.
She looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back. She looked so sexy and vulnerable down there.
She glanced over toward our neighbors and bent low to her work.
 I turned to Laura who was standing beside the pilot house.
She had her cuffs locked back on her wrists and ankles and was busy buffing the deck rails,
a hopeless job in the rain. She had an eye on the boat just barely visible in the distance.
 I could tell from her body language that she wasn't too thrilled about being out here.
I bet she was very uncomfortable with being nude out here with the other yacht close by.
 I smiled and headed forward.
When I got there I waved at the windows in the front of the pilot house and the engine gunned,
moving the boat forward.
It was a simple matter to pull up both anchors and I left them on the deck for Amy to put away.
Slipping out of my now wet shorts I stopped at a locker before heading back to my wife.
God she looked beautiful, her very long blonde hair plastered to her back like a single rope of gold.
Her skin sleek and shiny from the warm rain.

 I have to admit I have a special fetish for wet women,
especially for the way their hair looses its shape and conforms to the body under it.
It's like it brings out their natural beauty, giving them an innocence,
an unspoiled look exactly the way nature intended.
 When wet, all women are beautiful.
 Laura saw me walking naked up to her and paused, her eyes wide and betraying her nervousness.
 "Donny!" she said, giving the boat across the cove an anxious look.

"Hush." I said as I approached.
She saw what I was carrying, rope from the locker. "But..."
"Not another word!" I ordered.
I took her hands and had her hold on to the brass railing, tying them in place with plenty of rope.
Then I bent low and with the master key on the chain about my neck I unlocked her hobble.
As I stood I saw Laura's eyes on me, she could see how aroused I was
and knew then that I wasn't to be stopped.
She looked over at the yacht which could be seen a little clearer now that we were moving.
Apparently we had to pass a little closer to it in order to leave the cove.
I didn't care.

 I stood behind my wife and began to massage her breasts with one hand, her sex with the other.
I could tell that it wasn't just the rain that had her wet,
my fingers slipped easily in and out of her.
I knew that dangerous sex was a particular turn on for her,
despite her protests and that this situation certainly counted.
She moaned at my touch, already in need, her eyes closing.
I lifted her by the hips, lowering her carefully onto me, feeling her warmth envelop me.
It was oh so very sweet.
Laura wrapped her legs around, crossing her ankles behind me and holding on as I knew she would.
Her weight was mostly taken by her arms but she was supported elsewhere now too.
Still I knew that in this position she would quickly tire.
Using my own strength, I began pumping her hips,
lifting them up and down as she traveled the length of my dick.
Laura began her song once more as she worked her vaginal muscles,
oblivious to the fact that we were drawing closer to the other yacht.
I pumped harder and harder, my pleasure rising with each stroke,
the rain adding to that pleasure the same way it did when we made love in the shower.
Laura began to cry out, her grip on me tightening.
In a flash I began to cum, pumping my seed deep into her,
but I still kept her moving and a moment later I could feel Laura's own orgasm hammering at her.
 We stood stock still as we experienced the final high,
locked together in that intimate embrace, and then we relaxed.
I had closed my own eyes at that point and when I opened them I saw that we were
less than fifty yards from the other boat and pulling away,
the name on the stern now visible, 'Dreamboat'.
I watched it recede and wondered if our actions had been witnessed.
It would have been interesting to know.

 I slowly pulled out of my panting wife and lowered her feet to the deck.
She stood half hanging from her arms in post-coital bliss, her eyes still closed,
her hair now hanging down almost obscuring her face.
I helped her to stand and hugged her, giving her a kiss every now and then.
"I love you." I whispered into her ear.
Laura smiled a tired smile and giggled, she would be beyond words for a few more minutes.
That was when I remembered that we had a witness after all.
Over on the stern deck Amy had been watching us, on her knees, her cleaning forgotten.
I looked up to see her kneeling up right, one hand down at her sex.
She looked me in the eye and smiled, and I knew she had witnessed it all.
I chuckled, surprised at not finding myself embarrassed about it.
Kissing Laura one last time I left her alone, padding along the wet deck to the cabin door.
"Let her go in a few minutes and then you guys can finish up." I told Amy.
"Yes Sir!" she replied with a wink, and then she deliberately looked at my half hard penis.
 Watching this little nymph looking at me stirred something inside me,
for I quickly grew hard again.
With a smile I shook my finger at her and went in out of the rain.
 After drying off, again, and dressing, again, I went to the galley to find some food.
As I passed Ben he chuckled. "Have fun?" he asked.

 I looked over at him and realized that he must have seen us too.
In fact Laura's legs were visible in the window almost next to where Ben was sitting.
He must have gotten an eyeful!
"Always." I replied and put together a plate from the breakfast leavings.
Ben laughed.
 As I ate I saw a second pair of bare legs join the first and wondered at Laura's reaction
to Amy having watched us. I made a note to ask her later.
In moments Laura must have been freed for she was soon moving along the rail again,
picking up on her delayed cleaning.
 I sat at the booth for the next hour watching through the windows
as Laura and Amy cleaned the 'Kajira', and marveled at their beauty.
 For a change we didn't have a day's sailing ahead of us.
By lunch time a large island had appeared on the horizon and was definitely our objective.
"Skirts and bikini tops girls!" Ben yelled from the wheel.
It had stopped raining an hour before and the sky was slowly clearing,
so Ben resumed his place at the helm.
 Amy and Laura had been wiping down the deck with mops and moved quickly at Ben's command.
Laura stopped though, concern on her face.
"Sir?" she said to Ben. "I didn't bring a skirt."
Ben looked at me. "It's true." I said. "Shorts, swim suits and one dress, but no skirts."
Ben shrugged. "Amy will lend you one." he said.

"Yes Sir!" Laura answered, and she scampered off after her sister in servitude.
"Are we going ashore here?" I asked him.
"Sure. I fancy some real food!" he said with a smile.
 We sailed into a wide bay dotted with other boats and Ben brought us smartly up
to a marina that jutted far out into the water.
 An old man had walked out to meet us and caught the rope Amy tossed him with ease,
tying us smartly to the pier.
Ben jumped onto the pier while Amy and I finished securing the boat,
and I watched as Ben negotiated our stay.
The old man seemed amiable and after some cash changed hands he went away smiling.
 "Okay folks, lets go!" Ben said, gathering his flock.
We locked the boat up and left it behind, Laura and I walking hand in hand.
 Laura looked stunning. She was wearing her red bikini top and a short blue skirt
that only came down to mid thigh. It was made of cotton and seemed to fly everywhere.
Laura had been very self conscious about it when she first showed it to me
since under it she wore nothing,
but I told her it was fine and that she had no reason to fiddle with it.
 Amy also looked the part with her red bikini top and a green skirt even shorter than Laura's.
Amy looked a little nervous but resisted pulling down on the skirt by holding her hands behind her.
I liked the way she looked.
Both women were barefoot and in fact I hadn't even brought any shoes for Laura along at all!
"Laura." I said to my wife.
"Yes, Donald?"
"See how Amy is walking.
I want you to hold your hands behind your back when ever you are not using them for anything."
Laura looked into my eyes and then did as I asked, knowing a command when she heard one.
 "You look fantastic!" I said to her, and she smiled, blushing a little.
We got to the beach and the town beyond, a typical tourist town for the area.
Lots of bars and restaurants and gift shops fronting the bay side.
Past all the glitter I figured the real town lay, where people actually lived and worked.
 Ben led us to a restaurant with tables and chairs out on the sidewalk and we found a table.
"Butts directly on the chairs ladies!" I said with a smile, getting groans from both of them.
But they did as I asked, flipping the backs of their skirts up at the last second
so that they sat bare assed on the seats,
Amy shifting a little uncomfortably because of the welts on her ass.
Ben grinned as did I when we noticed that a few of the hundreds of people on this busy street
stopped and stared. It wasn't by accident that the women had their backs to the street.
"Benjamin! How nice to see you again!"
cried our host when he appeared in the restaurant's doorway.
A rather fat man in a white suit, he made a striking sight.
He came straight over, dancing past the other patrons with ease
before stopping at Ben's side and taking his hand.
 "It's been a year already?" he asked. "It can't be!"
Hello Leo. How have you been?"
"The same the same. The doctor tells me to cut back on cigars and fatty foods
but the man is bigger than I am so who is he to talk!" he said with a laugh.
"Ah...little one, you are still as thin as ever!" he said moving on to Amy,
who smiled sweetly at him. "This man isn't feeding you enough I know!"

 Amy giggled. "Hi Leo. How's Belle?"
Leo threw up his arms. "That woman is driving me to drink and not stopping for any red lights!"
Amy laughed, apparently having heard this one before.
 "Leo," Ben said, "Let me introduce you to some very good friends of ours.
This is Don and his wife Laura."
Leo came and shook my hand.
 "It is a pleasure to meet you, any friend of Benjamin is always welcome here!"
 "Thank you Leo." I said with a smile.

 Leo moved on to my wife who had watched all this with an open mouth.
"Little Amy. See here, this woman does not starve herself.
She has beauty and grace and does not look like she has been through a famine!"
"Oh Leo." Amy replied.

 "Benjamin, leave the little one with me for a week
and you will have her back with some meat on her bones!" Leo said with a grin.
Ben chuckled. "Maybe next time."

Leo threw up his hands again, then bent low to my wife.
"Beautiful Laura. You take care of the little one, huh?
Make her eat and become perfect like you!"
Laura was blushing. "I'll...try." she said with a smile.
 "Good!" Leo said and he took her hand and kissed her knuckles.
"Now, to food!" Leo stood up straight. "Your usual, Benjamin?"
"That's right Leo, for four."
"For four, yes. You may send the ladies in any time!"
"They'll be along real soon!" Ben said.
Leo smiled broadly and, with a cheeky wink at my wife,
he danced his way back into his restaurant.

 "I like him." Laura said,
"But I'm not sure whether to take him calling me fat a compliment or not!"
Amy laughed. "He wasn't calling you fat,
he was saying I'm too thin!" Amy said with a giggle.
 It was true. Laura certainly wasn't fat
but she also wasnt skinny like a lot of the women you saw on TV these days.
Laura was very well proportioned with just enough padding all over
to prevent her skeleton from being her most striking feature.
 And while Laura might gripe about her weight, I wouldn't have her lose any more for the world!
"Oh Leo is a one of a kind." Ben said.
"Don't worry about it my love." I told her, taking her hand, "You're perfect. Leo said so!"
We all laughed and managed to get a smile out of Laura.

 I turned to Ben. "What's the usual?" I asked, hungry and curious.
"You'll see." said Ben, waving over another waiter.
"Why do we have to go inside?" Laura asked Amy.
"Er...I'll let Ben tell you." Amy answered.
We looked at Ben for an explanation but he was busy ordering our drinks.
When the waiter left Ben leaned forward.

 "A quick explanation. Leo runs an unusual operation here.
His staff is quite accustomed to doing things somewhat differently
than you would find in most other restaurants.
To the casual patron there is nothing different about this place though,
because the real differences are in the kitchen and beyond.
 You see, our loud and genial host is also a patron of the art of BDSM,
and his staff all serve him and Belle as more than employees!"
"A BDSM restaurant?" I said, giving the place another look.
"Only in the way it is run." Ben said.
"So why do we have to go inside?" Laura asked again.

 "Because he knows it is your duty to serve us our food, not the duty of his own...staff.
In a second you will both go into the kitchen and wait there until our food is ready,
then you will bring it out to us."
"What?" Laura asked paling a little.
"It's okay, Laura. Nothing will happen to us!" Amy said with a smile.
"Leo is a big cuddly Bear and we trust him implicitly.
 All we will do is go in and kneel in a corner until the food is done, that's all."
 Laura looked at me.
"I trust Ben and Amy, don't you?" I asked her.
Laura nodded.
 "Okay then, off with the pair of you, and remember...
Leo really is Master of his kitchen so behave!" Ben ordered.
 The girls got up, flashing the street again and Amy led Laura inside.
Our drinks showed up and I took a swig at my beer, wondering what they were going to see!

End of Part 6

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On the Water 7
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2018, 04:38:13 pm »

on the water
 fiction by Leviticus
   Chapter 7

 Amy led Laura through the normal looking dining area to a set of double doors in the back wall.
Laura was feeling rather nervous about the whole thing, her lack of real clothing,
the unknown situation in front of her and that for a while I would be out of earshot of her.
 For the first time she would really be dependent on her friend Amy,
a prospect that both scared her and yet thrilled her completely.
Talk about roller coaster emotions!
 They passed through two sets of swinging double doors before they reached the kitchen,
and Laura's mouth dropped open.
"Laura, over here!" Amy said with a grin, knowing full well what this place looked like to someone new.
Laura followed Amy to a corner and they both dropped to their knees on the hard tile.
Laura and Amy were both used to kneeling on such a hard surface,
having had plenty of practice at our hands.
 Amy placed her hands behind her head an pulled her elbows back, lifting her small bust,
her nipples very visible under the thin layer of cloth covering them.
Laura did same and thrust her tits out without much thought,
her mind still on the contents of the room.
 "Spread you knees a little more!" Amy hissed, which did catch Laura's attention.
"But...?" she said, quite aware that in her short skirt her pussy might be revealed.
"Do it, or you'll be punished!"
Amy said, her own thighs spread, her skirt riding up dangerously.
Laura was a little panic stricken, she just couldn't do it.
Pushing her breasts out was one thing,
but to purposely run the risk of exposing herself down THERE!
Amy sighed, knowing personally the risk Laura was taking.
She turned to face the room.
 The kitchen was set up like any restaurant kitchen, a couple of large commercial stoves,
several ovens, lots of counter space for meal preparation.
There were four women and two men working the kitchen,
and it was them that Laura was gawking at, for they all appeared naked.
 Appeared was the word, for technically they really weren't nude at all.
All of them had on rubber or plastic outfits that covered them from neck to toe,
protecting them from the dangers of working in a kitchen,
 and also keeping the kitchen itself hygienic.
But the outfits were all transparent
and the bodies of the kitchen staff were all very very visible.
 All of them were dark and well built, no skeletons among this crowd,
and Laura was particularly captivated by one young man working at a meat counter.
He was facing the two women and his manhood was something that certainly caught the eye,
falling to half way down his thigh in it's relaxed state.
Laura found herself wondering what it was like erect!
 She had always been, for want of a better description, a penis girl.
Marveling at the variety that nature had to offer,
although she had never personally seen one that large.
 From time to time she would watch the others doing their jobs,
seemingly oblivious to the fact that their bodies were on display,
but her eyes would always be drawn back to the young meat cutter.
 At one point the young man caught Laura's eyes with his own and he gave her a big smile,
knowing full well what she was staring at.
Laura blushed furiously but returned his smile.
 A waiter came in and deposited his tray on a counter.
He immediately lifted the smart apron that was part of his outfit
to reveal that the portion of his pants that covered his genitals was cut away.
 As he waited for ordered meals to be placed on his tray,
one of the women dropped to her knees and began sucking him to hardness,
only getting up again when he was fully erect.
 The waiter moaned a little but dropped his apron and picked up his now loaded tray,
scooting quickly out the door.
Laura wondered if that happened every time,
and if the poor man had to spend his entire shift hard.
 Leo came in and glanced about with a smile, a smile that faded slightly when he saw Laura.
"Laura, my perfect one!" he said dancing over.
"Did not the little one show you how I wish you to kneel when in my kitchen?"
Startled, Laura looked down, unable to face him for some reason.
"Well?" he asked again, a little harder. Laura heard something in his voice this time,
something that told her that Leo wasn't quite the flake that he appeared to be on the surface.
"Yes, Sir." Laura said.
"Then assume the position asked of you." Leo said evenly.
 Amy noticed that the kitchen staff were all watching,
even though none of them had stopped working.
Laura was a little afraid, and very embarrassed. For some reason she just couldn't move.
Leo stood watching her for a moment, before turning to Amy.
"Little one, you did tell her that she would be punished didn't you?" he said to Amy.
"Yes Sir, I told her." Amy replied.

 "Very well." He stepped back and snapped his fingers.
Immediately the two male cooks hurried over.
One dropped to his hands and knees while the other, Laura's friend the meat man,
sat down on the back of his friend.
"Go to him!" Leo ordered Laura.
"I said go to him. I wont say it again."
Laura looked anxiously at Amy.
"Go," said Amy. "Even if the men were here you would still have to.
This is Leo's kitchen and in here he rules. We are just his guests."
"But, what...?" Laura started to ask.
"Hurry! While it can still be settled here!" Amy cried out.
Her biggest concern was that Leo would bring in Ben and myself,
for then we would have a say in Laura's punishment.
 "Trust me!" Amy whispered.
Laura managed to stand, taking her hands away from her head.

