Author Topic: on a Saturday  (Read 3475 times)

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Offline cocomink

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on a Saturday
« on: September 03, 2018, 02:51:44 pm »

       on a  SATURDAY
fiction by cocomink
It was one of those nice calm saturday-mornings,
 The "lady_of_the_house" - BTW. the only person in the big house,
was working on her preparations for her own birthday-party that evening.
After her divorce she did everything alone, and likes it that way.
 She prefer to do it in the nude, not even something like shoes.
She did already hang a few balloons, childish indeed, but just for fun.
Many hours of her favorite music prepared, need only "push the play button".

During her working, she did already enjoy the thinking about her guests,
very carefully selected good friends, she had several beautiful memories.
In the first place was expected  - Her own ex_husband. sounds strange, but
there was never anything wrong with the sex in her marriage,
only with everything else. He was just as wierdo as she was herself.
They both like to play BDSM-games, he was a very hard, but carefully, Dominator.
She had some "flashbacks" about herself, in heavy bondage, it make her wet again.
Not strange on that, among friends she was known as "very hot, and always willing".
And proud she was about that.
Now she was working on the only heavy part of the preparation, a special chair.
Big heavy chair, it had been a big "queste" to find a carpenter who could make it.
Unique for herself. She did bring even drawings and pics ( from BDSM movies ),
A "torture_chair" indeed. Strong, solid, and heavy. With a heavy price on it.
Thinking back on it, she must still laugh a bit about her sneaky joke to the good man.
After his telephone-call to come_over, for her final inspection on the chair.
It looks already big o.k, but she want a bit more checking.
She took all her clothes off, sit down naked on her torture_chair, and did show
 the flabbergasted good man exactly how she have to be bound, all leather_belts,
how to bind her upperlegs, ankles, arms, wrists, neck, body, everything.
He was near a heart-attac - when she told him how she would like to get tortured.
As some extra service, he did mount all the mentioned leather straps on place.
And now this masterpiece was in place, more_or_less in the middle of the large room.
Next the chairs for her guests, in a half circle, facing her proud chair.
 Now some good thinking to do: different Whips, several different clips, like that.
To tease her guests, she did even prepare a branding-iron, useless of couse.
 Thinking about her guests individual, no one would use that iron on her.
Not her own ex,- he was still too proud of her nice body, still using it frequently.
 Not handsome Tim, he is more like "binding can allways tighter and more heavy".
 Not Young Aron, he is more a man for blow-jobs, and mouth fucking, althrough
lately his interest is more to get his big tool licking, not bad also,
as long as he would force her to do so, and so he will for sure - exciting.
Also for sure not Peter for the iron, he is specialist on cunts, as she well know.
The flicks on her clit, first gentle, then hard, bring her always to screaming in heaven.
Thinking it over, she almost need handcuffs already, to prevent her from masturbating.
About ready (the preparations), just on time for one (final for now) coffee,
for sure she would not get a chance for anything of her own choice today,
 heavy bound as she would be soon.
Tringg tringg doorbel, first guests. Still naked she opens the door to get them in,
Yeahhh - they are good friends, and she expect the order to get naked soon enough.
Few couples, few "free" men, and some girls, just as "free" as herself.
One guest found it boring and antique to shake hands,  she did
grab one nipple, and shake her little tits that way.
 The parter say good idea, and did follow with shaking cuntlips.
All three agree - effect would be better if her hands was bound behind already.
 Of course,  all guests did bring something nice, not only many roses, red and white.
From Tina and Peter - extra short, gold plated ankle-cuffs, beautifull.
Nobody did bring her a vibrator - would be shamefull and more or less useless.
 Also a beautifull chastity-belt. Discussion next - who had to keep the keys,
They all agree - all good, as long as it would not be herself. little joke of course.
One couple did bring in a very large box, more than 3 feet - 1 meter - long.
 Everybody curious, interested. Little bit trembling hands opening it.
Of course she had to try it on immediately, everybody agree it fits perfectly on her.
 While all the friends did admire the new chair,
two girls did take the honor of serving the "welcome_ coffee and tea",
 Because that was now a bit too difficult for herself, with her hands and neck
in her private little pillory, and with her new, extra short hobble, ankle-cuffs.
Someone mentioned that her confinement now, would make problem for Aron
 and his "lick my dick" hobby.
But one girl say "believe me! Aron will just hang her upside down if needed".
" You sounds like a bit experienced" ?
"Not just little bit" she admitted, "with my legs spread also, good tongue he have".
The conversation did go on with more and more exciting confessions from everybody.
Also about hanging upside down, ("I need to get my hands bound behind me first")
And about clips on nipples and lips, ("once i had a clip on my clit during blowjob").
All women agree- better bound with rope instead of cuffs, for caning on the cunt.
Then it was time for a test_ride, on her new chair.
It feels a little bit pity to loose her stocks and beautiful ankle-cuffs,
 but something even better was to come-up.
A huge succes it was indeed. Tim("always tighter") did make his habit true.
 Two guests want to check for obstruction of the blood-vains,
nobody understand why her cunt should be included in that inspection,
and nobody care, least of all the captured woman in the chair herself.
 Everybody could see and understand - she is hot and ready and wild and wet.
And the comments about her state did make it even stronger.
 Normally she don't like whippings or canings directly on her open cunt,
but that's only when she is not naked and well bound, like now,
 Everybody enjoy her screamings and yelling and cursing and shouting.
Many hours of torture, and several orgasms, and some little bit crying,
Then someone came up with the idea to setup the branding-iron.
Now finally she did run in to panic.
 Exhausted, She did not understand the joke, untill her torturers mentioned that
"There was not a good "marker" at hand for her", only cirles and little crosses.

 "Who's next ?"
"That's me, three weeks from now, all friends welcome" ,
" but how can i ever find something to beat this fantastic chair ?" !
 " or can I borrow it?  please?!