BDSM and Extreme Sex > Piss/Squirting

Young piss DRINKING girls - they swallow all the piss!

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Now since this is German I have to translate just a bit from this video! She is asked during she got pissed in the mouth by several men: "And? You could taste every flavor in the piss, right?" She answers a little disgusted: "Yes - EVERY flavor!" Cameraman: "Poor girl - we should punish those guys with the disgusting piss really harsh!" She smiles and says: "That would be a good idea!"...and tries to catch the piss with her mouth to drink it. Then she is asked: "Look - this is piss is totally clear...does it taste good?" She: "Yes, really good!"

Have phun!

[hide]1545 - real cute pissdrinking.avi[/hide]


Basic Infos:

File Size: 198 mb
Type: avi
Length: 26:04
Quality: medium 336:256

So here comes another rather short clip with a girl you may know. She drinks some piss from a huge bowl. I love her!

[hide]1547 - grandmas soup.avi[/hide]

Basic Infos:

File Size: 35,3 mb
Type: avi
Length: 4:24 min
Quality: medium 336:256

Hello, everyone! When I first saw this video a long time ago I was really disappointed because the screenshots did NOT match my expectations. Well, not the WHOLE DVD was bad... and after all B*E*A is in it  - but the other woman sometimes ruined the fun by wasting all the precious piss instead of letting B*E*A drink it all up, and trust me: she was ready to do it! So I edited this scene out so that you can watch when *B*E*A takes a big gulp of piss and sucks some piss down from a bowl!

Please take not that this also includes some short passage where some girl pisses into a man's mouth. Skip if you don't like it.  

And now: HAVE fun!

[hide]1548 - wannenfun.avi[/hide]


Basic Infos:

File Size: 115 mb
Type: avi
Length: 11 min
Quality: medium 336:256

Ok, so here comes another highlight from a video: the girls piss into glasses - the others have to drink it! 100% is swallowed! Nothing is wasted. And it looks like it is even kind of fun for them after all (but not bad at all - THAT is for sure!). 30 minutes pure pissdrinking. Have fun!

1551 - maximumpissdrink III.avi


Basic Infos:

File Size: 279 mb
Type: avi
Length: 30 min
Quality: medium 336:256

She is REALLY fighting to drink all of the 2 liters at once....and nearly does it! Have fun!

1562 - amazingpeedrinkIII.avi




Video Infos:

Type: avi
Size: 55 mb
Duration: 5 min.
Ratio: 640x480


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