 "Don't remove your hands." Leo said quietly, so Laura put them back,
this time very aware of what the position did to her body.
She padded over on her bare feet to the two naked in plastic men.
 "Now place yourself across the lap of Alfonse there to receive your spanking."
Laura's heart was beating fast, but she did as she was told,
bending over and resting on the lap of the seated cook.
 She was aware of so many different things at that moment,
the feel of the warm tile against her toes,
the feel of her silver collar tight around her neck,
the strange feeling of the plastic outfit on her bare midriff,
her fast pumping heart,
something large moving slowly under her stomach pushing up at her,
a warm hand on her back,
another hand taking the hem of her skirt and flipping it up,
the movement of air on her now naked bottom,
the fact that what she had tried to conceal was now very visible to the entire room.
 All this and a sexual stirring too!
Laura's breathing got faster.
"I think twenty hard ones should do." Leo said.
 Without giving Laura time to think about the number she had just heard,
Alfonse began spanking her. He spanked her hard and fast,
each blow coming down before Laura had time to react to the previous one.
She cried out at the increasing pain but in moments it was over.
 "Go back to your place now, Perfect One!" Leo said with a gentle smile.
With tears in her eyes Laura stood,
her skirt falling back to cover her reddening buttocks.
The pain flowed through her but wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be,
giving her a sexual stir.
She fought the urge to bring her hands down to rub her butt,
guessing correctly that such an action would be frowned on.
 Leo gestured to where Amy still knelt and Laura resumed her place,
this time spreading her knees.
Leo grinned and went back out to the dining area,
the two male cooks returning to their work after washing their hands.
"You okay?" Amy asked.
"Yeah, it was okay." Laura said, surprised to find that it was true.
Amy giggled. "You look like you enjoyed it!"
Laura blushed, and hoped her sexual arousal wasn't too visible.
That thought went out of her head when she looked down to see her nipples almost popping her top off,
as well as the wetness between her legs.
She knelt and enjoyed the warmth spreading through her from her butt.
 Ben and I found out about all this when the women came back with our food.
They sat somewhat uncomfortably on their seats and told us the whole story.
 I was interested in seeing this kitchen for myself,
but I was also disturbed at Laura being spanked bare assed
without anyone even consulting me first.
 Ben tried to explain the rules: "It's his kitchen and he's within his rights
to administer a simple spanking for such an offense.
His group is very strict on that."
"His group?" I asked.
 "Yes. There is a large BDSM group operating in private here in the islands.
 We don't have much to do with them ourselves,
but we've been coming here enough for them to treat us like their own."
 "Ah." I said, still a little miffed but willing to learn
as long as Laura wasn't in any real danger.
She certainly hadn't really suffered from the experience.
"Are we going to have any more to do with them this trip?"
"I wasn't planning on it." Ben said.
 Leo showed up with a grin on his face.
"How is the food Gentlemen, Ladies?"
We all mumbled good things about the food,
which turned out to be large hamburgers with many different cheeses and a red spicy sauce.
I thought it was an unusual dish to have in an island paradise,
but one bite convinced me that paradise was where this burger belonged.
 The sauce was heaven!
"Ah, Little One, you have eaten it all! Good!" smiled Leo, patting Amy on the head.
Amy grinned up at him. "Would I dare not eat your wonderful food, Leo?" Amy said.
Leo's grin got wider and he shook his finger at her. "Very smart!"
He and Amy both laughed and he turned his attention to my wife.
"Beautiful Laura, I hope there are no hard feelings from inside?" he said, taking her hand.
"No, none Sir." Laura said with a smile of her own.
"Good! And dear lady out here it is Leo, in is Sir."
 He kissed her hand and stood up straight, turning his attention to me.
 "Sir, your wife is a pearl among pearls, but her discipline..."
he shook his hand in that see saw way.
 "I trust my corrections met with your aproval."
 I looked at my wife who sat uncomfortably on her seat,
her butt evidently too sore for her to sit still on.
"You were quite correct to punish her Leo. Ben trusts you, which means so do I!"
Leo nodded in satisfaction and stuck his chin out at Ben.
 "Benjamin! Three days! Kopachi's villa! Bring your friend and the young ladies!
I won't take no for an answer!"
Ben laughed. "We'll see."
"You will be there, or next time I make you pay for your food!"
Leo proclaimed, and he danced away.
"Kopachi's villa?" I asked.
Ben chuckled. "Another group member. Evidently having a party or something."
"Will we go?"
"Do you want to? These kinds of parties can get rather weird and a little explicit.
That's why we usually avoid them."
 Laura and I looked at each other.
We had been on our own with our BDSM kink until coming out here to meet Ben and Amy,
our home not exactly receptive to much that wasn't "normal".
The prospect of meeting others, if only this once, was attractive to both of us.
Laura gave me a small nod.
"Yeah, we do?" I said to Ben.
He nodded. "Okay, I guess we're going to a party."
 The next couple of hours were spent touring the shops that lined the bay.
We gave Laura and Amy some money and sent them off on their own,
Ben and I both veterans of shopping with women.
 We spent more time in the sports shops and I watched
while Ben purchased some scuba gear and had it sent to the 'Kajira'.
We then stopped at a grocery store and had some food stuffs delivered as well.
We also spent a little time in a bar and he got me talking about our lives at home,
 pretty dull stuff.
 Eventually we spied our lovely companions walking down the street, arms laden with bags.
We went out to meet them.
"What did you guys spend all our money on?" I asked them with a laugh.
"Stuff for the party." Laura said. "But you guy's aren't allowed to see it yet."
"Oh really?" I asked.
Laura smiled. "You wouldn't want to spoil a surprise would you?"
"I guess not!"
Ben grinned. "I think we can allow them this one privacy." he agreed.
We all laughed and headed back to the boat.
 Once aboard the women stowed their purchases in the single cabin and immediately stripped.
It was time for their interior cleaning duties.
I stopped Laura for a moment, running my hand over her bright red buttocks.
She winced but that was all, so I let her go.
 Ben got them chained up and while they cleaned,
Ben and I pulled the cover off the engine compartment and I watched
while he checked the engine over.
 Laura and I played privately for a while after that,
bouncing around our small cabin like two energetic puppies!
 The sex was great, and this time Laura gave as good as she got
as she twisted ME into some rather unusual positions.
She would have to get spanked before sex more often!
 That evening we ate in town again, a fancier restaurant than Leo's this time,
but with a very uninteresting kitchen.
 We still had our fun though as once more the women wore the remote controlled vibrators
and again Ben and I kept secret who controlled who.
After dinner we went to a club next door and danced and talked and danced some more.
I found myself dancing with Amy a lot, and enjoyed the chance to be with her.
Online we had talked a great deal, but so far this trip we hadn't really communicated.
 She felt good in my arms though and I really enjoyed dancing with her.
We chatted about many things as we danced but it wasn't until we were
together for a very slow number that our talk got serious.
 She was against my chest, her head turned and resting just below my chin.
I had one hand on her bare back, no corset under this dress!
I think I may have been a little drunk,
without thinking I was running my hand up and down her spine,
almost sending it down over her buttocks.
Amy evidently noticed.
"Any lower with that hand Don, and your fingers will be coming out the bottom of my dress!"
she said to me.
"Oh...sorry." I whispered.
Amy giggled. "It's okay, it feels good."
I smiled.
"I'm really glad you guys are here." Amy said.
"So am I." I replied.
"No, I really mean it.
  I was a little afraid that when we met you things would go sour.
 But instead it has been one of the highlights of my life!"
 I chuckled and she punched me lightly. "I'm serious now.
Laura has always been as good as a sister to me online,
and I'm really happy that we get along just as well in person!"
 "Well," I said to her. "I know that Laura thinks a great deal of you too.
I told you how excited she was when we first started talking about this trip.
She was looking forward to getting closer to you."
Amy smiled. "Well she certainly got her chance to get close to me!"

 Now it was my turn to smile again as I remembered how I had bound the two women together.
"I hope you didn't mind spending time with Laura like that?"
"No I didn't mind. I kinda liked it!" Amy blushed a little, or was that just the lighting.
"I thought I might have gone too far with you, touching you where I did." I said slowly.
 Now Amy definitely blushed.
"That was...okay too. Did Laura mind?"
"No, she didn't, but I think she was on to much of a sexual high to really care at the time."

Amy paused. "You know that Laura loves you very much."
"I know. She would be crazy to put up with what I ask of her if she didn't love me." I said.
"Well, from where I'm looking, you guys have the perfect relationship!"
"Thanks, and is this observation based on what you saw this morning?"
Amy giggled, a delightful sound, her body rippling against mine.
" were doing it right in front of me!"
"Were you shocked?"
"No...yes...not really...." Amy said something else,
her voice so low I couldn't catch it over the music.
"What was that?"
"I said that watching you both today really aroused me." she whispered.
I smiled again. "Good.
But I have to say that watching you run around naked does wonders for my libido too!"
 I could see Amy blush again, and her arms tightened behind me for a second.
"You really are a beautiful woman." I said, meaning it.
"Thank you." Amy said quietly. "I enjoy watching you too!"
I chuckled and bent low, kissing her lightly on the mouth.

She responded for just a second or two before pulling back.
"Oh hell, I'm sorry." I said.
"It's okay. Really. I understand." Amy said, letting go of me.

 The song ended and we parted.
Ben and Laura had been on the dance floor as well and they collected us on the way back to our table.
 Neither of them noticed that Amy and I hardly said anything to each other the rest of the night.
End of Part 7

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 8a
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2018, 04:56:07 pm »
on the water
 fiction by Leviticus
 Chapter 8

 We were at sea again by early the next morning.
Ben told me that we had a lot of distance to cover in order to make the next stop before dark,
so we were all up with the birds.
 We were under sail almost as soon as we cleared the island
and with the wind at our backs we made good time.

 The women went back to their at sea uniform and their at sea duties,
and I continued my education under Ben's tutelage
as he taught me how to handle both the boat and the cane.
I was thrilled at the prospect of handling one, and still wondering how I felt about the other.

It wasn't all work though.
We took the time to give the women a lesson about pirates, the pirates of old that is.
 Amy and Laura spent a couple of hours gagged and bent over the deck railings at the fore deck,
Amy to port and Laura to starboard.
 They didn't stay bent over because they liked it (well maybe a little),
but because Ben and I had used plenty of rope to lash them into position.
 Their legs were spread, their butts high, Laura's still red from her spanking the day before,
Amy's with two fading stripes, their heads low.
All they could do was watch the water speeding past them only a few feet below their heads.
 Ben told me that long ago female captives who were not of any ransom value were bound like this
on the rails of pirate vessels for the amusement of the crew.
 Well, they certainly amused THIS crew as Ben and I took turns ravishing our maids
and satisfying our lustful needs!
I was pretty sure we satisfied their needs too,
for there were no sounds of protest from either of them!
Fun was had by all!
 Despite our early start, the sun was grazing the horizon before we sighted land
and it was completely dark by the time we reached it.
Ben took us in as close as he dared but anchored us well away from the beach.
"There's a reef I don't want to cross in the dark." he said to us.

 That evening after supper, Ben and I decided to have a bondage contest.
That is to say, we were going to watch as Amy and Laura competed against each other.
 The women listened wide eyed as we told them the rules we had decided upon earlier that day.
"Okay girls." Ben said. "Here's how it goes.
Each of you will take a turn tying up the other with this six foot length of rope.
The girl who gets tied has to make her way from our cabin door to the steps by the booth,
about twelve feet. Not very much, but then this is a small boat.
 The object for the one doing the tying is to prevent the other from making it,
or at least slow them down. The winner is the girl who makes the distance in the fastest time."
Amy and Laura looked at each other, then back at us.
 "Does it matter how we tie each other? Amy asked.
"Nope! But you only get the one rope to do it with, and the rope can't be cut." Ben answered.
"What do we win ?" Laura asked.
"What do you want?" I asked her.
 Laura looked at Amy for a moment.
Could Amy and I have a few minutes together to decide on something?" Laura asked.
"Sure!" I said, after getting a nod from Ben.
Amy and Laura hurried into the forward cabin for a few minutes.
"Any idea what they might come up with?" I asked Ben.
He nodded. "I think so, I'd be surprised if you didn't."
 I was about to ask what he meant when the women came back out.
"We have decided that what we want is a few hours alone together to play,
the winner being in charge of the loser."
 Ben chuckled, but I was surprised.
I had kinda hoped that our ladies would want to experiment this way,
but I had really considered it just a male fantasy. Yet here they were!
I looked over at Ben who winked at me. THIS was what he had been talking about.
"I assume you mean privately?" I asked.
 Laura nodded, her expression anxious.

 "Well...I don't know about leaving the two of you alone,
I would think that we would need to keep an eye on you!" I said, joking.
 Their faces fell, it was almost comical.
I wondered if they would still do it if we demanded that we had to watch,
 But I wasn't that mean.
"I'm joking ladies." I said, bringing relieved smiles to their faces.
"Then can we?" Laura asked.
"Sure." Ben said. "I don't mind if Don doesn't."
 I nodded. "Okay, you win. But I want to see an honest struggle to win from both of you.
If I feel that either one of you is going slow just to be dominated later,
then you both lose and you don't get your time together."
 I didn't know if they HAD made such an arrangement, but I wanted it covered.
I wouldn't put it past Laura to let Amy win for such a prize.
 "Don, I agree." Ben said. "In fact I'm upping the ante.
If I see either of you not doing your best to win,
then you get to be Don's first victim of the cane. He gets one strike."
This surprised us all.
"Why?" I asked him.
"You can only do so much with a pillow Don.
 There will come a time when you will need to strike flesh.
I think this is a fair way of deciding who's, unless a reason for punishment comes up."
I looked at the stunned women on the floor. "Do you agree?"
"Yes, Sir." Amy said with a gulp. Laura nodded, but with a little fear in her eyes.
"Let's get started." Ben said. He stood up and took a coin out of his pocket.
"Laura, call it!" he said and flipped it up into the air.
"Heads!" Laura said.

Ben caught it and slammed in onto the back of his hand.
"Tails. Amy goes first." He handed Amy the section of rope we had prepared.
"Better tie her up by the door." I suggested.
 Ben and I settled in our seats,
while Amy and Laura slowly made their way to the door to the forward cabin.

 "How do you want to do this?" Laura asked her.
"A hogtie, I think. Get down on your front." Amy said.
Laura did as she was asked,
and Amy took the nude woman's arms and pulled them together behind her back.
She then used one end of the rope to tie Laura's elbows together.

"Ow!" Laura said as the single strand tightened around her.
"Sorry. Do you want me to stop?" Amy asked, concerned.
"No, it's okay. I've taken worse." Laura replied, smiling.
As Amy continued Laura stuck her tongue out at me, knowing I heard her comment. I smiled back.
 Amy passed the rope down to Laura's wrists and made a single figure eight loop around them,
pulling them tight together. She then reached for Laura's feet,
crossing them and bringing up to meet Laura's hands.
  Deftly she made a couple of loops around each ankle and tied them in place,
passing what was left of the free end up again, past Laura's wrists and up to the elbow tie.
She then tied off the remainder of the rope at that point.
"There you go!" Amy said, patting Laura on the butt.
 Laura twisted a little, settling in to the bondage.
I thought it an interesting tie, none of the knots were available for Laura to reach,
and I wondered how well Laura would be able to move.
"Come here Amy." Ben said, and Amy padded over to kneel at Ben's feet.
 He had his watch out. "Ready Laura?"  Laura nodded.
 Laura immediately began wriggling, attempting to find purchase on the hard wood floor.
She looked great as  her naked body wriggled from side to side in the narrow walk way,
slowly inching forward toward us.
Her breasts were pressed and lifted as she moved, alternately exposed and hidden,
her hips and legs shifting back and forth,
the glint of her collar shining through her hair which quickly began to get in the way.
 Amy had made a good choice in crossing Laura's ankles,
in the confines of the cabin it spread Laura's knees and gave her less room to work with.
I was impressed.
 Eventually Laura made her goal after a lot of puffing and moaning,
and Ben called time while Amy untied her friend.
Laura had deep red lines on her elbows, wrists and ankles, evidence of the rope biting in.
"I think you did your best." I told her, relief in her eyes.
Now it was Amy's turn. "Be gentle." Amy said with a smile.
"Yeah, right!" Laura said grinning.
 Laura led Amy back to the door and used the rope to bind her hands together behind her back.
She used the middle of the rope, leaving the ends dangling.
Then Laura pushed Amy to the wall.
 At about the height of their heads was a wall mounted light fixture.
 Laura took the free ends of the rope and pulled upwards, bending Amy forward in the process.
She began to tie the ends to the light fixture.
Amy protested. "Hey! You cant tie me to anything!"
"They didn't say I couldn't!" Laura said with a smile.
"This isn't fair!" Amy cried out. "Ben, tell her!"
Ben just chuckled.
"She's right Amy, we didn't say anything about not tying to solid objects."

"Maybe next time." I added.
"But..." Amy said.
"Stop complaining." Ben ordered, and Amy shut her mouth.
 Laura finished binding Amy and stood back to admire her work.
Amy was standing half bent over, her arms pulled up behind her,
attached to the fixture at the wrists.
The knots holding her were well out of her reach.

 She looked wonderful, up on her toes to take the weight of her arms,
the muscles of her legs standing out well defined, her small breasts dangling.

"Ready? Go!" Ben said.
"How am I supposed to get to you like this?" Amy said.
"Didn't I tell you to stop complaining?" Ben said to her.
 Amy paled and began struggling.
I motioned to Laura to come to me and she came over and knelt down.

"That was a dirty trick." I whispered to her.
"Yeah, well my butt was on the line." Laura whispered back.

 We watched as Amy fruitlessly pulled and tugged at the rope that held her,
but the awkward position didn't give her much leverage,
and I would think that she would also be afraid of pulling the fixture off the wall.
 Who knew what Ben would do if she damaged his boat.
 Ben let her struggle until we passed Laura's time and then he called it quits.
"Go untie her Laura." he ordered.
"Yes Sir." Laura said and she went over to the sulking Amy.
"I think Amy did her best to win!" I said, hoping to save Amy's butt.
"I agree." Ben said. "But she also complained after I told her to stop,
so she gets the cane anyway, just as a reminder."
I was going to protest, but I saw his point.
She HAD disobeyed him and I did agree that he had to discipline her.

 I turned back to the women in silence.
As Laura untied Amy she spoke softly and what ever it was she said,
seemed to mend any hard feelings Amy might have had for her.
They hugged briefly once Amy was free and then they both came back to us.
 "Well, Laura, it seems you won your prize." Ben said smiling.
"Amy, you will receive yours when I feel that Don is ready to give it to you."
Amy glanced at me and them lowered her eyes.
I wasn't sure how I'd feel caning her, certainly not happy.
Ben looked a me. "Anything else before we let them play?" he asked.
"Yeah, one thing. Wait here."
I got up and went to my cabin,
coming back with a length of chain and a couple of leather cuffs.
 I locked a cuff on each girl's left ankle,
and then locked one end of the eight foot chain to Laura's cuff.
"Which cabin?" I asked Ben.
"They can use ours." Ben said.
 "Okay ladies!" I said and the women got up and went to the forward cabin.
I had them climb on the bed,
 and passed the end of the chain through a metal loop mounted to the base of the bed
and locked it to Amy's ankle cuff.
I looked around. "There should be enough toys in here for you guys to have fun!" I said grinning.
Both women smiled.
 I went to Laura. "You sure about this?" I asked quietly.
 aura nodded. "Amy and I have been talking about this ever since you tied us together,
this isn't a quick decision."
"Okay." I said, and I left them alone, closing the door behind me.

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On the Water 8b
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2018, 04:57:26 pm »

 Ben had moved to the Navigation nook and had turned on the weather radio.
"I'll meet you up top." he said.
I nodded and grabbed a beer.
 I sat down on one of the built in seats at the stern and gazed up at the stars,
wondering what was going on in the forward cabin.
 The stars seemed so clear and sharp, like I could just reach up and touch them if I cared to.
The gentle rocking of the boat made them swing back and forth above me, a beautiful sight.
Ben came out and collapsed next to me, and I saw him pull a pipe out.
"I didn't know you smoked." I said.
"Oh, just every once and a while I treat myself to a pipe. Just when I feel the need."
"And you need it now?" I asked.
Ben didn't answer. Instead I watched as he slowly coaxed the pipe to life, before settling back.
"I could tell you were surprised by their request." Ben said to me.
"I was. But not totally.
I mean, what guys wouldn't wonder if their women wouldn't get together if they were like ours.

 We do subscribe to a pretty sexually oriented lifestyle."
"I know. It's only natural to wonder."
"Why weren't YOU surprised?" I asked him.
"Amy told me earlier what she and Laura discussed."
"She what?"

 Ben chuckled. "It's okay, she wasn't reporting to me or anything like that,
it's just that over time Amy has learned to open herself verbally to me,
confessing sins and generally keeping me informed about everything that she does.
I doubt now there is a thought in her head that she doesn't pass on to me in some way."
"Oh." I said, wondering what other thoughts she may have passed on.
"To be honest, we have had conversations about her and Laura since before we planned this trip.
As you say, it's normal to wonder and Amy has always had a powerful fantasy life."
"I see."
 Ben sat quietly for a while, puffing on his pipe while I sipped at my beer,
the both of us gazing at the stars and the huge black shadow of the island next to us.

"She also gave voice to some other thoughts." Ben said, and I thought, here it comes.
"I take it that you have given her reason to think that you might want to be involved with her."
 Ben said quietly.
 I said nothing, for a minute, I just looked down at the deck.
"Like I said, our chosen lifestyles open up those possibilities."
"Don't give me that bullshit!" Ben snarled.
"You're not some horny teenager scouting the web for unsuspecting women!
 You aren't some geek who thinks that all we do in this LIFESTYLE is tie our women down,
whip them until they pass out and then fuck them! You know better than that.
So don't give me this LIFESTYLE crap, Don, and tell me how you feel! I won't get mad."
"You sound mad already!" I said.

"No, Don, just frustrated.
 As much as you know about bondage and submission,
you still seem to think in terms of owner and property sometimes.
 You figure that once you decide to follow a set of rules that all that should matter ARE the rules.
Don't forget that below are two real people that we love. REAL PEOPLE, Don!
That they have chosen to live with us, be with us,
in a role that places them in a submissive position to us is the greatest gift we will ever get.
 The GREATEST gift we will ever see.
It is NOT something to treat casually, not that you do, Don.
I know that. But there are times you seem to put Laura second to the process.
It's something I've noticed talking with you online as well as out here on this trip."
I said nothing, realizing the truth in his words yet wondering where he was heading.
"Don, let me ask you something. If Laura came up to you and said that she wanted to stop,
that she felt that she no longer needed to play the part of your submissive,
 and that she wanted to live with you as a vanilla husband and wife, what would you do?"

"That's a hell of a question, Ben." I said to him.
"Can you answer it, and be confident that your answer is the right one?"
Could I?
I sat for a bit, considering the question he had posed.
If Laura really wanted to drop all the bondage,
all the rules and the comfortable routine we had developed, the LIFESTYLE, could I?

"Ben, I can't honestly answer that." I said.
"Why not?"
"Something like that is too important not to discuss,
and the only person I could discuss it with is Laura."

Ben nodded. "Good. If you had given me any other answer I'd have made you walk the plank."
I laughed.
"I'm not joking." he said with a smile I could only see by the light of his pipe
and the faint light from the top of the mast.
 "I think I have a plank somewhere."
I chuckled.
"You're a good man Don, but you still have a lot to learn."
"Glad you're here to teach me Ben." I answered.
"Hey, it's only fair.
 You've taught Amy and me a lot about deep bondage and it's many varied forms.
Introduced us to new pleasures."
I shrugged.
"So Don, will you tell me what's really on your mind concerning Amy?" Ben asked.
"To be honest, I'm not really sure." I said.
"Given the fact that she and Laura both spend so much time running around in front of us naked
it's hard to think with the head on my shoulders instead of the other one sometimes."
Ben laughed. "I know what you mean."
 "I know that when we discussed mutual play a the beginning of the trip,
we decided to leave out any sexual play.
But frankly I have to tell you that given the opportunity," I looked directly at him,
"and the permission, I wouldn't feel guilty about playing with Amy that way."
Ben looked me in the eye, then looked back up at the sky.
"Well, that's honest enough. Thank you, Don." he said.
 I watched him for a minute but when he didn't say anything I sat back and looked out at the water.
I figured he needed time to think about what I had said.
Me, I couldn't believe I had just told him what I had. What was I thinking!
"You know," Ben said after a while,
"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't entertained the same thoughts about your wife."
I looked at him.
"She is a very beautiful lady, and with her nude all the time it is hard to concentrate."
 He smiled behind his pipe.
"So what are you suggesting," I said. "that we make them dress?"
"I don't think we need to go THAT far, do you?"
"It would diminish the beauty of this cruise." I said.
 "Exactly." replied Ben and we laughed quietly.
"But I think we do need to be aware of each other's intentions, Don."
 I agreed.

