Ashley AlbanAss Shaking: Vol XL
Do you ever have an idea that you think is absolutely stupendous and then the execution does not go AT ALL as you expected? Well, I have these ideas a lot and I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER WITH THIS VIDEO BECAUSE I DID SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE (see: "Ass Shaking: Vol XXI"). But noooooo, I wanted to do something special because this is volume 40 a.k.a. volume XL. I wanted it to be extra special. So, I filmed me dancing to the same song in a variety of positions until I was sweating, breathing absurdly heavily, and questioning why I never work out. That part was fine. Editing the clips together was a bitch and I hated it and it was the worst and it took so much longer than I wanted it to but you'll probably enjoy it. I chose this song because, for this momentous volume, I wanted it to represent what made me love dancing in the first place, and I really liked dancehall when I was younger. Anyway, I hope you like it! Recommended listening: Sean Paul - Get Busy.

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