Mary Nighy, The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha (2005, SD)"Laughing Water - Mine Ha-Ha" is based on "Mine-Haha or Physical Education of Young Girls" by German author Frank Wedekind (Spring Awakening, Lulu, Pandora's Vase). Thuringia, Germany, in the early 20th century. A group of young girls are brought up in a college withinh dark forests and gloomy lakes. Young Hidalla and her friends Irene, Vera, Blanka, Melusine and Rain are brought up in an isolated world: the girls don't know anything about live outside the college's high walls. At the age of 16, some of them start asking questions about their origins, their parents and the true purposes of the Headmistresses strict rules.
Size: 18,6 МБ
Length: 00:02:48
Resolution: 608x256
Type: MP4