 "Don. Right now, I have no intentions toward Laura,
but I'm not closing my mind to the possibility that in the future that might change.
 It's just that right now, Amy is all I need."
I nodded, a little sad for some reason.
 "We've only been together a few days, Don. We still have a couple of weeks ahead of us.
Let's not rush things right now.
I'd rather you didn't involve yourself with Amy at the moment,
at least, any more than you already have.
I know where your hands have been." he chuckled.
 "It might be good for her if you kept those hands at work on her at odd moments,
keep her guessing that is, so feel free to allow them to roam a little from time to time.
 But otherwise leave her be."
"We'll talk again about this."
"We'd better, or I'm asking my travel agent for a refund!"
I replied, grateful that Ben hadn't bitten my head off for making moves on his woman.
Ben laughed and held out his hand. "Friends?"
"You got it!" I said, and we shook.
 We sat back and looked at the perfect sky again.
"I wonder what they're doing down there?" I asked.
"Let's leave them their privacy shall we?" Ben said.
I nodded, and wondered if Amy would tell him all about it afterward.
"How do you feel about them, being together like that?" I asked him.
"I know how much they feel for each other." he answered.
It seemed all the answer he was prepared to give.
 We sat together for a couple of hours,
just staring at the sky and talking of inconsequential things, before sleep started to take over.
It was late and we thought it time the games ended.
We walked quietly below and to the forward cabin. I knocked on the door and after a moment opened it.
What we saw made us pause.
 Amy and Laura lay together on the bed, arms and legs twisted and wrapped about each other.
A considerable number of chains had been added to the single chain I had left them with,
and I saw places where ankles were connected to wrists and other combinations.
But what made us pause was that they were asleep.
Their heads were close together and the light in the room reflected off the collars they wore,
silver for Laura and gold for Amy.
In their slumber this made them look even more vulnerable and in need of our protection.
They looked beautiful.
I glanced at Ben who backed up. I moved back and shut the door.
"Should we let them sleep?" I asked quietly.
Ben nodded. "I wouldn't want to disturb that." he said.
"They truly are beauties aren't they?"

 Ben put a hand on my shoulder. "We are very lucky men." He moved past me.
"I'll sleep in the single berth, but I have to get a few things first.
I'll leave them a key.
Everything they locked onto each other they used with the knowledge that we would have to unlock them.
Well, they have duties to perform in the morning and I'm not going to get up to free them."
I laughed.
He stepped forward into the cabin for a minute and came out with a small bag,
 his toiletries I assumed.
"Good night Don." he said.
"Good night Ben." I replied.

I went to my cabin and climbed alone into bed.
 As I fell asleep I wondered what Laura and Amy had done together
and what we all might do together in the future.

End of Part 8.

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On the Water 9
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2018, 05:03:57 pm »

On the Water
by Leviticus
Part 9

 The next morning Ben moved the boat through the reef and we anchored in a small bay.
The island was nothing like the last one, it was full of lush tropical growth and had a long sandy beach.
It was beautiful.
 The women were already at work cleaning the boat,
and Ben and I ate the breakfast they had prepared on deck, so we could watch them.
 So far they had said nothing about their night together, and Ben had warned me not to press.
 "Laura will tell you in her own good time."
 We did notice that both women sported a few new marks.
Amy's butt and thighs had fine red lines on them, and Laura had more lines on her breasts and groin.
It didn't take a genius to see that they were whip marks, but not heavy ones.
These marks were created in pleasure, not in punishment. It made me that much more curious.
 After they finished their chores, got cleaned up and ate,
we helped the ladies unpack the row boat and the four of us went ashore.
Ben and I wore shorts and shirts while the ladies were suitably attired
 in just their collars and chains.
"This place is wonderful!" Laura said as we stepped on the beach.
"Just wait!" Amy said grinning from ear to ear.
I watched them both with admiration, they looked so cute.
They had the hands cuffed behind them and the ankles hobbled with twelve inch chains.
From their collars hung leashes and it was with pride that I took my wife's.
She smiled at me and I kissed her.
"Let's have some fun." she said to me.
"I plan on it Babe!" I replied.
Ben grinned at us both and picked up Amy's leash, attaching it to the back of Laura's collar.
"I'd always wanted a coffle of slave girls!" he said.
"Oh really?" Amy asked, her eyebrows raised.
"But of course all I ever needed was you!" Ben said hurriedly.
"I bet!" Amy replied with a giggle.
"I really think that a coffle needs more than two girls to count." I said.
"Well, maybe we can pick up a few more later on." Ben said.
Both women protested.

"Noisy isn't it?" I said, pulling a couple of gags from my bag.
Laura's eyes opened wide. "We'll be quiet!" she said.
"I know you will." I replied, placing the gag in her mouth.

Laura gave me a hurt look as I buckled the penis gag in and then I turned to Amy.
 She grinned and opened her mouth, never taking her eyes off mine as I gagged her as well.
"Did you want to take them?" I asked Ben.
"Sure! Come on!" he replied, taking Laura's leash.

 He led them off and I followed behind.
I have to tell you that the sight of these two naked and bound women,
being led through the jungle was one of the high points of the trip for me.
 It all seemed so basic, so natural.
The women in their natural state in a setting about as raw as you can find on earth.
 That they were completely helpless in this environment was a big plus.
I couldn't help but admire them. Amy's tight little ass, the muscles so well defined.
Laura's long blond hair swinging softly back and forth.
 When Laura's hair grew to reach her butt she told me that it added a whole new dimension
to walking around nude,
for the ends of her hair would caress her butt cheeks, another constant reminder of her nudity.
I loved it.

As I followed Ben and the women I couldn't help thinking how lucky I was.

 We walked for about a half an hour,
going up hill most of that time until we broke out of the brush and into a clearing.
On our side we could see down into the bay where the 'Kajira' lay at anchor. It looked so small.

 There was a steep cliff on the other side of the clearing that blended into the mountain
that towered over the island and down the face of the cliff flowed water.
It wasn't exactly a waterfall, more like a water dribble.
But over time it had carved out a deep pool of water at it's base, and here where we stopped.

"I like it!" I said.
"Yeah. This is a great spot.
Lets get the women put away and then we can set up the camp." said Ben.
Ben unhooked Amy's leash from Laura and led her over to a tree.
 "Wait, I have an idea." I said.
"Okay." Ben replied.
I led Laura over to Amy and pushed them together face to face.
Using rope from the bag I bound them together, relocking their arms around each other.
I caught Laura grinning behind her gag.
Their leashes we tied above them to a tree limb.
"Be good!" I said.
 Ben stepped up and examined my handiwork.
"Very nice." he said, and gave both women's butts a squeeze.
It was the first time I had known him purposely touch my wife other than to bind her,
I found it interesting considering our conversation last night.
 We left the gear we had brought next to the pool and began the walk back to the 'Kajira'.
The plan was to stay on the island for a couple of days,
and we needed to bring ashore our food and the rest of our camping gear.
"They'll be safe there right?" I asked Ben.
"As long as they don't fall over!" Ben said.
They didn't.
It took us about an hour to make the round trip and when we got back the women were as we left them,
wide eyed and helplessly together.
 Ben and I set up the camp while the women watched.
Two tents, a fireplace, and a latrine area behind some bushes.
Only then did we let them go and they finished unpacking while we relaxed.
When done they came and knelt beside us.
"You are SO beautiful." I told them, making them both smile.
"Lets swim." Ben said. So we did.
The pool was deep and warm from the sun, and had a semi sandy bottom that made it easy on the feet.

 Amy swam to the far side of the pool and began to climb the rocks the water poured down.
Again I was struck by how beautiful wet women were!
She found a spot where she could stand and have the water pour directly on her,
and she turned this way and that, posing unshamefully, her golden collar shining in the sunlight.
"Tease!" Ben yelled at her, making her laugh.

 Laura swam up to me, she had evidently noticed my staring.
"You like to watch her don't you." Laura said.
"I like to watch you both." I said honestly.
Laura turned to look at Amy who was giggling as Ben splashed her with water.
"Are you planning anything?" she asked me.
"What do you mean?"
"With her." Laura turned back to me.
"And if I was?" I asked.
 Laura didn't answer. We had talked about this before the trip,
the possibility of us having an encounter of some sort with each other's partners.
 At the time we had decided to just wait and see if there was a possibility
of it happening before agonizing over it. Evidently Laura had begun to agonize.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.
She nodded.
"Then lets do it tonight, lets just enjoy the day now. Okay?"
She nodded again and I took her in my arms, kissing her deeply.
 We were both naked in the water and I could feel my erection brushing her between her legs.
 Always an enjoyable feeling.

"I love you." I told her.
"Oh shut up!" she replied with a smile, her personal code for the same words.
 As we embraced I noticed that Amy had come down from the rocks
and she and Ben were facing each other in a similar embrace.
 We watched as they kissed and Ben lifted his nymph like companion out of the water.
As he lowered her back down both Laura and I knew what he had done,
and we watched quietly as the couple made love there in the pool.
 I held on to Laura from behind, my hands on her breasts as Ben and Amy slowly fucked.
To Laura's surprise I lifted her suddenly by the hips and she plunged effortlessly onto my penis,
engulfing it in her warmth.
 Laura and I began to work ourselves up to a wonderful orgasm,
the water giving us a buoyancy that made things a lot easier.
I was able to keep both hands on her breasts, pinching her nipples between my fingers.

 Laura closed her eyes as she usually does but I watched Ben and Amy.
Amy's head was bent forward, obscuring Ben's face from view.
Her arms were wrapped around him, the rest of them hidden in the water.
Amy was panting and moaning, as was Laura in front of me, but Amy lacked Laura's musical talent.
Her cries were primal, basic, and loud!
 Ben HAD to gagging her on the boat when they made love
for we surely would have heard her otherwise at our end.
 Laura came first, but her cries of passion were drowned out by Amy who almost screamed!
As they slowed down Amy glanced over at us, very red faced. I smiled.

 Ben lifted her off him and looked rather embarrassed himself
until her saw what Laura and I were doing.
I doubt he even heard us over Amy screaming in his ears.

 Laura, looked up and laughed and Amy followed suit.
Ben and I joined in and the clearing was filled with our joy.
Life was good.

I grabbed Laura and much to her embarrassment I carried her out of the water,
still impaled on me, only slipping out of her when I put her down.
She turned and kissed me.
 I returned the kiss and then reached down for a chain Ben and I had positioned earlier.
Connected to a tree, the chain was long enough to reach all parts of the camp site,
the other end would connect to Laura's leg.
Another chain connected to a different tree was waiting for Amy.
Ben brought her out to it and locked it upon her.
 "I'm hungry." he said. "I think it's time the slave girls made lunch."
"How typically male!" Laura said, making us laugh.
"Yeah, some sex, some food, that's all it takes to make them happy." Amy added with a giggle.
"We also like silence!" I said, picking up their gags.
"You wouldn't dare." Laura said, with a smile.
"Oh wouldn't I?" I said, and I made a playful move toward her.
Laura screamed and began moving backward across the sand that surrounded the pool
 and laughing I followed.
She came up short at the end of her chain and tried to dodge left,
laughing as much as I was, but I grabbed a foot.
 In seconds I was on top of her and with our wriggling naked bodies entwined
I managed to get the gag in her and buckled.
 I looked over at Ben who tossed over a padlock.
Surprisingly I caught it and Laura was now irrevocably gagged.
She glared at me but I could tell she wasn't really mad.
We play these games all the time.
Ben was laughing as he pulled on a pair of shorts, and Amy smiled where she knelt.
 I got up and stood over my wife. "Dust me off, woman!" I ordered.
Laura gave me that look again, and she began to pat me down, brushing the sand off my skin.
I'm sure she slapped me a little harder then was needed, but I wasn't going to spoil her fun.
"Very good!" I said when I was reasonably clean. "Now go help with lunch.
And stay on your knees, walking is out for you for a while!" I told her.
Laura whined, but did as I asked, crawling over the warm sand to the camp site,
her ankle chain pulled behind her.
I walked with her, giving her a small spank to hurry her up.
 I love to watch her crawl, her suspended breasts swaying slightly from side to side,
her sex visible between her legs. Again it was that natural state thing.
"She looks good like that!" Ben said.
"Yes she does, in fact she does this a lot more at home.
She's been kinda spoiled out here."
"I know what you mean." he said, looking at Amy who was busy unpacking a hamper full of food.
"What she needs is a day of deep discipline." I told Ben, pulling on my own shorts.
"Sounds good. Amy could use one too. Lets make it today shall we?"
"Yes let's." I said, looking at him. He inclined his head in my direction.
 I was in charge.
 "Okay, Women! Kneel!"
Amy and Laura stopped what they were doing and knelt.
Laura snapped to and knelt with her hands behind her head, her knees spread, her eyes on her breasts.
Amy knelt as she normally did until she saw how Laura knelt.
She hesitantly changed positions to match.
 "That's right, Amy." Ben said. "Today you watch Laura and do what she does."
Yes Sir." Amy said, stifling a grin.
We had told her about the times when once a week Laura went 'Total Slave',
and I think she was eager to see what it was like.
 "Good!" I said, smiling.
"No talking among yourselves, no talking to us unless it is something important.
You keep your eyes on your work or your breasts or our dicks, nothing else.
No touching yourselves, although you can touch each other if you wish,
and no walking unless we tell you otherwise. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir." they both replied.
"Anything to add?" I asked Ben.
He shook his head.
"Very well, prepare lunch, for two, large portions."
 As the women bent to their tasks, I grabbed a beer from the cooler
and Ben and I stood nearby and watched them.
We spoke about them as if they weren't there,
talking about how they looked and how they performed as sex partners.
 Ben quickly caught on that the purpose of our loud conversation was to embarrass the hell out of them
and while our language never dropped to anything crude we still got them both red with humiliation.
 Amy would look our way from time to time, whenever one of said something particularly cutting,
but Laura worked without looking at us at all.
We kept the game up until the women were ready, kneeling in place with their hands behind their heads.
 Ben and I casually made our way back and began to eat.
The women knelt quietly next to us, their heads down,
 but I knew that they were wondering if they were going to get fed.
 Eventually I took off Laura's gag and picked up some cut up cold cuts
and held them in front of her mouth.
She picked the food from my fingers, her teeth never touching me.
I then did the same for Amy. Amy glanced at Ben.
"Don't look at him!" I told her.
 Amy looked down at my fingers full of meat, and did as Laura did, but she used her teeth.
"Next time, I don't want to feel your teeth." I ordered. Amy sighed.
Ben watched with interest.
"Having them only use their lips helps them develop their dexterity." I explained to Ben.
"Ah, I see. That would come in handy." he said.
We continued to feed our beautiful ladies, then made them clean up.
"We wont need them for a while will we?" I said.
"No, there's something we can do but we wont need them until later." Ben answered.
 "Okay." I reached into the toy bag and pulled out some metal stakes and a hammer.
Ben helped me pound them into the ground and soon we had Laura and Amy staked spread-eagled on the sand, face down, side by side. We gagged them both

and Ben tossed me a tube of sunscreen.
"I'll let you do the honors." he said. "I'm going to take a nap."
I smiled. We had positioned them so that their open legs faced the camp site
and Ben settled into a camp chair with a perfect view of their intimate places.
 I stripped off my shorts and squeezed some lotion on my hands and began work on Amy,
rubbing the gooey mess all over her skin.
She almost looked up at me, but instead watched my penis which I made sure she could see.
 I let my hands roam her back and her buttocks, coming close but not touching her pussy.
Then I did her legs and feet, enjoying their hardness.
 "Oops, missed a spot." I said, and went back to apply a dollop to her pussy.
"Tut tut, guess its covered in lotion already!" I said,
making her blush even more than I had with the rub down.
I worked her wetness into the surrounding skin.
 As I did I caught Laura's eye. She was watching me carefully, with perhaps a hint of jealousy?
"Don't worry Laura." I said to the gagged woman. "You're next!"
 My rubbing had definitely had it's affect on Amy, and I kept going until I heard her begin to pant.
I bet she was surprised when I got up suddenly. I walked over to Ben and tossed him the lotion.
"I'm tired. Can you do Laura?"
Ben smiled. "Sure." he said.
I pulled on my shorts and settled down in the chair Ben vacated. He really had a great view.

 Ben pulled off his shorts as I had done and crouched near Laura's head.
I knew that she had to have a real close look at Ben's manhood from that angle
and I bet she enjoyed the view, knowing how interested in men's equipment she was.
 Ben began rubbing her down and I wondered what Amy thought of it.
Did she have that slight look of jealously in her eyes?
I wanted to know but I though it best to stay where I was.
Instead I admired the two bright pink flowers splayed open before me,
one I knew so well and one I...well, that might come eventually.

 Ben took his time rubbing lotion into my wife
and I doubted there was a spot of exposed skin that he missed.
Well there was one. He had avoided touching my wife's pussy.
He looked up at me and I nodded. I could already see that she was excited.
 He began to rub her slowly and didn't stop until Laura began to moan.
As he rubbed he moved over where he could reach Amy and rubbed her too.
He soon had both women panting and moaning and then with a grin he stopped and stood up.
Both women moaned louder but he ignored them. He pulled his shorts on and then went into the water.
I joined him and we swam for a little while.
"So, you had something planned?" I asked him.
"Yes, but we have to go back to the boat." he replied.
"What for?" I thought we had brought all we needed.
"You'll see."

We got out of the water and Ben went to the bag of toys and pulled out the remote controlled vibrators.
 He handed me one.

 "This will keep them occupied while we're gone." he said with a grin.
Then he quickly dug in the bag and pulled out some blindfolds.
He took everything and walked to where the women could see him.
"Ladies. Don and I are going for a walk. In the meantime we are going to put these in you."
 He showed them the vibrator he was carrying.
 He dropped to his knees and put a blindfold on each woman,
then motioned me over. "Walk around them." he said.
 Puzzled I did as he asked, the both of us walking around and over them for a few minutes.
Then he dropped down between Amy's legs and motioned for me to do the same with Laura.
That was when I got it. The women would know someone was behind them but would have no idea who.
Ben turned on the vibrator and began to push it into Amy, and I did the same with Laura.
Laura moaned as it went in, her pussy still moist and inflamed.
 Ben stepped back and I joined him.
"Those vibrators had better be where we left them when we come back!" he warned.
 I chuckled and we left the clearing, heading back to the boat.
"You're a devious S.O.B." I told him once the women were out of earshot."
"I learned it from you. The erotic use of confusion I think you called it."
I laughed. "Yeah, and I hope we can keep it up for the rest of the trip!"
Ben chuckled.

A half hour later we made it to the row boat and made our way out to the 'Kajira'.
 Once onboard I found out what we had come back for.
His cane.

End of Part 9.

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On the Water 10
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2018, 05:06:41 pm »
On the Water
by Leviticus
 Chapter 10

 The sun had been popping in and out from behind small cotton puff clouds all day,
but it was still strong enough to burn as Ben and I discovered when we got back to the camp site.
 The women, trapped on their fronts with their intimate parts fully exposed,
were turning just a slight shade of pink despite the large amount of sunscreen we had lovingly applied. Their coloring brought out the marks from the

light whips they had used on each other the night before.
 They were also both moaning a little from the actions of the vibrators we had left running in them
and both their asses were shifting from side to side as they tried to cope.
They looked very wet and ready and I found myself growing quite hard at the sight of them.

Ben and I padded silently to our women and as one we placed our hands on their pussies.
They both jumped not having heard us and they squealed as we began pumping them with the vibrators.
At a signal from Ben we pulled the vibrators out with an audible plop
and got moans of frustration out of both of women.

 My wife raised her hips toward me, her very erect labia searching for more stimulation.
I smiled and bent low, kissing those soft wet lips before standing again.
 Ben hid the cane under a blanket while I undid the bonds that held the women down
and took off their blindfolds.
They got stiffly to their knees and I told them to crawl over to the latrine area and use it.
 They looked at each other, both realizing that I had just ordered them to use the bathroom together.
Amy looked over at Ben for conformation, something that I found a little annoying to be honest.
If she knew Ben trusted me enough to give these kinds of orders,
than why was she questioning them by waiting for Ben to confirm them.
"I told you not to look at him!" I said sharply to her.
Amy jerked her head back and looked me in the eye for a second before looking down at her chest.
"Go." I ordered and both women began to crawl slowly toward the bushes we had staked out.
 I walked over to Ben. "Ben, what are we going to do about that?" I asked him.
While I felt confident enough with the control aspects of our chosen lifestyle,
I still tended to turn to Ben for the punishment side.
"About what? The way they hesitated?" Ben asked.
"Well, there's that too I guess.
 But I'm really talking about the way Amy watches you to see if she has to do something I ask!"
"Don, don't take it personally.
What we have here is a very intimate situation,
and I would imagine that both Amy and Laura are as nervous as hell right now." Ben said.
"It's only natural that Amy will look to me for a little security
as I expect Laura would you if I was the one giving them the orders.
Remember Pal, not to put the system over the people.
 They may have agreed to be ours, but that didn't take anything away from the people they are inside.
Just relax and once they both settle some more I'm sure Amy will trust you enough to stop looking to me
 and vice versa with Laura."
I nodded, relaxing a bit. Ben made a lot of sense and I told him so.

 "Good." he said with a smile. "But there is that other matter.
They both should have acted a little faster on your command shouldn't they?
I don't want to get into the habit of having to repeat orders and I doubt you do either."
"No, I don't!" I said grinning.
"Well then, here's what we'll do..."
 When the women finally crawled back into the clearing, both a little red faced,
I ordered them back to their spots within the steaks.
We bound them again, this time face up.
"We're going to have to put you to work later." I told them as I pulled off my shorts.
"All this lying around you get to do is going to make you lazy!"

Both women stared at me over their gags. Laura with a concerned smile and Amy with a nervous one.
Ben tossed me the sunscreen and settled naked into one of the chairs.

 Again I rubbed sunscreen into Amy's skin,
taking my time as I made sure to reach each part of her exposed body.
As I did her breasts I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.
With her arms out stretched her breasts were almost pulled back into her chest,
just little tan mounds topped with some very erect nipples.
A friend told me once that anything more than a handful was a waste,
well excuse me for liking a bit of waste.
Her nipples looked divine though and I had to resist the urge to nibble on them.
 I did most of the work on her body from a position between her legs,
and I was well aware of how my naked body moved over hers, not touching yet very close indeed.
Amy kept her eyes on me though she managed to avoid looking in my eyes.
 Her body was tense under my hands but I did feel her begin to relax
when I massaged more cream onto her sex.
A couple of times she did jump however,
when the tip of my penis grazed her skin as I reached across her body.
I quite enjoyed it.
 When I was done I looked over at Laura to find her watching me.
She looked away quickly but I could see that she was terribly concerned.
I wondered how much longer Ben and I could keep this game up before one of them safe worded.
 I got up and went over to Ben, handing him the sunscreen,
and he applied it to my wife in much the same manner as I had to Amy.
 Only then did I realize how my position had shown him my ass
and to be honest Ben in the same position was not a pretty picture. I had to laugh.
 Ben took his time and was a little more successful at exciting Laura
for she was moaning a little by the time he got done.
He also took the time to give Amy a little massage before getting up.
 I saw a few times when Ben's impressive member brushed Laura's skin,
and there was one point as he did her shoulders that his dick rubbed against her smooth flat tummy
quite a lot! I hoped he enjoyed it and wondered how Laura was taking it.
It didn't occur to me until much later that day that I hadn't been concerned at all
about the intimate contact between Ben and my wife.
I just watched them with a smile until Ben was done.
By now I was so hard I was aching.
Ben put their blindfolds on and I got up and went over, bringing the vibrators.
We walked around them for a few minutes and got down between their legs.
 Silently we played with our women,
using the vibrators and our intimate knowledge of just how much they could take
to drive them toward a sexual peak.
 I was really glad when Ben gave the signal
and we pulled away the vibrators and replaced them with ourselves.
 Under me Laura bucked and shuddered as my entry triggered her first orgasm.
I came not long after and then she came again.
The muscles of her body were in sharp relief as she strained against her bonds
and she looked and felt fantastic. It was a tremendous fuck!
 Next to us Amy was expressing her own passions that the gag she wore could barely contain.
Ben, who must have outweighed his woman by almost a hundred pounds was being lifted into the air
like a bronco on a bull. I didn't know Amy had that much strength in her.
 Ben had this huge grin on his face that I'm sure matched mine as we both rode our women to exhaustion,
and soon the four of us were lying still on the warm sand completely done in.
 I pulled out of my wife and moved away,
not acknowledging who I was although I would have been surprised if she hadn't known.
After a moment Ben joined me and we went for a swim to clean up. On the other side we talked.
"Wow!" I said.
Ben laughed. "Don, I have to tell you that I never expected to be able to perform like that with Amy
with anyone as close to us as you and Laura were just now."
"Me too. I guess we're breaking down a few taboos today aren't we!"
"I guess we are." Ben agreed.
"So...time for the next stage?" I asked.
"Lets give them some water first." Ben said.
 We went back and I unlocked the women's gags while Ben got some water bottles out of the cooler.
He also brought some salt tablets, for the women had been sweating a lot as they lay there in the sun.
"No talking, either of you." I said as I pulled Laura's gag out.
 Her mouth stayed open, her tongue snaking past her drying lips.
I gave her a little water and then when she was ready I let her take the salt tablet.
Ben did the same with Amy and we stayed with them until they had each finished their bottle of water
before replacing the gags.
Ben and I went over to the chairs and I lay back on a blanket, drinking my own bottle of water.
"Ready?" Ben asked me.
I nodded, feeling a little nervous.
Ben took a blanket and folded it up into a pillow sized bundle and walked over to a fallen log
at the edge of the clearing. I dug the cane out from where Ben had hid it and followed him.

 Ben laid the blanket over the log.
"This is about the right height for using the cane when there isn't anything for her to bend over."
 Ben said to me.
I nodded without saying a word.

 "You saw how we did it the other night, with Amy on her knees.
The angle is different but not too bad. Give it a go!"

 He stepped aside and I got into position to strike the blanket with the cane.
I don't know if the ladies had heard Ben talking,
but they certainly heard the swish of the cane traveling through the air and the thump of it's landing.
Two heads appeared above tanned breasts even though they couldn't see anything with their blindfolds on.
From our angle they looked a little comical
as their heads bobbed back and forth over the splendor that was their nude forms.
 I watched them until they put their heads down again and used the cane again.
This time I didn't watch the women, I concentrated on my task.
I was hitting high but I soon corrected that.
I struck again and again at a steady pace that wouldn't tire me out,
until I felt I could close my eyes and hit the same spot.
 Ben told me that it was important I practice. "Muscle memory." he called it.
"It's the same with any repetitive task.
Do it enough times and your body remembers the moves so well you don't have to think about it anymore.
You are able to focus more on the result than the action itself.
It's like driving in a way. You don't really think about how you steer or use the pedals,
instead your focus is on where you're going and how to get there safely."
 I hadn't really understood when he had told me that at first,
but after a while I knew what he was talking about.
 I no longer had to think about how high to raise the cane or how hard to bring it down,
instead I just concentrated on placing it exactly where I wanted it and with the correct angle.
"You're ready to try one for real." he said to me.
I swallowed and nodded, my throat dry.
We went back to the ladies, the both of them lying silent and still.
They had evidently heard Ben's last statement.
 Ben unlocked and took off Amy's blindfold and gag while I did the same with Laura.
She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and her expression was a little anxious.
I leaned forward and kissed her softly. "Be brave." I whispered.
She nodded.
 "Amy." Ben said. "It's time for that punishment I promised you.
Don is going to be the one to give it to you. Will you be okay with that?"
Amy looked at me, then at Ben. "I hope you trained him right." she said with a slight smile.
Ben smiled and gave her a brief hug. "Since when do I do anything half assed!" he growled gently.
I was a little relieved that Amy could smile, I wished I could.
 Ben undid her bonds and let Amy kneel on the sand for a moment
as she worked out the stiffness in her arms.
 I could tell she wanted to talk, but she kept her peace as ordered.
There would be plenty of time for talking later.
I went and stood next to her and she looked over at me,
naked except for my watch and the cane in my hand.
"Position." I said, as Ben had instructed me.
 Amy quickly bent low, as she had on a beach on another island miles from here.
Her head and shoulders to the ground while she grabbed her ankles with her hands.
She turned her head to look away from me which I was glad for.
"Wait." Ben said. He prodded Amy until she moved slightly,
her ass pointed at my wife who was still staked out spread eagle on the sand.
Laura of course was watching all this with wide eyes.
"Okay." Ben said.
I took my position.
"You sure?" I asked Ben.
"Aren't you?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow.
After a moment I nodded, and he inclined his head toward Amy.
"Amy." I said. "For disobeying a direct order to stop complaining when told to, One strike."
I didn't hesitate. I simply raised the cane and brought it down, muscle memory taking over.
The cane hit just where I had aimed it, between her two previous strokes in an almost perfect even line.
Amy yelped but otherwise made no sound.
I had brought the cane back right away,
and got my first real look at the mark one of these things would leave behind.
 An angry red line with very white flesh surrounding it crossed her buttocks from cheek to cheek.
As I watched the red began to change color, turning a little multicolored.
The edges of the line looked like they were beginning to swell and raise up just slightly.
I resisted the urge to reach out and touch them.
"Okay, Amy?" Ben asked. He was standing where he could see both my strike zone and her face.
 The back of Amy's head moved and I guessed that she nodded.
"Don?" he asked me.

"I'm fine." I whispered.  Ben watched me for a moment.
 "That looked pretty good to me, Don, just like you practiced it.
 But Amy here is going to be the final judge. Amy, compared to mine, how was that?"
"Sir," Amy said after a moment, "it...wasn't as hard as yours, but close."
"Hear that Don?" Ben said.
I nodded, hating the next bit.
Laura hadn't moved from her position,
I knew that she would hold it until ordered otherwise despite the pain she felt.
She had shifted her knees though, spreading her legs a little.
 Her sex was more exposed than it had been earlier,
and I didn't know if she had shifted for sexual reasons or just for better purchase.
 Ben had told me long ago that Amy found the cane and the pain to be arousing
unless applied with enough force to override the pleasure centers of her brain.
I wondered if I had hit her hard enough.
Well I was about to find out.

 "Amy. For not obeying my order to go use the latrine area until I ordered you a second time,
One strike." I said.
This made Laura gasp and Amy turn her head. She looked at me and then turned to face Ben again.
Ben stood unmoving, purposely not giving her any encouragement or security.
We had worked out earlier that this moment was between Amy and myself.
 Would she trust me or break discipline to seek Ben's council.

 She shifted on her knees, then became still. She had made her decision.
I swung again, a little off but not enough to count.
I caught her on her lower cheeks, below the previous marks left by Ben a few nights before.
My stroke was harder, faster, and Amy cried out louder.
The welt the strike had left behind developed like the one before it.
I could hear a slight sobbing and saw that it was Laura. She stopped when I looked at her.
Ben walked over and began to undo Laura's bondage. I stood and waited while he did so.
When Laura was free she knelt as Amy had done and worked her muscles to reduce any stiffness she felt.
 She didn't look at me, instead focusing on Amy who still held her position.
I pointed with the cane to a spot next to Amy. Laura looked up at me then.
 I wonder what kind of a picture we made.
Laura on her knees, naked, her eyes wide and her posture submissive.
 While I was standing, also nude but with the cane in my hand,
my expression dark and my posture anything but submissive.
Our tableau lasted only a couple of seconds before Laura moved where I had directed her.
"Position." I said.
Laura assumed the same bent over posture that Amy had, her face turned toward me.
"Laura, for making me order you twice to use the latrine area with Amy, and because I feel
you need to taste the cane at least once before we decide if it is for us, one strike."
 "Sir." she said quietly. "can this humble girl make a request?"
Her language told me that she had slipped into her deeper submissive mode,
a place she only really went during our 'Total Slave' days when she had really been worked hard.
 It was a sort of subspace for her but one she could still function in.
Normally she didn't use third person to refer to herself, feeling it a little demeaning.
It only came out in this state.

"Go ahead." I said.
"Sir, please bind and gag this slave so that she will not embarrass you."

 "Very well." I said after a moment.
I tend to make my speech a little more formal during these times as well.
It's like we become two different people I guess.
Ben turned to fetch some rope and I stood back a little.
Laura and I didn't break eye contact while Ben bound her forearms to her knees and put her gag back in.
I had to motion for her to turn her head before she would stop looking at me.
I remembered how hard I had hit Amy the second time and this was the strength I used on Laura.
She yelled into her gag and pulled at her ropes for a moment before becoming still and silent.
 A welt just like the ones on Amy began slowly to appear.
I did see something new this time.
 Unlike Amy, Laura's butt has a little more padding and as I struck
 noticed a slight ripple flow away across her flesh. It just seemed unusual enough to mention.
As the two women knelt together I walked over to Ben and handed him the cane. "Thank you." I said to him.

 We left the women alone for about fifteen minutes before going to them again.
Ben led Amy over to the pool while I undid the ropes that bound Laura and took off her gag.
I helped her to her feet and we joined our friends in the water.
 "What ever you do, don't touch your ass." I told Laura as she reached behind herself.
She stopped and held on to me instead.

 Once we were chest deep in the water she hugged me and began to cry a little
and I gave her what comfort I could.
She soon calmed down and began to smile which made me feel a lot better.
"It really hurts you know?" she said to me.
"I know." I replied.
"I do NOT want you to ever use that thing on me again." she said.
"I hope I never have to, babe!" I said, hugging her close.
 She was silent for a moment. "You're going to get a cane, aren't you."
 It was a statement of fact, not a question.
"Yes." I replied.

 We held on to each other,
naked in a jungle pool on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Atlantic someplace.
Alone together, yet more in touch with each other than ever before.

End of part 10.

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 11
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2018, 05:09:48 pm »

On the Water
 by Letiticus
 chapter 11

Laura and I were alone. We had gone for a walk, needing a little time to ourselves.
We were both naked, and had only brought along a blanket and a small bag of essentials.

 After walking silently for a while,
we had come across a small outcropping of rock jutting out from the mountain side.
 The view of the surrounding ocean was fantastic so we decided to stop and rest.
I lay the blanket down and we lay on it together.
Laura lay on her front, arms folded under her head, eyes closed as her body absorbed the warmth of the sun,
her golden hair falling into a gentle pile beside her.
I lay next to her and carefully rubbed a vitamin cream onto her butt.
 Ben had assured me that this cream would help promote the healing process,
it was what he used on Amy after caning her.
 Laura winced whenever I touched the brand new welt I had given her, but otherwise didn't complain.
When I was done I lay on my front as well and we watched the water far below us.
"Beautiful, isn't it!" I said.
"Yes." Laura answered.
"It feels good, being here with you."
 I turned my head toward my wife, but she just stared out at the water.
"If someone had told me a year ago that we would be lying nude next to each other on a tropical island,
I would have thought them crazy."

"There have been a lot of crazy things so far on this trip!" Laura whispered.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah...just feeling the effects of the day I guess. You guys have put us though a lot today.
You don't have any idea what it takes out of us." She looked at me. "Both emotionally and physically."
"Do you want to stop?"
"I just want...time to catch my breath that's all."
We watched the sea birds do their thing for a while.
"Donald, can we talk now, seriously?"
"Alright." I said, concerned about what was on her mind.
"I want to talk about you and Amy."
"Okay." I said with reservations.
"You DO want her don't you."
"And if I do?"
"Please Donald, don't play those verbal games with me. I need you to be honest!"

"Very well, I do want to spend some very intimate time with her, but not without Ben's permission,
her permission, and most importantly YOUR permission."
 Laura watched my face, searching for something. Then her eyes glanced down my body.
"You don't have any sunblock on do you. You'll burn under this sun!"
 She got up and got a tube of sun screen out of the small bag we had brought.
She straddled my thighs and began rubbing the cream into me.
 I knew she was using this as a distraction while she thought about what I said.
She knew perfectly well that I rarely needed sunblock,
having been blessed with a skin that always tanned well.
Her position behind me also prevented me from seeing her face.
 So I just lay there and enjoyed the feelings of her hands on my skin,
her bare thighs at my sides, and the occasional brushing of her sex against my butt.
 And as I lay I waited.
"Does Ben know?" she eventually asked.
"About me and Amy? Yes, he does."
"We have an agreement. We're not going to take that step yet."
"But, he did express similar thoughts about you!"
"He did?" Laura paused, then resumed her rub down.
She was working a little harder and longer than was needed simply to apply sun screen.
 "What did he say?"
"Now that would be telling." I said with a smile.
"Asshole." she said, giving my ass a spank.
"Hey!" I said.
"Sorry, but you can be a real pig sometimes. I'm trying to have a serious conversation here."

 "Well, there are some things we aren't going to talk about, Laura,
such as what Ben and I talk about in private.
There are some things that I don't think you need to know yet."
"This is no way to run a marriage Donald, aren't we supposed to share with each other?"
"In a normal marriage yes,
but you knew before we got married that the rules were going to be different.
 Wasn't that the whole idea?"
"I don't know...not knowing has me frightened."
 I turned over, lying on my back to face her. She remained straddled across my thighs,
her legs wide and open, her head bowed.
She looked quite beautiful but my mind was more on our conversation.
"What frightens you?" I asked gently.
"Lots of things." she said after a pause.
"Such as?"
"What you said about Ben, what you said about Amy, what you said about getting a cane,
and what THAT will mean to our relationship.
When you...when we take that wont be a game anymore, will it!"
"Nothing will stop us from having fun, Babe." I said slowly.
"Sure. But behind it all will be that brown stick sitting in a corner somewhere, just waiting.
 I know that I'll not be able to forget that it's there."
 I chose my next words with care, for I could feel her trembling despite the warmth of the sun.
She was truly affected by this. "Tell me now, Laura.
Do you really, deep down, want me to forget about bringing a cane into our lives,
and all the additional discipline that comes with it?"
 Laura looked up at me, her blue eyes moist, her expression worried.
She stared at me for a moment before answering.

 "No, I want you to get that cane, I want you to keep it sitting in a corner,
I want you to keep it handy for use,
 I want all the rules and the discipline
and everything else that comes with a cane in the house.
 I want it all! But...what I'm afraid off,
 is that when it comes down to you using it on me,
 seriously using it on me,  I'm scared that I'm going to like it!"
 Ben had warned me about this, so had Amy.
Amy especially since she and Laura were much alike in many ways.
Both had a masochistic streak a mile wide.

 Ben had managed to find the far side of Amy's,
but it looked like I had yet to do the same for Laura.
It was something I needed to do.
"How do you feel now, about your being caned this afternoon?" I asked.
"Now? Sore, I cant move without it hurting."
" do you FEEL?"

Laura stared at me, her mouth open as if to speak.
 I could almost see the thoughts behind those intelligent eyes of hers.
 There were times when she really acted like the dumb blonde people took her for,
 but most of the time I felt she was out thinking all of us.

She closed her mouth, then her eyes. "Touch me." she said.
"Touch me, please."
  Slowly I raised a hand and reached out to her.
I touched her stomach and let my hand drift downward.

 My fingers slipped through her pubic hair, hair she kept trimmed
but which I vowed to have her remove sometime, and caressed her slit.
 It was warm, and moist. Her clitoris was raised slightly,
it's hood drawn back a little to give it some exposure.
 I easily slipped a finger into her, drawing a quiet moan from her.
I pulled out, it was all the answer I needed.
"It wasn't enough was it." I said flatly. Laura opened her eyes, her focus on the ocean.
 "No. But you only hit me once." she whispered.
"Well," I said grimly, "I wont make that mistake again!"
Laura shuddered, then to my surprise she leaned forward and kissed me.
 "Thank you." she said.

We didn't say much after that until the walk back to the camp site.
 We walked hand in hand, Laura carrying the bag while I carried the blanket.

"About you and Amy?" Laura said suddenly.
"I take it that this afternoon everything that happened to me while I was blindfolded was you?"
 Laura shot me a dark look for a second.
"I could still use my safe word you know, and spoil your games."
"You could, but I don't think you will. You want to see where this goes as much as I do.
 Now YOU be honest with me!
When Ben was giving you that rub down, didn't you WANT him to take it further?" I asked her.
"I...I would have had sex with anyone at that point I was so worked up."
"Bullshit Laura. Don't lie to me."
I stopped walking which forced Laura to stop and turn to me.
 "Lying isn't an option for you any longer."
"Alright. Yes, I...would not have minded if Ben had decided to have sex with me right then.
 But that was then, when I was so juiced up I couldn't think straight!"
"And now?"
"Well since we're doing the strictly honest routine now, I'll tell you that I don't know!"
"Calm down Laura." I said, she was getting agitated and little belligerent.
"Well you asked!"
"That I did."
"My turn now.
 Did it feel good running your hands all over that woman?" she was beginning to sound angry.
"Jealous are we?" I said calmly.
"Answer me dammit! Why cant you just answer a simple question with a simple answer!"
"Maybe it's because of the way you're asking!" I said, feeling my own temper rise.
 "Oh I AM sorry! Your little slave girl is SO sorry for acting like a regular human being.
Could this slave girl's kind and loving Master PLEASE tell this pitiful wretch how it felt
to have his hands all over her best friend while SHE WATCHED...!"
Laura had taken my arm and adopted a sing song sarcastic quality to her voice,
 mocking the hell out of me.
 I have this flash fast temper, something I can usually control.
But at this moment, with this subject,  and with this kind of prodding,
it came upon me faster than I could handle.
 I slapped her across the face, stopping her verbal tirade dead.
 She looked at me with wide eyes and a wider mouth, then she let go of me and walked away.
She walked toward a fallen log and sat on it, jumping up with a curse and dropping to her knees.
She didn't look at me.
"I'm sorry." I said, very much regretting my physical outburst.
"That's okay, Sir! You have a perfect right to hit me if you want,
 after all I'm only your property, not a human being anymore!"
"What has got INTO you, so sudden?" I asked, getting frustrated and not a little scared.
"Nothing that you would be interested in." she replied.
"Well that's enough! You want to play the slave girl routine with me, that's fine! Come here!"
"Make me."
"COME HERE!" I yelled.
She turned. One look at my face and I know she saw I wasn't kidding anymore.
 I was angry and to me this was a game no longer.
"NOW!" I yelled.
With a scared look on her face she stood up.
 She dropped back to her knees and crawled across the damp jungle floor toward me,
stopping at my feet.
She resumed her kneeling position, the position I demand of her while in total slave mode.
Hands behind her head, her elbows back, her back straight and her knees spread,
her eyes looking straight down.

Laura jumped. She mumbled something I couldn't catch.
"Speak up!" I said a little quieter. I figured I had her attention now.
"You're right, I am jealous." she said in a small voice.
 I leaned close. "You don't have to be jealous, Babe.
 If it affects you this much I'll just back off.
the four of us can still have a great time together without us all sleeping with each other.
 It's okay!"
"'re wrong." she said. I could tell she wanted to look me in the face,
 but I had scared her into reverting to the training we had developed over the past year.
"I'm not wrong, we'll be fine!"
"I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about you and Amy."
"What?" I asked, suddenly very puzzled.
"I wasn't talking about my being jealous of Amy being with you, but of you being with her!"
"What?" I asked again, totally stunned.

"When...when you had your hands on her earlier, I wasn't angry at you.
She's beautiful and you're just a guy. Besides, I really do trust you.
I know you wont do anything.
 If you HAD done anything it would have been like raping her,
 cos I know she isn't ready for that,  and I think you know that too.
What I was angry at was the fact that I wasn't the one touching her,
 that you were keeping me from her.
I was jealous of you being able to touch her while I couldn't!"
"Are you in love with her?" I asked her after a moment.
"No...maybe...more in lust than in love I think. But we connect, you know?"
"Like last night? On the boat?"
Laura blushed. "Yeah, like on the boat."
"Will you tell me what went on between you two?"

 "Will you make me, Sir?" This time it wasn't a challenge.
 It was a plea for privacy.
Ben and I had never interfered with the private chats and letters between the two women,
although there were a couple of times we wished we had.
We had always respected their privacy.
We figured that the ability to talk together about their submissive roles
helped them both to cope with our unusual lifestyles.

"No. I wont make you. But I do want to understand." I said.
"So do I, Sir."
I sighed and looked around. The sun was getting low in the sky.
"Your behavior just now was abominable." I told her.
"Yes Sir."
"But then so was mine, and I cant punish yours without punishing mine."
"I drove you to it Sir. You...hit me because I deliberately made you mad."
I was still angry to be honest, I don't calm quickly.

"Very well. Up on your knees!" She had been sitting back on her ankles.
 At my command she raised herself to an upright kneeling position.
"Now don't move. I'll be back for you eventually,
 and I might watch you for a bit before revealing myself,
 so you had better be in this position when I get back!"

"You're leaving me, Don!"
"Yes, so shut up and wait for me."
 I picked up the bag and blanket which we had dropped
and continued to walk down the trail we had been following.
I looked behind me to see her still kneeling in position and I knew
that she had to be fighting with herself over whether or not to watch me leave.

I did not want to cane her over her behavior,
there were too many emotional variables involved, for both of us.
 But I had nothing against giving her a good scare for talking to me the way she had.
 I figured alone and naked in the jungle would scare her enough.
 I only wished I had some rope with me so I could have tethered her to a tree or something.

 Still, this would give me a chance to see just how much she took my commands to heart.
Was my will as binding to her as the chain and ropes we normally used?

I continued on, walking for perhaps another twenty minutes or more
 before coming to the camp site.

 Ben was crouched next to a camp fire he had built.
He had on shorts and a shirt and it was only then that I noticed
that as the sun was going down it was getting chilly out.
 Amy was otherwise engaged.
Ben had put her in a hog tie and she looked like she was having fun trying to get out.
 I could see her wriggling on the sand about twenty feet away from the fire.

Without a word I dropped the stuff I carried and headed to our tent.
 I pulled out some clothes and got dressed.
"Where's Laura?" Ben asked me.
I pointed in her general direction.
"What happened?"
Yeah, what DID happen?
"Ben, I'd rather not talk about right now." I said.
"Okay, but you're not leaving her out there all night are you?"
"No." I said, digging in the bag of bondage toys. I found what I was looking for,
 a leash and a gag, and pulled them out. "I'm going to go get her now!"
"Okay." said Ben cautiously. "But you seem a little angry to me right now Don,
 are you sure you should be seeing her like this?"
 I stopped. Yes I was angry, a low level anger I couldn't get rid of.
Anger that had no focus, it just was.
I needed time to cool down properly.
"I'll send Amy to get her." Ben said, standing up.
I nodded.

 Ben went over to Amy who had stopped wriggling when she heard us talking.
She waited patiently while Ben undid the ropes that bound her
and the chain that kept her in the camp site, before crawling on all fours to the fire.
"Amy. I want you to go get Laura, she should be somewhere on the east trail?" Ben looked at me.
 I nodded. "You can walk until you get her back." he continued.
"Yes Sir." Amy said, standing up.

 I held out the leash and gag. "Amy. You gag her the moment you find her,
and put the leash on her.
 You don't talk to her, she doesn't talk to you. She crawls back on her hands and knees,
 and you WILL report any reluctance on her part to obey those instructions. Am I clear?"
 It was obvious from her expression that Amy had caught on to my anger as well.
"Yes Sir." She took the offered items and hurried off out of the clearing.
 "Don?" Ben said, watching me.
"Not now, Ben. Please." I wanted to think.
Ben pulled a beer from the cooler and tossed it to me.
"Remember, Don, the person before the process."
Yeah, I thought, but it was so much simpler the other way round.
 An hour later Amy appeared in the clearing with Laura in tow.
Laura was on her hands and knees and Amy dropped down to join her.
The couple crawled over to where we were cooking steaks over the fire,
neither of them looking happy. When they stopped and assumed their kneeling position,

 I saw a small cut on Laura's thigh.
"How did that happen?" I asked, pointing at the cut.
"A stick, Sir." Amy said.
"We should dress that up." Ben said, heading for his tent
where our first aid kit was packed.
I watched Laura. She looked down,
her long blond hair stuck to her back or lying on the ground, dirty.
Her knees and lower legs were a mess as were her hands.
She looked tired and miserable.

 Ben came back with the first aid kit. "Amy, you take care of her."
he said, with a glance in my direction.

"Wait." I said. "I think she could use a bath too, especially her hair.
 You can take her gag out and pamper her for a while,
 talk among yourselves quietly if you like."
"Yes Sir." Amy said, looking a little puzzled.

 "Laura?" I said. My wife glanced up at me to see me smiling softly.
"It's okay Laura.
 Total Slave day is over, for both of you. Let's enjoy the evening, like...human beings."
Laura's sad expression brightened a little behind her gag,
 and I watched as Amy led her away to the far side of the pool.

"You ready to talk now?" Ben asked.
"Women!" I said with a smile, not wanting to return to the subject.
Ben nodded. "Yes, I understand."
End of Part 11.

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 12
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2018, 05:11:45 pm »

On the Water
by Leviticus
Chapter 12

 That evening, as we ate our grilled steaks, we were normal people again,
well as normal as we could be with our ladies naked while Ben and I were dressed.

The women weren't cold though, even though the night air did cool down a lot more than I thought it could.
 Amy and Laura got to snuggle with us under blankets,
and if you didn't know it already you really couldn't tell they were nude.
They were also bound too, simply because they wanted to be.
 Both were in loose hog-ties,
and I watched them exchange secret glances as Ben and I fed them by hand and generally pampered them.
 Laura and I lay together, our backs against a log Ben and I had pulled up to the fire.
We were fine now, all bad feelings from our fight gone, or at least forgiven.
Snuggled together it all seemed so long ago.
I loved her, she loved me, and that in the end was what mattered.
 Isn't that the way it's supposed to go?
 So with our best friends we sat and told ghost stories into the night
while I slowly caressed my wife under the blanket,
feeling her pull every once and awhile at her bonds and shift around because of the welt on her ass.
Another perfect moment.

Ben and Amy excused themselves first, Ben untying Amy and leading her off to their tent.
Once they were gone I took off my clothes before picking Laura up and carrying her into the pool.
With her still in her hogtie we made quiet love in the water,
 her buoyancy making it simple despite her bondage.

 We spoke little except to talk of our love,
and soon after I carried her to our tent where we fell asleep with her still bound.
 Next morning Amy appeared at the tent and I watched with one eye as she crawled in to untie my wife.
"Time for morning duties." Amy said when she woke Laura up.
"What? But we aren't on the boat!" Laura said sleepily.
"Ben says it doesn't matter.
 We still have to cook breakfast and then go down to the boat to clean."
"Oh God!"
 Amy giggled and helped Laura out of the tent,
her arms and legs certainly stiff after so much time bound the way they were.
I closed my eyes and thought pleasant thoughts about both women
until my bladder forced me to exit the tent myself.
When I came out I found Ben alone, sitting near the fire.
"The ladies gone?" I asked, and he nodded. He was eating some fruit.
I did my business and then jumped into the pool for a swim,
 after which I got my toiletries and completed that routine too.

Ben waited until I had dressed and joined him before talking to me.
"So, want to talk about it now?" he asked.
"Oh...Laura just had some feelings to express that's all."
"And you?"
"Me? Well the way she chose to express them was not the best. But we're fine now."

Ben gave me a studied look. "Was it about what we did to them yesterday?"
"Yeah, but it isn't what you think or what I thought either.
Let's just say it concerns Laura and Amy more than Laura and us."
Ben shrugged. "I guess I'll have to accept that.
 Grab something to eat and we'll head down to the boat. I want to check the weather."
I picked at the food the women had prepared, not really hungry, and looked at the sky.

 It was overcast, a bank of cloud having moved in over night.
It was warm enough, but not as hot as the day before.
 I wondered how the women felt being nude on the boat.
I went to the edge of the clearing and looked down to where the 'Kajira' lay at anchor.
 I could see two brown figures on their hands and knees,
 Laura very identifiable because of her hair. God, I love her.

"You ready?" Ben said, grinning at the view with me.
I nodded and we left.

 The women had taken the row boat across, but that was okay,
the 'Kajira' wasn't far out and we were easily able to swim.

 We surprised the women just as they were getting done,
Amy having put the hobbles and chain on both of them when they came on board,
and I watched them finish while Ben went below to check the radios.
Laura's butt had a dark line across it, blue black in color.
 It didn't look attractive to me and I imagined that it was as sore as hell.
 Amy had two matching stripes that differed only in coloring from the welts laid on her a few days ago.
I felt sorry for Amy having to undergo two canings within a few days of each other.
 But it had been my wife's first time and it was her I was concerned with.
But as I watched her I realized something, I could do it again.
 Caning no longer held the horror it once had.
It would have to be for the right reasons though.

I think Laura's confession to me yesterday helped me come to that realization.
She was ready, and now so was I.

 The women finished their cleaning and waited in position on the foredeck.
I waited for Ben who eventually came back out.
"We'll be fine. The clouds will clear off later." he told me.
Then he proceeded to inspect his boat, giving it the white glove treatment.
"There's water in the port locker. I want it drained and wiped dry! Go!" he called out.
With smiles on their faces the women jumped to his command.
 This day was a lot more relaxing, nothing really planned except for the women's regular cleaning duties.
Laura and I explored the island some more,
 I led her around on a leash, her hands bound behind her.
We swam, sun bathed and generally relaxed. Enjoying our time.
 It was when we were laying on a large rock slightly off shore,
the spray of the waves crashing against it keeping us cool in the hot sun,
that Laura began to talk.
 She kept her voice low, just barely audible over the sound of the ocean,
and not once did she look at me or even move.
 As she talked I listened silently, not wanting to disturb her train of thought
or do anything to stop this unannounced recitation.
 I guess this thing between Amy and me had been a long time coming (She said).
For months now we have been exchanging fantasies about each other.
Often when you and I played, Don, I would close my eyes and imagine
it was Amy welding the whip or pulling tightly on my ropes.
 It had all been just harmless fun.
Then you guys came to us with this plan to get together, and suddenly things were different.
How could we continue to play knowing that we might get a chance to do it for real?
 There was even a possibility that we might get forced into an intimate position, and,
knowing you guys, we were right about that weren't we?

 Amy and I avoided the subject for a while,
but as the trip grew closer the fact that there was a chance for us
to become intimately involved grew more and more real.
You know how we feel about each other!
Amy and I have been able to share things with each other that we could never have shared with you guys,
some of it you would never have understood, not being submissives.
 We are both so grateful that you let us have our privacy.
Without it I don't think Amy and I would have become the friends we are!
So, we talked, made no firm decisions, and then we met.

 We both knew right away that given the chance we would try to find out,
if Amy and I could take our relationship to a physical level as well as a mental one.
That time you tied us together we discovered that the close contact you forced on us
didn't frighten or disgust us in the least.
 So we waited, and hoped, and then came your contest.
 I may get into trouble for telling you this, but it never really mattered to us who won.
We just said what we said to make it more interesting for you.
 We thought you guys would be more likely to go for our idea
if you thought one of us would become submissive to the other.
It did surprise and frighten us when Ben threatened us with the cane,
 and Amy didn't like the way that turned out,
 but when you left us alone in the cabin, it really didn't matter.
To tell you what we did in that cabin...that's hard.
I know we've both given voice to and explored each others deepest fantasies.
 But this, being real, is so very different.

 How can I tell you what Amy and I did alone together without it sounding crude or one dimensional.
Our physical acts were only the surface, we shared more than that.
 I could tell you how at first I DID take control, tying Amy down to the bed,
 open for anything I cared to try.
I could tell you how I used the small cat-o-nine tails I found in there,
to shock and stimulate Amy, to bring her to arousal.

 I could even tell you how I used my own tongue, yes the tongue I have kissed you with,
pushed into your mouth many times since then.
 Does it excite you to know that my tongue has also been inside that woman,
that I used it to tease and torment her and at last bring her to orgasm?
Does it?
 What if I told you that my tongue was not the only part of me to have
had intimate contact with both her and you lately.
 What if I told you that her tongue has been where only you have been before,
that your penis has since grazed and stimulated the same flesh where Amy has been.
 My nipples, when you suck on them, did you know that Amy's lips have been there too,
that as I lay bound beneath her,
she used her own body to pleasure mine after first using that same whip on me?
 Every time you caress me you will have caressed flesh that she has done,
and as my hands caress you think how they have traveled over her skin.
But then your hands have done that to, haven't they.

 I watched as you caressed her, those fingers of yours exploring every intimate place on her body.
It drove me mad because I could still feel her under my own hands, still taste her on my tongue,
 yet at the same time I was denied her.
 And when Ben came to me,
those hands of his so filled with knowledge of the helpless woman lying next to me,
 that huge dick hovering near my face that had caressed Amy's inner core a thousand times,
I wanted to scream.
 Yes I would have let Ben fuck me. I was ready then to experience what Amy had experienced,
and I realize now that I shouldn't be jealous of you being with her,
 I shouldn't feel selfish about her at all. I want her to share my joys,
my pleasures and you my darling are my greatest pleasure, my fondest joy.
 Laura rolled over on the bare rock, her golden back towards me.
She stayed that way for a moment, and I remained silent, thinking about the things she had said,
and wondering what she was going to say next.
 "Don. I guess what I'm trying to say is,
that if you and Amy both want to explore your own...both want to fuck.
 Then you don't have to worry about me." She rolled to face me,
her expression about as serious as I had ever seen it.
"But promise me Don, promise me Don't leave me out.
 I don't mean that I want to be there in the room with you,
at least not at first," she said with a slight grin, "but share with me your feelings and thoughts,
let us both enjoy our affections for Amy together. Will you promise me?"
 "What about Ben?" I asked her quietly.
"You tell me that you don't mind if Amy and I ever get together, but what if I,
tell you to become fully intimate with Ben? Would you?"

"In a heart beat." Laura said with a smile.
 "Getting to know Amy means getting to know all that she loves,
and that includes Big Ben whom you know I care for deeply too." She chuckled.
 "It also helps that the man is a hunk and hung to boot!"
 Her smile was infectious and I had to laugh at her comment. "Oh, you think he's hung huh?"
"Darling Don the man is a horse!" giggled my wife.
"But not bigger than me!" I said with mock indignation.
"Sweety you don't hold a candle to him,
 and if you did yours would be one of those little birthday candles!"
"Grrrrr...them's fighting words missy!"
"Oh no! What have I done?"
 Laura opened her eyes wide and put her hand in front of her mouth,
 the picture of innocence.
I could see that she was stifling her laughter.
Well, so was I!
"You have cut me to the quick with your remarks!" I said with a growl.
Laura looked down at me.
"Well I see that I might have been a little mistaken about your endowment.
..yes...the longer I look the more mistaken I get!"
"Perhaps you should take a personal measurement to be sure!" I told her.
"Hmmm...yes...although it's hard to measure such a moving object.
 Still, you do have a way to go before that hunky man across the island could feel insecure."
I leaned over and pushed my wife onto her back.
 "Didn't anyone ever tell you that it isn't the size of the wand but the magic in it!"

"Then husband of mine please cast your spell over me one more time!" she replied,
 and I bent low to comply.
 We were walking along the beach on the way back to the camp site,
Laura back on her leash with her hands bound behind her, when the question occurred to me.
 Our love making on the rock had been special, and we both still glowed from the intensity of it.
Naturally my thoughts drifted toward what sparked that love making.
"There's one thing I'm still not clear about." I said.
"What is that, Sir?" asked Laura,
 who for some reason had drifted into one of her more submissive states since we made love.
 She kept her eyes lowered, a soft smile on her face.
"When Ben and I found you later that night,
you and Amy were locked up together with a fair amount of bondage.
 Can you tell me at least how that came about?"

Laura giggled. "Well, I guess I could.
 Amy started it by handcuffing one of my arms to one of her ankles,
 so I grabbed a pair of handcuffs and did the same to her.
 It became a game where we would see who could reach the box of cuffs
 and chains and lock them on the other one first.

Soon the both of us were having a hard time moving at all
 and we just lay against each other laughing.
 Amy laughed harder than I did though and I had to ask her what as so funny.

That's when she told me that we couldn't get out
of the locks and cuffs since we didn't have any keys!"
I chuckled. "I see."
"I got the last laugh though." Laura said proudly.

"Well we ended up with her arms pointed and held in two widely different directions.
 My left hand was down by one of her ankles, but my right hand was trapped right by her...groin.
 I was able to use my fingers on her and she couldn't do anything about it.
 We stopped when you knocked on the door and both had the same idea to pretend to be asleep.
 When Ben came back in for his stuff he almost surprised us and if he had looked closely
he would have seen that my fingers were almost entirely inside Amy.
God I don't know how she held still!
But when we were alone again I made her cum a couple more times before we fell asleep."
"Hmmm...I don't know if I should let you go unpunished for fooling us like that."
 I said, pretending to be serious.
Laura's smiling expression fell.
I changed direction and headed for a tree stump.
 Siting down I pulled at Laura's leash until she knelt beside me.
"Please Sir!" she whispered.
I dragged her over my lap, her ass now high and unprotected.
The dark line of her caning looked raised and still quite painful.
To be spanked right now would be torture.

"You know I had to sleep alone that night and I hate to sleep alone." I said to her.
"Yes, Sir." Laura whispered.
"And to torture your friend like that without giving her the opportunity to get back at you...
well that isn't fair either is it?"
"No, Sir."
 "So...I guess I'll have to do it for her!" I plunged my fingers into Laura's well used pussy,
still very wet and aroused despite, or maybe because of all our love making today.
She moaned as my fingers made contact, and wriggled on my hips.

 With a well practiced motion I kneaded her labia and pinched at her clitoris
 until Laura stiffened and rocked hard against my lap.
I kept up my stimulation until she orgasmed again,
only removing my hand when I felt she was truly done.
She slid off my lap back onto her knees, and I let her tongue clean my hand of her juices.
"Let that be a lesson to you!" I told her with a scowl that was only betrayed by the smile in my eyes.
Laura looked up at me and I could see the smile in her eyes as she struggled to maintain the tone I had set.

"Your slave will remember this lesson well, Master!" she said.
I had no doubts that she would!

End of Part 12

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 13
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2018, 05:15:21 pm »

On the Water
by Leviticus
 Chapter 13

 At sea again the next morning, the 'Kajira' plowed through three foot swells on our way to our next stop.
We had left at first light, dismantling the camp the night before and moving everything back to the boat.
 This time the women helped carry things as we loaded them up like pack horses.
With their hands bound and their heads bridled it was hard to think of any other practical use for them.
 I have to say that my nude wife loaded down with camping gear
beats the sight of a mule doing the same job hands down!

 The night passed with some interesting party games and a lot of sleep and then we were on our way.
 It was going to be an all day sail for we were heading to the island where Desmond Kopachi had a villa,
the site of the party the corpulent Leo had told us about.
 The party will already have started by the time we got there,
but Ben was confident that we wouldn't miss much of it.
 He had spent part of the night after we had put the women to bed early
working on his charts and he assured me that barring accidents and bad weather
we would make it before sun down.
So here we were, at full sail, heading to a place where Laura and I would find
 more people involved in the BDSM lifestyle than we ever thought we would ever meet.
 It was frightening and at the same time liberating.
 Laura and I would be able to walk around these people
without having to hide our kink from them, something we couldn't do at home.
 Our only inhibitions would be our personal comforts.
 To be honest I wasn't too worried about that,
but I was curious as to what the ladies had bought to wear to this party.
I guess I would be finding out soon enough.
 Right now I sat at the helm next to Ben who was concentrating on the wind and our course.
Up ahead Amy and Laura struggled to finish their above deck duties
before heading below to tackle the below deck ones.
 Ben had ordered all chores to be completed before they could get ready for the party
and the women had opted to complete everything in one go.
Fine by me!

 Lunch, when it came, was sandwiches and milk which the girls brought up to us.
Ben and I were switching turns at the wheel so we ate up there.
 Amy and Laura ate with us, kneeling on the deck and letting us feed them by hand.

"Everything done?" Ben asked them when we were all finished.
"Yes, Sir. All the cleaning is done!" Amy replied.
Ben nodded and left me at the helm as he did his inspection.
He came up from below with a short list of things he had found wrong
 and the women jumped to action in their short hobbles to fix them before returning.
"Okay, nap time!" he said when they were once more kneeling in front of us.
"But you said we could start getting ready for the party!" Laura whined.

"That I did, and a nap is a part of getting ready.
 Believe me, you'll appreciate the chance to rest."
"Okay." Laura said glumly.
"Yes Sir." Amy added.
 "Laura!" I said from my place at the wheel. She looked over at me and smiled.
"Laura, I expect you to treat Ben with a little more respect than that.
 At least call him Sir once and a while."
Laura's smile faded a little and she turned to Ben. "I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to offend you."

Ben looked back at me and winked before turning back to Laura.
 "Well I cant say I'm not disappointed in you, Laura.
 I expected more from you, especially after tasting the cane."

 "I'm sorry Sir." she said, casting her eyes down.
I watched her shift from a normal kneeling position toward her Total Slave position.
I wondered if she was aware she was doing it?
 I glanced at Amy who watched the drama with bright eyes and a small smile.
"Sorry isn't going to cut it any more, Laura." Ben went on. "
Now that you and Don have agreed to bring the cane into your lives,
you are going to have to watch that casual attitude of yours.
 Leo is right you know, as beautiful as you are, your discipline still needs work!"

 "Yes Sir." Laura replied, all trace of her smile now gone.
Her knees had slid apart some more and while she hadn't placed her hands behind her neck
 she had moved them to the outside of her thighs.
 I could also see that her nipples had become erect...the little slave girl was enjoying this!
Ben walked the bouncing deck over to the built in seat on the far side of the transom and sat down.
 "Come here, Laura!" he ordered.

 Laura crawled over to him on her hands and knees,
her feet still locked together in the one foot hobble,
her lovely breasts hanging down the way I love them to.
 She resumed her kneeling position at his feet, this time bringing her hands up behind her head.
"On my lap, face down." ordered our Captain.
This must have surprised Laura for she glanced up at him for a second.
 His request could only mean one thing to her, that he was going to spank her.
I knew for a fact that her bottom was still quite tender from her caning,
 it was something she was aware of each time she moved.
To Laura's credit though she didn't look over at me or hesitate,
she knew that both those moves might cost her extra.
 Instead she stood up and lay down over Ben's lap, her hands still tight to the back of her neck.
Ben and I had both dressed in shorts and shirts today,
 and with Laura draped over him you couldn't see Ben's shorts at all.
 "Five spanks should do it I think, considering the welt I see upon your ass."
Ben said, a serious look on his face.
"Yes Sir." Laura said.
I could barely hear her in that position over the wind and the sound of the boat cutting through the water.
"Count them." Ben said.
"Yes Sir." replied my wife and I saw her take a deep breath.
Ben sat and waited patiently for her to let her breath out before striking her buttocks with his hand.
It wasn't a hard strike, not much more than just letting his hand drop.
 But Laura jerked and yelped as the welt across her rear cheeks caught the full force of the impact.
She bit her lip and sniffed.
"Guess that one doesn't count." Ben said after giving her a moment.
"No! I mean yes! I mean...One, Sir!" Laura said in a panic.
"You have to learn how to follow directions. We'll start again." Ben told her.
He raised his hand and struck her again, a little harder.
Laura yelped again. "One, Sir!"
Ben continued, at a slow and steady pace, and each time Laura screamed a little louder.
"Two, Sir...Three, Sir...Ow! Four, Sir!....Five...Sir!"
 He let her catch her breath after the last one and then told her to get off,
which she did sliding back down to her knees.
I noticed that she didn't sit all the way back on her ass this time.
"Now. What time is it?" Ben asked her.
"Nap time, Sir." Laura said.
"What time is it, Amy?" Ben called out.
"Nap time, Sir!" Amy replied.
 She had knelt in place though the whole thing, her hands on the tops of her thighs.
She probably didn't know I could see this from my vantage point at the helm,
but I saw that while Laura was spanked,
she had let one of her thumbs slowly caress the inside of one of her thighs.
 It was obvious that she had been turned on by the display although her smaller nipples gave less away.
"Go to our cabin, the both of you." Ben said.
 "Amy, I want you both in sleeping position D, I'll be down to check on you shortly."
"Yes Sir." Amy said and she got up to head below.
Laura got up too and I called her over before she reached the hatch.
"Yes Sir?" she asked me, waddling over in her hobble.
 I could see that she was fighting the urge to rub her behind.
I could also see that her nipples were standing out quite well.
 I waved her close and checked the weather between her legs, apparently it was the wet season,
just as I thought.
Laura blushed as I ran my finger through her light pubic hair.
 I chuckled. "You little pain slut." I said quietly. "Go on!"
Laura smiled and followed Amy below.

"She'll get it." Ben said with a smile.
"Position D?" I laughed. Ben and his sleeping positions.
 Over time Ben has developed a wide range of sleeping bondage positions for poor Amy,
enough to assign each of them a letter of the alphabet.
 He made her learn them all by heart and ever since Amy usually spends the night sleeping in one of them.
He had sent me a copy of the entire list once
and I saw that the positions ran from simple bondage like her just having a set of cuffs on,
 to extreme bondage like her being suspended from the ceiling in a hogtie upside down.
 Half the positions were ones Amy could get into herself,
while the other half definitely needed the help of a second pair of hands.
 Almost all were one way bondages. That is once in, Amy would not be getting out without help.
 Their position on the alphabet had no relation to how severe or benign each position was,
it was all totally random.
 Quite often they would use chance to decide how Amy was to spend the night.
They would pick Scrabble letters out of a bag!
"Something simple." Ben said. "It should let them sleep and also keep them from each other."
"Laura told me a little of what happened the last time we let them sleep together." I said to him.

 Ben nodded. "Yeah, Amy has mentioned a few things to me too."
"You okay with that?" I asked him.
"Yeah. I'm okay. I'll take the wheel for a while,
why don't you go make sure they're secure and go take a cat nap yourself.
 I think we'll be up late tonight."
"Yes, Captain!" I said, throwing him a mock salute.
Ben chuckled. "I see Laura isn't the only one I'll have discipline problems with!"

"Hey now!" I answered. "Don't think you're going to get ME across your knee!"
Ben laughed. "Naa, I'll have Amy do it!"
I laughed and went below.

I stopped at the door of the forward cabin and opened it suddenly, making the women on the bed jump.
Both were lying on their backs, which must have been uncomfortable for their recently striped buttocks.
  Their hobbles were still on and chained to rings at the bottom of the bed,
their wrist cuffs were chained over their heads to the head of the bed, and they wore blindfolds.
"I'm just checking to make sure you're secure." I said, smiling at the two beauties before me.
"Yes, Sir." they both said.
I walked around the bed to my wife and leaned over,
giving her a nice long kiss on the lips while I let my fingers roam over her helpless body for a moment.
 She squirmed under my touch in a most delightful manner.
"Thank you Sir." she said with a smile when I pulled away.
"My pleasure." I answered.
 I looked at Amy for a moment and then walked around to her side of the bed.
I leaned forward and kissed her too, letting my hands roam over her naked body as well.
She wriggled under my fingers and after a moments hesitation returned my kiss.
I broke the kiss and stood up.
"Thank you, Sir." she said, copying my wife.
"Also, my pleasure." I replied, watching my wife who still held her smile on her face.
"Of course, your pleasure counts first!" Amy said with a small smile.

 It was an odd statement, don't ask me why I thought so.
Something about it brought down my mood a little bit.
"Get some sleep you two, we'll let you up in a few hours. No talking."
 I ordered as I headed out the door.
I went back to our cabin and set the alarm on my watch to wake me in a couple of hours.
I fell asleep wondering what was coming up.

 There was still a fair amount of light in the sky when, according to the chart,
we were on approach to the island we were shooting for.
I held the wind as long as I dared then began dropping the sail.

 Ben came out on deck at that moment and I had to admire his costume.
Ben had gone below when I relieved him to take a quick nap of his own before freeing the girls
and getting ready for the party.
He had evidently decided to dress the part,
for nothing he wore could really have been worn in public at any place else BUT a BDSM party.
 He had on a leather half hood that covered his hair and face above his nose.
His shirt was fine silver chain mail with short sleeves that looked pretty good on his muscled torso.
His pants were jet black and shiny and looked painted and were obviously latex,
but the most remarkable thing about them was the way they DIDN'T contain his penis.
His "Meat and two veg" were themselves wrapped in shiny latex and displayed outside his pants.
I wondered how he had the nerve.

"Nice outfit!" I said with a smile.
Ben chuckled. "Go take down the sail and stow it will you. It's murder doing hard work in this thing!"
I laughed and got to work while Ben started the engine and took the helm.
 As I was finishing a vision in black came up from below and stepped out on deck.
If all I had to go with was her face I would not have been able to identify her.
But knowing other things I could see it was Amy.
 She was dressed quite literally from head to toe in shiny PVC,
 the very top of her head from just above her forehead uncovered revealing her hair.
 Her face was masked like Ben's, her eyes nose and mouth the only things visible.
The outfit flowed down her neck and down her body to a pair of stiff looking boots with very high heels
 which she seemed to walk on just fine despite the rocking of the boat.
 Her breasts were almost gone,
 but the tightness of the entire outfit left no doubt that she was a woman
 and almost every muscle she had was outlined, except for her waist.
 There she had on a corset that looked like it started at her chest and ended just about mid thigh.
It had squeezed her thin frame into an incredible hour glass shape and I wondered how she breathed.

 For a second I thought something was missing and then realized it was her arms. They were gone!
That is, they had been pressed against her sides by the outfit,
bound and blended in so well that it looked like she had no arms at all!
She wasn't going to be doing much by herself, that was for sure!
 As she walked toward Ben I saw one more wonderful part of her outfit.
Her posterior was completely bare,
framed in a heart shaped opening that squeezed her rear cheeks out and gave them more definition.
Her cane marks were very visible like this and I think that this was the entire point of the outfit.
 Apart from the patches around her eyes, nose and mouth, her ass was the only part of her body exposed.
"Very nice!" I said as I finished my work.
Amy turned and gave me a little curtsy, hard to do I thought in that get up.
"You should see Laura, Sir!" she said to me.
I couldn't wait, and didn't have to. She came right out at that moment.
She was stunning!
 Her hair had been styled to give it a lot of body and fell in huge waves down her back,
her face was covered in a simple silver mask that covered her eyes and ears
and seemed to flow back to become a part of her silver collar.

 The silver theme was carried through to her dress which stuck to her like metallic paint,
revealing that she too wore a corset that held her tightly from just below her breasts
 to just above her pubic bone.
 There the dress, made of a silver latex as I later found out, went from skin tight to billowy,
falling in deep folds to the deck. I wondered what she had on underneath it!
The best part of what I could see though was how it covered her breasts. It didn't.
 Her breasts projected through two large holes in the front of the dress and
were covered at the nipples by what had to be nipple clamps.
 No pasties could have held up the silver chain that connected her nipples together,
nor the chains that fell from each nipple a scant six inches to the  silver manacles on her wrists.
Her wrists were also held together in front of her with a shorter connecting chain.
I came down and stared at her. "You are so very beautiful!" I told my wife.
"Thank you." she said with a soft smile and flutter of her eye lashes.
 I grinned and bent low, I had to see what was under that dress.
I ducked under the hem into a silvery world dominated by two lovely bare legs
that stayed bare all the way up to her waist.
 She wore nothing over her crotch at all and the latex actually formed a bell shape
 over her lower body so none of it touched her below the waist.
I could imagine that wearing this dress would feel very weird indeed
 as it went from a crushing tightness to nothing at all.
 I bet she had to keep looking to make sure she was covered up!

I looked down and saw that her feet were also bare except for a tiny set of
 silver manacles the like of which I had never seen before.
 They were locked about each big toe and were separated by only several inches or so of silver chain.
 Quite remarkable. I grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled myself up,
 giving her golden pussy a quick lick and a kiss before extracting myself.

I stood up to see Laura blushing and took another look at all my friends.
 "I feel very under dressed." I said, wondering what I could put together.
"Your outfit is waiting for you in the single berth, Sir." Amy said to me.
"You have something for me already?" I asked.
"Of course, silly! Now go shower and shave before putting it on!"
Laura said, sounding more like the wife I knew before this trip.
"Yes, Dear." I said, laughing.
 I showered, I shaved, and then a little nervous I went to see what they had gotten me.
What I found was interesting.
The pants were black latex but without the addition on the front of Ben's.
 Instead my privates had no covering at all,
until I found the black leather loin cloth I was to wear over them.
 My shirt was white and made out of several layers of silk.
 It was well bloused at the waist and cuffs and fastened only to mid chest,
 I would be showing a lot of chest hair today.
 There was also a silk mask for my head that reminded me of something Zorro might wear.
 Black, it covered my hair and face in much the same way Ben's half hood did.
I left it off, but brought it with me.
My ensemble was finished with a pair of sturdy leather boots that almost came up to my knees.
Everything fit well although I was nervous about the loin cloth.
 But then given the way the women were dressed I thought why not!
When I came out on deck both women whistled, a startling break in their discipline but I didn't care!
"You look great, Don!" Amy said.
"I could fall in love with you again!" Laura added, "Especially in that loin cloth!"
Amy giggled. "If I had arms I'd check to see what was under that thing!"
Laura joined in. "If I had a free hand so would I!"
The women were having a good time and so was I. I turned to Ben who was busy piloting the boat.
"You should put on your mask now, it's required at these events."
"Okay." I said, and donned the silk head piece. "Can I ask who picked out this outfit?"
"We did." Laura said, speaking for her and Amy. "You do like it don't you?"
"Sure, at least you didn't give me Ben's pants!"
We all laughed and I caught Laura mouthing a word at me. "Horse."
I shook my finger at her.

"Look!" Amy said.
We all turned to the front of the boat.
We had been cruising around the island and were now entering a bay.
 Spread out before us were a couple of dozen other yachts
and up on a hill above the beach was this large house.
 There were a lot of people milling around the place
and all of them were in some kind of fetish gear or nude.
Yes it was going to be an interesting evening!
 End of Part 13.
 Continued in part 14

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 14a
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2018, 12:12:43 am »

On the Water
by Leviticus
Chapter 14

 Ben was at the helm of the 'Kajira',
steering us into the harbor in front of the villa where the party we were going to was taking place.
Laura, Amy and I stood and watched the people in their various fetish wear move about on shore.
So engrossed on the shoreline were we that we were startled by the sound of a loud horn behind us.
 I turned to see a large yacht bearing down on us and Ben began frantically turning the wheel.
The other yacht began to turn too and passed us harmlessly to port,
traveling much too fast for its size in this small harbor.
 Whoever was piloting had some sense though,
for as soon as they passed the engines cut out and the boat began to slow.
 I looked back at Ben and saw how pissed he was at their lack of seamanship.
He had turned the wheel back and was guiding us toward the larger vessel.

When I turned to look at it again something about the name on the back jogged my memory.
"Oh God." I said.
"What?" Laura asked, she was standing next to me.
"It's the 'Dreamboat'." I said to her.
"I don't get it." said my wife.
"That's the boat that shared an anchorage with us a few nights ago."
"You mean..." was all she said before she started to blush.

 She had remembered that we had made love on deck practically in full view of that yacht.
We didn't know if anyone had seen us but then I hadn't expected to see this boat again.
 Ben guided us close to the big yacht and a man in a suit came to the rail
from what I thought to be the bridge and began calling out to us.
"Ahoy!" he shouted. "Terribly sorry old chap! Didn't realize we were coming in that fast! Any damage?"
"No damage!" Ben yelled back, slowing the throttle, "But next time slow down!"
"Will do! Say, why don't you tie up next to us and we'll take you in with our launch.
 The least we can do!"
 Ben looked over at the shoreline.
The only dock was crowded with boats and our only option at that point was to anchor in the bay
and take the row boat in, not a fun idea considering our outfits!
"I accept!" Ben yelled, and cut the engine.
"Jolly good! I'll have it over in a jiffy!" yelled the man and he disappeared back into his huge boat.
 We both anchored about fifty feet apart and while Ben and I got the 'Kajira' settled
the women stood together on the stern deck looking a little uncomfortable.
"You ladies ready for this?" I asked them.
They nodded, their faces flushed, excited.
We heard an engine and from the far side of our neighbor came a motor launch with three people in it.
As it pulled close we could see that it was two men and a woman, one of the men was our host.
 They pulled up to the side and Ben tossed them a line.
The driver caught it and pulled them close, winding the rope around a cleat once we had bumped hulls.
 The driver was dressed in a simple sailor's uniform, and I figured he was strictly crew.
The passengers were a different story.
 "Nice costumes!" said the man we had talked to a few minutes ago.
"Permission to come aboard?" he asked, standing up.
"Granted." Ben said, still not smiling but not being hostile either.
I think he was as amazed at what he saw as I was and when I glanced back at the women so were they!
 Our visitor helped the woman aboard first and then climbed up himself.
"Townsend, Philip Townsend!" he said, extending his hand.
Ben and I each shook hands with him and introduced ourselves.
 Townsend had on a big grin and that was about all,
except for the tattoo and a silk mask that just covered his eyes.
 What we had taken to be a business suit was actually a total body tattoo of a business suit,
right down to the details of the laces of his tattooed wing tips and the tie clip on his tattooed chest.
 The woman he had brought aboard was also nude and was tattooed from head to toe with a design
made to look like a riding togs, tweed jacket, jodhpurs, and even black leather riding boots.
 She had on a silk mask just like her companion. The details on both of them were remarkable.
 Townsend puffed out his chest. "It always pays to be properly dressed!"
he said with a smile, "But where are my manners. Let me introduce my wife, Alicia."
 We said our hello's and introduced our ladies who said a shy hello
as they took in our visitors rather bizarre look.
"How simply enchanting." Townsend said, smiling at the pair of them. He took Laura's hand and kissed it, something that must have made her nervous considering how close he had to get
to her almost bare breasts to do that.
 Then he stepped over to Amy. "I see, dear lady, that you have no hand to kiss."
Much to my surprise he bowed and then turned back to us.
"If you're ready we'll take you across, and the launch will be at your disposal throughout your stay.
It's the least we can do for giving you such a scare!"
"Thank you." Ben said.
We piled into the launch, questions no doubt in all our heads, and left the 'Kajira' behind us.
 Townsend began a running commentary about how good our outfits were
and what a pleasant time we were going to have here and while he talked I looked back at his huge yacht.
 There were more people on deck now,
and they were as fetishly dressed as the rest of the crowd we could see onshore.
 I turned to look at Mrs Townsend and saw her staring at me.
She shifted her eyes to Laura and smiled, then looked back at me and winked.
 With a glance at Laura who had begun to blush again
I saw that at least one person HAD seen us coupling on deck in the rain.
 I looked back at Alicia Townsend and held her eyes for a moment,
then with a smile of my own I let my eyes travel down her body.
Her amazing tattoo did nothing to hide the fact that here was a very well built woman.  It didn't hide her age either although she had nothing to complain about
as far as getting older was concerned.
 I figured her to be in her mid forties, like her husband, but with a body that rivaled my wife's.

 We eventually got to the dock and went ashore.
"Thanks!" said Ben who had become our spokesman.
"Don't mention it old boy!" Townsend replied. "Come over later and have a drink!"
 We parted and the four of us stood wondering what to do next
as we watched the Townsends walk up the hill together toward the house.
"Shall we?" I asked, taking Laura's arm.
"Yes, let's do it..old boy!" Ben said with a grin.
 From somewhere he produced a thin chain which he clipped to Amy's neck somehow
and led her along behind him.

 Walking slowly because of Laura's toe hobble we followed the path up to the house,
while behind us the launch went back to the yacht for another load of passengers.
Now let me describe in one word the general feeling that I came away with
 by the time we left the party.
One word. Hmmm. Boredom.
Yes, that's it.

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 14b
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2018, 12:14:19 am »

On the Water
 part 14b

 It was interesting for a while,
but there are only so many weird leather and rubber outfits that I can look at
before I get turned off. I was even getting tired of my own.
There were a few odd moments throughout the party that captured my interest, but that was all.
We saw Leo, and he practically cried over how thin the corsets made our women look.
We met the host, Desmond Kopachi,
who gazed blankly at us through a drug induced haze while we were being introduced.
 For a while the women and us were separated and when finally we saw them again
we found out that they had a better time than we did.

 While they were gone Ben and I did come across a demonstration for a product
that held our attention very much.
Ben bought one and had it delivered to the boat.
I'll tell you more about it later, it's a surprise for the ladies and I don't want to spoil it.

 Walking around together, Ben and I saw demonstrations of other products concerned with BDSM,
not to mention a lot of demonstrations on whipping, spanking,
and various sexual positions on various bondage devices.
Each one would hold our interest for a few minutes, but that was all.
My favorite part though was the big floor show right before dinner.
This was the reason why Ben and I were alone.

 A small man in a one piece leotard had come up to us earlier
and asked if he could borrow our companions for a couple of hours.
"I'm putting together part of the entertainment, you see." he said to us.
 "I'm supposed to club together this big song and dance number
using just the female submissives I find at the party, you see,
and I must say that your girl here looks like she has done some dancing in her time!"
He was talking about Amy, I told you her outfit was tight!
Ben spoke for her. "She does dance, she takes classes to keep fit.
 But I don't know if she will want to help you out today."
"It's a pity, she would be perfect, you see!" said the little man.
 Ben looked over at her and Amy nodded with an eager smile.
"Sure, just for a couple of hours?" Ben asked.
"Yes. The number will be just before the banquet and I'll have her back to you before you eat!"
 Ben pulled out a key and handed it over to the man.
"This is for her outfit." he said. I hadn't realized that Amy was locked into her tight clothing.
 The man took the key and looked at Laura.
"I could use one more, you see, but does this one have what it takes?"
I smiled. "You want to see her legs?" I asked. Laura glared at me with shock.
"It would help. Does she dance?"
"No, but she does work out every day." I replied.
I grabbed the front of her dress and lifted it part way up.
"Donald!" Laura said with gritted teeth.

 The man ducked his head under Laura's skirt and Laura began to blush a deep red
as she helplessly pulled at her bound wrists,
for the little man would certainly notice that she had nothing on under her skirt.
"Yes, she'll do." said the man coming out a second later.
"The same key works on her too." Ben said.
The man nodded.
He took a notebook out of his pocket and wrote in it, tearing off a page and handing it to Ben.
 "There you go. My name is on that and any of the waiters or bartenders will know where to find us!"
He clapped his hands and one of the waiters appeared at his side.
The waiter wore a loin cloth and nothing more.

 Denzal, for that was the name on the receipt he had given us,
pulled out a second leash for Laura and clipped it to her collar.
"Donald!" Laura said with concern.
"Stay with Amy, you'll be fine." Ben said to her with encouragement.
 "Have a good time!" I added, trusting Ben to know what he was doing.
If it wasn't for him I would never have just handed my wife off to a stranger like that,
but if Ben was confident that Amy would be alright who was I to argue about Laura going with her.
The waiter took the leashes and led our two young companions away while Denzal followed.
We didn't see the women again until their dance number.

 The banquet had been set up on a large terrace overlooking the ocean,
and Ben and I had staked out a table for four a couple of rows back from the dance floor
and had watched with little interest a pain demonstration given by a respected BDSM couple.
 When they were done their stuff was cleared away and the lights brightened for the main event.
 A dozen women came out kicking in a line, a passable imitation of the Rockettes
although that famous troupe had never worn what these girls were wearing.
Their outfits looked to consist entirely of feathers. Long pink very well placed feathers.
On their heads they wore a plume of feathers that must have given each of them another foot of height.
 From their behinds erupted a fantail of feathers which we could see
could only have been held there using butt plugs.
 One large feather curled down under and between their legs to end just above their pubic area.
As the women danced you could catch enough glimpses to see that
this single feather was all that kept them from being completely exposed down there.
 Their nipples were the mounting points of several small feathers
that fanned out to partially cover their breasts,
and as they danced around I wondered if they were pasties or clip ons!
 It was easy to spot Amy and Laura in the line up,
and they both did well in following the routine they had been taught over the time we were without them.
 Amy did better than Laura and looked quite natural on stage, for she had a big smile on her face and looked like she was having fun.
 Laura was smiling also but hers was different.
She either wasn't having fun or something was distracting her.
 I figured it was the second option the way those feathers moved across her skin as she danced.
The light caresses were probably driving her crazy.
 All the women were attractive, some especially so.
One woman near the end of the line caught my eye.
She was tall and dark, and in addition to her dance outfit wore metal rings on her wrists and ankles.
It was her hair that really got to me though.
It was longer than Laura's by far and that's no mean feat.
Her hair flowed straight and true down her back to just above her knees.
 It was very beautiful.
I wondered who she was and if Laura's hair would ever get that long.
 She danced well too.
In fact all the women held their own and after the rather energetic and revealing performance
the number ended with a standing ovation from the crowd,
and Denzal came out front and gave a bow.
 Twenty minutes later Amy and Laura joined us at the table,
their faces flushed and their bodies back in their original outfits.
 The waitress who brought them out to us,
again only dressed in a loin cloth that allowed all to see her lovely breasts,
unclipped the leash on Laura's collar and handed Ben his key.
 Then she disappeared back from where she came.
 "Did you have a good time?" Ben asked.
"Marvelous, but it was a lot of hard work!" Amy said, smiling.
"Slave drivers!" Laura added.
"You look like you enjoyed it, in fact you look like you still are!" I said to her.
Laura glanced at Amy. "Sir, they gave us a parting gift, for taking part in the dance." she said.
"What?" I asked, curious and slightly worried for some reason.
"You saw what we had to dance in, Sir." Laura said. "The butt plugs and the nipple clamps."
"Yeah, it was all very obvious and we could see everything!"
 Laura and Amy looked about and blushed. "Well, Sir. You didn't see everything.
We also had to dance with Ben Wa balls inside us, and we were all told we could keep them."
"So the two of you both have these balls in you right now?" Ben asked them.
"Yes, Sir." Amy answered with a deep breath.
I chuckled, and Ben glanced my way with a grin. "Who put them in you?" he said, scowling at the women.
"We put them in each other, we know we aren't allowed to touch ourselves, Sir!" Amy told him.

 Ben laughed. "Well, to get yours out again means pulling off half your outfit.
I'll just let you keep them, but you're not allowed to cum!"
"Yes, Sir." Amy said with a sigh.
"In that case Laura can keep hers too." I added, getting a look from my wife.
We had the women kneel beside us and the four of us enjoyed the banquet,
while I looked around for the beauty with the long hair.
 The dance, and the shopping Ben and I had done had been the highlights of the party for me
and it wasn't that late before we decided to go back to the boat.
 As we walked along the beach I stopped and pulled my boots off.
The sand was still warm under my bare feet even though the sun had gone down hours ago.
 It felt really good.
 As a group we talked a little of the things we had seen
and when we got to the dock we wondered if Townsend's launch was still there and indeed it was.
I stopped and looked at it as the others went on.
"Coming?" Ben asked me, stopping too.
"Actually," I said, "I'd like to walk the beach for a while longer. Laura, will you join me?"
Laura gave me a smile and said sure and she shuffled over,
her toes once again locked in their miniature hobble.
 "Well, we're heading back," Ben told us, "I feel like having a private party!"
We all laughed although Amy blushed a little as she did so and we parted,
me handing my boots to Ben to be taken back to the boat.
 I was later to find out that Ben's plan didn't quite work out.
 But for us things were good.
I walked slowly, enjoying the sound of Laura's quick steps and her short breaths,
the sound of her chains jingling as her quick movements shook her breasts. It was magical.
"Did you really enjoy the dancing?" I asked her.
"Most of it.
It was a little scary at first,
especially when Denzal unlocked all my bondage and we had to undress.
But he was the only man there and Amy said that he could be trusted so I began to relax."
"I bet it was interesting, dancing with that butt plug in." I said to her.
"Well, at first he had us learn the routine completely nude, and that was a blast.
Here we were, twelve nude women kicking high and showing it all!"

"What if he had told you that you had to do the dance nude?"
"Oh wow...I don't know if I could have. Wow. Maybe if Amy was doing it too.
 But he told us right away that we would have costumes. I didn't expect what he gave us though."
"Did Amy really put your Ben Wa balls in?"
"Yes, and the butt plug and I did the same for her.
 By the way can we walk a little slower I'm being driven nuts here and can hardly breath!"
"No. How did it feel to dance in all that gear?"
"Uncomfortable, while we were learning the routine,
terrifying when it came time to go out in public dressed like that,
 and arousing once we were actually out there and doing it in front of everyone."

"Well...yeah. Those feathers were like little fingers touching me lightly,
especially between my thighs. With that the butt plug, the clamps and the Ben Wa balls I was about driven nuts!
 I also knew that you were out there somewhere and that you were watching,
and you know how I like dancing for you.
 I just imagined that you were the only person watching."
Laura batted her eyelashes at me and I slowed to a stop.

 "Well you were the only one I watched." I lied, but it was a good lie.
I bent to kiss her and her cuffed hands slid across my chest.
 I let my hands knead her breasts,
and she gave out short sharp gasps as the nipple clamps that held her chains on
sent twinges of pain to her brain and probably to her loins.
 Her mouth was very active in our kiss and it was with reluctance that I broke away,
but I had other plans for my tongue.
I dropped to my knees and ducked under her skirt.
 It was dark now and I couldn't see anything but I didn't have to.
I just followed her legs to my goal and began to probe her with my tongue.
 Her wetness was like nectar and I licked up every drop, running my tongue up and down her lips
and using my teeth on her clitoris.
I could hear her panting up above and her legs were both stiff and shaking as her passion climbed.

 I kept up my work until I could hear her start to sing and then pulled out.
"NO! PLEASE NO! DONALD!" she yelled. "Oh PLEASE don't stop, I was SO CLOSE!"
"Hush now." I said.
Laura opened her mouth and then closed it, a whimper escaping her.
I could see that she was extremely aroused and I know it was cruel of me
but I want to keep her that way for a while.
 "You are so beautiful right before you can cum" I told her,
kissing her once more and letting her lick her own juices off my face.

"Let's walk." I said, and we continued on.
 The beach ended a little further on but a path snaked up into the jungle.
Feeling adventurous I guided my bound and very frustrated wife along it
until we came to a fence with a gate in it.
A rather board young man dressed like the waiters sat on a stool guarding it.
"Hi!" I said to him. "What's through there?"
"More of the party, Sir." said the young man.
"Oh, mind if we go in?" I asked him. I was sure Ben and I hadn't seen this part.

 "You can go in, Sir. But you and the lady will have to undress first.
Beyond this fence it is strictly skin only."
 I stepped back, amazed. Then I turned to my wife.
"What do you think?" I asked her.
"Will I get to cum if we go in there?" she asked.
 What a one track mind the lady has when fully aroused and in need.
"I think that can be arranged!" I told her.

She bit her lip and nodded.
"Okay," I said, turning to the gate keeper, "Where do we change?"

End of Part 14

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 15a
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2018, 02:15:09 pm »

on the water
capter 15
by Leviticus

 Okay, so Laura and I were about to go into a nude only area at a BDSM party on a tropical island
somewhere in the Caribbean. What naked perversions awaited us inside?
 What happened to Ben and Amy?

 It all started as they boarded the launch belonging to Philip Townsend,
the owner of the large yacht called 'Dreamboat'.

"Sir." said the driver. "Mr Townsend respectfully asks that you join him aboard his yacht for a drink."
 Ben glanced at Amy who's features betrayed nothing,
not surprising since they were hidden under a latex mask.

"Could you pass on our regrets to Mr Townsend and let him know that we are going in for an early night!"
Ben said to the driver.
"Sir, Mr Townsend would really like to see you
and he also said that if you didn't go to him that he would bring the bottle to you."
Ben sighed. "I suppose one drink wouldn't hurt, but I want us to get changed first.
 Can we do that?"
"Certainly Sir."
"Thank you." Ben replied sarcastically.
 He snuggled next to Amy and the boat sped away from the dock.

"Does this mean you're finally letting me out of this thing?" Amy asked breathlessly,
 her corset barely letting her take in enough air to talk.
"I don't know, I thought I'd just leave you chained up on deck
while I head over to Townsend's for a couple of hours." Ben said with a grin.
 Amy growled but said nothing, knowing that Ben was kidding
but also resigned to doing just that if Ben was really serious.
 Their relationship was such that if Ben decided that she do something,
then she WOULD do it, their trust and love ran very deep.
 Ben laughed and when they reached the 'Kajira' he helped his armless companion aboard their boat
and went inside to change.
 When they came out again they looked quite different.
Ben had traded in his latex and chain mail for shorts and a Hawaiian shirt,
 while Amy now wore a simple cotton dress.
The launch had waited for them and took them across the fifty feet that separated the two boats.
 The 'Dreamboat' was a big craft with several decks and lots of cabins.
A sailor in traditional garb escorted Ben and Amy inside along richly appointed passageways.
Whoever Townsend was he certainly had money.
 The sailor knocked on a door and opened it, revealing an oak walled drawing room
filled with comfortable chairs, cigar smoke and several men.
 One of them was Townsend, now dressed in a real suit instead of the one drawn on his skin.
The other men were also in suits or almost as casually dressed as Ben.
Townsend stood up, as did the other men at the entrance of Ben and Amy.
"Dear boy, glad you could make it, and you brought your lovely girl with you.
Enchanted!" said Townsend, approaching to shake Ben's hand.
"Good evening." Ben said, looking at the men that were gathered.
 Ben saw he was the youngest man in the room.
Townsend shook his hand then turned to Amy.
"Ah my dear, at last I get to kiss your delicate hand, may I?"
 With a smile Amy held out her hand and Townsend took it and brought it to his lips,
depositing a light but sensual kiss upon her knuckles.
Amy almost giggled.
"Such a smile, you honor us with such beauty. But alas it has to go.
Ben my boy, we're strictly stag tonight in this room
but I'm sure that we can find something aboard to entertain the lady!"

"Oh, I didn't know." Ben said, a little confused.
 He turned to Amy. "Perhaps you had better go back to the boat."

"Oh that's not necessary, she can go back with you later.
 My wife Alicia would be glad to entertain her while we chat." Townsend said.
Ben raised an eyebrow at Amy, who looked at him with pleading eyes.
 Amy thought that this wasn't the place to voice her willingness to stay aboard,
but that didn't stop her from trying to say it with her eyes.
 She wanted to find out more about those tattoos and relished the chance to talk to Alicia
who hadn't said a word when they were together earlier.
 Ben took a deep breath and saw his pleasant and athletic evening with Amy slipping away.
"Okay, she can stay for a little while, but we cant be out late."
"Splendid! Carlo, take the young lady to the school room." Townsend said to the sailor.
"Have fun!" Ben said, giving her a quick kiss.
"You too, Sir." Amy said with a grin, and she followed the sailor down the passageway.
 Amy wondered what the school room was, but didn't think much of the name until she got there.
Once again the sailor knocked on the door, but this time didn't open it.
 Instead they waited a moment before a loud female voice yelled "COME!"
 The sailor opened the door but motioned for Amy to wait outside.
Amy stood uncomfortably alone in the passageway for a moment,
conscious of the fact that all she wore was a very thin dress
that felt even lighter than it was,
since her body was still adjusting from the crushing tightness of her pervious outfit.
 Ben liked to do that a lot at home.
He would make Amy spend hours in something that wrapped and crushed her body like a vise,
then just before going out in public he would make her change into something extremely light.
Amy always felt like she was going out naked, a side affect of the 'bondage to freedom' transition.
She still felt it now and consciously looked to see that she still had her dress on.
 "Well bring her in!" said the female voice and the sailor appeared at the door.
Without a word the sailor motioned her inside and then left, closing the door behind him.
Amy was a little startled to find what she found.
 It was indeed a school room, done in wood paneling with a large window in one side wall,
it was lit poorly and smelled of chalk and sweat.
 There were nine wooden desks lined up in rows of three of which most were occupied by young women
like herself, and one young man who sat in a corner.
 All were dressed in casual clothes with one or two of them in very skimpy outfits indeed.
 Standing in another corner facing the wall was yet another young woman.
She stood stock still, her back straight, her posture correct.
On her head was balanced a big book and she had her hands clasped behind her.
 What Amy noticed most about her was that she held the hem of her skirt up
with her hands revealing her bare buttocks,
 buttocks that quite evidently showed a very recent spanking. 
There were also a couple of dark lines betrayed the signs of something stronger have been used on her too. Amy made a good guess as to what that could be as she wore the same marks herself.
Last but not least was the most imposing sight in the room.
 Dressed in a black high collared gown of plain material she stood at the front of the class
glaring at Amy, in her hands was an object that Amy was very familiar with, a cane.
Amy wondered if the marks on the butt of the girl in the corner were made by this cane.
 "You're late child, what do you have to say for yourself!" barked Alicia.
"I'm sorry, I didn't...we just came aboard for a drink..." Amy began, a little lost.
"A DRINK!" shouted Alicia, bringing the cane down sharply on a desk.
The sharp rap of the cane made Amy jump, and she felt her heart beating hard in her chest.
 Suddenly she was scared.
"Yes, Maam." she said quietly.

"Yes, Miss Alicia! Not yes maam! And speak up when you're talking to me!"
 said the very imposing woman at the head of the class.
"Yes, Miss Alicia." Amy felt her pulse racing and an old familiar stirring going on.

"Sit down child, find a seat and take out your books!" Amy was ordered.
Amy, now getting her bearings held back a smile and sat down gingerly
on the hard wooden seat at the nearest desk.
She realized that this was a fantasy scenario.
 Alicia evidently had a schoolroom fetish thing going on.

 Amy decided to play along, it could be fun,
and it would definitely be something to tell Ben about afterward.
She found some books under her seat and lifted them to the desk top.
One was a Latin primer, one a book of 19th Century poetry and one a Bible.
 She glanced about at her fellow students but none of them were looking at her.
They all faced forward and sat with a stiff backed posture, not daring to do otherwise.
Amy wondered if they were all submissives like herself and if they all belonged to Alicia.
 "Face front, child!" Alicia commanded, and Amy quickly stopped looking around.
She looked straight ahead at Alicia who seemed to dominate her end of the room.
"I expect you to pay attention in my class."
"Yes, Miss Alicia." Amy said.
"Your posture is a disgrace, correct it!"
"Yes, Miss Alicia."
 Amy pulled herself up, wishing for a corset to help her keep her back straight.
This new position put more stress on her sore butt.
"I suppose you didn't complete your assignment!" Alicia said with a knowing look.
"Assignment?" Amy asked, falling into the trap before knowing what it was.
"I thought not. But what can I expect from someone with such bad posture.
Stand up!" commanded Miss Alicia.
Amy stood, afraid once again and also turned on by her fear.
 "Bend over your desk girl, I'll teach you to ignore one of my assignments!"
Alicia put her cane on the teachers desk at the front of the class
and pulled from a drawer a large rubber paddle.
 "But I..." Amy said before clamping her mouth shut.
She realized then that Alicia was only using this as an excuse to spank her.
 Amy was glad she wasn't going to be caned again but her heart still jumped at the sight of the paddle.
It had been an interesting game up to now but it looked like that was about to change.
Or was it?
 Amy had enjoyed pain as a part of her sexual stimulation for many years now,
and the thought of that paddle being used on her was a definite turn on.
Yet she wondered if Ben would approve of what was going on here.
Her thoughts on the matter got her into deeper trouble.
"Girl! I do NOT like to repeat myself!"

 "Sorry Mistress Alicia." Amy said, bending over her desk.
She wondered what she could do to get out of this and also if she really wanted to get out of this.
"That's MISS Alicia, girl! Arms out to each side, grip the table legs."
Amy did as she was asked and Alicia moved behind her.
Amy felt her dress being lifted and she remembered that she wore nothing under it.
She was effectively nude below the waist now and visible to the whole class.
 Amy looks at the woman ehind her and saw that the woman's eyes drifted over to her bare butt.
"I see that you have already been a naughty girl!" Alicia said,
and Amy figured that her cane marks were the cause of that statement.
She suddenly jumped as she felt something jab at her wounds.
Alicia had touched one of the welts on her ass.

"Only the naughtiest girls get the cane. Isn't that right Stacy!"
"Yes Miss Alicia." said the girl in the corner.

 "Unfortunately I need the permission of your Guardian before I can correct your behavior with
such a useful tool. But for now I think I can get your attention with my paddle."
Amy swallowed, wondering what was going to be worse,
being caned again or having her old wounds brought back to life with the large paddle the woman held.
"Everybody pay attention class, all except for you Stacy,
I don't want to see your face again until class is over!" Alicia commanded.

 Without warning the paddle landed on her ass and Amy jumped.
Only because of the discipline she received at Ben's hand did she manage to hold on
to the table and not reach around to grab her suddenly red hot buns.
 "Very good, Girl. You at least have the discipline to hold still.
But you lack the manners to thank me for your discipline.
I expect a thanks after each strike. Hear me, Girl?
 "Yes, Miss Alicia. Thank you, Miss Alicia." Amy said, panting.
The pain from one blow had gone straight to her loins and she could feel each of her cane marks throbbing. She wondered how many spanks she was going to get but didn't dare ask.

 The second strike came and then the third, fourth and fifth.
After each Amy thanked her tormentor and tried to deal with the pain.
 Her knuckles were white as she held tightly on to the legs of her desk,
but she wasn't fighting the pain but the urge to reach between her legs.
Each strike sent shock waves through her that were better than any vibrator.
 Six came, and then seven and Amy wondered if she was dripping on the floor.
 With her legs slightly spread and her ass up in the air,
 Amy thought that Alicia HAD to be able to see how turned on she was.
She had to at least be able to SMELL it.
 Then came strike eight and Amy couldn't hold it back, not that she was trying hard.
She began to cum, humping the desk uncontrollably as the entire day's build up of sexual frustration
let itself loose in one massive orgasm.
Amy screamed as she came, choking down her vocalizations as soon as she was able.

 When the orgasm passed it left Amy wasted, very embarrassed,
and also afraid of what Alicia might do to her for cumming in the middle of a punishment.

What Alicia did surprised Amy.
"There child." she said, running her fingers lightly over Amy's very hot bottom.
"Don't you agree that this was for your own good?"
Bewildered and relieved, Amy said yes.
 She felt a finger dip briefly into her sopping wet pussy and Alicia moved into Amy's field of vision,
a finger in her mouth and a small smile on her face.
"Very good. Class, you may taste her."
 The other students got up and Amy blushed even further as each of them,
the young man in the corner included, came over and gave her engorged labia a quick lick.
Only the unfortunate Stacy in the corner was left out.
 With a happy sigh, Amy began to smile.

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 15b
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2018, 02:16:58 pm »

On the water  15b

 Ben was immersed in a different atmosphere.
Seated in a big leather chair with a club soda in his hand he was feeling a little under dressed,
but not out of place.
Not quite.
 Townsend had yet to introduce the other men in the room,
and as time went on didn't look like he was going to.
 Instead he played bartender while the rest of the men in the room talked about the stock market,
and politics and other matters that concerned the well financed.

 Ben understood that kind of talk being well financed himself,
and in spite of his reservations was drawn into several conversations,
holding his own with these unknown men quite easily.
 Ben did notice that while Townsend was hosting this little get together,
he deferred as did the rest of the group to a gray haired gentleman sitting across the cabin from Ben.

The man watched Ben with a thoughtful expression on his face, before interrupting the current conversation.
"So, Ben. That was a beautiful young lady you had with you tonight." he said, silencing the others.
"Thank you. She is a VERY beautiful woman." Ben replied cautiously.
"Has she been with you long?" he was asked by another.
"Many years." was Ben's reply.
"I suppose," said the gray haired man, "that she looks even more lovely in tight bondage!"
Ben gritted his teeth. He didn't like these men.
The gray haired man continued to speak. "She certainly looked good at the banquet this evening.
We all saw her dance. A lovely body and quite athletic. You should be proud!"
"I am." Ben said with a closed mouth.
"And that costume you put her in afterward. Not exactly my taste of course but still quite stunning."
Ben said nothing.
"I assume that the girl uses that athletic ability of her's in bed to your satisfaction?"
Ben stood up. "Excuse me, but I think it's time I left."
 He was angry at this man. Who was he to talk to him like that!

 "Sit down Mr Lane." the gray haired man said.
Ben was stunned. He had not told anyone his last name. He turned to his interrogator.
 "Oh don't look so surprised Mr Lane.
 For people like us determining your identification is child's play.  Benjamin Lane, born in San Francisco, California,
but currently residing in London while also keeping houses in Canada, South Africa and Australia.
 A gold trader by profession although you also dabble in other precious metals and even sometimes gems.
 You're a self made man whose holdings would be a lot greater if you didn't donate large sums of moneyto children's hospitals around the globe, anonymously of course.
You head your own company and have your finances so well settled
that you really don't have to do much real work anymore to keep your wealth increasing.
 Your only close companion is the girl you are here with tonight,
Amy Nelson who also comes from California. An ex-dancer, ex-drug addict, she performs admirably for you as your loving submissive.
 The both of you are also alcoholics although that doesn't mean anything now days,
except that your Domination/Submission lifestyle has allowed you the focus
and the support to stop your excessive drinking and Miss Nelson's drug dependency.
 Would A.A. be that successful if they followed YOUR twelve step program!"
The other men in the room laughed softly.
 Ben, still standing, glared at the gray haired man. "Can I ask who you are?" he said.
The gray haired man leaned forward.
"I'm the man that's going to make you a proposition you can't refuse!"
 Amy was standing in the corner.
Like the girl in the opposite corner Amy held her dress up behind her
 so that her buttocks were fully revealed, and she had a book balanced on her head.
 She had been ordered there directly after the last student licked her pussy,
and on very shaky legs she struggled to comply.
 Now she stood listening as Alicia worked at her lesson,
teaching 19th Century poetry in between giving out punishments for every offense she could find.
Amy kept track and felt sure that everyone felt their teachers wrath at least once.
She didn't know how long she had been standing there, maybe close to an hour,
but suddenly a bell rang somewhere and Alicia stopped in mid sentence.
"That's the bell children. Stand up!"
 Amy heard everyone stand and wished she could see what was going on.
Instead she just had to deal with the throbbing in her butt and the urge to masturbate to the pain.
"You are all lazy and in need of discipline, but I love you all and wish you and your Guardians well. You may leave now!"
 Amy waited, not knowing if she was included as she listened to the others leave the room.
Alicia appeared beside her.
"You may leave too, Amy. And you, Stacy. Thank you for being such good sports!"
Amy turned and dropped her dress, catching the book as it fell from her head.
 She saw Alicia smiling warmly at her.
"Thank you, Miss Alicia." Amy said, beginning to smile again.

"It's just Alicia now, Darling. The bell has rung and school's over."
Amy giggled. "This wasn't like any school I ever went to!"
"Mores the pity. You American girls are the least disciplined of the lot!
Now run along I have to clean up in here and your Master is waiting."
Amy felt the urge to hug this strange woman and did so quickly, catching up with Stacy at the door.
As she left the room she looked back and paused in surprise.
Alicia was stripping off her dress, underneath was no sign of the body tattoo she had worn to the party.
Alicia spotted Amy at the door and smiled. "It was just body paint, Darling, our costumes for the day!"
Amy laughed and left her teacher behind.
She caught up with Stacy and the others on deck where the men
who had been in Townsend's private sitting room were waiting.
 Each man had a girl go up to him and one had two while another was met by the young man.
All the girls were chatting about their time in the school room
and when Amy found Ben she started to do likewise.
 Ben smiled and hugged her close but Amy could see that his attention wasn't completely on her.
He kept looking across the fantail of the yacht and Amy followed his gaze.
All she saw was Stacy and a gray haired man who was inspecting her bright red buttocks.
Ben looked down at her. "Have a nice time did you?" he asked.
"It was a pain in the ass, but then you know how much I like that!" Amy said, giggling.
Ben's smile didn't change, as if Amy's good mood hadn't really touched him.

"Come on, let's go." he said, and he led her back to the launch for the trip back to the 'Kajira'.

End of Part 15

Offline cocomink

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On the Water 16a
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2018, 02:19:20 pm »
on the water
 by Leviticus
 chapter 16

 Not knowing what was happening to Ben and Amy,
Laura and I entered through the gate wearing nothing but our masks which were still required.
At least I wore nothing but my mask,
Laura also wore her bondage which I put back on her after removing her outfit.
Her nipples were still clamped and still supported the large chain that connected them.
Her hands were still connected to her nipples with even more chain and
were still connected to each other as well,
and she still worn those tiny manacles on her big toes keeping her in a hobble.
 She looked beautiful and very, very nervous. She could raise her hands to cover her tits
but there was nothing she could do about her fair haired pussy.
With her golden hair falling in waves behind her she looked wonderful.

 Never before had either of us been nude in front of so many people,
it was an adventure for both of us.

 What made it easy though was that EVERYBODY was naked as well.
If we had to walk like this through a crowd this size of dressed people,
I doubt we could have done it. But in THIS group we were simply two more naked bodies.

 We did get looks though, but that was only because of Laura's bondage.
To her embarrassment and continued arousal (which I found out about later),
people would come up to us and comment on her chains, her body and her good behavior.
 Yes, that's what it is, good behavior.
It was after the second or third statement about it that I realized
that Laura had slipped into one of her deeper slave modes.
 She walked on tip toe slightly behind me, her toe hobble forcing quick steps from her.
Her head she kept lowered slightly, using her eyes to rubberneck instead.
When ever we stopped she would drop to her knees and remain there until I started walking again.
 When I saw this I felt a great deal of pride,
a pride which only increased the more I heard good things about her.
 This boosted my confidence which helped me play my role as her Master much better.
I was no longer nervous about walking around with my tackle exposed.
 Instead I was a Dominant, a man in control,
visiting with new friends and proudly showing off the person most precious to me.
 Laura told me later that my getting into the role helped her too.
She also forgot that she was naked for the first time in front of so many strangers
and instead let herself go, displaying what she had earlier thought of hiding,
obeying the rules we had established over time without giving them another thought,
and most importantly loving me for obviously expressing my love for her to all these people.
 If you cant understand why she would love me for having her walk around naked and bound
in front of strangers and talk about her in glowing terms,
then perhaps you're reading the wrong kind of story.
 I cant say I truly understand it myself, not being a submissive.
But I do know that my love for her became even more fully realized at that party.
 It wasn't just because she WAS the kind of woman that would let me do that kind of thing to her, but more because I knew then that she had found a part of herself,
that gave her great joy and that she trusted me enough to let that joy flow out
knowing that I would accept it and protect her.
Well that's love!
 Stepping out into that accepting crowd was like coming out of the closet.
We both felt finally free to be ourselves,
the bondage of repression and ignorance finally falling away.
Oh how could we go home now!

So we mingled, and I drank, a little too much I thought later. We both enjoyed the eye candy surrounding us and knew that others enjoyed looking at us...well Laura mostly, I'm no catch.
 There was one person I was surprised and pleased to see.
It was the long haired woman who had danced with Laura and Amy earlier.
 She was sitting in a patio chair by a pool side table.
 I saw that her bangles were still on
and that someone had connected her hands together with a small padlock.
 Her feet were also connected.
She sat holding a drink to her lips, putting it down on the table with both hands.
 She was absolutely stunning.

 "Wasn't she one of your fellow dancers?" I asked my wife, pointing the amazing woman out.
"Yes, Master. Her name is Sehani and she is down here with her husband.
 They come every year." Laura replied.

 "Ah!" I said. If I had ever been tempted to consider building a stable of women,
as some of the other guests here obviously had, I would have started with this one.
 But alas her being married meant that this fantasy at least was not to be.
 I chuckled, wondering what I would have done with her once we got home anyway!

"What's so funny, Master?" Laura asked.
"Oh, just trying to figure out which head I'm supposed to be thinking with!"
"Oh...she is beautiful. I understand, Master."
 Something about her tone upset me.
It was one thing to be submissive but quite another to give up all self worth.
 I couldn't imagine Laura ever doing that
but the way she accepted how I looked at another woman disturbed me.
I crouched down to where she was kneeling.
"Laura, I'm only going to say this once. Cut it out!
I know what's going on inside that golden head of yours and I wont have it.
Remember who you are and what you mean to me!"
Laura met my eyes for just a brief moment. "Yes, Master."
"And cut that 'Master' crap. You know I don't care for it!"
"But I thought...yes, Sir."
I kissed her, maintaining the kiss until I felt Laura really respond to it,
before getting her to her feet so we could keep on moving.
I walked us away from the pool and the temptation beside it and out into a large garden.

 All around us the people were showing their affections for each other in various ways,
we had evidently walked into the orgy section of the party.
I cant say we weren't affected by what we saw and heard,
 I was at full mast and Laura's thin pubic hair did nothing to hide her arousal
although she had been moderately stimulated since we came in.
 Many of the couples and triples and the odd mass of arms and legs that defied
counting also used bondage and those were the groups that interested us the most.
I was very tempted to drop right where we were and join them.
 But I still didn't want to give Laura any sexual release yet.
I knew that the longer she waited the better it would be for her.
 I was going for a world record!

But there was nothing that said I had to wait!
I stopped walking and Laura obediently dropped to her knees on the grass behind me.
I turned and let my penis stick out straight and true right in front of her face.
 Laura glanced up at my face after a moment and saw my expression.
I was waiting to see if she would do what I wanted without my having to tell her.
She glanced about at the copulating masses and then closing her eyes took me into her mouth.
"Open your eyes." I told her. "Look at my face."
She did so, and our eyes met as she worked her well practiced lips and tongue over my shaft.
 I watched her for a moment, savoring the feeling of her wet mouth surrounding me,
then I deliberately looked away at the people surrounding us.
 As she drew me closer and closer to orgasm I resisted the urge to look back at her,
knowing that she was doing as I asked and kept her eyes on my face.
But as I came I did look and saw that the nervous look she had
about performing such an intimate act before a garden full of strangers
was now replaced by that look of joy I knew so well.
I smiled an laughed and immersed myself in the bliss of the moment.

 She cleaned me off, silently, before I helped her to her feet once more and we continued on,
eyes only for each other now.
 Beyond the orgy we found other smaller groups, one of which caught my attention.
 A bald Japanese man in a black silk mask was holding court of a sort for about a dozen people.
He looked too young to be bald, about my age or just a little older,
yet it suited him in a way I couldn't identify.
 What attracted him and his group to me though was what he was doing.
It was another demonstration like those Ben and I had witnessed earlier.
 But this one was on Japanese rope bondage,
where the art of physical restraint really was considered an art.
 He had just finished up tying a volunteer,
a young woman who now had her arms held helplessly behind her in a rope single sleeve.
Her Domme took her in her arms and kissed her, hooking a finger in the woman's clit ring.
"Thank you, Hiro." The Domme said with a sly smile.
The Japanese smiled and offered a slight bow.
"Any time you wish to try this yourself!" he said, his English very good.
The Domme laughed and led her captive away by her clit ring, the smiling girl hurrying to keep up.
 "That was pretty impressive!" one of the men in the circle said.
"A simple tie. I have more rope should you like to see something more complicated.
 All I need is another volunteer."
The people around us murmured, discussing who should go next. I decided for them.

 "I volunteer my wife!" I said, stepping to one side
so that they could clearly see her kneeling beside me.
 Laura looked up and began to blush.
I had just brought her into the spotlight and I bet she felt her nudity again.
I got her to stand and heard some more comments about her looks and bondage which I liked.
 The Japanese was also standing, and his eyes gave Laura a quick but thorough once over.
"She will do nicely, if you can relieve her of her current bonds first." he said.
The key was still on it's chain about my neck,
and in moments everything but her collar and those Ben Wa balls in her pussy was gone from her.
She looked little awkward for a moment now she wasn't forced to keep her hands in one position.
Then she lifted her arms and put her hands behind her head.
 She parted her legs and pushed out her chest a bit too, showing off.
She was still blushing furiously but there was excitement in her eyes.
 I could see all of the men and some of the women admiring her and again I was proud of her.
It didn't occur to me that these people were probably thinking sexual thoughts about my wife. But then if that kind of thing was going to bother me,
I wouldn't have been at this party in the first place.
 I gave Laura a pat on the cheek, one of her striped ones of course,
and sent her into the circle to meet her fate.
 As she padded over it occurred to me that we were crossing yet another boundary.
I was letting a complete stranger tie up my naked wife,
his hands obviously would be touching her while he did so.
 The Japanese took a good look at her before he started.
"The hair will have to go." he said.
He bent low to a pile of rope and selected one that wasn't too long.
I saw Laura sneak a peak at the naked Japanese,
as if she hadn't seen enough cocks this evening.

"Keep your hands where they are." he ordered her.
"Yes, Sir." she replied. Good girl.